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s/o covid smack on face - how many "levels" are there and recovery times? UPDATE - faint line only (it's slowly going away!)


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I've read mild, moderate, severe.  Is that right?  It seems everyone processes this virus differently, to a point.  Still, I'm trying to understand what level dh and I were at/are at.  

DH - symptoms July 7, definitely by July 8 with 48 hour fever.  Spiked to 102.5 for a few hours.  Tired, not as hungry.  Coconut-taste.
Me - symptoms July 9.  Fever 48 hours and spiked to 101.2 (still considered low grade) for a few hours.  Tired, not as hungry.  Salt taste.

We took Shiloh on a short .8 mile walk Saturday afternoon to get out.  That was all we were able to do stamina-wise.  

For those of you with covid, are you still making meals, doing wash, etc?   

I was making meals and now we've ordered out last 2 nights.  I realized I should not even try to "keep" my usual routine.  Rest and recover is what we need to do.  But, those dirty clothes are growing.  LOL!   

If you've had covid, what were your symptoms?  How do they align with dh and I above?  Were you tired?   For how long?   WHEN DID YOU GAIN STRENTGH, STAMINA AND ENERGY BACK?

Edited by sheryl
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I  was exhausted for 15  days.  I had fever on and off for 10  days. There are days where I still feel off,  but part of that is that I can't sleep in the day, like I can not nap - not ever,  but  I feel like I need a nap about every three days. (I also broke two bones in my foot on day 17 after Covid so that is a contributing factor to the constant ick feeling)

Dh was exhauseted for 3 days. He worked out on day 7 and resumed all normal stuff after that. 

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My younger kids only felt bad a couple of days. My young adults were sick for two solid weeks, fever, exhaustion to the point they could barely brush their their teeth, headaches and body aches, lost taste and smell. Dh and I were sick like that too for two solid weeks, but unlike our young adults we didn’t wake up day 15 feeling like our old selves. It was at least a month before dh and I got fully back to our routines. Our younger kids kept the house from falling down and fetched and carried for the sickest of us for those two weeks dh and I could not do anything.

the second time we got covid was much less dramatic 

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I haven't had covid, but the rest of our house has.

Youngest ds (2 shots of the children's vaccine)- quite sick for 2 weeks with what felt like the flu, months-long recovery after (15 hour/day sleeping, worn out fast, poor short term memory, mental health issues due to a sudden lack of ability and coping with that)

Oldest ds (3 shots)- Sick for 4 days with flu/bad cold-like symptoms, still feels a little tired now and then 2 weeks later

Dh (3 shots)- didn't even know he was sick.  Tested to make me feel better about knowing status of everyone in the house.

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Mine was mild in that I never had fever, no cough, felt like a cold, mainly head congestion. I did nap more. I mostly stayed quarantined in the master bedroom when dh or my youngest were home. I did not make them food. When they were at work, I put on my N95 and did a little laundry, did a little care for my disabled kid, got food for me, but otherwise did not linger in the rest of the house. I napped more than usual--2 naps a day early on, a daily afternoon nap the second week. By day 6 or 7 I started doing some gentle yoga. Day 8 I got back on the treadmill for 30 min of walking, a half mph slower than usual. On the day I tested negative (day 12) I was back to a full speed walk on the treadmill. I think of the whole thing as mild like a cold, but perhaps a bit on the long side to test negative, though I felt pretty much normal the last 2 or 3 days of that 12 day period. I still like an afternoon nap, but I was pretty sleep deprived by the end of the school year and I like a nap in normal, pre-Covid days too.

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59 minutes ago, sheryl said:

I've read mild, moderate, severe.  Is that right?  It seems everyone processes this virus differently, to a point.  Still, I'm trying to understand what level dh and I were at/are at.  

DH - symptoms July 7, definitely by July 8 with 48 hour fever.  Spiked to 102.5 for a few hours.  Tired, not as hungry.  Coconut-taste.
Me - symptoms July 9.  Fever 48 hours and spiked to 101.2 (still considered low grade) for a few hours.  Tired, not as hungry.  Salt taste.

We took Shiloh on a short .8 mile walk Saturday afternoon to get out.  That was all we were able to do stamina-wise.  

For those of you with covid, are you still making meals, doing wash, etc?   

I was making meals and now we've ordered out last 2 nights.  I realized I should not even try to "keep" my usual routine.  Rest and recover is what we need to do.  But, those dirty clothes are growing.  LOL!   

If you've had covid, what were your symptoms?  How do they align with dh and I above?  Were you tired?   For how long?   WHEN DID YOU GAIN STRENTGH, STAMINA AND ENERGY BACK?

