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53 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I have just had different experiences. I kept following up with my graphic design job and they seemed irritated. Like we need time and will contact you when we’re ready vibe. They hired me but teased me about it. It was in the early 2000s. 

I worked in a place that if someone contacted them more than once following up on an interview, they put the letters in the recycling bin and wouldn’t consider hiring them.  So I do think it works against you in some places/areas.  

A couple of years ago, DH was told it shows how old you are by sending follow up letters.  The person who said was a young 20s.  

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4 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

I worked in a place that if someone contacted them more than once following up on an interview, they put the letters in the recycling bin and wouldn’t consider hiring them.  So I do think it works against you in some places/areas.  

A couple of years ago, DH was told it shows how old you are by sending follow up letters.  The person who said was a young 20s.  

Yes, exactly. It’s a tight rope. I’m sure different headhunters give different advice, too. 

I composed an email to the college with scheduled send tomorrow morning. 

I also composed an email to the supportive services person at my construction class to put out feelers if she has any resources to refer me to for affordable housing etc. 

I did find an email from the casino person but hesitate to email. The website still says “considering” by my name. I’d have to stand roughly 25% of the time and wear dressy shoes (business casual) so I guess that’s why I’m not overly excited about that option. 

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Class was better today. For the fitness portion we had to do a few things like see how much weight we could lift above our head (crate with dumbbells). I did 25 lbs and that started to hurt my back. Yeah, I'm not gonna try to get to 50. But I can try to slowly increase it. 

I moved my exercise bike and Roku TV into my room this week, but my old Roku remote only does one thing (can scroll up). I cannot access the menu to update the wifi network. So, I can't even use a Roku app on my cell to select a show. I'll just have to order a new Roku remote I guess. Which leads me to the other thing I need to do -- settle on a mailing address. I think I'm just gonna suck it up and get a PO box in town. I'm sick of sending all my mail to my dad's. Today I got a letter from the Tribunal about my annulment. It essentially says we're going to reach out to your xh (I don't think I gave them his info??) and you both have 21 more days to submit any more info you want to this case. Then we will make a decision. I'm like YOU HAVEN'T MADE A DECISION YET? Stop wasting my time lol. I'm so over it, I don't care if I get the annulment or not. I don't plan to remarry in the Church. The annulment would be meaningful to my dad, but not much else. 

Casino website still says the same status. 

I have class homework to do and I still need to do the driving class thing. 

My DL will need to be updated soon so that's annoying with the mailing address thing, too. 

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2 hours ago, scholastica said:

Re the annulment: this sounds like the normal process. You both submit information and then a decision is made. It can take a while, they are dealing with many cases.

The annulment process began around June 2022 lol 

I told them in the beginning I didn’t want to involve xh. It’s not a requirement but maybe they will try to reach out to him, anyway. 

I’m just bitching this is ridiculously slow. 

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1 hour ago, heartlikealion said:

The annulment process began around June 2022 lol 

I told them in the beginning I didn’t want to involve xh. It’s not a requirement but maybe they will try to reach out to him, anyway. 

I’m just bitching this is ridiculously slow. 

It can take years. I know of some complicated cases that took almost a decade. Two to three years is not unusual.

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Annulments take so long and the process is so intrusive. I know all the reasoning why etc but it is just so much. Many people who have tried to do the right thing have been turned off to the Church by the annulment process. 

Not slamming the Church. I’m a practicing and traditional Catholic and can’t imagine that ever will not be the case. Just tons of compassion for those in the Church that have gone through divorce and the annulment process and think there is room for improvement in the process. It is an extremely difficult situation and I know all the reasoning behind it but still think it is just too hard.



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8 minutes ago, teachermom2834 said:

Annulments take so long and the process is so intrusive. I know all the reasoning why etc but it is just so much. Many people who have tried to do the right thing have been turned off to the Church by the annulment process. 

Not slamming the Church. I’m a practicing and traditional Catholic and can’t imagine that ever will not be the case. Just tons of compassion for those in the Church that have gone through divorce and the annulment process and think there is room for improvement in the process. It is an extremely difficult situation and I know all the reasoning behind it but still think it is just too hard.



I've been through it, and it is really stressful and hard. In my case it was also healing in a lot of ways. 

I'm just glad they made it cost less! I paid a few hundred dollars and I am pretty sure now it is free - at least in my diocese. 

