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Please pray for my canary; thank you, Sunny has passed <3


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3 hours ago, MercyA said:

Thanks all. Other than my parents, my DD and DH, and one friend, most people I know IRL would think I was crazy for worrying so much about a bird and even crazier for taking her to a vet. I appreciate the understanding and support I find here.

@MercyA I take chickens to the vet, and when our chickens die, I have them cremated and we keep the urns all together on a shelf. The urns have their chooky faces etched into the name tag.

Not crazy. Just a person who sees birds as real loved pets too. I find it odd that more people don't. 

I think that people often equate the cost of the purchase of the pet with how much we'll love them or dote on them or worry about them. It just doesn't work like that, at least not in my family (or yours!)

I hope your sweet canary is recovering well.

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14 hours ago, Catwoman said:

How is she doing now? Have you had to do the eye drops yet?

She seems a bit perkier. Last night she even gave two happy chirps. For some reason, when I put her back in her aviary after the trip, she seemed to have lost confidence in her flying abilities. She sat on her lowest branch and kept looking at the higher ones and flapping her wings like crazy but not launching. After about 10 minutes she finally got the courage to do it and flew up two branches higher. When I praised her, she gave two happy peeps.

The eye drops themselves were very easy to do. Catching her in her big cage was hard! I think I need to be more decisive but I am so afraid of hurting her. She is so tiny and delicate. The vet said she only weighs 30 grams! Hopefully I will get better at it so I don't have to keep chasing her around! 

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Continued prayers would be very much appreciated.

Good news: the eye drops are easy to put in. She is eating and eliminating some, but not as much as usual. She "silent chattered" to me a little today and twittered softly to my daughter tonight.

Bad news: she is not very active and she is not going to her usual nighttime perch (the highest perch in the cage) to sleep. That is not a good sign in a canary. I can tell she wants to fly up there, but just can't bring herself to do it. Tomorrow I will try adding some more "steps" / wooden perches up to her favorite sleeping branch. 

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37 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

@MercyA  I’m praying for her! Could it be the the eye drops make her vision a little blurry, so she’s nervous about doing much flying?

Thank you so much, Cat. 

I suppose that is possible....and perhaps also she is not as confident with one eye being shut some of the time. 

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Two thoughts @MercyA

Firstly, if she still is keeping one eye closed, she's maybe lost some perception. Flying may feel too scary.

Secondly, was she treated with a systemic antibiotic, in case her eye infection is secondary to a sinus or URT infection?

If it was me, I'd call the vet with an update. I'd mention everything you just said, and ask if this is an expected trajectory.

I'm pretty bold, so I'd be asking about a systemic antibiotic, maybe to mix in her water.

We can buy over-the-counter bird antibiotics here from produce shops and pet supply shops. I always have some in our chooky first aid kit. But injectables from the vet are stronger and faster acting.

Wishing you all the best 🌻


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27 minutes ago, chocolate-chip chooky said:

Two thoughts @MercyA

Firstly, if she still is keeping one eye closed, she's maybe lost some perception. Flying may feel too scary.

Secondly, was she treated with a systemic antibiotic, in case her eye infection is secondary to a sinus or URT infection?

If it was me, I'd call the vet with an update. I'd mention everything you just said, and ask if this is an expected trajectory.

I'm pretty bold, so I'd be asking about a systemic antibiotic, maybe to mix in her water.

We can buy over-the-counter bird antibiotics here from produce shops and pet supply shops. I always have some in our chooky first aid kit. But injectables from the vet are stronger and faster acting.

Wishing you all the best 🌻

Thank you, chooky. The vet said that if she is not improved after 7 days, she will either have me give another 7 days of topical antibiotic or consider a systemic antibiotic (and she said she could send that script to a local vet for me).

She thought the topical antibiotic would be less stressful for the bird than an oral one. She didn't see any signs of a respiratory infection, but said to let her know if I do see nasal discharge, coughing, sneezing, etc.

Don't worry, I will not hesitate to call the vet on Monday if things are not improved by then. 

