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Name a completely irrelevant thing that bothers you more than it should.

Excelsior! Academy

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13 hours ago, Storygirl said:

I am hyper sensitive to noises and despise the sound of people sniffing. Or snorting. Ugh, snorting! Gross!

DH has started clearing his throat more often, and that is irritating, too. I hope he doesn't turn into a throat-clearing, sniffing, snorting old man.

I realize that other people don't even notice these things.

This. We were at a car dealership waiting for repairs for hours and this guy was just sitting there snorting and sneezing for an hour.  My family didn't even notice. I couldn't believe it. I was so grossed out I could hardly focus on the thing I was reading.

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Oh, I know. People who write in textbooks. I am seriously irrationally upset about this.  It's one thing if they write helpful things like correcting errors, etc. but I have a math book where someone scribbled illegible partial answers next to problems in the teacher book and I just rage-erase them all.  I'm weird.

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I knew if I opened this thread it would make me think of all sorts of things that annoy me.

-wasting things- time, money-- not just because I'm somewhat cheap because I see it as inefficient-- ie planning trips together, repurposing items/foods

-cutting in line-- if there is a line you need to be in line it is not fair to those who have been waiting. 

-not following the rules-- I very much hate stupid rules but expect that I have to follow them in a public place around other people. I was very happy in Tower Bridge when the guy up top made sure everyone stayed off the windows during the boats passing because people were oblivious or rude, I don't know which. 

- people taking pictures in scenic locations who think they own the place and block a whole area--- like the girl and her mom who decided to block the entire area of walkway in front of Stone Henge doing some sort of model shoot with 100s of pictures. Or the couple that blocked the sidewalk in front of the Westminster Abbey. Dh thought I was so rude at first but now agrees with me. If you are in a high traffic/popular area you don't own the place. Either you take a picture where it is less crowded or expect there will be other people in your picture. I think people take entirely too many pictures in the first place but there are also way too many self-centered picture takers. And selfie sticks should be banned.



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51 minutes ago, LuvToRead said:

Using I's instead my.  Such as "Today is John and I's anniversary".  I just do not understand why!!! 

Grammar police warning…👮

Yes…Thank you for inviting John and ME ME ME to the party. 

And…We appreciate your coming. (Not you). 

Or….Give the document to John or me (not myself).

What if you were speaking to a large crowd, and you were giving instructions? If you left out John would you say, “Please give the final, edited copy to myself.” ?

Ok. I’m allowed to be annoying about this because this is about a thread of things that are annoying. 😛 So you can be irrationally or rationally mad at this post. 

Oh, has the Oxford comma already been mentioned? If not……..🚓🚓🚓

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11 hours ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

Dust. Dust everywhere. My aforementioned new house is in a neighborhood that is basically one giant construction zone and I live in a very windy place. 

Oh, that's brutal. We have forced air heat with a new furnace (just before the pandemic). It's so, so dusty! We've had forced air for years, but I thought the more efficient furnace would be less dusty, but I actually have more dust than when we lived in a house with a much less efficient furnace and had a wood stove!!! It's gross, and I can't put out anything pretty that can't be washed on the regular (so no nice pillows, etc.) because they'll just get ruined. They convinced us to try some fancy air filter that is supposed to be easier on the system but still filter out the allergens. Apparently they have no idea that dust is an allergen. 


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People who can't follow the zipper merge when a lane closes and insist everyone should have already been in the open lane. It makes for dangerous backed up lanes when people don't zipper merge.

People who automatically move into the left lane when they merge on an interstate regardless of whether they're passing anyone or even going the speed limit then refuse to move over if other traffic wants to move faster.


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16 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

I mean, they're not irrelevant. But "bothers me more than they should" ?



My thing is, I work from home. They do NOTHING from home. Except they're in the bathroom when I need to use it, they drink the Brita water without refilling it, they're just always there. 

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The pristine living room no one is allowed to use. 

My house obviously doesn't have that (I turned it into a playroom), but it bugs me even at other people's houses. 

