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The newest member of our kitty family


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He has been living in and around our yard for a year or more. We've slowly been taming him but it's been a very gradual process. Yet, when the hurricane was about to come through, we managed to encourage him to ride it out in our garage. Well since we already had him "caged", I decided to take him to the vet once the hurricane was past. Unfortunately, he was not quite as tame as I had hoped. Up until this point, he would let us pet him when we fed him. He even looked forward to that part and wanted it before he would eat so I thought he was ready to move on to the next step.  Instead the vet was difficult for him and I felt so bad, even though I knew it was what he needed I felt like a really bad person. I lost a lot of trust with him that day.

Anyway, we decided to turn him into an indoor kitty. It is definitely a work in progress. He's not asking to go out and that's huge. Our mama cat howled and whined for two solid weeks before she quit. He asked, very politely, twice. He loves the other cats. He's definitely a cat's cat but humans, not so much. I finally found a toy that he loves beyond all reason and since it's a toy I have to play with him, it has started to break down his walls little by little. He's starting to explore more of the house and coming to us for pets. Not a lot but it's a start. We still have to wait for him to come to us but I'm so glad to see progress. He follows the other cats' lead and has quickly learned the quirks of living in our house, such as when and where to be to get treats. He's such a sweet little boy. We know he is half brother to one of our cats and very likely is her brother/uncle since it's quite possible he's half sibling to our mama cat, as well. The neighborhood tom gets around quite a bit and since he only has half of a tail, his offspring are easy to identify.

So everyone, meet Blaze.


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1 minute ago, Jenny in Florida said:

What a handsome beastie! Congrats on the new family member.

Figured you might enjoy seeing our Stitch, who has very similar coloring, although a shorter coat. (He was keeping an eye on me, the dog and our other cat while I was exercising on the screened patio this morning.)


He would fit right in with our guys! I love how his face markings make him look like he's smirking. LOL Thanks for sharing. He's one handsome little dude! 

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