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Well-trained bodies - October

Laura Corin

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I didn't do any exercise this weekend. I had the opportunity to walk on Saturday, but my foot was bothering me. I took it easy on Sunday, since it was still bothering me. Got through TKD class today. The teacher said we should be able to do belt testing in a few weeks. Also got a quick hug from one of the other students, who I am guessing is about 7. I am 1 of 2 adults in the class, and everyone else is in primary school.

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13 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

I did yoga for stress relief this morning and skipped the bodyweight circuit. I actually slept until my alarm--first time this school year. But still feeling stress and a bit of anxiety.

It’s kinda like allergies, isn’t it? Once that response is underway it takes a while to settle it. Tough to live with. Great job with sleep and yoga! I hope you have a good day.

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On 10/3/2023 at 9:16 PM, BusyMom5 said:

I'm joining this month!  I really need some accountability, and hoping life has slowed enough that I can get time in for myself.  


It's been another busy week. I managed a nice lunchtime walk with a friend today, and I'm heading to yoga. 

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Yesterday I went to the gym first thing and worked with lighter weights since I was sore from the vaccine. Glad I forced myself in.

Today I hung on the teeter board and then headed over to gyrotonics. I got a special session with the head trainer—she’s really good at the subtleties. She encourages small adjustments that bring more benefit to the different motions and positions. Much appreciated.

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Over the last three weeks or so I've been really pushing myself in cardio (running faster and doing high intensity internal workouts alternatingly) and doing a 30 minutes kettlebell routine from Caroline Girvan. That's in addition to adding in 48 hour fasts once a week in addition to my normal 3-5 day a week intermittent fasting. Still able to push through at full intensity even in the double fast days. I stay hydrated (not as much as I want) with green teas and water.

I'm gaining muscle definition and losing weight so I'm happy!

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Tennis was good fun last night, but my legs were very sore. I really need to keep up with my regular stretching! 

Went for a nice dog walk in the woods this morning. 

It's the Canadian Thanksgiving long-weekend starting tomorrow! Should be a nice weekend. We're going to mil's for a big family dinner on Sunday. 

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3 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Tennis was good fun last night, but my legs were very sore. I really need to keep up with my regular stretching! 

Went for a nice dog walk in the woods this morning. 

It's the Canadian Thanksgiving long-weekend starting tomorrow! Should be a nice weekend. We're going to mil's for a big family dinner on Sunday. 

Have a great Thanksgiving! 

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Yoga this morning. We have a beautiful day and beautiful fall color. Monday is a no-student day (but teachers still work), so it feels like I have a bit more time to rest and relax but still get caught up a bit. So we're going to celebrate by going to get flu shots here in a few minutes. Covid vaccines are not available here at the moment, otherwise I would have gotten that yesterday and spent today feeling miserable. I'll push that off a few weeks and enjoy the sun instead.

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Ugh!  I'm upset.  I got an IUD about 3 weeks ago and justcfeel bloated.  I've gained 2-3lbs- all in my tummy.  It's just bloat.  I've noticed my ankles swelling a but, too.  

As for my exercise- I do need to walk more.  I've been getting 5-6K just doing regular stuff.  I got 2 or 3 longer walks this week, but I'm just busy!  

Goals For This Week

1.  Watch sodium intake, try to eat more fresh foods

2.  Try to get in a daily walk 

3.  10K steps at least 5 days this week. 


My week is crazy.  I only have one day this week at home.  I'm trying to teach in the mornings,  then appointments in the afternoons.   

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I think I posted on Monday (evidently on the September thread!)

My week went off the rails as usual. We ended up in the ER and then hospital with dd2 for surgery. She had a large cyst that was twisting her fallopian tube. Surgery was successful. They got it all without damaging the tube and ovary and she is recovering very well. She would like me to stop asking how she's doing.

That of course was a giant stress and lack of sleep. No sleep at all Monday as we went from one hospital to another. They flew her but we had to drive (2+ hrs). Anyway, too little sleep and too much stress. Dh and I are still recovering. We made it home Wed afternoon but I felt terrible Thursday- exhausted, stomach hurting, yada yada. 

