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What do you estimate you have/will have spent on holiday gifts?

What do you estimate you have/will have spent on holiday gifts?  

  1. 1. What do you estimate you have/will have spent on holiday gifts?

    • $1 - $100
    • $100 - $250
    • $250 - $400
    • $400 - $500
    • $500 - $700
    • $700 - $1000
    • $1000 - $1500
    • more than $1500
    • other

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So what color shoes and purse do you match with a pink gun?




Is it a warm pink, or a cool pink. For a warm pink, a lovely winter ivory would be pretty. If it's a cool pink, maybe a navy blue. Since it's for a child, flats instead of heels. My dd has some adorable pink suede boots that would work well with the ivory. With the navy, probably black or navy shoes would be best.



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So what color shoes and purse do you match with a pink gun?




She'll be fashionably "redneck" in a camouflage shirt and jeans, with multi-purpose and comfy purple crocs.


Her purse will be anything that holds enough ammo for a fun afternoon of target practice.


If I know my dd at all. :001_smile:

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Dd11 is getting a pink .22. (PINK! :001_smile: Since the girls are the last in the family to get firearms, I'm sure she'll share with her sister.)


My mother was born in the 30s in a small town. That whole side of the family still goes out hunting for turkey, deer, etc. At least 3 of the families really depend on the supplemental food through the winter.


Anyway, my mom can shoot a .22 and ds here are fascinated by that image of their grandmother! eta: you'd have to see her, she's very dignified and well-dressed always -- so maybe pink would suit her too.

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Answers are skewed by how you count your expenses.


Do you count the hotel, flights, and rental car that are what makes it possible for you to give your family the one thing they asked for--your presence? (And that is *all* they are getting.)


I'm late to the conversation, but I'm so excited I've got to share...


I was Skyping with my sister in the UK on Sunday and she said she so wishes for a large family Christmas. We haven't seen each other in nearly two years. On a whim, I started looking at the costs of flights and one airline had a two-day 40% off Christmas special. So, we're flying to the UK on the evening of the 25th! The 26th is called Family Day here. Quite appropriately as my other sister and cousin and their families are also meeting us in London. It's going to be pretty crowded!


On the 27th we're doing a big family outing. My kids are wishing for snow. They've never seen any.

We were planning to travel later in the year, so this has just moved it forward.

Total cost: just under US$2000

Edited by Hannah
Glaring typo
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So, we're flying to the UK on the evening of the 25th! The 26th is called Family Day here. Quite appropriately as my other sister and cousin and their families are also meeting us in London. It's going to be pretty crowded!


On the 27th we're doing a big family outing. My kids are wishing for snow. They've never seen any.

We were planning to travel later in the year, so this has just moved it forward.

Total cost: just under US$2000



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I spent 1000 total for everything. This is all the children, hubby, grandparents, cards. I also found out a friend of my daughters had no extra cash for Christmas and she has 2 little ones and is far from home. So our family gave them money for the holidays. I feel blessed to be able to have done this.

Edited by Tammy in Germany
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I just did a quick estimate and I am guessing about $600. It is really hard for me to figure because I shop all year around. I bought many things on clearance the day after Christmas and then throughout the year. For that $600 I spent - I probably got $1000 worth of what it would have cost if I just bought it all full cost in December. About $400 of that goes for my 3 kids. That includes half the cost of a Wii, extra controllers and extra game. My oldest ds paid for the other half as a gift to our whole family. The other $200 includes 20 nieces and nephews, 9 sisters and brothers (or their spouses), my mom, dh and I. We don't get big stuff for the extended family. We kept the gifts to about $5 each, but because I shopped sales, clearance or with coupons (Walgreens prescription transfers) - they actually would cost about twice that if not more. I think this next year, that my dh's extended family is going to draw names for the adults. I told them I was fine with that, but I wanted to draw names on Christmas day. That gives us a whole year to shop and get them something really nice for whatever the budgeted price is. Some of them think I am nuts, but I don't care. I would be so frazzled if I had to do all my shopping the week before Christmas.


ETA - I wanted to add that money has been tight for us this past year. It was only in the last month that we got some unexpected cash. My oldest ds offered to help buy the Wii for the younger kids. We decided that it was a generous offer from him to get the Wii for half the cost, so we took the unexpected $$$ and put it towards that. If it hadn't been for those two things happening, there would not be a Wii under our tree this year. We probably should have put that extra money in savings, but sometimes it is nice to have a bit of fun. The rest of it is going to savings (even though a vacations would be nice!)

Edited by Kari C in SC
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I have no problem spending money on my children at Christmas because they don't get anything else during the year, except for birthdays. Honestly, I am surprised at people who spend under $30 on their children. I am sure that opens up a whole can of worms, but there you have it.




I rarely ever buy my kids anything during the year. Earlier this year, while on vacation with extended family, I purchased a pair of earrings for my dd and a cross for my mom. I got them intending to put them away for Christmas gifts. I was showing them to two of my sister in laws and my teenage niece. They couldn't believe I wasn't going to just give them to them right then. I explained that I don't generally give gifts just because it was "a Saturday in June." My niece replied, "My dad does. He buys me whatever I ask for." I was pretty darn shocked. When my dh and I were first married, he told me that he really liked there to be many presents for Christmas. We decided that meant we needed to plan for it year round. By doing this, honestly, I only spent about $50 on my 4 year old and maybe $75 on my 10 year old. They are getting nice stuff, just usually priced on clearance. It is harder for my 19 year old because he wants very specific things. I have to budget for that. He also tells me to forget about him and just buy for the younger kids. I was planning to just get him a tiny gift this year and then I ended up with a digital camera the day after Thanksgiving. He is getting stationed in Alaska and I know he would love a camera. My joy is seeing his joy. That is worth budgeting the extra money. Okay, I have rambled enough. I need to get moving.

