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Friday Tacklers, come on in! 1.26.24


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Good morning!

It's my day off, and I'm going up to Chattanooga. I'll do some shopping and get lunch with dd. I'll go to Costco on the way home. 

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • Bible study
  • make a list for Costco
  • shower
  • go to bank
  • go to 2 lighting stores (looking for ideas for our kitchen)
  • lunch with dd
  • Trader Joe's with dd
  • Costco
  • put away groceries
  • dinner
  • play a game or two
  • watch The Goldbergs (I started the series last week and love it.)
  • watch the last episode of Victoria (I need a new historical drama to watch after that.)
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Good morning! It's another rainy day here, but looks to be clearing up around noon.

  • clean out my car/vacuum
  • set up the back with bottled water and a few snacks
  • tidy up the house
  • help ds with homework
  • violin
  • go back to the thrift store to see if the light I was looking at is still there.
  • take two squirrelly boys to Providence to see a minor league team play*  It's a good drive and by the time we get home it'll be very, very late.  Dinner at the arena or on the road.

Minor league teams are so much more fun than professional.  I've gone to a few NHL games and they're.........fine.  They're quiet, because announcers in the arena would have feedback during broadcasts if it was simultaneous.  Minor league though...these kids are wild.  There's music and fun and no shortage of opinions. 😆  We managed to get some pretty sweet seats for the four of us for less than the price of 1 NHL ticket, so that's something, too.  DS is excited and I'm sure his friend is, too, if nothing else than to see each other again.  When we removed ds from his bad leaders he lost that free time each week to maintain friendships offline.  It's been a hard couple of months.  I think we're going to try to hit up one of the PWHL games next month, too, but those are even further away and I don't think we can manage it with busy weekends.

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Good morning!

Boy is at school and I have coffee. Warmish, wet, and gray here.



Make sure boxes get ordered! ✔️ emailed the person who orders stuff

Gas in my car ✔️ 

Go to McKay (fabulous used bookstore, across town) ✔️ 

Prep for AHG Stars and Stripes ceremony that is tomorrow. I am emcee and need to be thoroughly ready. Uniform, card/gift, script. 

Work on a list of names ✔️ 
Call mom
Amazon return (for work) ✔️ 
Make vet appt for next week

Prep a bag of things for Dd to pick up tomorrow. ✔️ But also waiting on something from Amazon. 

Figure out dinner. ✔️ chx with goat cheese, basil and balsamic. Plus veggie sides.

Read and relax tonight.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Cloudy, rainy, and foggy here.  Yay.  Not really.  I need some sun.

I went to bed way to late and hoped to sleep in but it didn't work out.  I woke up 2 times worried that nobody brought the trash cans up from the street and I was right. I don't want a fine from that.  

We have nowhere to go today, thank goodness because this week kicked my butt.  But I have to makeup those cancelled appointments. 

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I was going to make turkey today--I got one out of the freezer last week and put it in the fridge in the garage. Unfortunately, it still is frozen.  I have it in the sink with cold water for now. I think it was just too cold in the garage lately.  I might need to rethink dinner. 

I could use some prayer not to be overwhelmed.  I feel like I am going through my own case of senioritis. I don't want to stay after my DS16 (junior) because it's just hard.  He hates writing so he avoids it, but he is in a research paper class and he has to stay on top of it or it will snowball. So I had to force the issue last night. Plus he has another difficult essay to write for lit which he hasn't started. I get why--I would struggle with it as well, but starting late is going to bite him there as well since that paper needs to have tons of citations from the novel.   Then we have the college stuff for my oldest---multiple colleges that require a decision by May but don't release scholarships until April. ????   It's the craziest.  Plus just our financial situation and medical stuff.  Fortunately I am seeing my counselor next week--I probably should have moved that appt up.  Anyway, please pray for us.  

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I think the hard thing with DS16 is we were so late finding out about his learning challenges. So all the appointments, therapy, etc. is happening now, in his junior year, instead of when he was younger. He doesn't want to cut back his hours at work (about 24 a week), so fitting it all in can be challenging, and he is not my self-motivated kid.  I had it/have it so easy with my oldest. He's very self-motivated and a high achiever. When he struggles, he comes to me and tells me. My youngest does not.  This parenting while homeschooling thing is just it's own unique challenge. 

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Good morning!

Back from taking the mutt to get his staples out - yay! All of that mess is now finally DONE! Just in time, as DH leaves tomorrow. Whew. 

So, the rest of today:
...more coffee
...go tutor my little girls

...keep tabs on DS & Middle, make sure they are all doing what they need to be for school
...iron the backing for the baby quilt, pin baste it, start quilting (I'd like to get at least the focus quilting on the leaves done)
...figure out dinner - DH's bday is Sunday (he'll be gone), but he wants to do his bday dinner when he gets back, so today is....???? 
...this afternoon -- haircut day! Yay! (I hope I like it after.....) 
...go w/DH who is going to have a lesson w/a different fencing coach (hmm, that interferes with dinner....need to think about this)
...come home, veg out 
...go to bed on time, b/c we have to get up early tomorrow to run the 5K :yawn: 

I think that's all....no school prep, b/c I'm waiting on the printer cartridge.

