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This is whiny. I feel terrible


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4/10 of my students have the flu.  I had the flu shot and my flu test was negative but doctor said in his clinical opinion he felt it was very likely that I had it.  I’m coughing constantly.  My whole body hurts down to my eyeballs and hair.  I have no energy.  I have a fever and chills.  I’m queasy and beyond exhausted but having trouble sleeping.  He told me I couldn’t work today or tomorrow and then we’re on break.  I’m worried about being healthy for thanksgiving but honestly don’t really care because the thought of the food makes me feel like puking. It’s just ridiculous and very much a first world issue. 

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4 minutes ago, Terabith said:

4/10 of my students have the flu.  I had the flu shot and my flu test was negative but doctor said in his clinical opinion he felt it was very likely that I had it.  I’m coughing constantly.  My whole body hurts down to my eyeballs and hair.  I have no energy.  I have a fever and chills.  I’m queasy and beyond exhausted but having trouble sleeping.  He told me I couldn’t work today or tomorrow and then we’re on break.  I’m worried about being healthy for thanksgiving but honestly don’t really care because the thought of the food makes me feel like puking. It’s just ridiculous and very much a first world issue. 

That very much sounds like the flu. I'm so sorry! It is terrible to be sick around the holidays. I hope some of your local people will love on you and pamper you while you don't feel well. 

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Since your doctor thinks you actually have the flu, will he prescribe Tamiflu or some other antiviral?  Do they still do that?

It's been a few years, but I found that to significantly shorten the duration of symptoms -- and the sooner you get it, the better.

Edited by DoraBora
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5 minutes ago, DoraBora said:

Since your doctor thinks you actually have the flu, will he prescribe Tamiflu or some other antiviral?  Do they still do that?

It's been a few years, but I found that to significantly shorten the duration of symptoms -- and the sooner you get it, the better.

He offered, but given the side effects of Tamiflu and my medical history, we’re both a little reluctant to go there.  

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Oh, Terabith, I'm so sorry. 

Feeling icky right along with you, but I think cold/strep, not flu (no nausea, and not too achey).  Probably cancelling at least one of our Thanksgivings, and you know what the most annoying part is for me...? Wasting my time off school being sick. I mean, if I'm going to be sick, can't it at least be after when I could get a "get out of school free" card with it?  :sigh: 

Feel better, and get all the rest you need. 

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This is just ridiculous.  I feel dizzy and exhausted every time I try to get out of bed.  My whole body hurts.  My head is pounding.  And my stomach keeps flip flopping in such a way that I’m not sure I’m going to be able to keep what little I’ve eaten down.  I’m just so tired but I feel too achy to sleep and my brain is too muddled to follow a book or a tv show.  Hoping tomorrow is better.  

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Can you put on an audiobook and just hide under the covers, not think, not look at tech, not do anything?


I'm sorry the illness is hitting you this hard. I wouldn't worry about Thanksgiving yet. If you have a spontaneous recovery, maybe then. For now, just focus on creating a retrieval system for that potential $100. Gum, string, stick?

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8 hours ago, Terabith said:

I am also pretty whiny when I don’t feel good. I should be starting to prepare my meager Thanksgiving offerings, but the thought at the moment is not one that seems achievable. 

You are not whiny.  You are explaining how you feel.

And, no offense, but no one is thankful for offering prepared by someone with the flu.  What you need to do is rest, and then either buy something from the store, or ask someone else to pick up something for you.  


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3 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Now I am starting to worry if I’m going to feel remotely well enough for Thanksgiving. Honestly, part of me doesn’t care because even the thought of all the food and all the people makes my stomach rebel.  But tradition. I need to be able to at least fake it.  

You need to take care of yourself.  That's more important than tradition.  

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How is your temperature without any meds? A bad flu is an easy week/ten days. This may not be your year for cooking. 😞 

I can still remember feeling awful and that was 20 years ago. lol Ds was 4 with mono, I had bad flu, dh was finishing his dissertation in an office above the garage, and dd was in first grade. Ds watched videos and played quietly in the family room because he didn't have any energy while I was in bed miserable, I found dh at meal time to fix something, then ds and I napped. When dd came home from school she must've kept an eye on her brother. haha because you always leave your six year old in charge.

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37 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Now I am starting to worry if I’m going to feel remotely well enough for Thanksgiving. Honestly, part of me doesn’t care because even the thought of all the food and all the people makes my stomach rebel.  But tradition. I need to be able to at least fake it.  

Don't think about Thanksgiving.  It's a day on the calendar - just let it go and do it another time or just skip this year.  Try not to stress about it and certainly don't push your body into doing anything it's not ready to do.  Your job now is to rest so you can recover.  

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I’m not running sky high fevers without any meds.  Highest was 101.6.  Mostly it’s staying a smidge under 100 without meds.  I keep going between being freezing cold and hot.  

It is the achiness and the pounding headache and the cough and exhaustion and the nausea that are really doing me in.  This is definitely not the sickest I’ve ever been.  Maybe because of vaccination; maybe just the luck of the draw.  I just don’t feel well enough to want to get out of bed.  



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13 hours ago, Terabith said:

I had a humiliating moment.  Was coughing and lost control of my bladder and peed all over my bed. The cherry on the ice cream of feeling terrible cake. 

I did that from vomiting when I was in the hospital for gastroenteritis long ago. I will never forget the kindness of the nurse who cleaned things up. It made me realize how much human dignity is taken from you when you are sick, and how important it is to remember that as a caregiver.

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9 hours ago, Terabith said:

Now I am starting to worry if I’m going to feel remotely well enough for Thanksgiving. Honestly, part of me doesn’t care because even the thought of all the food and all the people makes my stomach rebel.  But tradition. I need to be able to at least fake it.  

No, no, you don't. Faking takes energy that you need to apply to healing. Rest and don't worry about it.

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48 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Tested negative twice for it, and had confined test last week.  

Got up, ate some crackers, and am ready to go back to bed 

If someone in my house had the flu, I would NOT want to sit at the Thanksgiving table with them. So, in my book, you're doing everyone a favor if you stay in your bedroom until you're most likely not contagious. You wouldn't want to give other family members the flu. That  would  be way worse. They'll miss you, but at least they're less likely to get the flu. 

Hope you're slightly better today!

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