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Am needing urgent positive thoughts for my sister

Melissa in Australia

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Such great news that they got all the other stuff looked after and they can now focus on getting her gallbladder surgery done. Perhaps they just have to wait a bit until whatever they gave her for clots clears her system? I imagine it was a blood thinner or anti-coagulant of some sort, and they'd want to be sure that is all gone before doing surgery.

Continued healing light for her. And your whole family - for being on such an emotional rollercoaster these past few days. 

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Thank you for the update — things were looking so bleak, to the point where I was almost afraid to read your updates for fear something terrible might have happened, so I’m so happy to hear that she is doing so well now!

Thank goodness they transferred her to this hospital. It sounds like she finally got the treatment she really needed. I hope the surgery will happen soon, and like @Kassia already said, I hope your sister can get some real food soon, too!!!

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Not good update

her gall bladder probably burst during the night.

 She was in so much pain that they has to knock her out. She is now fully sedated. They are waiting for a critical care bed as they think she will need one after surgery as she has seizures when coming out of anaesthesia.

The hospital has rung mum and told her she has special permission to visit her. Which has caused mum to go into a panic


we don’t know where her children are. Mum is in a panic about that as well

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