This is day 7 for us. Everyone seems fine except me. I was pregnant and miserable before, but COVID has slowed me down a lot more. The laundry, the dishes, I just can't. We are eating just whatever too. Can't remember the last time we ate a vegetable. It's all I can do to get up and walk through the house. Food was hard just being pregnant and now that I can't taste food is so hard. I'm just praying each day passes I'm so miserable all day long. I've shed many tears.

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44 minutes ago, lmrich said:

I  was exhausted for 15  days.  I had fever on and off for 10  days. There are days where I still feel off,  but part of that is that I can't sleep in the day, like I can not nap - not ever,  but  I feel like I need a nap about every three days. (I also broke two bones in my foot on day 17 after Covid so that is a contributing factor to the constant ick feeling)

Dh was exhauseted for 3 days. He worked out on day 7 and resumed all normal stuff after that. 

This is helpful info. and MUCH appreciated!  I'm sorry you're going through this, too.  I fully understand!  I can NOT nap during day or I do not sleep at night.  I can 1-2x/year day nap and still sleep but that's about it.  Not on a reg basis.  I'm sorry you broke foot bones.  Hopefully mend on their own!   

32 minutes ago, saraha said:

My younger kids only felt bad a couple of days. My young adults were sick for two solid weeks, fever, exhaustion to the point they could barely brush their their teeth, headaches and body aches, lost taste and smell. Dh and I were sick like that too for two solid weeks, but unlike our young adults we didn’t wake up day 15 feeling like our old selves. It was at least a month before dh and I got fully back to our routines. Our younger kids kept the house from falling down and fetched and carried for the sickest of us for those two weeks dh and I could not do anything.

the second time we got covid was much less dramatic 

THIS IS ALSO INSIGHTFUL!  It seems what dh and I are experiencing then is quite typical.   It has only been slightly more than a week for us so it will be a longer recovery of a few more weeks than overnight.  Sorry you all were faced with this.  Are you all better now?

25 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

I haven't had covid, but the rest of our house has.

Youngest ds (2 shots of the children's vaccine)- quite sick for 2 weeks with what felt like the flu, months-long recovery after (15 hour/day sleeping, worn out fast, poor short term memory, mental health issues due to a sudden lack of ability and coping with that)

Oldest ds (3 shots)- Sick for 4 days with flu/bad cold-like symptoms, still feels a little tired now and then 2 weeks later

Dh (3 shots)- didn't even know he was sick.  Tested to make me feel better about knowing status of everyone in the house.

Good for you!  Keep it that way.  That was us until last weekend and we both got hit.  It seems your guys are still recovering?

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3 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

Mine was mild in that I never had fever, no cough, felt like a cold, mainly head congestion. I did nap more. I mostly stayed quarantined in the master bedroom when dh or my youngest were home. I did not make them food. When they were at work, I put on my N95 and did a little laundry, did a little care for my disabled kid, got food for me, but otherwise did not linger in the rest of the house. I napped more than usual--2 naps a day early on, a daily afternoon nap the second week. By day 6 or 7 I started doing some gentle yoga. Day 8 I got back on the treadmill for 30 min of walking, a half mph slower than usual. On the day I tested negative (day 12) I was back to a full speed walk on the treadmill. I think of the whole thing as mild like a cold, but perhaps a bit on the long side to test negative, though I felt pretty much normal the last 2 or 3 days of that 12 day period. I still like an afternoon nap, but I was pretty sleep deprived by the end of the school year and I like a nap in normal, pre-Covid days too.

Wow, that's great you got on treadmill so quickly!  Were you basically in bed most of 24 hours x 8 days?  So, with our 48 hour fevers early on and my cough which is subsiding, is ours considered "mild" or "moderate"?

2 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

This is day 7 for us. Everyone seems fine except me. I was pregnant and miserable before, but COVID has slowed me down a lot more. The laundry, the dishes, I just can't. We are eating just whatever too. Can't remember the last time we ate a vegetable. It's all I can do to get up and walk through the house. Food was hard just being pregnant and now that I can't taste food is so hard. I'm just praying each day passes I'm so miserable all day long. I've shed many tears.

OHHHH, Elizabeth!  I'm so sorry!  Are you sipping on water?  I wonder if aromatherapy would help?

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4 minutes ago, sheryl said:

  It seems your guys are still recovering?

Youngest ds is mostly back to normal, as normal as a 12yo boy can be. 😆  He had it in February.  Oldest ds is much more recent.  He has realized he has a newer physical limit right now.  For example, he's too weak to work well with his 35lb bow but can still handle the 18lb draw of the smaller one.  He says the fatigue comes and goes in little waves and takes him by surprise.  It's not nearly as constant as the youngest ds's was.

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4 minutes ago, sheryl said:

Wow, that's great you got on treadmill so quickly!  Were you basically in bed most of 24 hours x 8 days?  So, with our 48 hour fevers early on and my cough which is subsiding, is ours considered "mild" or "moderate"?