I'm trying to leave her alone, but I did quietly peek in at her and while she is still on her low perch, she is sleeping well.

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Quick update: she gave some “I am happy” head shakes when I took off her cage cover this morning and then she preened herself. She was pretty feisty when I put her eye drops in, even giving me a couple pecks and then complaining with a squawk when I was done.  She flew to her “visiting branch” at the front of the cage to see DD when DD came to talk to her. Still staying on the lower branches, but I am hopeful! Thank you for your prayers! 

eta: She is eating and drinking well.

Edited by MercyA
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Thanks for the update — it sounds very encouraging!

I’m hoping that the combination of her medicine starting to work plus her calming down today and getting over the stress of having gone to the vet, will mean that she will be more like herself again today. 

Still praying for her!

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Sunny seems to be doing much better!

I received a conversational "peep" from her today and I am so relieved, since she's been so very quiet the last week. I was talking to her and she was silent chattering back (moving her beak) and I said, "Sunny, that's a very nice mirror you have." She flew to it and gave a nice strong peep. 🙂 

Then after about five minutes of nonsensical talk on my part ("Oh really? That's very interesting. Wow!") and silent chattering on her part, I said, "Sunny, I love you!" and she waggled her tongue at me, which is a sign of pleasure. My daughter somehow managed to teach her that "I love you" is a special phrase of affection. I shouldn't be too surprised, since all my dogs have understood it in the same way. 

Her eye looks a little better and she is opening it a little more. SO glad we took her to the vet. 

Still not attempting flight to the upper branches, but I am not too worried about that right now. She's only been in the large aviary about 3 months now and it took her a while to build up her confidence. Probably just needs to build it up again or possibly she cannot see well or just needs more rest.

We are keeping a space heater running in DD's room for her. 

Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts!!!!

Edited by MercyA
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Guess who made it up to her sleeping branch tonight??? Sunny! Super proud of my girl. I gave her two extra perch steps and tempted her further by adding a spray of millet near one of them, but she didn't even need the second perch from the top. She was happy to be back with her favorite toy, Green Triangle, and gave it a couple affectionate tugs before hiding behind it. 🙂

I am also pleased to report that she pecked at me AND at the eye dropper bottle this evening. Very feisty and I'm thankful for it! It's very interesting to be pecked at by a one ounce canary. I almost couldn't feel it! 

Thank you, thank you for all your support and prayers. 💛

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Quick update on Sunny! She is holding steady. She is mostly staying on her lower branches and is still quieter than usual, but readily flew up to her sleeping branch tonight for bedtime. Her eye looks about the same as yesterday. She's still holding it shut some. The vet did say that it could take up to 14 days of treatment.

I weighed her and she has not lost weight since the vet saw her on Friday. She's still at 30 grams, which the vet thought was a little thin, but I looked it up and apparently it's on the upper end for canaries. I ordered a previously favorite seed mix for her (I switched to a more natural one a while back, but will give her artificially dyed food if it tempts her) and it should be here Tuesday. I am getting her some fresh kale, broccoli, and apples tomorrow.

She was feisty with the eyedrops today and actually accidentally swallowed a drop of the antibiotic kind tonight. 😬 She turned her head to peck at the bottle right when a drop was coming out. I checked the package insert and I didn't see anything too alarming. It looks like it was tested for side effects orally even though it is for topical use. Hopefully it will be okay.

Continued prayers for regained strength, appetite and healing in her eye would be appreciated! 

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It’s probably ok that she ingested some of the eye drops — I’m sure they assume that even under the best of circumstances, some may drip down onto and into birds’ beaks, so I assume small amounts would be harmless.

I’m so glad you keep posting updates! 

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Thank you all so much!! ❤️

Sunny is interacting with me more today--lots of happy "tongue waggles" and silent chattering. Unfortunately she also yelled at me in alarm when I reached in and moved something in her cage, but I can hardly blame her when I grab her twice a day and drop things in her eyes. 🙂

She made me very happy by taking a few bites of a different kind of apple I bought her today (Fuji instead of the usual Gala). She hadn't had any apple in about a week. She's also eating a little broccoli and some seed. Not as much as I would like, but eating and drinking is good!