It has gotten a bit better each day. Friday and Saturday I did strength workouts. So, I got 4 in for the week- Sun, Mon, Fri and Sat. I can't seem to get over 4!

I reached my goal on steps 5 days. I joined this city walking challenge but I can't get strava to connect.


This week: 

It will be way busier than I want it to be as usual.

I do strength training early in the morning or I don't get to it. Pickleball, if they have it, will be in the afternoon so I try to plan visits before and hit it afterward. I try to get walks when I get the chance but most steps are just from daily life.


Daily 8-10k steps- 

Sun: Mobility- 25 min (LOVED this routine- a lot of yoga doesn't work because downdog is still painful but this was perfect for me)- 5 ish mile  EASY walk with dh

Mon: lower body strength 35 min; pickleball after visits? 

Tues: upper body strength 35 min;

Wed; lower body strength 35 min; 

Thurs; barre 20 min; pickleball during tkd? 

Fri; Full body strength 35 min

Sat; mobility 15 min;

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@Soror Hope your dd recovers well from the surgery, and glad that the issue was pinpointed and addressed right away. Hope you recover from lack of sleep and stress quickly, too. The after-math is always challenging.

I'm spending a lazy day doing nothing but rest. I'd like to get out for a walk at some point today.

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We've had about three inches of rain in the past 24 hours. The road just below us was a river of mud, dotted with broccoli stalks from the field up the hill. I had to carry our ancient dog across the road  - she's very frail and I thought the mud stream would knock her off her feet.

When the rain eased this afternoon,  I took a brisk walk up a valley and across fields.  The gates are wide open right now, as the fields were cut for hay, so there is no livestock. 

Apart from that - more Guenevire and Lancelot essay writing. 

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6 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

@Soror What a scary time with your daughter! I'm glad she's on the mend. It's always hard to watch your kids suffer, especially when it's an emergency.

My son's going into surgery this Wednesday to straighten his nose (broken in junior high due to sports) and I'm on pins and needles.

Best wishes for you and your son. 

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30 min on the treadmill this morning. No kids in school today. Our schedule shows staff meeting 8:00-10:00 to talk about peer collaboration. Instead of providing time for peer collaboration. The 3 Alg 1 teachers really want time to just meet together and plan...we'll see if that can happen at all today.

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17 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

@Soror What a scary time with your daughter! I'm glad she's on the mend. It's always hard to watch your kids suffer, especially when it's an emergency.

My son's going into surgery this Wednesday to straighten his nose (broken in junior high due to sports) and I'm on pins and needles.

Best wishes for your son's surgery.

16 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

30 min on the treadmill this morning. No kids in school today. Our schedule shows staff meeting 8:00-10:00 to talk about peer collaboration. Instead of providing time for peer collaboration. The 3 Alg 1 teachers really want time to just meet together and plan...we'll see if that can happen at all today.

One wonders do the people setting this up have experience teaching? What a bs waste of time. 

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Thank you ladies for the kind words. 

We only got in 4 miles yesterday due to dh sleeping in.

Today - short walk + lower body strength

I was going to do visits this afternoon and pickleball but I moved them to tomorrow. I've got to have a day to get back on track with schooling after a week of chaos. 

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Dh and I got in a nice dog walk today with very little rain. We met up with a few different dogs that were willing to run and play with my border collies. The little pup can zoom along and mostly keep up with the bigger dogs now. He loves the dog park!

Otherwise, we stayed indoors as it was cold and rainy all day. 

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I didn't get to stay home yesterday. I usually like my clients. This one is driving me nuts (same one whose dog bit me- seems to think I'm on call to be her taxi). So while I was stuck in town waiting I got an hour of pickleball and another short walk.

Today: strength arms done

Hoping for a walk later but I'm running behind. I have paperwork to do for a new case which is taking longer because it's a different kind of case. 

Edited by Soror
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19 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

A half-hour walk from the office at lunchtime and then a short Ashtanga-style yoga video once I got home. Pretty tired - I'm still not sleeping well with work stress.

I'm sorry about the work stress. I know you've had a lot of change. 

