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Tackling Wednesday 1-24-24


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Good morning! Warm and rainy here and I am definitely not complaining about it, considering last week! 

I have coffee. Boy is at school. Dishwasher and laundry are working. I leave shortly to pick up milk, I think. 

Tutor online ✔️ 
Drop something at the storage unit. ✔️ 
Amazon return ✔️ 
Library ✔️ 
Help mom ✔️ 
Tutor in person. Late cancel. I still get paid.

Church tonight. Hooray for dinner I don’t have to shop for, make, or clean up! I will be crowd control with my class tonight, another adult on our team is teaching. 

After church: 
Laundry ✔️ 
Check Ds’ work schedule ✔️ 

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Good morning! 

I've had one class already and have more to go. 

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • bible study
  • 5 Zoom sessions
  • go to E's house to take her birthday present and a treat
  • tutor brother/sister duo 
  • maybe not going to church tonight because it's going to be a long, busy day
  • prep for school tomorrow
  • watch something and relax
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Got a text saying milk pick up will be later, just before I got on the interstate. Got three errands done. Listening to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for some fun music on a gray, dreary day. 

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Happy Wednesday!

Off to a reasonably decent start by my standards.  Now all I need is some good work focus!


  • Took out the garbage in the wee hours, so I wouldn't have to leap out of bed for that in the a.m.
  • Slept, yay!
  • Kids off to school on time, yay!  Midterms day 2 of 3.
  • Yoga etc.
  • Shower etc.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media, and electronic school stuff.
  • A tiny bit of client work.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Eat fruit & veggies, take vitamins, drink water.
  • Some reading.
  • Some laundry / housework.
  • Update tax info.
  • Pay bills.
  • Whatever else gets done.


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Good Morning

weather has warmed up now it needs to melt all the ice

Practice skills learned last night in dog class. They use positivity training for pups. The trainer mentioned to me that I’m working harder than the dog, that made me really think not only with the dog but in what other areas I do that. 

emails done

phone calls done

groceries order and pick up 

Clean produce

water indoor plants

find where I can buy crushed granite to put on sidewalk and driveway so I won’t slip on ice.

finish watching Downton Abbey 




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1 hour ago, history-fan said:

Good Morning

weather has warmed up now it needs to melt all the ice

Practice skills learned last night in dog class. They use positivity training for pups. The trainer mentioned to me that I’m working harder than the dog, that made me really think not only with the dog but in what other areas I do that. 

emails done

phone calls done

groceries order and pick up 

Clean produce

water indoor plants

find where I can buy crushed granite to put on sidewalk and driveway so I won’t slip on ice.

finish watching Downton Abbey 




I have never heard of doing that.  Is it expensive? 

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Well there's a leak in my kids' bathroom (by the ceiling vent).  This room is part of the addition we put on 10 years ago.  The builders cut corners, especially in places you can't see.  That would include the crawl space.  We have an opening to climb up there from the original part of the house, but nobody thought to create an access to the crawl space over the addition.

So we have a guy here.  He's decided we need to saw a hole in the wall between the two crawl spaces.  I climbed up there a few times to see for myself & to make the light work, searched around for a long extension cord, etc.  Fun!  No client work getting done.  Not so good!

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I was able to surprise E by waiting at her house until she got home. She loved that I did that! She leaves on a school trip tomorrow, and she wants to take her water bottle with her. She loves horses! We’ll go out together sometime next week to celebrate more. 


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My classes went well.

The brother of the duo didn't come because he was sick. Hoping the sister didn't expose me too much! I didn't know until she came in and told me. 

I never made the chicken pot pie for dh, so I'm going to make that tonight. He'll get lunch for the next two days out of it. We'll have salad, and I need to make an entree for myself to eat. Not sure what yet.

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4 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

I have never heard of doing that.  Is it expensive? 

I don’t know the cost. It won’t melt the ice just add traction. I’ve used sandbox sand before but the crushed rocks might work better. Being a hound my dog has her nose on the ground nonstop so the pet safe ice melt still concerns me.

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I'm overwhelmed. We are trying to navigate some dizziness eldest has been having for 3 weeks now. I had a million phone calls today and we've been trying things and seeing Drs so far with no answers. I will probably have to call the clinic again tomorrow because there was one weird symptom that I forgot to mention. Can't wait. 

So that has made work hard since I've had to miss a lot and I can't focus... We are also trying to get this upstairs bedroom set up and stuff moved in and out of my sister-in-law's place but that is going slowly because of everything else going on. 

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@LifeLovePassion, I'm so sorry the dizziness is still going on!  I pray they can get this figured out and get some relief in place! 

I made dh the chicken pot pie. I found some non-dairy gravy in the pantry and used the rest of the chicken, vegetables, and an extra pie crust I had to make myself one. 

I need to clean up the kitchen next. 

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3 hours ago, history-fan said:

I don’t know the cost. It won’t melt the ice just add traction. I’ve used sandbox sand before but the crushed rocks might work better. Being a hound my dog has her nose on the ground nonstop so the pet safe ice melt still concerns me.

We have used cheapo kitty litter behind car wheels stuck in the snow and that was good for traction.

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@LifeLovePassion Praying you get a Dx and effective treatment for your eldest soon!!

@SKL So sorry! Water issues are terrible. 

@mom31257 Cute photo!! Chx pot pie might have to be on our weekend menu! Definitely a family favorite here. If I make it Friday or early Saturday, Dd could take a serving with her back to school when she blows through Saturday. 

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