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57 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I wasn’t meaning to argue the normalcy of the process being slow 🙂 just venting that it is slow lol 

vent away - BTDT and it was emotionally grueling in some ways, and insanely boringly bureaucratic in others. 

Also, the word bureaucratic is dumb and after 3 failed tries to spell it where even spell check couldn't figure out what I was trying to type I had to go to voice to text to figure it out. Let the dang french (I'm assuming it is french) keep their words!

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4 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

vent away - BTDT and it was emotionally grueling in some ways, and insanely boringly bureaucratic in others. 

Also, the word bureaucratic is dumb and after 3 failed tries to spell it where even spell check couldn't figure out what I was trying to type I had to go to voice to text to figure it out. Let the dang french (I'm assuming it is french) keep their words!

Only the French would ever think to use three vowels in a row to spell the sound of yet another vowel!

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My paperwork was done awhile back. Not really therapeutic for me. I talked my broken relationship to death in my mind, with therapists, and friends. 
No idea if all my witnesses turned in their questions. 

the thing that turns me off is annulments are simply to deal with a marriage that was missing elements. It does not address abuse etc that takes place during a marriage. 

So if you are legitimately abused but your marriage was considered valid, you can’t divorce and remarry? You’re just seen as an adulterer in the Church’s eyes? 

I’m over it. I’ve been dating off/on and my ex is remarried. 

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1 minute ago, heartlikealion said:

My paperwork was done awhile back. Not really therapeutic for me. I talked my broken relationship to death in my mind, with therapists, and friends. 
No idea if all my witnesses turned in their questions. 

the thing that turns me off is annulments are simply to deal with a marriage that was missing elements. It does not address abuse etc that takes place during a marriage. 

So if you are legitimately abused but your marriage was considered valid, you can’t divorce and remarry? You’re just seen as an adulterer in the Church’s eyes? 

I’m over it. I’ve been dating off/on and my ex is remarried. 

Yeah I hear you. There really is no remedy for that and that just isn’t adequate for the realities of life. I get it from a theological perspective but it just doesn’t work on a personal level. It’s a sticking point for sure. 

And if a Catholic gets married outside the church and then divorced they don’t need to fool with all this because it isn’t recognized so it just all seems incredibly insensitive and unfair. I get it by the letter of the law. I don’t need it explained to me and I don’t want to argue with anyone about it. Just saying I understand why you are over it.  

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1 hour ago, teachermom2834 said:

Yeah I hear you. There really is no remedy for that and that just isn’t adequate for the realities of life. I get it from a theological perspective but it just doesn’t work on a personal level. It’s a sticking point for sure. 

And if a Catholic gets married outside the church and then divorced they don’t need to fool with all this because it isn’t recognized so it just all seems incredibly insensitive and unfair. I get it by the letter of the law. I don’t need it explained to me and I don’t want to argue with anyone about it. Just saying I understand why you are over it.  

Yep. And not only that, but I cannot fathom asking a divorced non Catholic to go through his own annulment for my sake. I haven’t dated any Catholics lol 

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16 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Yep. And not only that, but I cannot fathom asking a divorced non Catholic to go through his own annulment for my sake. I haven’t dated any Catholics lol 

Yeah a couple I know the Catholic party didn’t need an annulment because she had gone outside the church. But the non-Catholic party had to go through all of it for a short lived marriage from many years previous digging up all kinds of stuff from when he was young and asking his friends to be witnesses, etc. 

I’m Catholic. I raised my kids Catholic and did all the things and my dd is in Catholic school now. But I’ve nothing but compassion and zero judgement for anyone in this situation. Anyways- I know you have peace about it and don’t need my approval…Lol. 

Back to job search updates!! Hope something comes through for you soon. You have been through it for sure.

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Dd has been sick lately. She was coughing in her sleep and this morning so I ended up deciding not to send her to school. The only child mask I had was at my dad’s. 

My dad informed me upon arrival that dd would not be allowed to use the internet. I said I wish he would have informed me prior. That’s never been a rule. He said it was his house. Duh. Then he tries to do into a speech about what he’s going to do to heal dd. I said look, I have to drive to my interview. You two work that out. But get her consent. Do not try to force her to wear that wrist think or take something she doesn’t want. He said, fine she knows better than me (obviously sarcasm). Apparently one time he made her wear this wrist thing that has healing properties — don’t ask I don’t know all the details but I think you program it based on the voice technology stuff he owns sending good frequencies. I was appalled I had no idea and she said it hurt and didn’t like it and they tried it on 2 parts of her body. 

