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Oh vey- teens, s3x, and bc


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6 minutes ago, ArteHaus said:

Not me specifically, but certainly against those who are the true descendants of Avraham.

They never would have been called Jewish anyway. The letter “j” is only about 400 years old.

By the way, if you know anything about Scripture or the Israelites, could you tell me when “Jews” were transported by slave ship to the four corners of the earth and were in bondage for 400 years? There is nothing of that in their history. The Holocaust is not enslavement on this scale. 

I think to have a real historical conversation here, you would have to have some regard for Scripture. If you don’t then yeah, keep on with what you think. I can’t inform you or educate you.


I'm going to regret this,  but can you read Hebrew? I can and have studied "scripture", have taught my children and others, and continue to study.  

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7 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

I'm going to regret this,  but can you read Hebrew? I can and have studied "scripture", have taught my children and others, and continue to study.  

Can you please show in Jewish history generation after generation of bondage? Torah is very clear on what would happen to the Israelites. 

Haplogroups and migration patterns aside (Jewish haplogroups are more closely linked to Eastern European/Caucus Region than to the haplogroups that represent Shem)…..you have to admit that your people have not experienced the what was prophesied in Yesha’yahu (Isaiah).

Another people have, as it was prophesied in Torah that they would lose their identity. This is not the history of Jews/Judaism.

Isn’t the Talmud Babylonian and what does that have to do with Torah?

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5 hours ago, Soror said:


I'm doing my best to help people. I'm going above and beyond. I answer calls and messages days, nights, weekends. I'm trying to help people break out of the cycle of poverty. Help them find resources in our area, be their support. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything- I can't even if I wanted. But I'm going to be frank with people -- just like I would with my own kids--- people deserve that. My one coworker mowed a client's yard and then gave her the mower, another buys her client's kids stuff out of her pocket all the time. We do care. You are welcome to get out there and help people- you could lead NFP classes to teens in your area. 

Soror,  I'm sorry that your thread has gone pear-shaped.

I see you and I hear you.

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4 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

Can I read things like the Dead Sea Scrolls? Sure! The Hebrew has not changed much. Older than that probably. 

My question still stands.  Can you? 

Yes, it has. Masoretic text is different than Paleo Hebrew.

No, I am not fluent in Paleo Hebrew. 

What is your point? I see you are leading.


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1 minute ago, ArteHaus said:

Can you please show in Jewish history generation after generation of bondage? Torah is very clear on what would happen to the Israelites. 

Haplogroups and migration patterns aside (Jewish haplogroups are more closely linked to Eastern European/Caucus Region than to the haplogroups that represent Shem)…..you have to admit that your people have not experienced the what was prophesied in Yesha’yahu (Isaiah).

Another people have, as it was prophesied in Torah that they would lose their identity. This is not the history of Jews/Judaism.

Isn’t the Talmud Babylonian and what does that have to do with Torah?

You've asked a lot (of odd) questions and I'm not even sure what some of them mean. But you can Google the origins of the Babylonian (and Jerusalem) Talmuds. 

Off to prepare for the Jewish Sabbath. Ciao!

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Just now, YaelAldrich said:

You've asked a lot (of odd) questions and I'm not even sure what some of them mean. But you can Google the origins of the Babylonian (and Jerusalem) Talmuds. 

Off to prepare for the Jewish Sabbath. Ciao!

Ironically, we will be preparing for Shabbath as well, but with different understandings.

I have asked very logical questions, which most flee at, especially Jewish people (some do admit the Truth:)

Would of liked to have heard your take on those things, but…

Enjoy your Shabbath-

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Just now, YaelAldrich said:

You've asked a lot (of odd) questions and I'm not even sure what some of them mean. But you can Google the origins of the Babylonian (and Jerusalem) Talmuds. 

Off to prepare for the Jewish Sabbath. Ciao!

שבת שלום

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7 minutes ago, wathe said:

Soror,  I'm sorry that your thread has gone pear-shaped.

I see you and I hear you.

Thanks it's ok- really - I got my venting out. 

She's got an appointment made now. 