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A lovely walk in chilly and breezy sunshine with a friend at lunchtime.  I'm actually working from home today, which I didn't expect to be able to do, so that's really good.  My yoga class is taking a two-week break, but I will try to take that as a prompt to do a long yogas session tomorrow night anyway.

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I'm gonna venture back into this chat.  I had really fallen off the bandwagon somehow, but I've tried to improve since August 2023!  I have lost approximately 10 lbs and am now about 10 lbs above my "ideal weight."  The first 6-8 lbs lost were relatively easy, but we all know the last 10 are the hardest.  And this time of year, it is not easy to be militant about food.  So far in October we've had 2 birthdays and 1 "senior night" where they give the moms bad stuff to eat while watching the game (and yes I ate it).  We still have birthday cake in the fridge, but other than that, I should be free of excess temptation until Halloween (which is also another birthday).  So I hope to get back some momentum.

I'm trying to eat decently, fruits & veggies every day and limited carbs.  I am not good about exercise, but if I could just do my "yoga etc." routine each day, that would help matters.  Walking the dog daily would be even better.

5K season is coming!  This year I decided that I'm going to sign up for all of the same races that my kid is doing (though my usual time is around the 50th %ile of my age group).

I also want to get back into taekwondo.  I am pretty sure the last time I went was over a year ago.  One of my kids also wants to go back, but I've decided that I'm going to start even if I have to go alone.

I also need to get back to the chiropractor.  As usual, mom's health comes last, but I need to change that.

Good luck to all of us!

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24 minutes ago, SKL said:

I'm gonna venture back into this chat.  I had really fallen off the bandwagon somehow, but I've tried to improve since August 2023!  I have lost approximately 10 lbs and am now about 10 lbs above my "ideal weight."  The first 6-8 lbs lost were relatively easy, but we all know the last 10 are the hardest.  And this time of year, it is not easy to be militant about food.  So far in October we've had 2 birthdays and 1 "senior night" where they give the moms bad stuff to eat while watching the game (and yes I ate it).  We still have birthday cake in the fridge, but other than that, I should be free of excess temptation until Halloween (which is also another birthday).  So I hope to get back some momentum.

I'm trying to eat decently, fruits & veggies every day and limited carbs.  I am not good about exercise, but if I could just do my "yoga etc." routine each day, that would help matters.  Walking the dog daily would be even better.

5K season is coming!  This year I decided that I'm going to sign up for all of the same races that my kid is doing (though my usual time is around the 50th %ile of my age group).

I also want to get back into taekwondo.  I am pretty sure the last time I went was over a year ago.  One of my kids also wants to go back, but I've decided that I'm going to start even if I have to go alone.

I also need to get back to the chiropractor.  As usual, mom's health comes last, but I need to change that.

Good luck to all of us!

Welcome back! Congrats on the weight loss!! Sounds like a great season of physical activity coming up with 5k races and taekwon-do!

When I was running 5k, 10k + races I noticed that my age category of women 40, 50+ was super fast - faster than the 20 and 30 ladies. My theory was that the younger women were busy with families and other sports, while the older ladies had the time to train hard. As a homeschool mom, I had no time to train, and didn't care about my time compared to other runners. The most statisfying goals for me were finishing the race and improving my previous times. 

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25 min on the treadmill this morning and enough walking around school to more than close the exercise ring.

And yes, in my brief history running 5k's about a decade ago the winners for women were always in the 50+ age group. And those young moms pushing strollers always beat me.

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I have been totally preoccupied with ds’ surgery. (He broke his nose twice in junior high and now that he is done growing they straightened it.) Yesterday was all cooking and cleaning, though I did manage a walk on the lane. Today was the surgery. I am hoping to go to gyrotonics tomorrow but we’ll see.

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Yesterday was another stressful day in the end, so I slept badly again. A member of staff seems to be losing it, and taking it out on the administrators. Today, my very busy boss spent most of the day attempting to work in the front admin office to stop any more incidents. He's organising a proper solution,  but today he was just a shield.

Anyway.  Today was my last work day before eleven days of leave. This evening I just walked a slow couple of miles after work.

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