OHHHH, Elizabeth!  I'm so sorry!  Are you sipping on water?  I wonder if aromatherapy would help?

I am trying to stay hydrated, but I will say I'm not doing a great job. I know I need to push myself. I'm just a miserable mess right now. I know before long it will all be behind me, right now 😭

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6 minutes ago, sheryl said:

Wow, that's great you got on treadmill so quickly!  Were you basically in bed most of 24 hours x 8 days?  So, with our 48 hour fevers early on and my cough which is subsiding, is ours considered "mild" or "moderate"?

My desk is in the master bedroom. I read books (sitting up in bed) and watched Netflix (usually at desk so computer could be plugged in) when I wasn't napping. The second week I did a few hours per day of an online data literacy course I was supposed to do this summer and no problem with that. Brain fog was my biggest fear since I teach math and need my brain, but I had no brain fog at all.

My guess is that you count as mild too.

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22 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

Youngest ds is mostly back to normal, as normal as a 12yo boy can be. 😆  He had it in February.  Oldest ds is much more recent.  He has realized he has a newer physical limit right now.  For example, he's too weak to work well with his 35lb bow but can still handle the 18lb draw of the smaller one.  He says the fatigue comes and goes in little waves and takes him by surprise.  It's not nearly as constant as the youngest ds's was.

Your younger ds really seemed to have gotten hit.  Hopefully all will bounce back sooner!

19 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I am trying to stay hydrated, but I will say I'm not doing a great job. I know I need to push myself. I'm just a miserable mess right now. I know before long it will all be behind me, right now 😭

Well, I don't know if "pushing" is the right thing.  I'm uncertain.  I feel that way too.  Do I push to increase my stamina?  Or, do I rest and slowly "add on" something?  I didn't push much this past week.  I did "just' wash a few dishes by hand.   Sterilized the sink.  And, I'm washing a load of clothes.  That is it.  I don't plan on making dinner.  I do have canned soup - a hold out from TJ last fall - their Autumnal Harvest soup.  Maybe that with a grilled cheese.  Try to "sip".  If you can sit in a sunny window to get that natural vitamin too!  

15 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

My desk is in the master bedroom. I read books (sitting up in bed) and watched Netflix (usually at desk so computer could be plugged in) when I wasn't napping. The second week I did a few hours per day of an online data literacy course I was supposed to do this summer and no problem with that. Brain fog was my biggest fear since I teach math and need my brain, but I had no brain fog at all.

My guess is that you count as mild too.

Right, a lot of Netflix.  LOL!  So glad to hear your not foggy.  I don't feel we are like we could be.  

5 minutes ago, Baseballandhockey said:

My understanding is that mild means anything that doesn’t require an ER visit.  

Oh, dear.  No, neither one of us felt along those lines.  

To all, does anyone have weird taste?  We can still smell/taste but honestly since my fever food tastes salty!   It is a little less salty-tasting today but there is still residual.  

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DS 24 hours, vomited once and slept until following day then fine. DH and I 48 hours. Body aches and fever. We managed to cook and do other things. Dh worked too. I binge watched tv and read a lot. We purposely did not try to overdo. Know several people who did and got worse before getting better. 

Edited by whitestavern
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34 minutes ago, sheryl said:

Wow, that's great you got on treadmill so quickly!  Were you basically in bed most of 24 hours x 8 days?  So, with our 48 hour fevers early on and my cough which is subsiding, is ours considered "mild" or "moderate"?

48 hour fever and then symptoms subsiding after a week with at home care is definitely considered mild. Glad to hear you’re doing so well. 

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Even though you feel miserable, to medical professionals that is mild.  Like someone else said, mild is doesn’t require ER.  Moderate might require ER, fluids, oxygen, inpatient stay.  Severe is ventilator, organ failure, ICU, etc.

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49 minutes ago, sheryl said:

Your younger ds really seemed to have gotten hit.  Hopefully all will bounce back sooner!

Well, I don't know if "pushing" is the right thing.  I'm uncertain.  I feel that way too.  Do I push to increase my stamina?  Or, do I rest and slowly "add on" something?  I didn't push much this past week.  I did "just' wash a few dishes by hand.   Sterilized the sink.  And, I'm washing a load of clothes.  That is it.  I don't plan on making dinner.  I do have canned soup - a hold out from TJ last fall - their Autumnal Harvest soup.  Maybe that with a grilled cheese.  Try to "sip".  If you can sit in a sunny window to get that natural vitamin too!  

Right, a lot of Netflix.  LOL!  So glad to hear your not foggy.  I don't feel we are like we could be.  

Oh, dear.  No, neither one of us felt along those lines.  

To all, does anyone have weird taste?  We can still smell/taste but honestly since my fever food tastes salty!   It is a little less salty-tasting today but there is still residual.  

