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Prayers for my sweet Scooter cat


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He was showing signs of being in pain last night , so we took him in to the vet. They cleared a blockage in the poor guy's urinary tract. Sedimentation due to a UTI. He's doing well (and his kidney function is good, etc) but I'd appreciate any prayers and emotional support that things continue to go well when they pull the catheter.  After the way this year has gone, I don't think we could handle anything else bad happening, and he's just a sweet, stress relieving guy. (The vet said he's by far her sweetest patient today). 




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I haven't heard of cranberry/D-Mannose for cats so I can't help there. What I can tell you is that our vet had us try filtered or distilled water for our guy who kept getting UTIs. We bought a gallon of distilled and once that was used up, just refilled the jug from the fridge's water dispenser (filtered water).

Six years of the filtered water and our guy is still going strong. He hasn't had a single issue since we started the filtered water, whereas before that he got UTIs once or twice a year.  It may or may not help your guy, but I'd say it's worth a shot.

The vet also suggested ditching the dry food and going to all canned. Since our guy ate very little of that and was mostly on canned already, we didn't bother and leave some out for him all the time. If your guy scarfs the dry food, you might want to start some canned stuff with the goal of going mostly canned. Fancy Feast Pate is the #1 vet-recommended grocery store cat food for urinary health.

I hope your kitty gets better. He's a doll.


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Cats are a species that evolved in the desert. They are accustomed to getting virtually all the moisture they need from eating prey.

They are also obligate carnivores. "Prey eaters."

Some cats will drink water. Some from a fountain, others will drink still water from a bowl. None will drink enough water to compensate for eating dry kibble.

Dry kibble is loaded with starches/sugars/carbohydrates that are not appropriate for an obligate carnivore. They need meat, bones, and organs, in the correct balance.

The standard American cat diet promotes UTIs, kidney issues, and the formation of crystals that block the urinary tract. These issues are incredibly common. "Ubiquitous" is probably the right modifier.

I am new to being owned by a cat. I have only been feeding our Desmond a meal, organ, and edible-bone diet for 8 months  (since the day were got him). But I've fed my dog a "Prey Model Raw" diet for 8 years, and I know what a spectacularly positive thing it is for canines.

Such diets are even more vital for cats. Dogs can slide to the right a little bit on the continuum from carnivore to omnivore.

That's not true of cats. They evolved to thrive on prey. Taurine-rich prey, like mice and rats, that contain a lot of moisture.

Instead most cat food contains dry cereals.

The result of such a species inappropriate diet include rampant incidence of UTIs, crystals in the urine, blockages, and other kidney issues.

I' like to deal with problems at the root cause. I'm convinced it is diet related and people with more expertise and experience than I will tell you the same.

I'm probably one of the least experienced cat people here, so I don't want to claim to be what I'm not.

I am, however, extremely interested in nutrition. Both for the humans I feed with nutritious meals and with my animals.

I've very deeply studied the scientific literature on feeding dogs. My study has been less deep with cats, but I have read a great deal about the relationship between diet (especially dry kibble) and these types of urinary-chain issues.

I am convinced that these issues are driven by diet.

I hesitate to post this as I don't want to seem like a broken record and I feel that the message is unpopular.

But you are very dear, and I would feel bad keeping my mouth shut with Scooter suffering. 

There are many (many) examples of cat people who have moved their felines to a prey-model raw (PMR) diet and who have eliminated these issues from that point forward.

I get the sense such urinary tract issues are the number issue that motivates people to feeding this way in the first place.

I know you have snakes, if you could get Scooter to eat some feeder mice that would be even better. They are very rich in taurine (which felines can not synthesise from food on their own) and their meat, organ and edible bone percentages are perfect. Which is not surprising given feline evolutionary history.

The prey-model seeks to mimic the ratios of meat, organs, and edible-bone that would be found in mice, rats, and birds, and to substitute prey with easier-to-get-at-the-market foods.

A Google search will bring up many testimonials, etc. about how a PMR diet reversed such a problem and how experts feed this way with news cats to prevent such issues from occurring in the first place.

Doing wet-food only food would be far preferable to a mixed diet that includes dry kibble according to voices of experience and enlightened veterinarians.

Discussing pet food can be triggering for some people, so I hope this is well-taken on your part (which I expect it will be) and will not cause anyone else to feel hacked off.

I do hope Scooter feels better soon.


Edited by Spy Car
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12 minutes ago, Dmmetler said:

DH picked up Scooter from the emergency vet and took him over to our regular vet, so we'll see what they say today. 

You guys are in my thoughts. These kinds of threads are hard for me, especially after the night I had last night with our sick kitty, but that's the very reason why I have to be here to offer my support. I know exactly how hard this is and how much Scooter means to you all. Please do keep up us dated. Hopefully, your regular vet will find a way to kick this UTI's butt and get your boy back on his feet and on his way home.

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