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There's an off-color joke in here somewhere, but I'm not going to be the one to make it. :Angel_anim:



Didn't even get the innuendo immediately. Just what I want: a pinky twinkie with a pretty pink weapon! DS,12, has an air soft gun. DS,9, is begging for one as well. Not one single person wants him armed with a weapon, even a Nerf gun!, b/c he's nuts! :lol:

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In the past I've budgeted $1000 for Christmas gifts. This year will be much more, but it's because we're finally getting a big screen TV, and I'm probably getting an iPhone (bday/Christmas combo gift).


This is our last year for Santa so we'll splurge on the kiddos one last time. HoHoHo


ETA: Two oldest went to London in October as part of their Christmas gift. This will be the largest amount of money we've ever spent for holiday season.

Edited by Tracey in TX
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I'm in the grossly excessive camp.


Just paying for Miss Bossy's pony, my new milk cow, and Miss Good's new Nigerian buckling was $4,000. I don't even feel guilty because I had the money saved, and it all went to other homeschooling families who I really want to support. Hopefully it will help make their Christmas as happy as our own.

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With the exception of a basketball and an art kit, I am making all of our Christmas gifts, for about 20 people. I have been crocheting like crazy. :) My Dh bought the yarn, I brought the talent...lol.


This is the first year in many that I am not giving crocheted or sewn gifts. I have just been too stinkin' busy. Enjoy it! :001_smile:

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On a whim, I started looking at the costs of flights and one airline had a two-day 40% off Christmas special. So, we're flying to the UK on the evening of the 25th! The 26th is called Family Day here. Quite appropriately as my other sister and cousin and their families are also meeting us in London. It's going to be pretty crowded!


On the 27th we're doing a big family outing. My kids are wishing for snow. They've never seen any.


Total cost: just under US$2000


Have a great time! Now that's a great way to spend some money!!

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It's interesting how many have spent in the neighborhood of $1000 or upwards, given how often people here talk of budgeting, etc. Both on this board and in my "real life", I'm not seeing how most average folks are truly disaffected by the economy...


I just wanted to comment on this -- not defending or anything, just sharing my perspective.


So far, my husband's business has not been affected by the economy. We are spending the amount you refer to.


I do try to save money on essentials so we have extra for non-essentials. We never go on expensive vacations, we live in an 1,100 sq ft house which will be paid off in three years or less (I personally was shocked by people's mortgages in the other poll), we have no credit card debt, etc. We do go all out at birthdays and Christmas, but we don't buy much for the children during the year, and still much of their Christmas is beneficial stuff I would want them to have even if it weren't a holiday -- a microscope, art supplies, books, audio books, etc.


We buy for our three kids, both sets of parents, my brother/wife/daughter, my husband's sister/husband/two sons. I also buy a few things for friends and things through World Vision.

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It's interesting how many have spent in the neighborhood of $1000 or upwards, given how often people here talk of budgeting, etc. Both on this board and in my "real life", I'm not seeing how most average folks are truly disaffected by the economy...


Maybe the reason they're budgeting so much is so they can spend the $1000 on Christmas.


My friend calls herself "el cheapo" and is proud of it. She budgets like mad and will not spend more then $5 on children's clothing items, which she always buys used. Her reason for budgeting is to buy a second home.


People just like to splurge at different times on different things.

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See in my opinion it is better to keep your own finances the most important thing. Keep on top of your own finances and eventually you will be able to help our economy.


Isn't that where the "if you can afford it" caveat comes in? If you can afford it, then the assumption is that you're already on top of your own finances and you can afford to spend money at Christmas.

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Here's our breakdown:


10 yr old and 8 yr old - about $100 each (they're getting iPod shuffles, some books, and a couple of little things), however, they will get an obscene amount from Bud's brother. He and Bud are the only two in the family, and he's never been married and has no children, so he goes overboard with our kids (we're talking major Lego sets, American Girl, Guitar Hero 4 - you get the idea). It's endearing and frustrating at the same time!


1 yr old - about $30 bucks. She's getting a ride on toy, a couple of books, and some of the older kids toys that have been stashed in the attic. She's one. She'll never know. And ditto on the generous uncle.


Bud and I are spending about $200 on eachother, but mainly because we both have very specific things we want. If there wasn't anything on our list, we'd get a book or a magazine subscription. We don't do big gifts for eachother every year.


Bud's mom - about $1000. Yep. We bought her a computer and a year's worth of cable internet. It's along story because we don't usually give gifts like this, but I think it will be some of the best money we've ever spent.


Add in a couple of gift cards for some other folks, and stocking stuffers and that brings it up another $200 bucks.


So we're right around $1500, not counting the local children we are providing gifts for. The computer put it up there this year.

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Isn't that where the "if you can afford it" caveat comes in? If you can afford it, then the assumption is that you're already on top of your own finances and you can afford to spend money at Christmas.



In my post i quoted someone that said spending would help the economy. I am just saying, if you keep your own finances under control in the long run it may help the economy. FWIW IMO the economy is going to do what its going to do. Might as well make sure your own finances are in order.

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