He asked if she had a book and I said probably at her dad’s… if you want to arrange to pick it up. Someone is home, I know ds is sick. She decided she’d work on her story writing. 

When she arrived she wasn’t coughing but the cough medicine might have kicked in. The school nurse will not administer it so it would wear off and she’d probably be back to coughing in class. 

He said she’s not even coughing, she should be at school. I said sorry she doesnt cough on demand. 

All this to say thanks for the added stress, Dad. 

I got an email from no reply signed Human Resources with the college job title in the body copy saying we received feedback from one of your references. 

what?! What is the meaning of this? I’m guessing an overlap. They already hired someone. I left a voicemail with HR asking about the email and forwarded it to the woman I had been communicating to verify if the position had reopened. I’m not holding my breath to get a response. 

I'm at the library parking lot and will interview soon. 

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So you decided not to send your daughter to school, but it sounds like it would have been a lot easier to grab a child mask at a pharmacy and take care of her in your own space -- involving your dad as an unwilling unpaid babysitter for a sick kid doesn't really seem wise.

Is there still time in the day to pack up her and the mask and head back to your own space? It would probably relive the stress on all of you. (Your dad's behaviour is not awesome, and I don't like his 'healing' ideas, but you did kind of blindside him with a day of childcare duties he wasn't expecting.)

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17 minutes ago, bolt. said:

So you decided not to send your daughter to school, but it sounds like it would have been a lot easier to grab a child mask at a pharmacy and take care of her in your own space -- involving your dad as an unwilling unpaid babysitter for a sick kid doesn't really seem wise.

Is there still time in the day to pack up her and the mask and head back to your own space? It would probably relive the stress on all of you. (Your dad's behaviour is not awesome, and I don't like his 'healing' ideas, but you did kind of blindside him with a day of childcare duties he wasn't expecting.)

I did consider grabbing the mask and taking her to school when I left his home but I knew she was miserable and wasn’t sure what to do. My sister and BIL and aunt are all staying there and I sent dd’s lunch over. There’s not much babysitting she requires. My sis and her  husband were out sight seeing and dd can stay in the room we stay in sometimes. It has her calico critters and a bed. My dad didn’t really need to do much at all. 

I’m leaving the interview and will need to decide what to do next. I also don’t want to get my landlords sick. I don’t feel like I have “my” space anywhere! 

The interview went ok. They said it’s a slow process and don’t be surprised if you don’t hear back for a couple weeks. They are hiring for different branches so cannot tell me where I’d work. I did let them know I’m aware of need to move to the parish and I’m not tied in a long lease- I rent month-to-month. They appreciated that info. 

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More job details

Cons - might not get 2 consecutive days off. They are open 6 days a week. Ex. You might have Friday & Sunday off but work Sat. They are closed Sun. 
Pro - you work 35 hrs/week (so five 7-hr days with an hour lunch and two 15 min breaks). They close at 5 on Fri & Sat so I’d still be able to go out if I had plans with friends. 
Unknown pro/con
It’s not a state job; it’s city. I know the state retirement plan is good but not sure about city. 
Unknown medical insurance details. They said it depends on the plan you get. They use UnitedHealth. 
Annual Vacation days = 13 (over time it goes up slowly). 
Closed for various holidays, some of which are specific to the area (Good Friday, Mardi Gras). 
Circulation desks have chairs and you can sit or stand. Some branches have reference desks but it’s mainly used to help with computer questions and she said my answer to a question demonstrated I’d be fine with that. 

I’m back at my dad’s. Dd didn’t cough a ton today so in hindsight I should have just sent her to school with a mask but oh well. We’re staying here for dinner with family. May or may not sleep over. I dropped off clothes & my laptop and class Chromebook this morning so I can do job apps and my class homework if time permits. 

My old ins company claims they never got my letter of appeal regarding my orthotics that I faxed weeks ago. I had the fax say successful (was sent from Office Depot). Ugh!!! Now I’m gonna mail it certified. 🤬

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On 9/21/2023 at 12:53 PM, heartlikealion said:

My paperwork was done awhile back. Not really therapeutic for me. I talked my broken relationship to death in my mind, with therapists, and friends. 
No idea if all my witnesses turned in their questions. 

the thing that turns me off is annulments are simply to deal with a marriage that was missing elements. It does not address abuse etc that takes place during a marriage. 

So if you are legitimately abused but your marriage was considered valid, you can’t divorce and remarry? You’re just seen as an adulterer in the Church’s eyes? 