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I worked in social services.  You're probably not paid well enough to do this job!  I have no idea what's going on with these other comments, but I still think teens should try not to get pregnant and have babies.  The best option is abstinence---because teens need to guard their hearts and occupy their minds with education, extracurriculars, etc whether sex leads to pregnancy OR not.  The next best thing would be preventing pregnancy.  

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On 5/18/2023 at 8:52 AM, ArteHaus said:

Well, I am not religious nor do I  belong to any organized religion, nor did I bring morality into the conversation. I would likely find religion more immoral that birth control:)

I am not sure how you could pervert my comment and make it about religious propaganda, lol.



2 hours ago, ArteHaus said:

Ironically, we will be preparing for Shabbath as well, but with different understandings.

Could you at least try to keep your story straight within the same thread? **

** Not really a question. Posting to clarify your true character for others who are quickly scanning and aren't keeping up with who is who on the thread.


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43 minutes ago, fraidycat said:


Could you at least try to keep your story straight within the same thread? **

** Not really a question. Posting to clarify your true character for others who are quickly scanning and aren't keeping up with who is who on the thread.


Organized religion is a not Scripture. For example, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam. These are religions, my dear.

We don’t follow any religion. Scripture is far far from religion as it gets, and teaches against religion. We see this in the Tanakh and Besorah.

The centerpiece of religion is idolatry, usually female deity worship. 

Scripture/Torah is instruction on a Way of Life, not religion. For example, Torah teaches against murder, which I don’t participate in. That isn’t religion, but wisdom. Torah teaches against thievery and lying, not good things either. I think you would agree, without calling yourself, religious, per se. The Shabbath is a day of rest, not a religious tradition. As a matter of fact, most religions (ie Christianity) deny the true Shabbath. 

You could look at it like Spirit vs Tradition, as well. 

I believe Scripture is also a historical text, but many may disagree with that.

Still no religion here. 

Matter of a fact, I would love to deconstruct those religions for you, but the *thought police* are everywhere:)




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30 minutes ago, Melissa Louise said:

People need to put the holocaust denier on ignore. 

We don't need or want holocaust deniers here.

Any time people responds, it just encourages them to stick around.

There is a line.


Melissa Louise, please do ignore me. 

I am sure some of your underlings will obey your command.



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15 minutes ago, ArteHaus said:

Organized religion is a not Scripture. For example, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam. These are religions, my dear.

We don’t follow any religion. Scripture is far far from religion as it gets, and teaches against religion. We see this in the Tanakh and Besorah.

The centerpiece of religion is idolatry, usually female deity worship. 

Scripture/Torah is instruction on a Way of Life, not religion. For example, Torah teaches against murder, which I don’t participate in. That isn’t religion, but wisdom. Torah teaches against thievery and lying, not good things either. I think you would agree, without calling yourself, religious, per se. The Shabbath is a day of rest, not a religious tradition. As a matter of fact, most religions (ie Christianity) deny the true Shabbath. 

You could look at it like Spirit vs Tradition, as well. 

I believe Scripture is also a historical text, but many may disagree with that.

Still no religion here. 

Matter of a fact, I would love to deconstruct those religions for you, but the *thought police* are everywhere:)




Hebrew Roots?  

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9 minutes ago, freesia said:

This reminds me of Black Hebrew Israelite philosophy. 

Someone already brought BHI up. 

No, they are off the rails, and what I mean by that is they pervert Scripture in many ways, particularly in regards to Salvation. Ancient Hebrews were “black”, yes, but BHI is an organization not built in Truth, but really, in my opinion, to mislead others from the Truth. Religion and organizations like this pervert Scripture.

By the way, from what I understand, BHI is a “new” thing.

People understanding who the true Ancient Hebrews were/are is not at all a new concept. Through history, it was understood and written about (not easy information to access I will admit). It has already been seven years now since my husband and I began our research (which lasted a few years actually). We are on cruise control now, and the knowledge is just part of life and what we teach our children.

It is a loaded topic. Fascinating, but loaded, and not something that can be taught in a forum environment like this. 



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12 hours ago, ArteHaus said:

Someone already brought BHI up. 

