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8 hours ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Haha I’m trying to think it over, but yeah I’m pretty stressed about everything. My biggest thing is it seems there is the people around me thinking I’m crazy and need to get baby out ASAP and then the other set that thinks I’m crazy to have an induction. I’m just so torn on what the right thing would be. I’m just stressed thinking I may regret my choice.

Stop talking to everyone, I guess? Put one of those "no, the baby isn't born yet" replies on your voice mail and social media and just enjoy the last few days of being pregnant. 

You are not crazy no matter what. But you have your own priorities, your own intuition. Do what you think is best for you. Personally, I see no reason why people are so big on having you induce - you said baby was fine per biophysical profile, you know you have a history of going 10 days late so seems like baby isn't quite ready to come out yet. But if you feel differently, do what works for you. 

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4 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Stop talking to everyone, I guess? Put one of those "no, the baby isn't born yet" replies on your voice mail and social media and just enjoy the last few days of being pregnant. 

You are not crazy no matter what. But you have your own priorities, your own intuition. Do what you think is best for you. Personally, I see no reason why people are so big on having you induce - you said baby was fine per biophysical profile, you know you have a history of going 10 days late so seems like baby isn't quite ready to come out yet. But if you feel differently, do what works for you. 

Right. I guess guess mainly due to my blood pressure not being great. As I was trying go to bed last night little guy barely got his kick counts in. It’s just getting stressful for me. He is moving so nicely this morning though. 

Edited by Elizabeth86
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1 minute ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Right. I guess guess mainly due to my blood pressure not being great. 

It sounds like your doctor wasn't worried, though? If doctor was concerned that would be different. But if they are not calling and ordering you to induction, sounds like you are good for now. When is next appointment?

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12 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Right. I guess guess mainly due to my blood pressure not being great. As I was trying go to bed last night little guy barely got his kick counts in. It’s just getting stressful for me. He is moving so nicely this morning though. 

I hope that whatever path you choose brings you less stress and a healthy baby.

Also, if kick counts are stressing you out, you might consider not doing them (unless a dr. asks/insists for some reason). I've never done them. My MW is more of a "you know baby's movement patterns, if they change drastically, LMK" person." 

I hope today is the day we get a report of a happy, healthy baby from you!


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11 minutes ago, Eos said:

He's running out of room, so movements will feel tighter - time's almost up!  Eviction notice looming...

When do your kids think he'll be born?  One of mine had a real sense about babies arriving.

I’ll have to ask them. lol at this point I think that they think he will never come. lol

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3 hours ago, Eos said:

He's running out of room, so movements will feel tighter - time's almost up!  Eviction notice looming...

When do your kids think he'll be born?  One of mine had a real sense about babies arriving.

If you were advising me to do kick counts. How often would you ask me to do this? I feel like I want to feel him constantly, but that’s nuts because I never have felt him constantly. Once when I first wake up? Midday? Evening? 3 times a day? Does that seem safe? Reasonable? lol I’m feeling stressed.

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15 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

If you were advising me to do kick counts. How often would you ask me to do this? I feel like I want to feel him constantly, but that’s nuts because I never have felt him constantly. Once when I first wake up? Midday? Evening? 3 times a day? Does that seem safe? Reasonable? lol I’m feeling stressed.

I had one that was pretty active all the time and another that was active in patterns. I really only got concerned if there was a change from that. It happened only once really (near due date), and they did a non-stress test. I didn't know at the time that drinking something sweet could get him moving again. I was just doing what I was told to do, sigh. He was fine. 

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37 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

If you were advising me to do kick counts. How often would you ask me to do this? I feel like I want to feel him constantly, but that’s nuts because I never have felt him constantly. Once when I first wake up? Midday? Evening? 3 times a day? Does that seem safe? Reasonable? lol I’m feeling stressed.

Not a midwife or other birth professional but I would do it at least twice a day, morning and evening. 

I’m giving my opinion this one time and then I will stop and not say another word. If you’re afraid you should feel more kicks, go to the hospital. If your BP is edging up, go to the hospital. If you have an intuitive thought that something is not right, go to the hospital. 

I know it’s up to you and whatever you choose is just that: your choice. But I’m on Team Go. I just want to be sure you and baby are safe. 

I promise that’s my last opinion and the next thing I will say to you will be Congratulations and welcome baby. 

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth86 said:

If you were advising me to do kick counts. How often would you ask me to do this? I feel like I want to feel him constantly, but that’s nuts because I never have felt him constantly. Once when I first wake up? Midday? Evening? 3 times a day? Does that seem safe? Reasonable? lol I’m feeling stressed.

Morning and evening is fine.

