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Technology and the elderly


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Some may remember my aunt who suddenly began having major memory and cognitive issues last summer.  Surprisingly, she's doing much better.  She was diagnosed with low B12 levels and taking supplements along with some coping mechanisms she has developed seem to be helping a lot.  This summer our major problem centers around technology.

She has an iPad and a cell phone.  The iPad she seems to primarily use for jigsaw puzzles.  The cell phone she uses as a phone but also reads her email and receives texts.  She is frequently getting agitated over texts and emails because she will read something, then not remember how to reread it.  She calls me and gets angry if I can't solve the problem.

I think we've got the email figured out.  We can copy it all to me as a separate folder that way if she needs me to I can see it, too.

Texts are another story.  Is there anyway to have texts automatically duplicated and forwarded to another phone.  In the past week her cable company (in a different state) and her homeowners association has given her info through texts that we/she needed but it turned a simple thing into a big deal because she either deleted the texts or couldn't remember that they were texts and couldn't find them again. 

Right now she lives about 20 minutes from me which means I am driving back and forth frequently only to solve electronics issues.  I told my dh I was going to throw them in the pond by her condo  - j/k, mostly.  In a month she will be 12 hours away for the winter.  I need to get this figured out before then.

How have you dealt with this stuff with aging and confused people?

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I wonder if you could use a service meant for kids — the ones that monitor texts and emails, and forward everything to the parent? That may allow you an option to do some tech support from long distance, too.

Edited by Spryte
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My mother, aged 83, is in the same boat - though she couldn't figure out the iPad. She has a PC for emails - which works ok excpet when google changes their 'look and feel' a little. She ended up ditching her smart phone so she doesn't have to deal with texts anymore, and went to a landline phone and flip phone. Problem solved! 😉 

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I've set up my dad's iPhone so he can also get texts on his iPad.  That's easier for him.  In fact, I have my own texts directed to my laptop as well as my phone.  I much prefer typing anything on a regular keyboard if I happen to be on my computer!  

In any event, by doing it this way, she'll always have a copy on another device.

ETA:  I also have a copy of all of my Dad's passwords.  So if he can't find his phone, for example, I can go to his Apple cloud on my laptop and find where he left it, or help him with online banking issues, etc.

Edited by J-rap
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3 hours ago, Bambam said:

Is there any way to convince whatever companies to go back to paper communication? Or is it possible to change her number for text and email communications to your info? 

Paper doesn't help because she really can't comprehend most writing very well.  I'm updating the phone and email to mine as much as she will let me but there are a few things that are constantly slipping through the cracks.

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4 hours ago, calbear said:

there are apps that will link for Android phones to Windows if she doesn't have an iPhone. For example, messages by Google will work.


Thank you for this.  She has an Android phone so maybe I can make this work. 

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