No, they are off the rails, and what I mean by that is they pervert Scripture in many ways, particularly in regards to Salvation. Ancient Hebrews were “black”, yes, but BHI is an organization not built in Truth, but really, in my opinion, to mislead others from the Truth. Religion and organizations like this pervert Scripture.

By the way, from what I understand, BHI is a “new” thing.

People understanding who the true Ancient Hebrews were/are is not at all a new concept. Through history, it was understood and written about (not easy information to access I will admit). It has already been seven years now since my husband and I began our research (which lasted a few years actually). We are on cruise control now, and the knowledge is just part of life and what we teach our children.

It is a loaded topic. Fascinating, but loaded, and not something that can be taught in a forum environment like this. 



So you’re not religious, using your own personal definition of religion, and don’t belong to any organized group that teaches what you believe. Instead, you and your husband have researched on your own and understand scriptures correctly, especially in regards to salvation, while most other people, including religious people, pervert scripture. And you are passing your specialized, absolutely correct knowledge onto your children. Is that a correct summary?

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random thoughts

LOL'ing at the idea that I have minions

I don't care that the topic has gone off course. I'm done and have moved on to trying to solve other problems.

and the first definition of religion I see is the belief in a higher power.

There are a surprising number of people making up their own religion in hs circles. The arrogance of it still surprises me.

And then acting like one knows more about Hebrew and scriptures than the actual Jewish people here, is incredible.

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17 minutes ago, Soror said:

random thoughts

LOL'ing at the idea that I have minions

I don't care that the topic has gone off course. I'm done and have moved on to trying to solve other problems.

and the first definition of religion I see is the belief in a higher power.

There are a surprising number of people making up their own religion in hs circles. The arrogance of it still surprises me.

And then acting like one knows more about Hebrew and scriptures than the actual Jewish people here, is incredible.

You're doing great work, Soror! Thank you for all you do as a social worker.

And also:

Do minions do dishes? If so, can you send some over to my house? Or weeding?

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50 minutes ago, historically accurate said:

You're doing great work, Soror! Thank you for all you do as a social worker.

And also:

Do minions do dishes? If so, can you send some over to my house? Or weeding?


I want my minions to do some painting for me - if y'all could get on that 😁

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On 5/18/2023 at 4:46 PM, Sneezyone said:

Which speaks to the experiences of many women, particularly black women, who disproportionately experience inflamatory conditions like endometriosis and other things like Sarcoidosis, Lupus, colorectal cancer, and diabetes...all of which run in our families.

I am sorry about the conditions in your family.   I know that bc pills caused serious worsening of my lupus/Sjogren's whoch required 2 hospitalizations even after I stopped and really affected my college years.

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16 hours ago, pinball said:
16 hours ago, Idalou said:

Well, you were the 7th poster to respond to the OP, and it's very easy to figure out by reading the majority of replies, so I'd say your memory isn't so hot, lol

Yes! And then I remember your posting type as very aggressive in responding over and over again, so I deleted it. 

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12 hours ago, Frances said:

So you’re not religious, using your own personal definition of religion, and don’t belong to any organized group that teaches what you believe. Instead, you and your husband have researched on your own and understand scriptures correctly, especially in regards to salvation, while most other people, including religious people, pervert scripture. And you are passing your specialized, absolutely correct knowledge onto your children. Is that a correct summary?

Religion- 2. A particular system of faith or worship.

Apparently, this is the context in which I am using “religion”, nor am I using my own “personal” definition, as you can look it up for yourself.

No, we absolutely do not belong to any organized religion. Now, I know that you are trying to frame your question in a snarky way, but I am going to answer it as if you are not. 