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Finally at the end of the week. I've been cleaning in my classroom while my students have a work day. 

Cardiology called for eldest and so we have an appointment with them for the 19th (if we don't find something else out in the meantime). Endocrinology is next week and an MRI is on the books for the 9th. 

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Home from tutoring. 

Tried to get my car inspected on the way home -- could not find my car insurance, which of course I found once I got home (on the floor. Face down. Right there.); I'll try again later. 

Eating lunch and then tackling the list. 


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Good Afternoon

Thoughts out to all working through high schoolers.

@LifeLovePassionhope there is an answer for your son soon

dh brought a load to hazardous waste, old garage door opener, microwave etc. more room in garage 

it is 37 degree so will take pup on walk to park. 

ds scraped the ice off driveway and sidewalk so doesn’t freeze in big clumps

still fighting this dry cough trying different remedies 

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Friday!  A day for which I have many mixed feelings.  😛

My kids are off school.  Yesterday was the last day of Q2 / Midterms.  Yay!  We are on the homestretch!  Cue a song about finishing the race ....

I am struggling with work stress coupled with lack of focus.  Again!  I promised something "this afternoon" so that will go out.  I would also like to finish one other thing that is well overdue, though with a "soft deadline."

My day - done:

  • Cleaning in the wee hours.  My kid cooked late last night and I wasn't sure if the maid was coming this morning or not.
  • Slept.  Yay!  Woke up.  Yay!
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media, and electronic school stuff.
  • Ate fruit, took vitamins, drank water.
  • A little reading.
  • Sent out some client work; had a conference call; figured out some computer issues; met with the boss about a sticky issue.
  • A little house cleaning / organizing.

To do:

  • A number of client reports.
  • Try to make the kids clean their rooms; help with some aspects.
  • Try to wash all the laundry, but I need the kids' cooperation.
  • Dinner out.
  • Night pup duty.
  • Whatever else gets done.


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well, I put on "just one episode" of Gray's Anatomy while I ate lunch....only, then I watched some more, and then I napped, and now it's time to go get my haircut.  So much for today's list. 

Did check with all the kids about their school stuff and everyone is on track. 

Did talk to Middle, and they will cook dinner for us/siblings/whoever is home to eat. 

So, heading out. I promise to be productive this weekend to make up for it. 

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Yesterday was less productive than I hoped, I didn’t touch transcription at all. I started the sauce but only did the first part of the process. I still need to puree and add flavourings etc. I did find out my very old marketplace preserving unit holds water so hopefully I can bottle. 

I did watch 1 1/2 tennis matches (partly while doing other stuff). I also moved a tonne of school curriculum I’ve printed but not used into Manila folders out of the two ring binders and compact that so I now have a much better clear space to do my transcription work. I only have one left to homeschool and I know I’m keeping way too much curriculum but there’s a fair bit of emotional processing to do when decluttering homeschool stuff.

Today I need to 

- take DD shopping for a lunch box and pencil case

- get some groceries for next week

- round up jars and finish my sauce

- definitely do the transcription 

- catch up on laundry 

I feel mildly headachy and off since yesterday - RAT test is clear but hoping it’s nothing. 

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Finally finished one of the tedious, stressful client reports that should have gone out sooner.

The work week is officially over (theoretically at least).  I still have tons to do, but it feels less stressful after 6pm on Friday.

Kids went out shopping, so when are we going to eat?  Time to get on that.

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Worked more on the volunteer thing. 

Making dinner now. Decided that tomorrow night we’re eating out at a new Mexican place we have coupons for. 

Tired! After dinner is cleaned up, I’m done.

No sleeping in tomorrow bc Ds has to be at work earlier than he has to be at school! Boo! Will compensate by taking him to Starbucks before work. I have several GC left from Christmas. 

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One of ds asked if the dry air in house could be causing my cough, I hadn’t thought of that but maybe so looking at small room humidifiers and taking shower before bed.

Took pup to park and walked around for a long time. 
I got the first Bark Box for her. She likes the toys so big win. No stuffed or soft fluffy ones. She needs something to chew. I ordered a Bully Box at same time  so I can compare waiting for that one. 


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@cintinative and @mommyoffive, I'm sorry for the struggle you all are having with your kids! Growing pains are not easy. Praying for smooth transitions to adulthood and for you to be able to focus on the good and memorable things that happen! 

@LifeLovePassion, praying one of those will find the problem and know the solution!

@history-fan, woohoo for better temps, and I hope those ideas will fix the cough. 

@Ausmumof3, praying you feel better. 

It was a very good day. I think I found some lights that might work. Lunch and TJ's with dd was good. Costco didn't have a couple of things I wanted, but I did find the rest of the stuff. 

The dishwasher is going, but I have a bit more to do in the kitchen before bed.

I took the sheets off the bed and put clean ones on. 

I started a load of towels in the washer. 

Dh was going to play a game with me, and I got Wingspan set up. He was getting too sleepy to be able to play. We'll leave it set up for tomorrow. 

I watched Victoria, and I did some grading. 

Next up is to transfer the towels to the dryer and watch the Goldbergs. 

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