I’m over it. I’ve been dating off/on and my ex is remarried. 

Missing elements are not the only thing that they are looking at. They are actually looking for impediments on either side or both sides to forming a sacramental bond. Sacraments like Baptism, confirmation, matrimony and holy orders are until death. They do invisibly what we do visibly in the liturgy for each one. Even a laicized priest is still an ordained priest even though he can no longer engage in sacramental ministry. So, if there were no impediments, such as either party being or feeling coerced, an intent to artificially contracept, mental illness, substance abuse, etc, there most likely would be a sacramental marriage. The only reason to look into what happens during the marriage is that it is evidence either that there was no sacramental marriage because of the impediment(s) or that the sacrament became valid over time (i.e. the impediment was removed and both parties intended to live marriage as the Church understands it.) I know it’s difficult, time consuming, sometimes painful, but if you ever want to be married in the Church again, they need to know that your soul is not already united to your previous spouse. If you definitely never want to be married in the Church again, then I don’t see why you would do it.  

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I so hope you get the library position. A job there seems like it would be relatively stress free, no employee drama or backstabbing gossip as is possible with other office jobs, and librarians are usually pretty cool.  Well, except your ex of course! And maybe you could eventually trade  with another person to take two consecutive days off.

Edited by Idalou
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1 hour ago, scholastica said:

Missing elements are not the only thing that they are looking at. They are actually looking for impediments on either side or both sides to forming a sacramental bond. Sacraments like Baptism, confirmation, matrimony and holy orders are until death. They do invisibly what we do visibly in the liturgy for each one. Even a laicized priest is still an ordained priest even though he can no longer engage in sacramental ministry. So, if there were no impediments, such as either party being or feeling coerced, an intent to artificially contracept, mental illness, substance abuse, etc, there most likely would be a sacramental marriage. The only reason to look into what happens during the marriage is that it is evidence either that there was no sacramental marriage because of the impediment(s) or that the sacrament became valid over time (i.e. the impediment was removed and both parties intended to live marriage as the Church understands it.) I know it’s difficult, time consuming, sometimes painful, but if you ever want to be married in the Church again, they need to know that your soul is not already united to your previous spouse. If you definitely never want to be married in the Church again, then I don’t see why you would do it.  

I’m not sure that we’re saying anything different. I just used the word elements as a catch all for whatever the Church deems necessary or relevant. I got married pregnant and felt an immense amount of pressure (not from xh but in general). This is what I explained in my annulment request. 

I did the annulment request because I figured I’d want to at least date and not be considered an adulterer even if I never met a new spouse. I applied for the annulment when I was still a practicing Catholic. Also, I did it for my dad. Strict Catholic upbringing. 

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1 hour ago, Idalou said:

I so hope you get the library position. A job there seems like it would be relatively stress free, no employee drama or backstabbing gossip as is possible with other office jobs, and librarians are usually pretty cool.  Well, except your ex of course! And maybe you could eventually trade  with another person to take two consecutive days off.


14 minutes ago, scholastica said:

Heart, I am praying for you and your situation every day. You have been treated unfairly by many people all along the way. Praying you get a job that gets you a safe place to live and enjoy your kids.

Thank you. I think the stress would just be figuring out visitation with dd (Sundays would be available but when to do drop off/pick up).

The library system is very inclusive and I think I’d fit in. 

Class has improved and we’re bonding more. Had our first module test (easy chapter on communication) and I got 100. 

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Haven’t set up my P.O. Box yet. I sent a small item to my landlord’s address and told her. She said it’s ok but then went on to say dd was “coughing horribly” this morning and she hopes I didn’t send her to school. Said dd probably needs a dr. 

Dd must not have closed the door all the way and the cats had a go at each other. I ran to break them up but don’t know if they made contact. Very noisy and I was embarrassed figuring it could wake up my landlady. I got onto dd about the door and put my cat away. The landlady’s text pointed out that the cat got out and we were noisy this morning and please keep it down. 

The cats DO NOT like each other and I got attacked a few days ago when I returned from the porch with mine and the other was around the corner. I directed mine away and she turned on me and sliced my thumb open. 

ugh! I promise I’m on eggshells everywhere I go and everyone has a different opinion on if I’m parenting right (dd shouldn’t go to school, dd should go to school. Blah blah blah). 

maybe there’s a little validation there — I wasn’t crazy for thinking the cough was really bad! 