Also fireplaces taking up the perfect spot in a room. I have 2 in my CA house, both of them are blocked now. One by storage units and the other is a large clutter magnet. 

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When you are in a that is on but still parked and the other person needs to get out to get something and they LEAVE THE CAR DOOR OPEN .... so the binging things goes "bing ....bing .....bing..." until you want to scream!

Also, when people freak out over having their taxes postmarked by April 18 (or whatever that year's date is). I mean, people actually stand in line for hours to get their taxes to the post office just so it has the right date stamp on it. Do they really think that there is someone who works for the IRS and sorts out the envelopes that say April 19th or 20th? And then that person .... what .... calculates the penalty you will receive for being 2 days late? And what if they owe you money .... would they deduct the penalty?

I literally HATE when people say "you HAVE TO get it by the 18th! The IRS will fine you if you don't!!" Ahhh gotta love sheeple.

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15 hours ago, sassenach said:

This is a total midwest thing. Not everyone from the midwest does it but everyone who does it is from the midwest.

People in Pennsylvania do it too. The wood needs stacked. Drove me up a wall! Thankfully I have never heard it in the Northeast.

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19 hours ago, SusanC said:


My irrational annoyance is people refusing to use the invisible "zones" I have in my fridge. Leftovers should always go on the top left or they won't get eaten! Don't put short things in the tall drinks area! This shelf in this door is for condiments, but *that* shelf in that door is for spicy condiments! It's called a cheese drawer for a reason, people!

I got so fed up with the other members of this household not utilizing my invisible but obviously superior refrigerator organizing systems that I labeled 2 drawers as “cheese” and “not cheese” (so, lunch meat, hummus etc). One person noticed within a couple days and made a non-snarky comment on my intelligence, the other took over a week to notice and laughed. Guess who manages to use the system? Still just me. My goodness people just stop putting the cheese in the not-cheese drawer already! I'm rapidly losing faith in the non female portion of our species.

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18 hours ago, elegantlion said:

I am bothered by the fact I can't find my Kraken Black Roast rum in my town. 

Have you tried Old Monk? One of DS's friends brought us a bottle from India and it is amazing. We are drinking it mixed with a bit of pineapple juice, soda water and crushed mint and ginger over ice. Mmmmm…… 🙂 


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4 hours ago, Tree Frog said:

People who can't follow the zipper merge when a lane closes and insist everyone should have already been in the open lane. It makes for dangerous backed up lanes when people don't zipper merge.

People who automatically move into the left lane when they merge on an interstate regardless of whether they're passing anyone or even going the speed limit then refuse to move over if other traffic wants to move faster.



Signal lights in cars- either they leave them on so you aren't sure if they want to merge into your lane or just forgot to turn it off. Conversely, people who don't seem to know that there is a magic stick on the steering column that when engaged allows other drivers to know that you are about to move right in front of them. 😑

Vehicle-adjacent: people who park their shopping carts in the middle of the aisle, blocking anyone from going past them.

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My off-the-top-of-my-head list:

  • People who walk on the "wrong" side of the sidewalk or other walkway. I walk with my dog a couple of times each day, and our habit is to hug the right side of the walkway (as though I were driving). It seems like most people in the U.S. sort of stick to that practice, and if everyone did, foot traffic would move more smoothly. Every now and then, however, I'll run into someone walking towards me on "my" side of the walkway showing no sign of adjusting so we can easily pass each other. For the record, I do understand that my "right" side of the walkway is U.S.-centric, but I'm talking mostly about people who live in my neighborhood, not tourists from out of town.
  • People (who shall remain nameless) who leave lights on all the time in rooms empty of people. I understand that, with LED bulbs, the actual energy drain is pretty small, but I grew up in California in the 1970s and had these basic anti-waste habits drilled into my brain, and this just bugs me.
  • People who don't adjust their sprinklers and end up showering water mostly on the sidewalk or street. In addition to the waste of the water (see comment above about California 1970s environmentalism), it means that I have to walk in the street to avoid getting soaked.
  • Oh, also, people who park cars blocking the sidewalk. I'm not talking about the occasional situation when you're having a party or something, but just as a matter of course, day after day. Again, it means that anyone attempting to use the sidewalk ends up having to detour into the street (or squeeze in front of the parked car and trudge across the yard). 
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Women's clothes in impractical fabrics.  Husband and I have equivalent cargo trousers from the same shop. His are easy to wash  cotton, whilst mine are a cotton and lyocell mix that picks up stains very easily.