This is just one my main contentions with OR. Most people find it unfathomable that one can read and understand Scripture without the aid or religion. Yes, absolutely we studied “on our own”, Scripture and history (as they are in concordance with one another). 1 John 2 20-28 is one such affirmation. OR is spiritual bondage, because one is under the seduction of a priest, or pastor, rabbi…or at the least feel that they need these “heads” to lead them in Scripture, when everyone is capable of reading and hopefully, seeking the wisdom therein. Religion would have you believe that “it” is necessary for understanding. There is much more to say, but I am just touching the surface for you. O

BHI teaches that Ancient Hebrews/black people/descendants of slaves are only going to receive Salvation because they are the seed of Avraham, and that blood Israel is the only receiver of the promise, which is (ironically) closely related to Judaisms teachings. This is in every way wrong. With the Messiah, a door was open for Yisrael to be a spiritual body, not joined by blood only, but by the Spirit. BHI folks stand on street corners telling “white” people they are hell bound because of their bloodline. Insanity, and certainly not Scriptural. This is my *main* contention with BHI. They absolutely pervert what Scripture teaches.

I didn’t say *most other people* pervert Scripture. I said OR and BHI specifically because those things were mentioned.

What we teach our children is that they are YISRAEL by blood, as they are the descendants of slaves and heir to the promise. They are of the Tribe of YAHUDA (Judah). However, that promise is extended to all nations, kindreds, and tongues that choose to follow the Way of YAH, not just them because they are bloodline. I am Anglo, so hopefully, I can be Ruth in spirit, and heir to the promise because as a gentile, I can be grafted in. 

My husband and I spent a few years in study because none of this is to be taken lightly. We first set out to disprove this knowledge, but ended up learning more about history and the world around us than we bargained for and it opened our eyes:) 

In summary, you are correct.






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4 hours ago, MercyA said:

I think ArteHaus is the ex-husband of a former member.

Please do not engage. At all. 

Well, that is interesting Mercy, lol. I will be giving birth in July, so no, no man here:)) 

And I have been married for 18 years, no exes for me:)))

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5 hours ago, Soror said:

random thoughts

LOL'ing at the idea that I have minions

I don't care that the topic has gone off course. I'm done and have moved on to trying to solve other problems.

and the first definition of religion I see is the belief in a higher power.

There are a surprising number of people making up their own religion in hs circles. The arrogance of it still surprises me.

And then acting like one knows more about Hebrew and scriptures than the actual Jewish people here, is incredible.

I have made no religion. The arrogance is in your intellectual dishonesty and willful ignorance, apparently on a subject in which you possess no knowledge of.

I don’t have to “act” like anything. I know this area of Scripture very well, and not because I have such spectacular intellectual prowess (…on second thought :), but seeking knowledge and understanding from a historical perspective and Scriptural perspective has been done through much effort and late nights.

The Jewish “people” here gave no answer and ran away from one very specific question, in which, if “they” were so much more knowledgable, would have been able to easily deal with.

The Scripture is for all who may come to it…no one owns it. Again, Jewish people are Talmudic. Have you ever read the Talmud? I don’t think you would be impressed. I literally can’t write here what it says, and honestly, it is hard enough to read. 

None of you have refuted anything with substance. Not one. Even if your understanding of the topic is negligible, your nonchalant dismissal and ad hominem “attacks” marks you as…silly.


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3 hours ago, freesia said:

Now you have me so curious…

3 hours ago, MrsMommy said:


2 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

Me too!

Anyone I know here is welcome to PM me and I'll tell you the general situation, but I'm not comfortable sharing the specific username (unless you are a mod). 

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19 hours ago, ArteHaus said:

Organized religion is a not Scripture. For example, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam. These are religions, my dear.

We don’t follow any religion. Scripture is far far from religion as it gets, and teaches against religion. We see this in the Tanakh and Besorah.

The centerpiece of religion is idolatry, usually female deity worship. 

Scripture/Torah is instruction on a Way of Life, not religion. For example, Torah teaches against murder, which I don’t participate in. That isn’t religion, but wisdom. Torah teaches against thievery and lying, not good things either. I think you would agree, without calling yourself, religious, per se. The Shabbath is a day of rest, not a religious tradition. As a matter of fact, most religions (ie Christianity) deny the true Shabbath. 

You could look at it like Spirit vs Tradition, as well. 

I believe Scripture is also a historical text, but many may disagree with that.

Still no religion here. 

Matter of a fact, I would love to deconstruct those religions for you, but the *thought police* are everywhere:)




The police are everywhere.

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