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Immediate prayer needed


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19 hours ago, saraha said:

So I texted dd who works in a law office about this. If this happened to one of my kids. She said for a couple hundred dollars her attorney would draft a letter and have it sent to the boys parents warning them to stay away or he would escalate, and send one to the school.

This is what I would do. One, because the school is caught up in protecting his privacy and cannot/will not advocate for your dd above the punk. Two, because such a letter isn’t originated by the school, this lets him/them know that the end of the school year doesn’t mean the end of your stance for him to stay away from your dd. Three, people get a letter from the school and blow it off but a letter from an attorney is more alarming and instills the thought that the loss of money may a possibility. 

ETA I read through and see that your dd doesn’t want to do anything like this yet but I’m glad you have people in the right places should it become necessary. 

Edited by Grace Hopper
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So sorry that this boy is adding to your dd's grief. I hope that he backs off completely and she has the space she is entitled to. I also hope that the homebound situation works out well for these last few weeks of school. 

Big hugs to you all. 

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

I must get motivated as all the things I planned to do this week haven't got done.


((hugs))  I'm sorry for all of this pain and for the drama that has needlessly been added to it. 

This sort of emotional weight is a heavy, heavy burden to carry. Keep your to-do list to the bare minimum. Give yourself lots of time and grace. Most of the things that you feel need to get done, those can wait. Treat yourself as you would treat someone else who just went through an unexpected, tragic event. We often give a lot grace to others and then expect a lot of ourselves in the same situation. Give grace to yourself too ❤️ 

Edited by Ann.without.an.e
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