Dd and I will stay at my dad’s the rest of the weekend. We don’t want to make waves with landlords. I’ll probably sleep on the futon in a common room so I can prop her up in the twin and we both have space. 

I think my gut is pretty good but I second guess everything. It’s OK I kept dd home. It’s OK I didn’t want to live in a home with other pets. And it will be OK if I don’t live close to my dad because he’s not the type of support system where I want to ask for childcare. 

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The police station clarified that the $10 fee was their fee but the driving school has their own fee. I saw one quote for $52 but not sure if that was the right one. The employee wasn’t sure. So I didn’t commit to taking the driving class. 

I threw my back out at 1 pm today and class ended at 2. I was mad I couldn’t climb the ladder up the side of the building. I’m icing it now and can barely move. I don’t know if I’ll make it to class tomorrow but if I do I’ll sit out during the exercise portion. I’m mad my body keeps failing me. 

I had to go to the dr a few days ago (unrelated to back) so I maxed out my cc and had to borrow money from my sister to pay for my pharmacy prescription from that visit. But she said not to pay her back. 

A job I applied to months ago in AL wants to do a phone interview with me on Friday, Oct 6 (another event coordinator job). 

My DL will expire soon with my birthday coming up and I don’t know what state I’ll be living in. 🙄 MS, LA, or AL. 

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I was stressed out when I heard that the cat was meowing when I was sleeping at my dad’s with dd. I’ll try to check in with the cat more often if I must sleep elsewhere. 

I think I smoothed things over with the landlords and today they both offered me things for my back. I used a gel. 

I’m loosely planning on missing class tomorrow but hope I can return Thursday. If you miss too many points you get kicked out of the program. Missing a day is a full point. I can at least read stuff from the text book at home. Either this week or next week we’re supposed to go up on a scaffold but I don’t see myself able to do that immediately. 

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26 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Just for fun I thought I’d share this pic… us trying on fall protection the other day. I’m amazed this stuff exists and yet I’ve never seen anyone on a roof wearing it. 



You see it all the time up here. I think some states are a lot stricter than others. Mark replaced the roof over the addition last autumn, and he wore all the safety gear. If you chose to work construction in the future, don't let careless coworkers make you feel self conscious about wearing it. I have never understood other people fascination with broken bones, head injuries, and paralysis. If is awesome that you are being taught how to use it.

You are rocking it, Heart! I am so sorry it is taking so long to find a job.

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Just now, Faith-manor said:

You see it all the time up here. I think some states are a lot stricter than others. Mark replaced the roof over the addition last autumn, and he wore all the safety gear. If you chose to work construction in the future, don't let careless coworkers make you feel self conscious about wearing it. I have never understood other people fascination with broken bones, head injuries, and paralysis. If is awesome that you are being taught how to use it.

You are rocking it, Heart! I am so sorry it is taking so long to find a job.

My dad had a company come do an estimate for some sort of ins or product recently. He told me they went on his roof and I asked if they wore any protection and he said no and he’s never seen that. I said yes it exists and I’ve never seen people using it (at least not in residential areas).

I agree. Better safe than sorry. Actually for the 2-week class we were not given ear protection but I keep ear protection in my car for concerts so I grabbed a set lol even in short spurts those power tools get loud. 

If I end up going any further next would be the electrical class for me (residential electrical work interests me). But I don’t think I see myself as a Journeyman or some of those other roles. Wow, those heights and risks. The woman that teaches the elec class is petite and I tell myself don’t let your size discourage you, not all women in the construction field have to be big and buff. Don’t get me wrong - I know there are tons of risks in electrical as well. In fact, the last OSHA program was basically a series of “how you can die” lol 

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10 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

All trades wear it here when up on the roof . Huge fines if they are caught without it 

our guys wear it too. They'll be sent home from the job if caught without it.


Oh -- Yeah I'm not sure I've seen people on residential roofs using safety equipment as much. But commercial? It's required.

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I asked my sister to pick up ibuprofen for me for inflammation. I’m not really sure how I should be treating this. Some say heat. Some say ice. I’ve done both and read pros/cons to them. 

I feel like I should have been standing on my slant board daily and let my calves get too tight. That seems to relate to my back issues as the last back issue I had was after a bad PF flare up. I stood on the board last night and will do so more today. The pain killer I had leftover from last time didn’t seem to do anything and late last night I got nauseous out of no where hours after taking it. I had even spoken to a pharmacist to make sure me medications could be taken together. So strange. 

