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How can I think my veterinarian and her staff?


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I changed veterinarians 4 weeks when one of our dogs got very sick.   I had been unhappy with the prior vet and based on excellent reviews, called this vet, and they got us in the next day.  For the past 4 weeks (exactly 4 weeks today) this incredible woman and her staff have done everything possible for our sweet dog.  We have been in for weekly visits and she has called me multiple times to go over lab results and follow up.  She (the vet) consulted with other professionals and researched extensively in her efforts to help our little one.

Monday afternoon (after our regular weekly appt in which things appeared to be improving) our dog started deteriorating, not enough to be seen but just watch closely.  I took her back in this this morning due to worsening symptoms.  She spent an hour with us, did lots of labs, fluids, meds, etc.  

Within hours of being home the unthinkable happened.  Our dog crashed and became comatose on my shoulders.  We rushed her back in and they did all they could to save her.  I had them stop when it became clear that this wasn't going to have a happy ending.  Throughout the entire process today I was always included and encouraged to talk to her, to love on her, and ultimately to hold her until we let her go (she needed help to go to the Rainbow Bridge).   The vet and staff cried with us, hugged us, and truly made the nightmare of this entire experience as positive as it could be.    Our sweet dog was only 9 and had been healthy until now.   We are in shock and devastated.  **our belief is that she had a cancerous tumor that burst today**

I want to thank them.  I want to do something to show my appreciation.  But I am at a loss as to how to do this.  Help me please.   


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My first thought was a sweet letter as you are sharing here- the personal touch would mean so much!  What incredible staff to go so above and beyond in being compassionate and so involved in managing care for your sweet girl. 

I am so sorry for your loss. It makes it even harder when it’s so sudden and unexpected. We lost our sweet pup to dementia just a few years back and it was so sudden and heart-wrenching. 
Thinking of you and sending a prayer as you navigate the shock and loss. 

Hugs from another dog momma who ‘completely’ gets it. 🥹

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When my vet showed exceptional care for one of our pets I wrote her a note saying how important her work is in making the world a better place. Apparently vets have a very high rate of suicide as a profession and I wanted her to hear very clearly not just that I appreciated what she did but that she matters to every voiceless creature she cares for. She is a force for good in the world and not everyone can claim that for sure. 

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5 hours ago, livetoread said:

When my vet showed exceptional care for one of our pets I wrote her a note saying how important her work is in making the world a better place. Apparently vets have a very high rate of suicide as a profession and I wanted her to hear very clearly not just that I appreciated what she did but that she matters to every voiceless creature she cares for. She is a force for good in the world and not everyone can claim that for sure. 

I had no idea about the high rate of suicide in this profession.   How incredibly sad.   I like what you told your vet and will be sure to tell mine the very same thing.  Thank you.

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8 hours ago, livetoread said:

 Apparently vets have a very high rate of suicide as a profession and I wanted her to hear very clearly not just that I appreciated what she did but that she matters to every voiceless creature she cares for. 

I did not know this. One of my vets committed suicide. 😞 I have no doubt it is a very difficult profession.

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Ditto, deepest sympathy on your loss. I am so very, very sorry. 

I would send them a note saying what you did here, along with some type of food for them all to share. It's so kind of you to think of them when you are going through such a difficult time. 

Huge hugs to you.

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I want to thank you all again from the bottom of my heart.  While I want to quote many of you and respond directly, I just don't have the bandwidth to do so.  I am haunted by what happened yesterday when she became catatonic in my arms and the subsequent drive to the vet and then watching her be coded.   We are crushed to lose this little angel way too soon (though it is always too soon, I fully realize).  With her breed and size, she was really just middle aged and should have lived, at a minimum, 6 more years and up to 8-9 wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.    On top of this I spent more hours than I can count researching, trying various things, and truly wearing myself down to a puddle in my efforts to figure out what was wrong and to save her.   While my head knows I didn't fail her, no one has bothered to inform my heart.  And again, I am truly haunted by what happened yesterday afternoon.   My head also knows the pain will get better (though in my opinion the loss of pet never completely heals) my heart hasn't caught up yet.    We have owned dogs before and we currently have another one, but this one that died is truly the sweetest little girl in the entire world.  I have never met a dog with her personality.  One of my kids commented that she was extremely charismatic and that is so true.   Everywhere I took her people commented on it, including her current vet, and past vet.  She just wanted to love you and be loved.  She got both in spades.   She didn't deserve any of this.   Thank you all for the sympathy, suggestions, and support.  I will be writing her vet a letter and getting boxed chocolates for them.  It is truly so little in comparison for what they have done for us.   I am also taking back the unopened cans of her very expensive prescription food for them to either give to other patients struggling to pay for it or to donate to a rescue (same with her unused heart worm pills).    I so wish I could have her back and healthy.  

Edited by Ditto
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@Ditto I'm so sorry for your loss. Your love for this girl is so clear.

I realise it's not for everyone, but I find some comfort after the death of a pet by organising photo memory items. I especially like keychains that have a photo, because you can attach it to the zip of your bag and walk around subtly holding it when you need to.

Thinking of you.

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15 hours ago, Ditto said:

I had no idea about the high rate of suicide in this profession.   How incredibly sad.   I like what you told your vet and will be sure to tell mine the very same thing.  Thank you.


12 hours ago, MercyA said:

I did not know this. One of my vets committed suicide. 😞 I have no doubt it is a very difficult profession.

yes, it can be very very hard, and as much as people here tend to like their vets, MANY people say very cruel things about them, all the time. 

Plus, many who go into vet medicine do so because they are better at dealing with animals than with people - but the job requires them to deal with people - often people who are stressed and at their worst - every day, all day long. 

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I'm so sorry for your loss. A note is always appreciated, but if you want to do something else like food, I'd suggest something savory rather than sweet at this time of year. Clients often bring in cookies, candy, etc - we would have PILES of sweets in the break room in December, but what I remember most are the times a client brought in a bunch of subs, or one who had a few pizzas delivered, or the one who brought in a cooler of assorted cold drinks on ice and one of those variety packs of chips/pretzels/etc. 

You could always ask the receptionist if there are any food allergies/issues to work around, before deciding. They would know, as they likely order food often for the vet. 

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