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Thanks, all set now


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I’ve used readers for a few years now but got progressives during the beginning of covid. I didn’t start wearing them daily until this year. Now that I wear them all the time, when I do take them off, I get nauseous when I take them off. But at night I just want them off face unless I’m reading or watching tv. I can’t read without them at all.

Am I just doomed to need to wear them until bedtime forever now? My distance vision isn’t even that bad!

Do people who wear glasses full time wear them “all the time” till bed?


sorry if it’s a dumb question 😉


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I wear mine all day because I will forget where I put them if I take them off, and then I can't drive.  Which causes headaches of a different type.  So, I put them on first thing in the morning, and take them off before bed, and in between they only come off if I am wiping them or in the shower.

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10 minutes ago, Hilltopmom said:

I’ve used readers for a few years now but got progressives during the beginning of covid. I didn’t start wearing them daily until this year. Now that I wear them all the time, when I do take them off, I get nauseous when I take them off. But at night I just want them off face unless I’m reading or watching tv. I can’t read without them at all.

Am I just doomed to need to wear them until bedtime forever now? My distance vision isn’t even that bad!

Do people who wear glasses full time wear them “all the time” till bed?


sorry if it’s a dumb question 😉


Yes. I only take my glases off for sleeping and bathing

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I don't wear mine all the time, though I should wear them more often.  They don't work when I am on my computer because of the distance of my monitors.  The far vision doesn't work because my monitors are too close, and the near vision doesn't work because my monitors are too far away and too far up so I would have to tilt my head at an awkward angle.  I need to get a pair of glass just for at my computer I think.  Then I just forget to put them back on when I am around the house until I go to do something like watch TV or look outside or read.  I guess most stuff I do I don't care if my vision is a bit off around the house.  I have to wear them to drive though, or to read or do needle work, but laundry or whatever it doesn't matter.  I do wear them if I leave the house, but I don't do that very often.

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I take mine off and on throughout the day. When I first got them, it took my brain a bit to adapt, but once it did, I can't tell if I am wearing my glasses or not. Only my reading and far off distant vision is affected, so if I am just doing housework or watching TV, I take them off.

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28 minutes ago, Hilltopmom said:


Do people who wear glasses full time wear them “all the time” till bed?

Yep. Mine are only off when I'm sleeping or bathing. I went straight from not needing glasses at all to needing reading and distance correction. So I my first ever experience with glasses was progressives. I'm one of the lucky ones who had no problem at all adjusting. I love it that I can keep them on all day and don't have to take them on and off all the time. I think having to do that would be very aggravating.

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My eyesight is pretty bad; I have been wearing glasses since I was 5.

I put them on when I wake up unless I am jumping right in the shower. I take them off as I lay my head on my pillow.

I do get a bit nauseous and develop a headache if I strain my eyes right after taking off my glasses. So, I do non-vision-intensive tasks, like making my bed or changing diapers, first thing in the morning without glasses because my eyes haven't adapted to them yet. But even small vision-intensive tasks, like reading a short email on my phone, will hurt my eyes if I recently took off my glasses.

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I’ve been wearing glasses since I was seven or so, and always wore them constantly except for sleeping and bathing.

That’s changed in the last couple of years, since I hit my mid fifties. I started wearing bifocals shortly before then, and at first they worked for reading also, but lately I have better vision for reading without any glasses. 

But in general, yes, glasses on all day. I never had any problems with nausea.

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Years ago I had a stroke which caused problems with my vision and thereafter needed glasses for distance. I'd only wear them while driving and when out and about. Later, I needed readers and after years of that I finally progressed to progressives after I got tired of taking glasses off and on while shopping. I still don't wear my glasses at home during the day. I don't need them for TV or pretty much anything else around the house. I use readers when using my tablet, while reading and anything else that I need to see fine detail for. I just can't get use to my progressives as something I wear all the time. They come off my face as soon as I'm in the door. I fine that I like reading better with readers because they give me more range of movement with my eyes vs the small part of my progressives. It's curious, though, that you get sick after wearing them all day. If I do wear mine all day because I'm out all day, I'm fine, but then again I'm not really reading with them either. Eventually, I will reach a point where I need my glasses all day so I'm curious if that will happen to me too. I guess I could give it a try for experiment sake. 

