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Well. Darn. Here we go again.

Mrs Tiggywinkle

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44 minutes ago, EmilyGF said:

Might you be a candidate for monoclonal antibodies since you work in a high risk field and just don't seem to be mounting a strong enough immune response?


I emailed my primary.  I am waiting on a PCR test result still which is required. My one concern though is that the monoclonal antibodies we have here don’t seem to work against omicron. 

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1 hour ago, Quill said:

I heard you on that. I think I am the only pro-vax person I know who finds it bitterly disappointing that being triple-vaxed neither means a) I will not get COVID, nor b) I couldn’t pass Covid on to my fragile parents or MIL. Whenever I say that around other pro-vax people, someone points out that I’m unlikely to be hospitalized. Well…sure. That’s great an all, especially since I do know actual people in the hospital right now who did not take the vax. So that’s nice. But I maintain that I thought I was taking one (three, actually) for the team so we could *ALL* benefit and put this pandemic in the past. 

Im just so sick of this damn virus. My 21st-Century expectations of living in continuous health and comfort have not been met. Heh. 

QFT  I am grateful to be somewhat protected from hospitalization. (2 shots plus booster.)  But seriously???  I too have accepted that with Omicron we are all going to get it now regardless of precautions.  I read an interesting article that said if they want to prevent infection rather than serious illness they need to focus on intranasal vaccines and I think that's exactly right.

Sorry OP! 

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48 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I emailed my primary.  I am waiting on a PCR test result still which is required. My one concern though is that the monoclonal antibodies we have here don’t seem to work against omicron. 

What about  the other medicines- the Pfizer and the other one>?  They both got Emergency Authorization.  Could you get one of those?

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1 hour ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I emailed my primary.  I am waiting on a PCR test result still which is required. My one concern though is that the monoclonal antibodies we have here don’t seem to work against omicron. 

I am so sorry. I was reading about that today. The MAB's that worked on the previous variants do not work on omicron. There is a new one in development, begins with an S, but I can't remember the name. I doubt it will be approved and mass produced in time.

I just wish I could hug you, and help take care of your children so you could rest.

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2 hours ago, Quill said:

I heard you on that. I think I am the only pro-vax person I know who finds it bitterly disappointing that being triple-vaxed neither means a) I will not get COVID, nor b) I couldn’t pass Covid on to my fragile parents or MIL.

I am bitterly disappointed as well, but I would probably be careful what I said because it's just ammo for the anti-vax crowd. 

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I just went for my PCR test(I need one to claim NYS short term disability if I’m out longer than five days) and the worker was so rude.  “You know this is NOT a rapid test.” Yes, thank you. “You know if you get vaccinated your risks of Covid are minimal.” Lady, I’m boostered as of a month ago and that’s no longer true.  
So. Much. Vaccination. Shame.

I have never wanted to shame anyone who didn’t get vaccinated even though I still think everyone should, but honestly, there’s a part of me that is annoyed that I went and got boostered, was sick and lost a day of work for about 48 hours after, and here I still am with Covid.  I won’t say that anywhere but here but I think the feelings are totally legitimate/

My kids are in the test to stay program, all three had negative Covid tests this morning so they’re at school and I can at least sleep.

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2 hours ago, Quill said:

I think I am the only pro-vax person I know who finds it bitterly disappointing that being triple-vaxed neither means a) I will not get COVID, nor b) I couldn’t pass Covid on to my fragile parents or MIL. Whenever I say that around other pro-vax people, someone points out that I’m unlikely to be hospitalized. Well…sure. That’s great an all, especially since I do know actual people in the hospital right now who did not take the vax. So that’s nice. But I maintain that I thought I was taking one (three, actually) for the team so we could *ALL* benefit and put this pandemic in the past. 

I am also bitterly disappointed. Glad that I'm unlikely to be hospitalized, or that I might get a milder case, but still. It sucks big time. 

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1 hour ago, goldberry said:

QFT  I am grateful to be somewhat protected from hospitalization. (2 shots plus booster.)  But seriously???  I too have accepted that with Omicron we are all going to get it now regardless of precautions.  I read an interesting article that said if they want to prevent infection rather than serious illness they need to focus on intranasal vaccines and I think that's exactly right.

Sorry OP! 

I would be interested in reading that if you can link. 

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56 minutes ago, kbutton said:

I am bitterly disappointed as well, but I would probably be careful what I said because it's just ammo for the anti-vax crowd. 

Yeah this is why I haven’t said it around dh. 

Im literally at this moment waiting to hear back from my boss who had to go get tested today because he was exposed at court Friday. If he’s positive…it’s just soooo annoying. I’ll have to test, the law clerk has to test, a dozen clients have to be notified…

I still wear masks when clients are in here but my boss doesn’t. And I don’t have much faith in my cloth masks against omicron. A friend did give me some KN95s which I intended to use for this purpose but they are in my car and my car is being repaired. 

There is a part of me that will be “happy” if we are all positive and I was not Patient Zero at work. We can get a covacation and then I can get it over with, it’s not “my fault”, and I can stop hiding from this stoopid virus. 

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3 hours ago, Quill said:

I heard you on that. I think I am the only pro-vax person I know who finds it bitterly disappointing that being triple-vaxed neither means a) I will not get COVID, nor b) I couldn’t pass Covid on to my fragile parents or MIL. Whenever I say that around other pro-vax people, someone points out that I’m unlikely to be hospitalized. Well…sure. That’s great an all, especially since I do know actual people in the hospital right now who did not take the vax. So that’s nice. But I maintain that I thought I was taking one (three, actually) for the team so we could *ALL* benefit and put this pandemic in the past. 

Im just so sick of this damn virus. My 21st-Century expectations of living in continuous health and comfort have not been met. Heh. 

I totally get it. Both things can be true. 

I can be incredibly grateful for the protection the vaccines DO provid, and still very unhappy that I still have to worry about spreading it to my unvaccinated under 5 kid (which is the age range hit hardest by Omicron it seems), and my high risk mom, and that I can't help out my sister's kids like I planned because the numbers are so high that they are walking petri dishes (DH had to run one home today from school - he masked in the car and it was a less than 10 minute drive) and I can't trust our vaccines to keep it from spreading to the rest of the family if I go over there. 

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I’m both pro-vax and bitterly disappointed, too.

And add in that 10 yr old DD waited and waited for her vaccines, got hers on the first day available, and made a countdown calendar to doing all the things she’s waited to do … and then, bam, omicron. I’m bitter.

But also very grateful that our whole family is vaccinated at this point, so hopefully when we catch it, we will have an easier time. We are notorious for lengthy, severe illnesses, so giving our immune systems a leg up is good.

But, yeh, a little bitter. Our extended family is having two large birthday gatherings this weekend. 7+ households, around 20 people each, indoors, not masking. We are going to have to bow out, again, but seriously, I’m tired of missing out!

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And now two more coworkers tested positive.  We work opposite shifts and I haven’t even seen either one in a couple of weeks but Covid is so prevalent.  Everyone at work now is fully vaccinated and all but two or three people are boosted.

We don’t test just to test at work, everyone is having symptoms.  It feels like a really nasty flu.

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2 hours ago, Spryte said:

I’m both pro-vax and bitterly disappointed, too.

And add in that 10 yr old DD waited and waited for her vaccines, got hers on the first day available, and made a countdown calendar to doing all the things she’s waited to do … and then, bam, omicron. I’m bitter.


THIS!!! And even if we would be willing to risk her getting it, the 4 yr isn't vaxxed yet. So we can't. I'm SO annoyed. 

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