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Updates 2023 (job hunt etc)


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6 hours ago, Kanin said:

I did a quick google search for RBT jobs in the New Orleans area, and it looks like there are a lot. I'm sure some places are better than others though. 

I see two jobs closer to the kids than New Orleans, but one is part-time and you go to homes and the other is full time and requires past experience working with kids with special needs. So neither of those would be a fit for me. I'm also curious how many hours you are on your feet in these roles (like if you're in a classroom setting). 

It can't hurt to work on the course for now... 


I contacted the retired couple and they already have someone for the month and they prefer to charge monthly vs weekly so I would potentially need a cash advance to pay them in a lump sum (unemployment is doled out weekly). By then I will have probably come up with another solution. Or may just stay here. 

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5 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

past experience

You homeschooled and your kids had some things they did therapies for, etc. I'm not saying it's a super high paying wow kinda thing, but it's guaranteed hours, pinch hit hours, work alongside another job if you want hours. Some are pretty cushy too, like driving SN kids to their appts after school and being after school care. 

If you get your foot in the door and get some experience, you could use that to springboard into something with benefits, like being a para (assigned to a student) in a school classroom. 


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1 hour ago, heartlikealion said:

I see two jobs closer to the kids than New Orleans, but one is part-time and you go to homes and the other is full time and requires past experience working with kids with special needs. So neither of those would be a fit for me. I'm also curious how many hours you are on your feet in these roles (like if you're in a classroom setting). 

It can't hurt to work on the course for now... 

I'm sure there's a ton of variation in these jobs... so yes, work on the course for now and find out if you even think it's interesting. Hopefully you will 🙂

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I googled RBT stuff in my area and found a center nearby. I went to their website and clicked on employment. It says under qualifications: 

  • Current RBT certification preferred

So maybe I could get my foot in the door without having it completed. I'm going to inquire more. 2 videos down. The second video was more interesting to me than the first (which referenced some old tests that were sorta disturbing to me... using a toddler and conditioning them to be scared of rats and other similar creatures, complete with video footage. Ugh).

The second video (for anyone curious) mentioned relevance among other things. Like don't waste time teaching patients things that aren't particularly relevant in their life (ex. forcing a kid to learn all the dog breeds or even all the branches of military when no one in their family is even in the military). 

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7 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

So maybe I could get my foot in the door without having it completed.

My thinking is that RBTs are probably in high demand, so you could maybe get a job without already having all of the requirements. I wonder if the pay is doable, though. I did see some ads where you can get insurance, paid time off, etc. 

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49 minutes ago, Kanin said:

My thinking is that RBTs are probably in high demand, so you could maybe get a job without already having all of the requirements. I wonder if the pay is doable, though. I did see some ads where you can get insurance, paid time off, etc. 

I am most concerned about what they consider experience — dd’s friend is on the spectrum and a couple kids at the church nursery were (behavioral issues, not very responsive, at least one non verbal) but I had very limited time with these kids. 

Can’t hurt to learn more. If they see I have experience with kids, open to learning more, compassionate, fought for IEPs, etc maybe they would be willing to work with me. 

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1 hour ago, heartlikealion said:

I am most concerned about what they consider experience — dd’s friend is on the spectrum and a couple kids at the church nursery were (behavioral issues, not very responsive, at least one non verbal) but I had very limited time with these kids. 

Can’t hurt to learn more. If they see I have experience with kids, open to learning more, compassionate, fought for IEPs, etc maybe they would be willing to work with me. 

Definitely count the church nursery experience.

And start applying now, let them know you are actively working on getting the certification.

You've probably seen the data about how men regularly apply for (and often get!) jobs they don't have all the listed qualifications for and women are hesitant to throw their hats into the ring if we don't have every qualification listed. We short-change ourselves by doing that.

Go for it!

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17 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

I see a lot of jobs asking for experience but are so short staffed they’ll hire with minimal qualifications. Honestly my bigger concern is that it’s going to pay enough to live on. 