Thank. Yes. I've been sitting outside every day. We still have no ac and it's too hot inside. I hope you and I both get our strength back soon. ❤️

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I had extremely mild symptoms - so mild that if my family had not tested +, it would not have occurred to me to test. But due to relapse and prolonged illness horror stories along with possible heart damage from the virus I took it very easy and basically just vegged out on the couch because I did not want to exacerbate or prolong anything. I don't know if what I did helped anything or not, but I'm a huge believer in total rest for acute illness of any kind anyway, so I did not push myself. I felt completely normal at 2 weeks out.

We ate from the pantry and freezer. No meals that required lots of prep. Cereal, frozen veggies, frozen pizzas, canned soups, fried burger patties, etc. Dishes in the dishwasher. We just lived in sweats, shorts, t-shirts and pajamas, so other than needing to wash some underwear, our leave the house clothes were ready to go when we were ready to rejoin society.

My DH and DD had more symptoms than DS and I. Still mild, but more like a very bad, lingering cold. DH was back to  normal energy levels after about 4 weeks. DD had some health issues prior to getting Covid, so we're not entirely sure what is related and not to Covid, but she is still having some issues 6 months out. Slowly getting more and more strength and stamina. One new symptom is constantly burning sinuses for her, so we suspect some of it is relatively mild long-Covid.

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Ok, husband had a sore throat

July 5th and some allergy type symptoms, but he has gotten that EVERY time he has traveled, so we didn't think much of it. 

On the 6th we went to Mount Vernon and I started feeling tired, but figured it was our nonstop pace with all of the traveling/concerts/rehearsals. But we decided to come home after lunch and take a nap. I started coughing. Hubby had a sore throat and body aches. We slept most of the day.

July 7th (Tested and both positive) and 8th I slept  and watched tv in the hotel room. Honestly, it just felt like a bad cold for me. I might have run fever on the 8th, but didn't have a thermometer to see. I didn't eat much  those two days.

July 9th Felt much better. Hubby much, much better and going stir crazy in the hotel room.  I am not coughing nearly as much.

July 10th Flew to Houston and drove straight home.

July 11th Hubby resumes his sit-ups, push ups and bicycle routine.  I am still feeling pretty tired. But we have so much produce. I put up a ton of squash.  Cut up tomatoes for tomato sauce. Hubby made hot sauce and then I canned it for him. Started laundry.  I know I took a nap. 

July 12th- Cleaning house, doing laundry, putting up okra, canning hot sauce and tomato sauce, hubby worked a lot outside in the garden and other outside chores. Again, I took a 2 hour nap. I took a rapid test and I was still positive, so I did not drive to my mom's to go see the cancer doc the next day.  I cooked dinner that day, though it was easy: spaghetti with salad.

July 13th- Same as the day before lots of canning and freezing veggies.  Again, I took a nap. 

July 14th- Went walking with hubby ( started slowly 2 miles), cleaning house, working on mission trip stuff and my blog stuff, canning more tomatoes.  Hubby took cat to vet. Took a nap.

July 15th- Went walking with hubby, drove RV to check out the bearings he replaced.  He worked out on the RV.  I made a video and finished my blog post. AGain, more canning. Hubby grilled and I broiled a ton of veggies and baked potatoes.  Took a nap.

July 16th-  I made a big breakfast of waffles, strawberries, etc.  I decided to take another rapid test since son was coming home. I was negative. Hubby hasn't taken another test, but I am assuming he is negative. 

July 17  Went to church. Then I drove to my mom's. 

We are pretty much back to normal, though we ARE taking naps nearly every day.  Hubby only takes one for 30 minutes maybe. I take 1 1/2 to 2 hour naps. Haven't taken one today. I still cannot sing without coughing and have this drainage down the back of my throat.  But when I used to get regular colds, they always hung on forever as well. So really for us, this just felt like a normal cold with a little fatigue.  But other than the first 2 1/2 days, I had the energy to do my regular life.



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5 hours ago, sheryl said:


For those of you with covid, are you still making meals, doing wash, etc?   

I was making meals and now we've ordered out last 2 nights.  I realized I should not even try to "keep" my usual routine.  Rest and recover is what we need to do.  But, those dirty clothes are growing.  LOL!   

If you've had covid, what were your symptoms?  How do they align with dh and I above?  Were you tired?   For how long?   WHEN DID YOU GAIN STRENTGH, STAMINA AND ENERGY BACK?

We have 2 negative people in our household so I've been trapped in my room. I've also spent some time outdoors. There have been no regular activities of any kind. Now that I'm starting to feel a bit better, I'm dang bored. I started feeling significantly better yesterday, day 6.

I'm also worried about energy. Come hell or high water, I'm back at work in five days for 4 shifts in a row.

Edited by sassenach
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5 hours ago, sheryl said:

For those of you with covid, are you still making meals, doing wash, etc?   