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17 hours ago, sassenach said:

This is a total midwest thing. Not everyone from the midwest does it but everyone who does it is from the midwest.


14 hours ago, Lawyer&Mom said:

Pretty sure this is ultimately a German thing.  (I have family in Wisconsin that still say “Come here once!” an almost direct translation of “Kommt mal her!”)

I'm from south-eastern Pennsylvania and a lot of people do this.  The German heritage makes sense.

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21 hours ago, Excelsior! Academy said:

I'll go first.  They discontinued Lipstick Queen's Frog Prince.  It took me years to find a decent shade of lipstick that was flattering and did not dry out my lips. I am bothered more by this than one should be.

Oooh, I loved that one. I wore it 2016-2018 a LOT and then it became hard to find. I really hate that Morphe bought them. Good cool undertoned raspberry pinks are SO hard to find.

FWIW, I hear that you can sometimes find that shade still at TJMaxx or Marshall's. 

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20 minutes ago, sassenach said:

Uh oh, lol. By the PA responses I'm going to guess that PA people don't consider themselves as midwest? 

If it weren’t for that tiny strip of Delaware that curves over the bay Pennsylvania would be touching the Atlantic Ocean.  

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3 minutes ago, Danae said:

If it weren’t for that tiny strip of Delaware that curves over the bay Pennsylvania would be touching the Atlantic Ocean.  

So would you say that my lack of PA geography knowledge is a completely irrelevant thing that bothers you more than it should?

jk, jk


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53 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

My off-the-top-of-my-head list:

  • People who walk on the "wrong" side of the sidewalk or other walkway. I walk with my dog a couple of times each day, and our habit is to hug the right side of the walkway (as though I were driving). It seems like most people in the U.S. sort of stick to that practice, and if everyone did, foot traffic would move more smoothly. Every now and then, however, I'll run into someone walking towards me on "my" side of the walkway showing no sign of adjusting so we can easily pass each other. For the record, I do understand that my "right" side of the walkway is U.S.-centric, but I'm talking mostly about people who live in my neighborhood, not tourists from out of town.
  • People (who shall remain nameless) who leave lights on all the time in rooms empty of people. I understand that, with LED bulbs, the actual energy drain is pretty small, but I grew up in California in the 1970s and had these basic anti-waste habits drilled into my brain, and this just bugs me.
  • People who don't adjust their sprinklers and end up showering water mostly on the sidewalk or street. In addition to the waste of the water (see comment above about California 1970s environmentalism), it means that I have to walk in the street to avoid getting soaked.
  • Oh, also, people who park cars blocking the sidewalk. I'm not talking about the occasional situation when you're having a party or something, but just as a matter of course, day after day. Again, it means that anyone attempting to use the sidewalk ends up having to detour into the street (or squeeze in front of the parked car and trudge across the yard). 

I’m also a product of 1970’s California environmentalism and drought, and these are ingrained in me as well. 

Also, having grown up on the Pacific where undertow regularly sweeps people away, it was also ingrained in me to Never Turn Your Back To The Ocean. We now live on protected and nearly always calm-ish part of the Atlantic where the threat isn’t as imminent but I can’t shake it. Seeing people stand right next to the edge, facing away from the water, makes me want to rush over and yell at them. I don’t, of course, but I do still mostly adhere to the warning. 

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I've been looking at a lot of roofs lately, making design decisions for my own.