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I wonder if the issue is that they're progressives? I hated progressives, the constantly shifting focus made me feel seasick and even after I sort of got used to them, then I'd feel seasick when I took them off, just like once you get used to being on a boat, you can sometimes feel a reverse seasickness when you get off. I went back to separate glasses and readers, and don't have that problem anymore. I can take them on and off, switch glasses etc., with no issues.

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51 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I'm nearsighted, so I wear my glasses all the time, unless I'm reading.  I take them off to read, but otherwise, if I'm awake, they are on my face.  

Same! I’ve worn glasses (or contacts) since 3rd grade and I have to have them to function, so I wear them all the time. 

Only exception, lately I have to take my glasses of to read (darn getting older!). So I take my glasses off to read, but then I can’t always find them because I’m practically blind without them. It’s become a game in my house to help mom find her glasses 🤦‍♀️

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57 minutes ago, Hilltopmom said:


Do people who wear glasses full time wear them “all the time” till bed?

I have been told not to by my general/family practitioners and my ophthalmologists. Their advice was that I could do without my glasses when taking strolls. My nearsightedness is low enough for me to cross roads safely and pay money for purchases. The reason is that doing without glasses when it’s safe to do so would be good exercise for my eyes, else they get lazy. I did have lazy eye (amblyopia). My guess is that it is similar reasoning to looking somewhere far every 45 mins when reading.
I have slept with glasses on but that’s because I used to sleep in class.

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I wear progressives (reading prescription only) most all day. I can’t see the dashboard in the car without them. I can’t see to cook. Even the ground right in front of me is blurry. So, I leave them on. I have better closeup vision in just my eye glasses (no contacts or readers) than I do in just contacts without readers. 

They are so expensive. I just either have them on or in their case, so they never get lost. 

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6 minutes ago, Just Kate said:

Only exception, lately I have to take my glasses of to read (darn getting older!). So I take my glasses off to read, but then I can’t always find them because I’m practically blind without them. It’s become a game in my house to help mom find her glasses 🤦‍♀️

I’m guilty of using my glasses (especially sunglasses) as hairbands since young. That makes it easier for me to not misplace them. 

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1 hour ago, Hilltopmom said:

Do people who wear glasses full time wear them “all the time” till bed?

I have had glasses full time for decades, and I wear them from getting up until bed (I take them off to shower).

I now have graduated to progressives, and yes, I wear them all the time, unless asleep or swimming. I got them because I wasn't able to see the food on my plate clearly,  or grade papers on the desk.


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48 minutes ago, Tap said:

I take mine off and on throughout the day. When I first got them, it took my brain a bit to adapt, but once it did, I can't tell if I am wearing my glasses or not. Only my reading and far off distant vision is affected, so if I am just doing housework or watching TV, I take them off.

This is me.   I take my glasses off when I get home and rarely put them on again until I leave the house.   I can read my kindle without them, my mid range vision is OK and I hate wearing glasses.  I did go to bifocals as I could not tolerate progressive lenses

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16 minutes ago, Just Kate said:

Same! I’ve worn glasses (or contacts) since 3rd grade and I have to have them to function, so I wear them all the time. 

Only exception, lately I have to take my glasses of to read (darn getting older!). So I take my glasses off to read, but then I can’t always find them because I’m practically blind without them. It’s become a game in my house to help mom find her glasses 🤦‍♀️

Yeah, my husband has to help find them pretty regularly.  He’s actually our house find it person.  

