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In case you are wondering where I am, I am dealing with a covid crisis. Update


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So ds caught covid on campus. He thinks he got it in the dining hall. Last Sunday lunch, the wind chills were -10, and temp zero, and the wind speeds were high, terribly high so walking around campus was draining.  He was feeling out of energy, and instead of asking for his food to go, took his mask off and ate in the dining room. Tons of students, and of course, eating so no masks. Wednesday night he got a sore throat, and Thursday morning the sniffles. Tripped positive on a Binax test in his room, and went immediately to the health center where they told him to go back to his dorm and take ten minutes to pack up what he needed, and then straight off to the quarantine dorm. He has no symptoms today, and since the campus is all online this week and has Martin Luther King Jr day off, he only has Tuesday in person classes to miss before his quarantine ends. He is working with his professors on that. BUT, the snag in all this is that when we reported it to our family MD, he insisted we all be tested in case his actual exposure was before he left for school on Jan. 8. Getting testing is insane. I have spent all of yesterday and most of today trying to get appointments, and none to be had. I am out of Binax for home and cane buy any.

So I am taking a break, and just wanted to let you all know. Ds had a Moderna booster while on Christmas Break. He seems fine. We have no signs of symptoms but could be asymptomatic. I am also trying to find a driver to get my mom to the airport tomorrow. She has a flight to France to winter over with my sister on the Riviera. She is not handling these bitter temps well at all. So I can't take her tomorrow for a 2.5 hr drive to DTW if I do not know for certain I am negative. Finding a driver is not turning out to be an easy task.


Damn #%#%$&$&$&#%$@$@ virus!

I am going to go get some cold sparkling water and something to eat - haven't eaten yet today - and then get back at my stupid covid task of trying to find a needle in a haystack. I am sorry I won't get to any of the notifications I have on WTM. It is getting to be a long list, and if I don't find a driver, tomorrow I will be in an N95 with my window open in Michigan winter while driving my mom to the airport as she cuddles under a mound of quilts to stay warm. I am not MIA, but also too stressed and time short to take the time to see if I should have responded to something.

Stay safe out there. You guys means a lot to me! 


Ds had symptoms less than 24 hrs. He will be let out of quarantine on Tuesday, and the whole campus has moved to KN95 masks. The college managed to buy enough to give them all three for now, and have more on the way so they can have five. They provided bags for them to keep them in for disinfecting/alternating after use. We will see if that works.

We never did find any tests locally or well, anywhere, though I greatly appreciate Natalie offering hers. I just couldn't in good conscience take hers. However, we never developed any symptoms and have been away from ds for 8 days now. Tomorrow mil really needs us to do some things for her at her house, so we are going to don KN95's, and we will have her wear her surgical make with her well fitted cloth mask over it while we are there, and then assume that the next day which 10, we are all clear. I really think he picked it up on campus eating in the dining hall. He did not transmit to his roommate. So that was good.

My mom's covid test, which her doctor put a rush on, came back negative just in the nick of time. Mark and I donned KN95's in the car and cracked the windows, and drove her the nearly 3 hrs. to DTW. Delta was wonderful with wheelchair assistance, and helped her check in. The rep even helped her put all her paperwork in the exact order to present at customs in France, and the rep said she was making sure that the wheelchair assistant for her in Charles De Gaulle was fluent in English so if she missed her connecting flight for some reason, they would be able to communicate well and make new arrangements. After all the nightmare of getting all that paperwork done, websites getting so many hits that they would time out all the time, and wondering if ds had exposed her to covid and she wouldn't have a negative test, everything actually went very smoothly. Mark and I wanted to wait around Detroit until we knew she was at the gate and her flight had not been cancelled, so we found a Thai restaurant, ordered for pick up, drove to a park, and sat and ate in the car while watching a movie on my kindle. I guess that was our date night! 😂 Hey Catwoman, we finally got a "date"!

I am having a wicked allergy attack today. I know it is allergies and not covid, because Benadryl causes the symptoms to go away for a while, and since itching nose and eyes, is not a normal covid thing, I think I am in the clear.

I won't be back online here for a couple of days. I am behind on my college course homework, and need to hunker down on that as well as go do some laundry and housework for mil.


Edited by Faith-manor
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Sorry you're dealing with that.  The timing seems exactly right for him to have gotten it at school given the average is 3 days for symptoms to show for omicron.  Especially if he's been back on campus for a week at this point and none of the rest of you are symptomatic. Glad your son has recovered so fast!  A less diligent young person may not have even tested.  Go vaccines!  I would mask you and your mom if possible and crank up ventilation, but I wouldn't sweat driving her too much if that's what you have to do.  Take good care!  


Edited by FuzzyCatz
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Faithmanor, how many tests do you need?

I don't know how far you are willing to drive.  I live approximately 40 minutes north of you. I have some tests. They technically expired December 2, 2021, but I believe the FDA recently extended the expiration dates by 3 months.  Let me know. 

We are locked down by choice here at my house, so not anticipating (at least hoping) that we will need them.



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Just realized that might have sounded kind of creepy, lol,  that I know where you live. 

Over the years a lot of places and things you mentioned have sounded SOOO familiar.  One day out of curiosity and in attempt to procrastinate what I really should have been doing, I looked you up.  There was a reason it all sounded so familiar! I think at some point I did mention here in one of your threads, but I have no idea which one as it was quite some time ago.

Anyway, I really am not some creepy person on the internet.  Really!!


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@Faith-manor Check some of your smaller, more local pharmacies. Someone in our neighborhood posted about having better luck there than at the larger places.

I assume your MD can't do the test himself.

Anecdotally, our family was all together unmasked even when some of our family members were symptomatic. They'd taken Binax tests and tested negative. Only 2 of the 6 of us got it after testing twice with PCR's.

I hope you're able to get what you need to get your mom to the airport safely!

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On 1/14/2022 at 3:57 PM, natalie said:

Faithmanor, how many tests do you need?

I don't know how far you are willing to drive.  I live approximately 40 minutes north of you. I have some tests. They technically expired December 2, 2021, but I believe the FDA recently extended the expiration dates by 3 months.  Let me know. 

We are locked down by choice here at my house, so not anticipating (at least hoping) that we will need them.



Hi Natalie, that didn't sound creepy, LOL! Thanks so much for the offer.

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  • Faith-manor changed the title to In case you are wondering where I am, I am dealing with a covid crisis. Update
On 1/14/2022 at 12:57 PM, natalie said:

I have some tests. They technically expired December 2, 2021, but I believe the FDA recently extended the expiration dates by 3 months.  Let me know. 


The new expiration extension is now 15 months from manufacture. So if the old dates were with the original 6 month expiration, they're actually good for 9 months past that.

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