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Please pray for my canary; thank you, Sunny has passed <3


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My DD gave me a locket with my dog's picture in one side and Sunny's picture in the other. I showed it to one of the little girls in my Sunday School class, and she said, "It's a dog...and a chicken!" LOL. She does look like a little chick.

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You are all so very sweet to me and to my bird! So thankful for you. You are my peeps, truly. 💛💛💛

Sunny is doing pretty well. She is eating more and lively but I feel like the progress on her eye has kind of plateaued. She is still holding it shut some. I texted the vet today and they said keep on with the eye drops for now and the vet will call Monday if she wants me to do anything different.

I've been washing her dishes in hot soapy water daily but ordered some bird-safe disinfectant for everything else and it should be here tomorrow. I use a bird cage cleaner daily but it is not anti-bacterial.

Here are two pics of my DD holding Sunny this morning. Sunny looks (and is!) disgruntled in the first, but trust me, she is being held very lightly and gently. We found that what makes her most comfortable is having a place to hide while she is out of her cage (see second pic.) 🙂 We have to let the anti-inflammatory drops sit in her eye for 3-5 minutes before applying the antibiotic drops, so we can't just pop her back in her cage.

Disgruntled Sunny.jpg

Sunny Hiding.jpg

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The vet is going to be doing an xray in about 45 minutes. She said she noticed a little enlargement in her abdomen at the last appointment but did not mention it because it did not seem significant at the time due to the eye infection. The enlargement is more pronounced this time and Sunny has lost 3 g from her previous weight of 30 g. It could be an enlarged liver which is common in small songbirds, or it could be a calcified trapped egg. The x-ray should tell us. I could tell the vet was preparing me for the worst. Said that while canaries can live up to 15 years she considers any canary over five years old to be old. Sunny is six years old. I am in tears. Depending on what we find, options may include keeping her at the vet for IV fluids, gavage feeding, and oral antibiotics. Please pray for wisdom for the vet and for me.

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Oh, @MercyA sending big hugs to you.  I hope little Sunny will be okay.  I may not be back online for a while (DH has oral surgery first thing in the morning) but will be thinking of you and sending lots of positive thoughts.  I'll check in as soon as I can.  I'm so sorry about all of this. 

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Her prognosis is not good. She has an enlarged liver. I have to decide whether to hospitalize her and give her more of a chance or take her home because there’s a good chance she will pass tonight and there will be no one there. She is more comfortable at home. I’m not sure what to do.

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They are giving her a feeding, IV fluids, antibiotics, liver supplement, Painkillers. Will be sending me home with antibiotics on the off chance it is a liver infection and not a liver tumor or fatty liver disease. Just please pray that she will be as comfortable as possible and that My daughter can have peace and comfort. A miracle would also be nice of course.

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1 hour ago, Kassia said:

I am in tears too.  I'm so very sorry.  

Me, too. I was able to hold back the tears until I went back and looked at her pictures. 😢

I hope this is ok with @MercyA, but I started a new thread to let people know that Sunny isn’t doing well, in case people stopped reading this thread once they thought she was on the mend. I directed everyone back to this thread for updates, but I wanted to make sure Sunny gets as many prayers and healing thoughts as possible tonight. 

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