So far I see a mixed bag. One job posting said $11-15/hr. Another said $18-28? But the second one had much higher standards. 

The one I'm looking at lists no pay (of course lol). I was interested mainly based on location and the fact that I mostly met the qualifications. 

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3 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

I am most concerned about what they consider experience — dd’s friend is on the spectrum and a couple kids at the church nursery were (behavioral issues, not very responsive, at least one non verbal) but I had very limited time with these kids. 

Can’t hurt to learn more. If they see I have experience with kids, open to learning more, compassionate, fought for IEPs, etc maybe they would be willing to work with me. 

Schools in my district would hire you to be an ed tech with zero experience, so I think you've got a great shot.

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15 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

that were sorta disturbing to me

There may be other things that disturb you as well, but you'll understand where they're coming from and then be able to look for employment you feel comfortable doing. All work by an RBT is supervised by a BCBA and BCBAs are not necessarily in lock step on how to implement things. But I agree, you may see things (aversive techniques, whatever), that you are not willing to do. 

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1 hour ago, PeterPan said:

There may be other things that disturb you as well, but you'll understand where they're coming from and then be able to look for employment you feel comfortable doing. All work by an RBT is supervised by a BCBA and BCBAs are not necessarily in lock step on how to implement things. But I agree, you may see things (aversive techniques, whatever), that you are not willing to do. 

They were not condoning the experiments in today’s world - just referencing it. These were really old studies. 

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Our dd28 worked as an RBT, and they hired her without certification, and then she became certified within a couple months after she started. They expanded her duties after she was certified. After about a year, she was eligible for a promotion where she would have been trained to have a more supervisory and administrative role. (She moved and shifted her career path, so she didn't pursue the promotion.)

Background: She does have a child care certificate she earned while in high school at a technical school and has years working with children as a preschool teacher and a dance teacher, including special needs students.

The companies in her areas really needed staff though, so I would definitely apply if you are interested!

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I applied for the job and I mentioned watching dd's friend as part of my experience with children on the spectrum (dd and her friend are not even aware that she's on the spectrum but I know because her mom and I discussed it years ago. And I think that's part of the reason she's so "fussy" about a lot of things. I bought the wrong pre-made pasta can once. The shape was the only difference but she wouldn't eat it). 

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No mail from SNAP yet so I don't know what the verdict is but today I called the back of the card and I had a whopping $33. Good grief. I hope that's not the monthly amount they're giving me. 

The retired couple had some changes with their tenant so they said their home will be available Sept 1 and said I can view it tomorrow. I know the cat will hate that as it'll be cramped but it will save me a ton (the rates at the hotel fluctuate and I paid more the second week than first week). I'll just go and see if I can make it work. 

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37 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

No mail from SNAP yet so I don't know what the verdict is but today I called the back of the card and I had a whopping $33. Good grief. I hope that's not the monthly amount they're giving me. 

The retired couple had some changes with their tenant so they said their home will be available Sept 1 and said I can view it tomorrow. I know the cat will hate that as it'll be cramped but it will save me a ton (the rates at the hotel fluctuate and I paid more the second week than first week). I'll just go and see if I can make it work. 

I think you can make it work. Our older cat seems more happy in one room right now—especially the one where her favorite people are. Maybe after you get a job you can get the cat a climbing tree or something to give him/her vertical space. 

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My best friend blocked me because according to her I’m heading toward bankruptcy and think I’m too good for certain jobs and doesn’t want to waste her time or energy on someone that doesn’t appreciate her advice (that I didn’t actually ask for). If she’d just listen she’d understand. If I take a random low-paying job I’d have to leave abruptly to go to a job interview. It’s hard to do that. Now the new job is in jeopardy and I could get canned and lose that income plus won’t be able to get back on unemployment. 

I figured at the very least I’d hold out til the comm college got back to me. Today they scheduled my interview (Fri after Labor Day). And I even told my friend I was working on the RBT certification. Sigh oh well. 