She went up to her highest branch during the daytime today, which I haven't seen for a while. It was to avoid my hand, but I'll take it. 😉 

She's still holding the eye shut some. The vet called today and would like to see her again in a week or two. 

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1 hour ago, MercyA said:

Thank you all so much!! ❤️

Sunny is interacting with me more today--lots of happy "tongue waggles" and silent chattering. Unfortunately she also yelled at me in alarm when I reached in and moved something in her cage, but I can hardly blame her when I grab her twice a day and drop things in her eyes. 🙂

She made me very happy by taking a few bites of a different kind of apple I bought her today (Fuji instead of the usual Gala). She hadn't had any apple in about a week. She's also eating a little broccoli and some seed. Not as much as I would like, but eating and drinking is good!

She went up to her highest branch during the daytime today, which I haven't seen for a while. It was to avoid my hand, but I'll take it. 😉 

She's still holding the eye shut some. The vet called today and would like to see her again in a week or two. 

I'm glad that she's showing some small improvements.  She may need additional time on the meds or a medication change before it resolves.  I have to grab one of my rabbits for meds and you would think that I was going to murder him with the fruit flavored meds that I syringe in his mouth.  😉  Once it's in there, he smacks his lips in appreciation.  He just forgets by the next time so we go through the little chase all over again.  But it's for his good and I have that perspective and he doesn't. 

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12 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I'm glad that she's showing some small improvements.  She may need additional time on the meds or a medication change before it resolves.  I have to grab one of my rabbits for meds and you would think that I was going to murder him with the fruit flavored meds that I syringe in his mouth.  😉  Once it's in there, he smacks his lips in appreciation.  He just forgets by the next time so we go through the little chase all over again.  But it's for his good and I have that perspective and he doesn't. 

Re the bold: Yes, this is what we've experienced with our chickens. It is quite normal for us to need a second round of medication. The first course eases the issue. The second course eliminates it.

I'm so glad that there are daily improvements 🙂 

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3 hours ago, chocolate-chip chooky said:

Re the bold: Yes, this is what we've experienced with our chickens. It is quite normal for us to need a second round of medication. The first course eases the issue. The second course eliminates it.


3 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

She may need additional time on the meds or a medication change before it resolves.  

Thank you ladies! I have a feeling she will need more than 7 days on the drops. I appreciate you letting me know that is normal! 

LOL about your bunny, Jean! 🙂 

She's doing well tonight. Ate a few bits of baby kale and bit me at me several times when she was getting the drops. 🙂 

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Sunny update! ☀️ Her appetite was much better today. I saw her eating often--seed, egg food, and greens. My DD said she took another bath, too. She displayed happy body language several times today when she saw me--tongue waggling, head shaking, fluffing. She must not hold the eyedrops against me. I feel badly that she peeped both times I put in the antibiotics today. I don't like that they make her uncomfortable but it's probably good that she's being more vocal about her dislike of them. 

So thankful for vets who care for even the littlest creatures and so thankful for modern medicine. I think this could have gone a very different way without the vet's care.

All of your caring thoughts and prayers are appreciated so very much!!!!

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13 hours ago, DawnM said:

I just keep humming in my mind, "Oh, the dark days are gone and the bright days are here, my Sunny one shines so sincere, Sunny one so true, I love you....."

Glad she is better!

So now that song is stuck in my head.

Thanks for nothing, Dawn. 😉 

@MercyA — I hope Sunny is having another good day today!!!

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27 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

So now that song is stuck in my head.

Thanks for nothing, Dawn. 😉 

@MercyA — I hope Sunny is having another good day today!!!

I remember singing it in 6th grade choir.  We sang it over and over and over.   I will never forget it.