When I had COVID I had to take care of two under 6 by myself while my husband isolated from us. There were even a few days when my husband wasn't at home at all. I splurged for delivery once in those 3 days. When he got back hubby felt so bad about that he got me takeout for a few days. Our family had mild COVID, no one even got a fever the worst was just sniffles and slight fatigue.

I did not do the wash though because we decided that once we were "cleared" I would wash all the sheets and towels and things anyways. Anyways we weren't leaving the house so there wasn't that much clothing laundry. The dishwasher gets run everyday or more at our house (we generate a lot of dishes 2 adults, 2 kids and 2 cats). So that routine stayed the same.

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I had a mild fever for about 24-48 hours. And a bit of a cough for like a week. I sneezed a lot. That was it. Assuming I don't end up with long term issues, I've had colds that were much worse.

I did not cook until the very end. I did started doing youtube yoga and stuff because I got stir crazy. I went out for walks masked after the first few days. We were pretty hardcore about keeping quarantine. I mean, once I yelled at dh for violating it we were. He just couldn't think about it logically, so I had to make a lot of rules. He never ended up getting it though. 

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I had it in December 2020.

I did nothing but lay in bed for about 5 days. No dishes, no laundry, not nothing and I didn't care at all about the piles of mess, I was that sick. I went to the bathroom and filled my water cup. That was it. 

After day 5, I could do a few things but couldn't work up the energy to care much. Still didn't cook or clean much.

Day 7 I started caring. At that point, others in my family were sick. I began having to do some dishes and warming up soup. Still no cooking much. I did go to barn for chores because I had to. I had to stop and rest on my brick flower bed halfway in the middle of the yard because I couldn't make it. My heart rate would go up and oxygen level down when I went to the barn. 

Day 10, I could do dishes. I would work for 5 minutes and have to sit for 20. 

It was about day 21 after getting sick that I made it through the day without a nap.

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4 hours ago, whitestavern said:

DS 24 hours, vomited once and slept until following day then fine. DH and I 48 hours. Body aches and fever. We managed to cook and do other things. Dh worked too. I binge watched tv and read a lot. We purposely did not try to overdo. Know several people who did and got worse before getting better. 

Wow, 2 days!  Fast.   Took test this past Wed/pos, Fri/pos and will retest Wed.   We really only had symptoms such as fever for 48 hours too but we're definitely more tired than usual.   Slowly, everyday we are regaining some stamina but it is slooooow. 

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Dh and I were mildly ill…..we didn’t have fevers or coughs, but had fatigue, congestion, headache, and dh had a bad sore throat for about 7-10 days. I tested positive on a Thursday, and took that afternoon and Friday off work, but was able to work the next week. My main symptoms of congestion, etc were done by about 10 days……energy and stamina took longer. I just returned to my normal exercise level this week (4 weeks later). Dh was the same. 

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6 hours ago, sheryl said:

I've read mild, moderate, severe.  Is that right?  It seems everyone processes this virus differently, to a point.  Still, I'm trying to understand what level dh and I were at/are at.  

DH - symptoms July 7, definitely by July 8 with 48 hour fever.  Spiked to 102.5 for a few hours.  Tired, not as hungry.  Coconut-taste.
Me - symptoms July 9.  Fever 48 hours and spiked to 101.2 (still considered low grade) for a few hours.  Tired, not as hungry.  Salt taste.

We took Shiloh on a short .8 mile walk Saturday afternoon to get out.  That was all we were able to do stamina-wise.  

For those of you with covid, are you still making meals, doing wash, etc?   

I was making meals and now we've ordered out last 2 nights.  I realized I should not even try to "keep" my usual routine.  Rest and recover is what we need to do.  But, those dirty clothes are growing.  LOL!   

If you've had covid, what were your symptoms?  How do they align with dh and I above?  Were you tired?   For how long?   WHEN DID YOU GAIN STRENTGH, STAMINA AND ENERGY BACK?

I just have to share that I initially read this as “a short 8 mile walk” and was like - I’d hate to see your idea of a long walk then!

Dh is three weeks out and mostly back to normal only he gets a bit of an asthmatic cough if he over exercises or gets too cold. He did a 10km treadmill run yesterday. He’s 40 and extremely fit though.

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3 hours ago, fraidycat said:

I had extremely mild symptoms - so mild that if my family had not tested +, it would not have occurred to me to test. But due to relapse and prolonged illness horror stories along with possible heart damage from the virus I took it very easy and basically just vegged out on the couch because I did not want to exacerbate or prolong anything. I don't know if what I did helped anything or not, but I'm a huge believer in total rest for acute illness of any kind anyway, so I did not push myself. I felt completely normal at 2 weeks out.