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If your history wasn't that your babies have all been at least this late, other than your early induction, I might feel more antsy, but it doesn't seem that this baby is overdue for you. I also don't know your age, which would play into it for me. They did not want me going overdue with my last because of my age and the risks of the placenta degrading earlier. I had a lot of monitoring as I got close to term and we compromised with me agreeing we would induce on my due date if baby hadn't come by then. I was nervous about something going wrong if I waited too long because of my age. I was also extremely concerned an induction would lead to a c-section, but it did not. I think the fact that you have had several vaginal births already works significantly in your favor, even if you did end up with an induction. Especially since your cervix is very favorable at this point.

All that to say, I don't think you are really "overdue" at this point given your past history, but at the same time, I think going in at any time now if you feel the need is totally reasonable as well.

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1 minute ago, KSera said:

If your history wasn't that your babies have all been at least this late, other than your early induction, I might feel more antsy, but it doesn't seem that this baby is overdue for you. I also don't know your age, which would play into it for me. They did not want me going overdue with my last because of my age and the risks of the placenta degrading earlier. I had a lot of monitoring as I got close to term and we compromised with me agreeing we would induce on my due date if baby hadn't come by then. I was nervous about something going wrong if I waited too long because of my age. I was also extremely concerned an induction would lead to a c-section, but it did not. I think the fact that you have had several vaginal births already works significantly in your favor, even if you did end up with an induction. Especially since your cervix is very favorable at this point.

All that to say, I don't think you are really "overdue" at this point given your past history, but at the same time, I think going in at any time now if you feel the need is totally reasonable as well.

Thanks. I’m 36.

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4 minutes ago, KSera said:

Spring chicken 😉😂

lol I had the same thought. I was a few weeks shy of 41 with my last kiddo - the 42 week one. I did start doing biophysical profiles with that one starting at 38 weeks, as a compromise to not inducing. i knew I always cooked late (other than my first, who was NOT ready to be born - tons of issues with sucking/swallowing, skinny, issues regulating himself, etc. he actually had a trip to the NICU even though at 38 weeks plus a few days he was not "early") My 41wk and up babies were just so much more ready to be born. 

But I did know age could impact placenta, so did a bunch of research, particularly in how this was handled in Canada which had more info than anywhere, and went with lots of monitoring. Like you said, if I hadn't had a history of knowing mine take longer to bake, I'd likely have handled it differently. ( I was born 3 weeks late myself!)

Edited by ktgrok
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I hate to mention it because it will stop as soon as I mention it, but dh and I *ahem* ya know this evening and I had several contractions after. I went to shower and had a couple more. I am sitting on my exercise ball timing them and I’ve had 5, 5 minutes apart. I hate to be too optimistic, but 😁. Pray this keeps up!!!

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Ladies! Thank you so much for keeping me company these past few days. I’ve been so nervous, but I feel so encouraged today. I didn’t have any labor to speak of with my last one due to a failed induction and csection, so I haven’t done this is about 7 years. I’ve felt like a new mom here lately. 

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10 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Ladies! Thank you so much for keeping me company these past few days. I’ve been so nervous, but I feel so encouraged today. I didn’t have any labor to speak of with my last one due to a failed induction and csection, so I haven’t done this is about 7 years. I’ve felt like a new mom here lately. 

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I hope today is the day!

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10 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Ladies! Thank you so much for keeping me company these past few days. I’ve been so nervous, but I feel so encouraged today. I didn’t have any labor to speak of with my last one due to a failed induction and csection, so I haven’t done this is about 7 years. I’ve felt like a new mom here lately. 

Aww don’t worry about it. I honestly had trouble figuring out whether I was in labor for all four babies. It’s always different!  All the best. I can’t wait to hear he’s here!

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3 hours ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Ladies! Thank you so much for keeping me company these past few days. I’ve been so nervous, but I feel so encouraged today. I didn’t have any labor to speak of with my last one due to a failed induction and csection, so I haven’t done this is about 7 years. I’ve felt like a new mom here lately. 

I am glad you are encouraged. FWIW, We had 3 kids in 3 years. With #3, we knew I was in labor as I was having consistent contractions. However, they were super short (30 sec.) and far apart (10 minutes). I literally slept between contractions and was grumpy waking up each time. 

That is, until I told DH I needed to move/get out of bed (it was a planned homebirth). The next contraction was the worst contraction I've experienced in all 5 labors. Looking back, it's obvious it was my first pushing contraction and I was fighting that.

And a mere 3 contractions later baby was out! (I could have done it in less, but was trying to wait for the MW...it didn't work.)

You'd think having done it twice recently would have clued me/us in to how far along I was, but nope!

I hope you are holding baby soon!

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