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Gift ideas for six year old dd?

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I've come down to the wire, and still haven't had a great idea for dd. She wanted mostly clothes, but she is getting lots of those from other family members. We already have a gumball machine to give her (she is a major gum lover), and a baby doll that she's been wanting for awhile now. I'd like to give her one more present that will be something that will give her something to do, something that can occupy her time a bit. She spends most of her time playing pretend with her brothers, but when they are playing something on their own she often can't find anything to do. She doesn't like puzzles or books, unfortunately. Any suggestions?



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Would she enjoy a pot-holder loom kit? My 6 year old got one for her last birthday and really loves to make potholders for everyone. Or perler beads? Hobby Lobby or Michaels would have lots of fun kits and crafts. If she likes clothes there are some fun make your own paper doll type kits too, Klutz has one I believe. :)

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My favorite gift for this age is Sculpey Clay. It is a soft, easy to work with clay in lots of colors (look for the big variety packs) that you can find at craft type stores (look online or in the paper for 40% off coupons). It stays soft for months even if left out all of the time but will harden if baked in the oven. Our libary even has books of ideas of things to do with the clay.

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I've come down to the wire, and still haven't had a great idea for dd. She wanted mostly clothes, but she is getting lots of those from other family members. We already have a gumball machine to give her (she is a major gum lover), and a baby doll that she's been wanting for awhile now. I'd like to give her one more present that will be something that will give her something to do, something that can occupy her time a bit. She spends most of her time playing pretend with her brothers, but when they are playing something on their own she often can't find anything to do. She doesn't like puzzles or books, unfortunately. Any suggestions?




Is there a Marshall's near you? My DD6's all-time favorite things are the Kidz Labs excavation kits, like this one:




We also have a "gold" digging kit (it has fool's gold in it), one where you dig out a fake amber piece with a bug in it, and a dinosaur one (though the dino one was too hard to get through--the others were softer). We've found all ours at our local Marshall's, but I know you can get them other places too.


Her Alex beginner sewing kit also keeps her quite busy for periods.




Does she like mazes or things like that? There are some fun maze books out there (that's what mine's doing right this minute, actually). Does she like to make up stories? How about a voice recorder to dictate stories into? Hmm...if I think of anything else, I'll come back.

Edited by melissel
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My dd (6yo) loves anything to do with art. She has a potholder loom, beads for jewelry making, sticker kits, storybook making kit, art supplies and different papers, scrapbook kits, small cross stitch projects, sand art, and I recently taught her to knit so she enjoys that with supervision. Many of the things need some supervision or me to help her get started but the time together is enjoyable.

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Guest Staceyhsmom1

My dd will be six in March, she is receiving a tape recorder with microphone, some american girl doll extras, an ag nightgown, a webkins (her 1st), a robe and slippers, and whatever my dh decides to buy her last minute ;-)

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We had a hard time figuring out what to buy our 6 yo this year. She also didn't ask for anything specific. I don't know if this will work for you, but the idea that finally came to me was to get her a puppet theater and a set of puppets. She loves imaginative play and writing stories and plays. I think she will love it, but know that it will mean lots of puppet shows in our future. :001_smile:


We are also adopting a cat. That was a last minute decision...she's wanted a cat forever. I'm hoping our new feline family member will provide her with companionship. I think just having a pet in her room will help her with independent play there. She does not like to be alone for any length of time.

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If no one in your home puts anything in their mouths anymore, what about legos or magnetix? Kapla blocks? Play mobile? Start a collection of Breyer horses?


Our dd loved something like Polly Pocket at that age. I, for some reason, thought they were detestable, but she played with them for hours.


Would she like dress up clothes? There are some great finds at Goodwill.


My girls loved paper dolls, too. I found some great ones at museum stores, but I'm sure they're online, too.


I agree with the sculpey clay. That stuff is wonderful and we use it as stocking stuffers.


What about a cooking set...bowl, spoon, cookie cutters and play doh?


hth! We're going through the same with 11yodd. We WON a camera and are giving that to her! :lol:

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a doll house and accessories?




- nicer Dr. kit, not the little Fisher Price toddler kit, since she likes to pretend.

- I second Polly Pockets. My ddalmost6 likes these too.

- adding machine, typewriter for pretend office play.

- coupon book with fun things to redeem (date with dad, date with mom, back rub, bubble bath, make favorite dessert, etc.)

- gift card

- Easy Bake oven


Best wishes! I'm going through the same thing for my ds8. :)

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My dd is 5 1/2. This year she's getting books, including the Usborne internet linked chess book for beginners, so I figure she'll be playing around with that for the next few weeks. She's also getting a couple of board games, plenty of craft materials, a robe and slippers, more playdough. Friends and family have gotten her some Barbies, which she does seem to enjoy. She still plays with her dollhouse quite a bit, as well as with legos and other blocks. The one thing I would have added this year if I hadn't already finished up my shopping is books on cd, which she has really started to enjoy.

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Legos may be partly a function of his gender, but I think it's also a part of his personality. He HATES artsy things - coloring is a chore for him. When he painted Christmas ornaments with us this year, his were more plain and sloppy than my 4yo's! I truely couldn't tell his apart from the ones my baby DS1 did.... I asked him why they were so sloppy, and he said he just wanted to try out the paint and see what it felt like, but didn't actually want to "paint" and make it lookk good. Anyway.... His toys loves are Legos (so maybe some Lego kits for your DD? Or a big box of the small bricks?), and his Gameboy (do you allow computer/video games?). He has also been enjoying trying to figure out some tricks from a magic kit we gave him a year or two ago. How about a magic kit? Also, I bought DS a bday gift since his is coming up - an Erector set. I know this may not seem too "girlie", but for those kids who hate artsy stuff, I think their brains enjoy this type of building thing....


The one thing that my DD6 wants (though she's very artsy) is a "real" cooking set. She wants an Easy Bake oven (which I don't want to get her), b/c she wants to be able cook without help. I think for her Bday (in Jan) I will get her a kid's cookbook, and some of her own (though REAL) kitchen gadgets/pans/etc. Or maybe some candy making kits or cake making kits from Michael's? I have to put some thought into that. But maybe something along those lines for your DD?


Anyway, GL! I hate not having any ideas! I was stuck on what to get our DD6, until a lightbulb went off a few weeks ago. For Christmas my DD6 is getting her own portable DVD player (cheap one). We have a family one, but she perfers to be able to choose her own movie. Also, she had complained that in our van she can't see or hear the one that's up front, and gets very upset about that. So that will give her a little freedom. She can also listen to her audio book CD's from the library on it, so it will serve a few purposes....


Hey, here's another idea - How about her own MP3 player? They are everywhere for all different prices. Then you might give her a gift cert to some online music place to download AND some online audio book store for choosing and downloading stories?


GL! and Merry Christmas! - STacey in MA

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My dd is 7. She really got into playing with Polly Pockets and Littlest Pet Shop toys at about age 6. She can sit for a very long time playing with either. What about dominoes? Dd loves making domino runs and knocking them down. Or maybe a wooden marble run that she could build in different ways? Lincoln logs have also been used a lot here by both of my kids. Tinker toys could be fun as well.

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My dd will be six in March, she is receiving a tape recorder with microphone, some american girl doll extras, an ag nightgown, a webkins (her 1st), a robe and slippers, and whatever my dh decides to buy her last minute ;-)


Where did you find the tape recorder with microphone? I think my dd would really like that!

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