We ate from the pantry and freezer. No meals that required lots of prep. Cereal, frozen veggies, frozen pizzas, canned soups, fried burger patties, etc. Dishes in the dishwasher. We just lived in sweats, shorts, t-shirts and pajamas, so other than needing to wash some underwear, our leave the house clothes were ready to go when we were ready to rejoin society.

My DH and DD had more symptoms than DS and I. Still mild, but more like a very bad, lingering cold. DH was back to  normal energy levels after about 4 weeks. DD had some health issues prior to getting Covid, so we're not entirely sure what is related and not to Covid, but she is still having some issues 6 months out. Slowly getting more and more strength and stamina. One new symptom is constantly burning sinuses for her, so we suspect some of it is relatively mild long-Covid.

Right!  I thought my allergies were kicking in again.  I felt just like I did when I developed allergies in MI and after relocating here to NC!  Tired, achy, sniffles, etc.  Come to find out that allergies mimic this covid.  It's because dh and similar symptoms gave me reason to think it was not allergies.  It sounds like many/most people (perhaps) start to slowly regain strength and within a month are restored!  Sorry to hear about your dd.  Hope that resolves as well - her burning sensation.

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1 hour ago, TexasProud said:

Ok, husband had a sore throat

July 5th and some allergy type symptoms, but he has gotten that EVERY time he has traveled, so we didn't think much of it. 

On the 6th we went to Mount Vernon and I started feeling tired, but figured it was our nonstop pace with all of the traveling/concerts/rehearsals. But we decided to come home after lunch and take a nap. I started coughing. Hubby had a sore throat and body aches. We slept most of the day.

July 7th (Tested and both positive) and 8th I slept  and watched tv in the hotel room. Honestly, it just felt like a bad cold for me. I might have run fever on the 8th, but didn't have a thermometer to see. I didn't eat much  those two days.

July 9th Felt much better. Hubby much, much better and going stir crazy in the hotel room.  I am not coughing nearly as much.

July 10th Flew to Houston and drove straight home.

July 11th Hubby resumes his sit-ups, push ups and bicycle routine.  I am still feeling pretty tired. But we have so much produce. I put up a ton of squash.  Cut up tomatoes for tomato sauce. Hubby made hot sauce and then I canned it for him. Started laundry.  I know I took a nap. 

July 12th- Cleaning house, doing laundry, putting up okra, canning hot sauce and tomato sauce, hubby worked a lot outside in the garden and other outside chores. Again, I took a 2 hour nap. I took a rapid test and I was still positive, so I did not drive to my mom's to go see the cancer doc the next day.  I cooked dinner that day, though it was easy: spaghetti with salad.

July 13th- Same as the day before lots of canning and freezing veggies.  Again, I took a nap. 

July 14th- Went walking with hubby ( started slowly 2 miles), cleaning house, working on mission trip stuff and my blog stuff, canning more tomatoes.  Hubby took cat to vet. Took a nap.

July 15th- Went walking with hubby, drove RV to check out the bearings he replaced.  He worked out on the RV.  I made a video and finished my blog post. AGain, more canning. Hubby grilled and I broiled a ton of veggies and baked potatoes.  Took a nap.

July 16th-  I made a big breakfast of waffles, strawberries, etc.  I decided to take another rapid test since son was coming home. I was negative. Hubby hasn't taken another test, but I am assuming he is negative. 

July 17  Went to church. Then I drove to my mom's. 

We are pretty much back to normal, though we ARE taking naps nearly every day.  Hubby only takes one for 30 minutes maybe. I take 1 1/2 to 2 hour naps. Haven't taken one today. I still cannot sing without coughing and have this drainage down the back of my throat.  But when I used to get regular colds, they always hung on forever as well. So really for us, this just felt like a normal cold with a little fatigue.  But other than the first 2 1/2 days, I had the energy to do my regular life.



That already sounds like a busy schedule.  A 2 mile walk on day 10 or so is good!  DH and I only walked just under 1 mile yesterday on his day 8 and my day 7.  I'm realizing I should be grateful for that and not think it's a bad thing.   Thanks!  Appreciate the journal answer; it's helpful.

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1 hour ago, sassenach said:

We have 2 negative people in our household so I've been trapped in my room. I've also spent some time outdoors. There have been no regular activities of any kind. Now that I'm starting to feel a bit better, I'm dang bored. I started feeling significantly better yesterday, day 6.

I'm also worried about energy. Come hell or high water, I'm back at work in five days for 4 shifts in a row.

4 shifts in a row?   

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43 minutes ago, Farrar said:

I had a mild fever for about 24-48 hours. And a bit of a cough for like a week. I sneezed a lot. That was it. Assuming I don't end up with long term issues, I've had colds that were much worse.

I did not cook until the very end. I did started doing youtube yoga and stuff because I got stir crazy. I went out for walks masked after the first few days. We were pretty hardcore about keeping quarantine. I mean, once I yelled at dh for violating it we were. He just couldn't think about it logically, so I had to make a lot of rules. He never ended up getting it though. 