Today I toured the rental and met the retired couple. I’ll be moving in this Sept. It will be a relief to not be throwing money at a hotel. I’ll have my own room & bathroom. The bed in there is big enough for me and dd. I have to reserve the room on a monthly basis but they agreed to collect money weekly (I explained my situation). We will introduce our spayed female cats. If they don’t get along I’ll separate mine. 

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I missed a call from a casino last night so there’s a potential interview looming. I had to just leave a voicemail since they called after HR hours. 

I emailed my WIN case worker and asked if we could cancel the face-to-face meeting scheduled for this Friday (she told me last time after I arrived oh we didn’t really need to meet because you already updated me). Friday will be nuts as I drive dd to school then go back to my hotel to check out. I’m going to start clearing out the hotel today but will have to get the cat out Friday morning. And the WIN building is no where near it. I emailed my case worker all my job updates this morning so I’m sure she’ll be fine with it. She’s so sweet.  

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Casino interview went really well. The hours are questionable because they hold a lot of events on weekends and you need to be there but they get Sundays off. Most do Sun/Mon off but you can request something else off like Tues/Wed instead. I’d probably do Sun/Mon so I would get Sundays with dd. I might have to forfeit time with her to put a roof over my head. This is my reality. 

The pay is OK not great (less than my last wage but better than the other casino offer) but room for growth and overtime. Standing time is not a huge percent and they can work with me if it’s a thing where some roles are seated and some are standing at the events. 

They will make a decision next week then if you say yes they get the background check and start the process for your gaming badge. The casino eats that bill. 

Employees get health, dental, and vision. Access to a clinic across the street with $5 copay. And employee gym across the street open 24/7 and costs $5/month from your paycheck. You can request your hours to start earlier or end later on the weekdays. They sound very accommodating. 

I would jump on this job at this point but still interview with the college if the decision overlaps. 

I threw in some tidbits that I used to go to the midnight movies when this casino had them. And I attended that networking event (80s/90s theme) — she knew the one. 

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Remember last interview with the college they said that only HR could supply the salary range? I emailed HR a few days ago inquiring about the salary range for this job but they did not respond. If it pays more than $15/hr it’s hands down a better option for me. It includes retirement and no weekends. The casino job did not mention retirement which I really want.

I’ll take what is offered but I’d leave the casino job if both want me. Just hope at least one does. 

I’m ready to live alone without anyone checking on me. Landlords, housekeeping, etc. My current landlord wants to know if I’m not coming home (sometimes I sleep at a friend’s depending on how late it is and what city we’re in) or my dad’s. I’m ready to be done with that. I feel like a teenager. But I’ll do this til I can get my own place. 

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2 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Remember last interview with the college they said that only HR could supply the salary range? I emailed HR a few days ago inquiring about the salary range for this job but they did not respond. 

Did you try checking Glassdoor to see if any of their jobs are listed? 

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So far the cats have just stared at each other and mine growled and hissed. 

The other growled, hissed, and scratched me… but I think it’s because she associates me with the mean kitty. I am hoping she eventually warms up to me. 

My gf (the one that has dd’s friend) once offered me a guest room but among other reasons I didn’t take the option because her bf’s dog is violent toward cats. This past week a neighborhood cat got in their yard and the dog killed it. She had to find the owner. It was awful. 

I’m going to keep listening to my gut - my cat is not a good candidate as a foster animal/being around other animals. Currently all the cat’s stuff is in my room even though I was given the option to move it to other parts of the home. 


Mathematically speaking, I cannot afford an apartment on $15/hr which is what the casino job offers. I don’t like to count possible overtime as part of my budget. I’ll be back to square one where all I can afford is low income housing and be back on a waiting list. Really really hoping for the college job. I’m 40. I need retirement. The casino doesn’t offer retirement. 