Some people don't line up their solar panels or they mix and do some picture array and some landscape array on the same roof. What kind of craziness is that? How do you even get those on the rack like that? I mean you might as well arrange them like some sort of giant smiley face or something on the roof. I think I might do a patch of blue shingles to make it look like water, arrange the solar panels in a circle, and then do something like the Headington Shark. 😂 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headington_Shark


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2 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Also, having grown up on the Pacific where undertow regularly sweeps people away, it was also ingrained in me to Never Turn Your Back To The Ocean. We now live on protected and nearly always calm-ish part of the Atlantic where the threat isn’t as imminent but I can’t shake it. Seeing people stand right next to the edge, facing away from the water, makes me want to rush over and yell at them. I don’t, of course, but I do still mostly adhere to the warning. 

This bothers me too.  We had a double red flag this weekend, due to bad rip tides. The surfers in wet suits all dutifully headed in, but out-of-staters were letting their young kids bob about, no life jackets, no supervision.  No lifeguards and beach patrol can't be everywhere, so I'm sure we'll have more drownings this year, just like we do every year. 

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4 hours ago, Clarita said:

Also fireplaces taking up the perfect spot in a room. 

We ripped one out in our current house for this reason. It was not in great shape, so it went. We have so many more furniture options now. 🙂 

1 hour ago, Kanin said:

People in Pennsylvania do it too. The wood needs stacked. Drove me up a wall! Thankfully I have never heard it in the Northeast.

Sorry to drive you up a wall, but yes, it's definitely something they say in PA.

1 hour ago, sassenach said:

Spin-off, please enlighten this Californian. What’s considered the Midwest? Is PA? 


1 hour ago, MEmama said:


This is gonna get fun…🤣


14 minutes ago, Danae said:

If it weren’t for that tiny strip of Delaware that curves over the bay Pennsylvania would be touching the Atlantic Ocean.  

But yet, people from states touching the ocean flip out if you try to say that PA is a mid-Atlantic state. It's as Atlantic as a lot of CA, Oregon, and Washington are west coast, lol!!! 

It's Appalachian but not. It's not New England. It's kind of a Great Lakes state but not.

Really, being called midwestern is just scary...PA folk move to the midwest and don't fit in. I live in the midwest, and I went to school here too; I found it much easier to relate to and talk to students from CA than OH by far. DH is from CA, and we have people-y things we do that just don't fit in the midwest but would be at home in either CA or PA. 

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19 minutes ago, sassenach said:

So would you say that my lack of PA geography knowledge is a completely irrelevant thing that bothers you more than it should?

jk, jk


Nope.  I’m from the Midwest.  I don’t care what people know or don’t know about PA.

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Adding these as it has been a few bad days at work.  I might delete my rant later. 

Pandamic animals- people why did you even bother to adopt one if you plan to just surrender the animal in the end.  Our shelters are overfilled, our rescues are maxed out and places are receiving calls daily to surrender.

Due to my work-  No dog deserves to be matted and knotted.  Especially to a few clients your dog deserves to have a haircut as often as you do your hair.  

Dogs/cats are not meant to be vegan or vegetarian.  I don’t care how many beans you feed it, I can show you how bad their coats are.  They are not people and have different dietary concerns. Actual conversation from yesterday.  These poor animals are suffering and they don’t have a medical condition for their “diet”.  

Don’t argue with me on my pricing.  You don’t argue with your hair dresser. And they don’t even get all up in your neither regions when they do your hair like I do for your pet. 



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18 hours ago, sassenach said:

This is a total midwest thing. Not everyone from the midwest does it but everyone who does it is from the midwest.

16 hours ago, Lawyer&Mom said:

Pretty sure this is ultimately a German thing.  (I have family in Wisconsin that still say “Come here once!” an almost direct translation of “Kommt mal her!”)

2 hours ago, Kanin said:

People in Pennsylvania do it too. The wood needs stacked. Drove me up a wall! Thankfully I have never heard it in the Northeast.

I live in the Midwest, in a German-founded town, surrounded by Amish who speak Pennsylvania Dutch.

Can confirm that we do this, all the time. 🙂 

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Twenty year old children who walk in complain about being so hungry they’re starving but won’t touch the salad, cucumbers, cornbread, or mandarin oranges and get snippy when you tell them not to eat all the meat and rice. (But I’m starrrving!!!!)

Edited by fairfarmhand
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