That's what I'm not understanding.   How does one get long covid from mild symptoms.  I hope none of us get that.

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35 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

I had it in December 2020.

I did nothing but lay in bed for about 5 days. No dishes, no laundry, not nothing and I didn't care at all about the piles of mess, I was that sick. I went to the bathroom and filled my water cup. That was it. 

After day 5, I could do a few things but couldn't work up the energy to care much. Still didn't cook or clean much.

Day 7 I started caring. At that point, others in my family were sick. I began having to do some dishes and warming up soup. Still no cooking much. I did go to barn for chores because I had to. I had to stop and rest on my brick flower bed halfway in the middle of the yard because I couldn't make it. My heart rate would go up and oxygen level down when I went to the barn. 

Day 10, I could do dishes. I would work for 5 minutes and have to sit for 20. 

It was about day 21 after getting sick that I made it through the day without a nap.

OK, I'm sorry to hear that it was difficult.  Thank you for describing this to me.  That's how we felt last week and it was doing a number on my head.  Do something for a few minutes and become wiped out, kind of.   We are both better but have a ways to go.  Glad it resolved in a decent amount of time - 21 days!

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16 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I just have to share that I initially read this as “a short 8 mile walk” and was like - I’d hate to see your idea of a long walk then!

Dh is three weeks out and mostly back to normal only he gets a bit of an asthmatic cough if he over exercises or gets too cold. He did a 10km treadmill run yesterday. He’s 40 and extremely fit though.

LOL!   8 mile!!  We walked just under a mile.  So looking forward to getting back to our routine! 

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15 minutes ago, Meriwether said:

My almost 73 year old father had covid the week before last. He had fatigue but thought it was due to haying in the sun. Yes, he worked in the hayfield through covid. He was fine after about a week.

One of DS friends had a similar experience - he thought he had heat stroke. He was unvaxed though and was spiking a fever by that night.

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1 hour ago, sheryl said:

That's what I'm not understanding.   How does one get long covid from mild symptoms.  I hope none of us get that.

I think it's the same as "how do you go from not even knowing you had Lyme to a serious, chronic Lyme illness?" I know someone right now who is in the process of getting diagnosed with what might turn out to be long Covid, who has decreased lung capacity, who has no idea when she had Covid or even if she did really have it. All she knows is that she's suddenly struggling to breathe a lot.

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We all had mild symptoms.  The teens were totally back to normal in 48 hours or less.  Spouse had flu symptoms for a week or so and then recovered over the next week, pretty much like anybody over 40 does with any illness.  I had really mild symptoms, more like a sinus infection (although there was some loss of smell/taste for a bit - interestingly, the 2 people who had fevers didn't lose any senses, while for one kid it was the only symptom).  But, I had the most fatigue.  I usually struggle to sleep even 7 hours, but when i had this I could sleep for 9+ and continuted to sleep 8-9 hours for several weeks.  I also had the lingering cough that I get after every respiratory infection (nobody else had this - it seems to be some sort of evil infection-allergy interaction that i always get), which can be tiring and make it hard to fall asleep.  I was fatigued more easily and didn't do anything crazy but was able to keep up with household tasks.  My family was hungry while sick, so i made a big pot of chicken and dumplings one night and a big pot of gumbo another.  We ordered pizza once and my mom dropped off a pot of chili one night.  i wouldn't have wanted to have to whip up Thanksgiving dinner, but regular cooking was manageable.  We walked at least a 1/2 mile every day that we were sick and didn't find it to be an issue - with the second go-round, spouse was working in the garden, although a lighter workload than usual.  After a week spouse was back to normal. 

Edited by Clemsondana
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1 minute ago, madteaparty said:

I hope to catch it again soon to build the next wave of immunity ahead of winter (but after summer travel :))

I don't understand, why do you want to catch it any more times than you can possibly help? Each infection increases risk of complications, long covid and death in the 6 months following that infection. And unfortunately, doesn't seem to do a whole lot to prevent future infections 🙁. Sucks.

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2 minutes ago, KSera said:

I don't understand, why do you want to catch it any more times than you can possibly help? Each infection increases risk of complications, long covid and death in the 6 months following that infection. And unfortunately, doesn't seem to do a whole lot to prevent future infections 🙁. Sucks.

Because it’s easier for me to have Covid and get over it, and I think the best way to be immune to covid is to…have it. It’s okay that you don’t understand, we all make our own calculations based on info available.  
I’m vaccinated and boosted (the later only because of compulsory vaccination in the workplace, which policy has since dropped. Having Covid saved me three months from having a booster. So it was a win here. 

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When we had Covid in May, the two teens felt terrible (fever and sore throat) for a couple of days, then gradually got better and were completely fine within a week.  Tested positive for a couple more days, though.  