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I agree that retirement is super important, but it's also often a lot easier to get a job when you have a job. So, don't necessarily look at the first job you take as a permanent one. If I remember correctly, you haven't had many full-time positions as an employee for a company in your career (forgive me if I'm wrong), so securing one and holding that job for a year or so may put you into a better position to make your next move. $15/hr isn't great, but it's a lot more than the minimum wage in your state, I think? If that's the position you get, you're not settling necessarily; you are building your resume while earning. Hope that made sense!

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12 minutes ago, AmandaVT said:

I agree that retirement is super important, but it's also often a lot easier to get a job when you have a job. So, don't necessarily look at the first job you take as a permanent one. If I remember correctly, you haven't had many full-time positions as an employee for a company in your career (forgive me if I'm wrong), so securing one and holding that job for a year or so may put you into a better position to make your next move. $15/hr isn't great, but it's a lot more than the minimum wage in your state, I think? If that's the position you get, you're not settling necessarily; you are building your resume while earning. Hope that made sense!

I was making more than $15/hr at my last job and could hardly make ends meet. My ins did not come out of my paychecks but I assume the casino will take money from the checks to cover the ins. I’ll be in the hole every month like now if I try to lease anything. In a short time my cc will hit the max (it was a $5000 limit). I’d rather not open a new cc. 

Rent in my last home was $650/month. Around here the lowest options are income dependent (and that’s more than $650) and/or the $800/mo townhome. My current room rental + child support payment eats up the entire unemployment. That doesn’t help me with the storage unit, gas, cell phone bill, etc. At $15/hr I’d have to stay in this room rental for who knows how long til I secure more money/another job. 

Yes I’ll take what I can but I was job hunting prior to being laid off and this whole hunt has been going on since what? Let’s say approx April when I realized commuting to the kids was horrible and not sustainable.

No, I didn’t have a lot of jobs in my field — I did work at 2 newspapers and a magazine. One of those jobs I held 4 yrs before moving. One I held for 3 yrs/4mo til I got laid off. 

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1 hour ago, heartlikealion said:

I was making more than $15/hr at my last job and could hardly make ends meet. My ins did not come out of my paychecks but I assume the casino will take money from the checks to cover the ins.  

Ask about benefits so you know for sure what you're dealing with. 

What might be good about casino jobs as a gap stop is that you will have some typical business hours available to schedule interviews. 

2 hours ago, AmandaVT said:

I agree that retirement is super important, but it's also often a lot easier to get a job when you have a job. 

So true. It's like they think being unemployed is contagious and they don't want to be in the same room, lol. 

When I closed the books on my homeschooling era, I had what struck me as a weird experience: the first lil job I took where I was 'employed' after a long period of working for myself started making the phones ring, even though the freelance experience was more highly skilled (like no comparison, really). Even positions that were completely unrelated to that job, I was getting noticeably more response.  It was actually pretty annoying, lol. 


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1 hour ago, heartlikealion said:

I was making more than $15/hr at my last job and could hardly make ends meet. My ins did not come out of my paychecks but I assume the casino will take money from the checks to cover the ins. I’ll be in the hole every month like now if I try to lease anything. In a short time my cc will hit the max (it was a $5000 limit). I’d rather not open a new cc. 

Rent in my last home was $650/month. Around here the lowest options are income dependent (and that’s more than $650) and/or the $800/mo townhome. My current room rental + child support payment eats up the entire unemployment. That doesn’t help me with the storage unit, gas, cell phone bill, etc. At $15/hr I’d have to stay in this room rental for who knows how long til I secure more money/another job. 

Yes I’ll take what I can but I was job hunting prior to being laid off and this whole hunt has been going on since what? Let’s say approx April when I realized commuting to the kids was horrible and not sustainable.

No, I didn’t have a lot of jobs in my field — I did work at 2 newspapers and a magazine. One of those jobs I held 4 yrs before moving. One I held for 3 yrs/4mo til I got laid off. 