I’m missing a test in class today so I’ll see if I can make up on Friday. We don’t meet on Fridays but we can use the classroom amd depending on staff’s availability someone can proctor my test. 

I met a few new guy friends in the past couple months. Was supposed to eat dinner with one tonight but probably can’t due to my back. I’ve gone on dates with both but the one I like doesn’t want a gf right now and has a lot on his plate. You guys, the last time I saw my crush I made him go to the hospital for an injury (I drove) and the nurse asked our relationship 😳He said friends and then added “this is our third date” 🤣 my love life is a mess. The nurse told him I was a keeper haha. 

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1 minute ago, WildflowerMom said:

Last time dh got on our roof, it scared the crap out of me.   I’ve got the safety thing in my Amazon cart now. 

There are different types of lanyards. Some are for positioning and some are fir shock absorption in a fall. I’m still learning. I hope you can order all the right things. Once a harness has been used in a fall it has to be replaced. 

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Just now, heartlikealion said:

There are different types of lanyards. Some are for positioning and some are fir shock absorption in a fall. I’m still learning. I hope you can order all the right things. Once a harness has been used in a fall it has to be replaced. 

I didn’t know any of that. 🤦🏻‍♀️.  I’ll look at it and see, I think it’s a tie off to hold him if he falls?   I’ll look.  His uncle fell off a regular ladder several yrs ago and is paralyze from his waist down now.    

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21 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

I didn’t know any of that. 🤦🏻‍♀️.  I’ll look at it and see, I think it’s a tie off to hold him if he falls?   I’ll look.  His uncle fell off a regular ladder several yrs ago and is paralyze from his waist down now.    

I’m so sorry about your DH’s uncle. This is why I encourage DH to hire out roof issues.

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Roof practices are regional. In TX, we saw no one in gear. It wasn’t required.

Here, everyone is in it, and hooked into roof anchors. Our state requires it and has specifications for the types of connectors and fall arrest systems required.

Learn and use that stuff. There are way too many spine and brain injuries from falls. I also know someone whose life was changed from a fall from his own roof. 

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We did ladder stuff the other day. Depending on type of ladder there are different rules for proper use. Some have a way to anchor it down when you lean it against a roof. We had to measure to see the correct angle to position it. 

There was a hilarious typo in our study sheet. Instead of shock-absorbing features (on lanyards) it said “c” where the sh should have been. The woman that typed it was not there so the other instructor said she wondered if she did it on purpose as a joke. 

I’m hoping to attend class tomorrow but just sit out certain things. Getting up and down from seats is difficult (bed, chairs, car). 

Edited by heartlikealion
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I think I’m gonna drop out of class. Given my current state, the staff said I need doctor’s clearance to do the activities and I don’t think that I can. Going to the dr probably won’t do anything but confirm that or maybe give me a muscle relaxer which I cannot be on while driving, handling power tools, etc. 

They directed me to a free clinic and sliding scale clinic but the free one is only open during class hours and didn’t have any doctors on Thursday (only a dentist). They said they would call back with the next available time but I don’t have any voicemails. 

Not all these places do walk ins. The sliding scale location with the soonest available slot I could get is Tues morning and min fee is $40. At this point I feel like quitting. I never got my orthotics. My back hurts. I can’t exercise in class, climb scaffolds, get on roofs etc. 

I deposited my first stipend and made a payment on my cc today. I’ll get one more stipend for this week (minus the day I was absent). I don’t get to keep the tool belt etc but that’s ok. I own most of those items already. 

The AL job — I need to log back into the government job website and see if I can find the posting. According to my email records I applied for it in Feb!! That’s how slow some of these places are. 

I did eat dinner with a guy friend last night. I just said no booths lol I won’t be able to get up and down. We sat at a tall table with tall chairs. He insisted on paying and said I can pay for beignets next time (we talked about a new place around here that sells them). 

My crush is MIA for days and I know I have stupid anxious attachment style so of course I’m like “are they ignoring me and using airplane mode to show failed call or ??” But their phone is probably dead or out of service. 

I’ll just try to focus on my job hunting I guess. 

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Found the job description for the AL job. Good pay. Does require nights & weekends but not sure how often. 

Red Roof emailed me back Sept 16 asking my confirmation number. I told them guest services had already declined helping me with the matter but gave them the info. They never responded again so I sent a follow up. They are so disorganized and irritating. 

Meanwhile HR from the college formally rejected me via email this week. Stop emailing me! Lol I know I didn’t get the job. Good grief.  

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