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Progressives made me horribly dizzy. I had to get single type glasses since my distance vision is really not bad. I really just needed them for reading, etc.  I wonder if the dizziness is making you sick?  They told me it would get better but after a few weeks, it didn't, and I gave up.

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1 hour ago, Innisfree said:

I’ve been wearing glasses since I was seven or so, and always wore them constantly except for sleeping and bathing.

That’s changed in the last couple of years, since I hit my mid fifties. I started wearing bifocals shortly before then, and at first they worked for reading also, but lately I have better vision for reading without any glasses. 

But in general, yes, glasses on all day. I never had any problems with nausea.

This, pretty much exactly.  Except I was six and I got progressives in my mid forties.


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I’m extremely nearsighted, but rarely wear my glasses at home and I work from home. So most of the day I do not have them on. Ever since I got glasses in seventh grade, except for the years I wore contacts, I’ve always taken my glasses off to read and I still don’t need reading glasses.

On the other hand, before my husband had laser surgery, he put his glasses on first thing in the morning and took them off last thing at night. But he had very bad eyesight from a young age whereas mine slowly got bad over a very long period of time and so I guess I just adjusted. I actually prefer not seeing everything perfectly clearly at all times.

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2 hours ago, Loowit said:

I don't wear mine all the time, though I should wear them more often.  They don't work when I am on my computer because of the distance of my monitors.  The far vision doesn't work because my monitors are too close, and the near vision doesn't work because my monitors are too far away and too far up so I would have to tilt my head at an awkward angle.  I need to get a pair of glass just for at my computer I think.  Then I just forget to put them back on when I am around the house until I go to do something like watch TV or look outside or read.  I guess most stuff I do I don't care if my vision is a bit off around the house.  I have to wear them to drive though, or to read or do needle work, but laundry or whatever it doesn't matter.  I do wear them if I leave the house, but I don't do that very often.

The next time you get updated glasses, know that it's possible for them to adjust the part of the lenses that are for the computer distance to make it work better for you. Talk to the optician about it. You may find that you still want a separate pair just for the computer, but maybe not!

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The only time I wear my progressive lens glasses are when I’m in a lecture setting and need to be able to both see the speaker/screen and the notes I’m taking/reading, or at the grocery where I need to both read labels and see overhead signage. If I wear progressives driving, I often feel seasick. 

When I am driving or going to a movie or performance, I wear non-progressive regular lens glasses. I can read best without any correction. Just hanging around the house or working at my desk, I go without vision correction; I wore contact lens for so many years I get tired of the feeling of glasses on my face. I still wear contacts at times, but to correct for distance I have to add readers, so I still end up carrying glasses!  I have three pairs of glasses (plus readers in various strengths) that I generally rotate through. 

OP, when I got my first pair of progressives, my eye doctor told me that for the first several weeks I should put them on first thing in the morning and not take them off til bedtime, that way my brain and body could make the adjustment. As someone mentioned upthread, once my brain “learned” how to work with those glasses, it stuck and I don’t get headaches when switching pairs. 

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Daily eye glasses wearer since elementary school. 

You shouldn't have that type of reaction unless there is something wrong with your eyes or glasses prescription.

And yeah, I've had some bad prescriptions,  and stuff with my eyes that left me walking into walls when I'd have sworn I was walking straight. 


I hated my first pair of progressives.  I hate bifocals because I have no midrange vision. 

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Yes, full time means all the time. I certainly wear mine all the time, and did so even as a child when I could see without them. (Now my eyesight is so bad that I'm honestly blind without them, so going without is no longer an option, but like most people my eyes worsened as I got older.)

However... while it's common for a new prescription to make you feel slightly dizzy or perhaps even a little nauseated when you first put the glasses on, that should pass within a few days of wearing them. If you've had these glasses for weeks or months and continue to feel queasy when you take them off, that's not something I've heard of before as normal and you should speak to your eye doctor about it. My best guess is that this is specifically an issue because you're using progressives, and you might not have the same problem with bifocals or with simply having two pairs of glasses.

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