DH and I also felt terrible (sore throat, fever, and I had backache) for about 48 hrs, significantly better by 5 days, tested positive until 9 days, then a couple more days of tiredness.  We were totally fine by about 12 days.  I did take it *very* easy while I was sick, and was very conscious of not overdoing it until I was completely recovered. 

DS11 had a touch of a sore throat but never got sick/tested positive.



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Not having had it, I’m going to reclassify based upon what I’ve heard. In my mind I’m moving all of those people who barely felt it  or “felt like a bad cold” to the Basically Asymptomatic category. I think mild = pure misery for days and days and days. Moderate = pure mysery but dangerous and Rx medical assistance or treatment is required. These people spend a lot of time evaluating whether or not they should go to the hospital. Severe would be extremely dangerous and the patient is admitted for life saving intervention. 

KF Panda’s completely unscientific classification system. 

Edited by KungFuPanda
For science
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Our family was really mild.  About 24 hours of fever and about a day of pain and general yuck.  Each of the children were back to their normal school, chores, play the next day.  I woke up with flu-like symptoms, took both Tylenol & Advil and went back to bed until about 3:00.  At that point I did school & chores.  I let the drugs start to wear off & felt unwell during dinner.  I took a bath & more Tylenol, but I still felt too unwell to do after dinner chores or the kids' bedtime routine.  The next day I was back to normal though.  I still three days out have a bit of allergy type symptoms, but I feel fine and my activity levels are normal.

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On 7/17/2022 at 10:27 PM, Clemsondana said:

We all had mild symptoms.  The teens were totally back to normal in 48 hours or less.  Spouse had flu symptoms for a week or so and then recovered over the next week, pretty much like anybody over 40 does with any illness.  I had really mild symptoms, more like a sinus infection (although there was some loss of smell/taste for a bit - interestingly, the 2 people who had fevers didn't lose any senses, while for one kid it was the only symptom).  But, I had the most fatigue.  I usually struggle to sleep even 7 hours, but when i had this I could sleep for 9+ and continuted to sleep 8-9 hours for several weeks.  I also had the lingering cough that I get after every respiratory infection (nobody else had this - it seems to be some sort of evil infection-allergy interaction that i always get), which can be tiring and make it hard to fall asleep.  I was fatigued more easily and didn't do anything crazy but was able to keep up with household tasks.  My family was hungry while sick, so i made a big pot of chicken and dumplings one night and a big pot of gumbo another.  We ordered pizza once and my mom dropped off a pot of chili one night.  i wouldn't have wanted to have to whip up Thanksgiving dinner, but regular cooking was manageable.  We walked at least a 1/2 mile every day that we were sick and didn't find it to be an issue - with the second go-round, spouse was working in the garden, although a lighter workload than usual.  After a week spouse was back to normal. 

This was last Nov?  I'm surprised it's been 2 1/2 years since covid entered the country (or thereabouts) and dh and I didn't get covid until 11 days ago.  That's about 2 years 4 mo or so.  Oh well.  When was your 2nd go around?

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On 7/17/2022 at 10:34 PM, madteaparty said:

We were all really sick for just one full day. Really sick that one day. We did actively work to get better (all the things we’d do for a flu etc).

I hope to catch it again soon to build the next wave of immunity ahead of winter (but after summer travel :))

If you do get it again, I hope it doesn't "kick" you harder.  Take care! 

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DH tested Monday, yesterday, his day 10 and it was neg.

I tested today, Tuesday, my day 10 and it still showed a faint line.  

DH actually said his was a faint line.   Mine was so faint I had to wear my glasses AND use a magnifier to see the faint line because it almost did not look like a line was present at all.

I'm hoping when we both retest this Sat Day 15/Day 14 we'll both show negative. 

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  • sheryl changed the title to s/o covid smack on face - how many "levels" are there and recovery times? UPDATE - faint line only (it's slowly going away!)
8 hours ago, sheryl said:

This was last Nov?  I'm surprised it's been 2 1/2 years since covid entered the country (or thereabouts) and dh and I didn't get covid until 11 days ago.  That's about 2 years 4 mo or so.  Oh well.  When was your 2nd go around?

We all had it in January.  Spouse had it again in June.  Nobody else got sick the second time.  

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On 7/19/2022 at 11:20 PM, Clemsondana said:

We all had it in January.  Spouse had it again in June.  Nobody else got sick the second time.  

I went to the butcher twice this week.  Talked to 2 different men who have packed meat for me for years.  The one said he had it last year and was hospitalized with pneumonia.  The second time he got it he said it was short lasting.   The second guy said yesterday, "I hope you and your husband don't have any long term residual effects".    Now I'm concerned again.   I'm not sure I understand all of this.  So, this virus attacks organs?  These are compromised permanently now?  

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