It's frustrating, but just being able to pay the room rental plus all of your bills without going farther into debt is a good start; it's definitely better than adding to debt. Plus, if you manage to scrimp and save for six months or a year, you might have a deposit/first month's rent saved by the time you do find a better job, so you'll be able to move into the $800/mo townhome (or a cheaper apartment, if you get off the waistlist for the income-restriced ones). It's been kind of a disastrous few months, but you're definitely moving in the right direction - room rental is cheaper than the hotel; job is definitely more than unemployment; paying down debt instead of adding to it, etc.

At $15/hr, the $800/mo. townhome is just about 1/3 of income, which is often the requirement for approval, so that's good! It's a start. 

If it's debt that is causing the bills to be too high, have you considered filing for bankruptcy?

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21 minutes ago, katilac said:

Ask about benefits so you know for sure what you're dealing with. 

What might be good about casino jobs as a gap stop is that you will have some typical business hours available to schedule interviews. 

So true. It's like they think being unemployed is contagious and they don't want to be in the same room, lol. 

When I closed the books on my homeschooling era, I had what struck me as a weird experience: the first lil job I took where I was 'employed' after a long period of working for myself started making the phones ring, even though the freelance experience was more highly skilled (like no comparison, really). Even positions that were completely unrelated to that job, I was getting noticeably more response.  It was actually pretty annoying, lol. 


They listed all the benefits in the interview. Retirement was not listed. It was like you accumulate time off and get the discounted gym and clinic across the street. All great things but not gonna give a place of my own.

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12 minutes ago, thatfirstsip said:

It's frustrating, but just being able to pay the room rental plus all of your bills without going farther into debt is a good start; it's definitely better than adding to debt. Plus, if you manage to scrimp and save for six months or a year, you might have a deposit/first month's rent saved by the time you do find a better job, so you'll be able to move into the $800/mo townhome (or a cheaper apartment, if you get off the waistlist for the income-restriced ones). It's been kind of a disastrous few months, but you're definitely moving in the right direction - room rental is cheaper than the hotel; job is definitely more than unemployment; paying down debt instead of adding to it, etc.

At $15/hr, the $800/mo. townhome is just about 1/3 of income, which is often the requirement for approval, so that's good! It's a start. 

If it's debt that is causing the bills to be too high, have you considered filing for bankruptcy?

And let my friend be right? Over my dead body 🤣

The issue is incoming money is doled out weekly ($199) and the hotel was several hundred so that went on my cc and the storage unit and a couple other things go on the cc each month (auto & rental ins, cell phone). The cc just keeps going up but I make small payments. 

Edited by heartlikealion
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Just now, katilac said:

But they should be able to tell you the details of their insurance plan, including type, cost, etc. 

The cost to employee can vary a lot, from zero to stupidly expensive. 

If they offer me the job I’ll ask. I did ask what company and she wasn’t even 100% sure.. just said she thinks it’s BCBS. So she probably doesn’t even use it! She probably uses her spouse’s (she said she’s married). 

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A friend reached out today saying there’s a roommate situation with a woman that owns a 2BD/2BA home with lower rent than what I’m paying and a more central location to where my job opportunities are. It’s $550/month for rent/utilities/wifi. That would be $100 less per month and better on gas. 

I’m waiting to hear back from the woman that is on the lease. The guy I know moving out said the woman is almost never home, either. 

The hotel I just left did refund my nights from that week but my other reservations were stuck in the system and since I didn’t specifically bring them up they didn’t see and remove them and now I have a new pending charge of $106 😡 I asked them to remove it and they’re being asses about it saying I should have said something. I said I don’t know what your computer shows but I thought it was obvious at my check out that I was leaving, not coming back. He said, “I can’t just remove that.” This is a franchise. I don’t know if I can complain to anyone above. 

My car is acting up so I’ll try to drop it off to be looked at tomorrow. 

My psychiatrist office sent an automated message that I have a telehealth appt this week. 


I pray the car thing is cheap, I get at least a portion of that $106 back and can move into the cheaper rental in Oct. 

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