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Eggs? (Shortage Dec 2022)


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We didn't have any trouble finding them at Trader Joe's before Christmas. 

I've noticed that with shortages, we have better luck with the smaller chains usually over the bigger ones.  Our major grocery store (regional chain part of a national conglomerate) is terrible with stock and has been since the beginning of the pandemic.  Any shortage and they are the first hit.  The more insulated stores, like a small regional chain and a dedicated one, like TJ's, don't suffer the same problems until it's pretty big. 

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16 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Here’s the USDA egg report for Dec 23: https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/Egg Markets Overview.pdf

I think probably regional weather and avian flu are factoring into the PNW supply issues.

It also depends on whether your eggs come from a huge factory farm or not. Those are more likely to have been impacted by the avian flu. 

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3 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

It also depends on whether your eggs come from a huge factory farm or not. Those are more likely to have been impacted by the avian flu. 

Yes….and it affects everyone because it affects overall supply. Right? If Henry and Sally normally shop at Fred Meyers or Winco or Walmart while I normally buy at vegetarian fed and local eggs at New Season’s—Henry and Sally are likely to fill their want for eggs at a different store and head elsewhere to some place like New Season’s which diminishes the stock at New Season’s for the people who normally shop there.

Eggs are one of the few animal proteins my anemic vegetarian-ish kid can and will eat….which is why I have been store hopping. 😞  I will buy my box or two when I find them and leave the rest for others in a similar boat.

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Costco South Bay (NorCal) were out so we went to East Bay to buy and there were plenty. (ETA: Trader Joe’s South Bay stores were out too. Grocery Outlet eggs were pricy)

photo was taken at Costco Sunnyvale 


ETA: went to Whole Foods Los Altos  and the cheaper eggs (over $3 per dozen) were almost sold out but plenty left of those that cost around $6 per dozen.

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They were a little hard to find a couple of months ago, but not impossible.  IIRC there was some type of illness in poultry that caused a lot of stock to be lost at the time. I got a dozen eggs for my Christmas baking last week with no problem- they looked fully stocked. It may just be the fact that people like us, who don’t eat a lot of eggs, bought extra for their Christmas baking and regular distribution & stocking isn’t caught up due to holiday closures. Give it a week and it will probably even out. 

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2 hours ago, Annie G said:

Costco today only had the two dozen packs, and a limit of two. No organic, none of the usual 5 dozen packs. saw someone try to buy three and the cashier would only let him get two. 

It was the opposite at my Costco. No 2dozen packs, so I bought the 5 dozen. This was right before Christmas though. 

We have eggs in the stores, but they are all over $5 a dozen for generic. 

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2 hours ago, HomeAgain said:

We didn't have any trouble finding them at Trader Joe's before Christmas. 

I've noticed that with shortages, we have better luck with the smaller chains usually over the bigger ones.  Our major grocery store (regional chain part of a national conglomerate) is terrible with stock and has been since the beginning of the pandemic.  Any shortage and they are the first hit.  The more insulated stores, like a small regional chain and a dedicated one, like TJ's, don't suffer the same problems until it's pretty big. 

There is a small locally owned grocery chain that gets most of its eggs in state. It’s 20 minutes out of my way, but I try to stop by when I’m in the area. They had plenty of fresh eggs 2 days ago. Prices were a bit higher than normal but less than Aldi and Walmart currently.

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1 hour ago, popmom said:

It was the opposite at my Costco. No 2dozen packs, so I bought the 5 dozen. This was right before Christmas though. 

We have eggs in the stores, but they are all over $5 a dozen for generic. 

Last week Costco had their usual- 2 dozen, both regular and organic, and 5 dozen.  At $5.99 for 2 dozen, it is a good buy. The cheapest I saw at regular grocery stores today was $4/dozen. Publix was $6.59/dozen- their store brand. 

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I’m in Florida on an extended forced vacation (Southwest flight cancellations) and the eggs for sale at the resort are Egglands Best for $4.99 a dozen. I got a1/2dozen of the “cheap” eggs at a local Walmart for $1.99. 
Back home in New Mexico, the “cheap” eggs are nearly $8.00 a dozen at teh grocery store. I get eggs for $4.50 at Family Dollar. In general, there are no supply issues.

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Our flock is currently molting and not producing eggs, so for baking last week I had to actually buy eggs for the first time in a very long time.  I forgot to look at the regular grocery store, but Sam's Club only had the large cases of eggs (6 dozen?) or they had a very small pallet out of 18 count Egglands Best eggs.  No other options, so I picked up the EB's for $7 because I certainly didn't need 6 dozen eggs.  I always get the brown free range eggs when I have to buy eggs, so it was strange to be cracking plain ole' white eggs and thinking that they were more the most expensive eggs I'd bought in recent memory. 

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Supply where I am (Dallas) is fairly reliable, though the case is pretty low at day's end.  I prefer to buy eggs and dairy from Braum's.  Yesterday a dozen "extra large" eggs were $6.69(!).  Braum's cage-free only cost 10 cents more.

My Tom Thumb (Safeway) has a dozen store brand eggs at $4.69.  


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It's been hit or miss in SoCal. Sometimes cleaned out when we have been at TJs and Costco...but definitely limited. DH scored eggs the other day because he was in the warehouse first thing in the morning, but it looked like they were going to run out. This was all before Christmas though. Probably hasn't changed. The workers said that they haven't been able to keep them in stock.

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7 hours ago, 73349 said:

Plenty of eggs everywhere here. I buy pasture-raised, so they're expensive ($7-$9 a dozen), but the cheaper eggs appear to be in stock as well.

Our prices are similar. I have been buying direct from farmers for years. Their prices used to be higher than the store. Not necessarily anymore.

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FYI December 27th report, 3 pages

“Prices for New York eggs are unchanged. Regional and California eggs are up 90 cents for Jumbo, 23 to 90 cents higher for Extra Large, up 22 to 90 cents for Large, 10 to 37 cents higher for Medium, and up 10 cents for Small. The undertone is steady to firm. Offerings are light to moderate. Supplies are light to moderate. Demand is moderate to good. Market activity is moderate to active. Breaking stock offerings are light to very light for the light to moderate demand. Light type fowl offerings are moderate; processing schedules are normal to less than normal.


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Since about a week or two before Christmas, I noticed that a local Trader Joe's was out. I overheard a worker tell another customer that they received a set amount of egg cartons each day "due to the shortage." They stock each morning and once they're out, that's it for the day. I have a feeling the same is happening with Sam's Club as I notice they are out by the time I make it in the evenings. They had a 2 item limit up before the holiday. Aldi has eggs but last I noticed it was like $4.60/ doz. They used to sell them anywhere from $0.99-$1.50/ doz.


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