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I hesitated to post this before because the eye thing makes me think it’s not that but huddling on the bottom of the cage and going quiet is something my daughters budgie does when she’s going in to egg laying mode. Then when she’s right in it she will sometimes have a bit of trouble flying and seem uncoordinated. I have no idea if this can happen for canaries - and given the extra  info around the eye and her being back to more normal it seems unlikely but it may be worth asking the vet? I’m glad she’s seems happier overall. 

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8 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I also had a thought that if it’s some kind of infections you might need to change out her perches and toys to stop her reinfecting herself?

This is such a good idea! I hadn’t thought of it, but it makes perfect sense.This is such a good idea! I hadn’t thought of it, but it makes perfect sense.

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On 3/30/2022 at 5:33 PM, Ausmumof3 said:

I hesitated to post this before because the eye thing makes me think it’s not that but huddling on the bottom of the cage and going quiet is something my daughters budgie does when she’s going in to egg laying mode. Then when she’s right in it she will sometimes have a bit of trouble flying and seem uncoordinated. I have no idea if this can happen for canaries - and given the extra  info around the eye and her being back to more normal it seems unlikely but it may be worth asking the vet? I’m glad she’s seems happier overall. 

She does lay eggs! We have to discourage it because she is so VERY fond of nest making and egg laying that she would wear herself out if we provided nesting materials for her to play with all the time. She has tried to lay on the bottom of the cage before so you are not off base at all. Thank you for mentioning it!

I am sure it is the eye this time, but I did wonder at first if she might be egg bound.

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On 3/30/2022 at 5:37 PM, Ausmumof3 said:

I also had a thought that if it’s some kind of infections you might need to change out her perches and toys to stop her reinfecting herself?

YES. I am embarrassed to say that this only occurred to me a couple days after she saw the vet.

Also, she has two new-ish perches that are rougher wood (the bark is still on them). She loves them, but they are harder to clean. I honestly should probably get rid of them. I have her cage set up so that she rarely ever soils her perches, but absolutely she could still reinfect herself on them, I think. She likes to clean her beak on the perches.

Thank you, thank you.

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Sunny update! She gave me three audible conversational peeps today! She seems more like herself and more interactive and is keeping the eye open a bit more. She is eating okay, still not as much as normal, but she has not lost weight. She likes to stay in the corner of her cage by the space heater that is in the room during the day, but consistently goes to her highest perch for bed.

She always knows when I'm putting my hand in the cage to feed her or clean her cage as opposed to putting it in to take her out. Can't fool her a bit!

All in all, I am super happy with how she is progressing. She has a checkup scheduled in about a week.

Thank you all for caring about my little feathered baby. 🙂 

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1 hour ago, MrsMommy said:

@MercyAI'm so happy your bird is doing better, and can I just say how much I've enjoyed hearing about her? I guess I didn't realize birds had so much personality, and it's been fun to get to "know" her!


In fact, I really really think this thread requires at least one photo of Sunny!

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11 hours ago, MercyA said:

YES. I am embarrassed to say that this only occurred to me a couple days after she saw the vet.

Also, she has two new-ish perches that are rougher wood (the bark is still on them). She loves them, but they are harder to clean. I honestly should probably get rid of them. I have her cage set up so that she rarely ever soils her perches, but absolutely she could still reinfect herself on them, I think. She likes to clean her beak on the perches.

Thank you, thank you.

You can clean her cage with hydrogen peroxide.   Don’t forget to do the food dishes. The perches I would throw out and buy new. But if you prefer to not buy new-  the rescue I did volunteer with soaks the perches in the hydrogen peroxide for a day, let them dry in the sun and switch them out every week.  They never had any issues with it. 

Edited by itsheresomewhere
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Sunny shrieks in disapproval whenever she sees my phone, so pictures are hard to come by! However, I thought since I was already taking her out of her cage today, perhaps I could get a picture when she was distracted. This was taken this morning! Her bad eye is the one showing in the picture; you can see that she is holding it open. 🙂 

This pic really doesn't do justice to her extreme level of cuteness, but here you go. 😉 


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