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Well. Darn. Here we go again.

Mrs Tiggywinkle

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I worked a 24 hour shift yesterday and woke up from my nap feeling terrible.  I wanted to go see my grandmother who’s in short term rehab tonight and so tested, and guess what.

i have Covid.

Again.  And I’m vaccinated and boostered with Moderna. We use fit tested N95s with all patients and masking is required in public in New York.

I’m so grouchy. And DH is on a 24. And my kids are almost home from school. And I just want to sleep.  I have no way to isolate, since someone has to take care of the younger kids(my 11 year old is self sufficient but he can’t take care of the 6 and 9 year olds). And basically I feel like there’s just no way to avoid Covid at this point unless you’re going to be a hermit.

Edited by Mrs Tiggywinkle
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22 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I worked a 24 hour shift yesterday and woke up from my nap feeling terrible.  I wanted to go see my grandmother who’s in short term rehab tonight and so tested, and guess what.

i have Covid.

Again.  And I’m vaccinated and boostered with Moderna. We use fit tested N95s with all patients and masking is required in public in New York.

I’m so grouchy. And DH is on a 24. And my kids are almost home from school. And I just want to sleep.  I have no way to isolate, since someone has to take care of the younger kids(my 11 year old is self sufficient but he can’t take care of the 6 and 9 year olds). And basically I feel like there’s just no way to avoid Covid at this point unless you’re going to be a hermit.

That is just crazy.  I hope they can figure out soon why some people keep getting it even though they are triple vaxed and cautious.  

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Round 3.  I had it in March 2020(presumed based on chest x ray, testing was sketchy), October 2020(confirmed on pcr) and now.  I got my Moderna booster last month.

But I work in Covid soup land, and my exposure is probably really high. 
I am also diabetic, though very well controlled, and I am on steroids for anti rejection.  But the last week, almost every Covid patient I’ve had has been boostered, so I’m not holding my breath at the booster efficacy right now.

Edited by Mrs Tiggywinkle
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53 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I worked a 24 hour shift yesterday and woke up from my nap feeling terrible.  I wanted to go see my grandmother who’s in short term rehab tonight and so tested, and guess what.

i have Covid.

Again.  And I’m vaccinated and boostered with Moderna. We use fit tested N95s with all patients and masking is required in public in New York.

I’m so grouchy. And DH is on a 24. And my kids are almost home from school. And I just want to sleep.  I have no way to isolate, since someone has to take care of the younger kids(my 11 year old is self sufficient but he can’t take care of the 6 and 9 year olds). And basically I feel like there’s just no way to avoid Covid at this point unless you’re going to be a hermit.

I am so sorry Tiggy!  You just seem to get hammered and again and again. So many hugs from me to you. 💓💓💓

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My Thursday night work partner reminded me that we took an unvaccinated, coughing Covid positive patient to a hospital 30 minutes away that night. She refused to leave her mask on while coughing, kept drinking from her water bottle even though we told her not to, etc.  I was in an N95 but I don’t know how long that stuff hangs in the air and it was a prolonged exposure in a small van style ambulance.  
I bet that’s where I caught it. I haven’t been anywhere else since Thursday night except dispatching at work, but that’s by myself in a room with a door. 

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1 minute ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

My Thursday night work partner reminded me that we took an unvaccinated, coughing Covid positive patient to a hospital 30 minutes away that night. She refused to leave her mask on while coughing, kept drinking from her water bottle even though we told her not to, etc.  I was in an N95 but I don’t know how long that stuff hangs in the air and it was a prolonged exposure in a small van style ambulance.  
I bet that’s where I caught it. I haven’t been anywhere else since Thursday night except dispatching at work, but that’s by myself in a room with a door. 

Man, I am not q violent person, but this kind of makes me want to spank that patient!

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1 hour ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I worked a 24 hour shift yesterday and woke up from my nap feeling terrible.  I wanted to go see my grandmother who’s in short term rehab tonight and so tested, and guess what.

i have Covid.

Again.  And I’m vaccinated and boostered with Moderna. We use fit tested N95s with all patients and masking is required in public in New York.

I’m so grouchy. And DH is on a 24. And my kids are almost home from school. And I just want to sleep.  I have no way to isolate, since someone has to take care of the younger kids(my 11 year old is self sufficient but he can’t take care of the 6 and 9 year olds). And basically I feel like there’s just no way to avoid Covid at this point unless you’re going to be a hermit.

I am so sorry.  Is this going to impact your eye appointment?  

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I'm sorry!

I have Covid too and I'm vaxxed...

Grandson visited his Dad last week (came home Monday)--Dad starting feeling unwell on Monday and suspected COVID-- did not tell us because he thought that KIDS WERE IMMUNE TO COVID.  UGG!!! Grandson has had a pretty rough time-- ER visit for fluids... and now I have it too (had to care for GS).  I'm miserable!



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7 minutes ago, JumpyTheFrog said:

I have relatives that live maybe an hour from you. I told DH a few weeks ago that maybe some time I could meet you in person. His response? "Don't do it. Some of her bad luck might rub off on you!"


My luck stems from a connective tissue disorder.  It’s unfun; caused me to have a corneal transplant which now has me on immunosuppressants so Covid is probably always going to be a recurring friend. 

 In real life though, non-illness things seem to happen in the same proportion as it does to other people. But I catch everything thanks to the steroid doses.

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5 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I worked a 24 hour shift yesterday and woke up from my nap feeling terrible.  I wanted to go see my grandmother who’s in short term rehab tonight and so tested, and guess what.

i have Covid.

Again.  And I’m vaccinated and boostered with Moderna. We use fit tested N95s with all patients and masking is required in public in New York.

I’m so grouchy. And DH is on a 24. And my kids are almost home from school. And I just want to sleep.  I have no way to isolate, since someone has to take care of the younger kids(my 11 year old is self sufficient but he can’t take care of the 6 and 9 year olds). And basically I feel like there’s just no way to avoid Covid at this point unless you’re going to be a hermit.

I'm so very sorry.  Now because of someone else's "freedom," you will be unable to care for others.  I pray your turnaround will be fast.  Please rest and get well!

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10 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I worked a 24 hour shift yesterday and woke up from my nap feeling terrible.  I wanted to go see my grandmother who’s in short term rehab tonight and so tested, and guess what.

i have Covid.

Again.  And I’m vaccinated and boostered with Moderna. We use fit tested N95s with all patients and masking is required in public in New York.

I’m so grouchy. And DH is on a 24. And my kids are almost home from school. And I just want to sleep.  I have no way to isolate, since someone has to take care of the younger kids(my 11 year old is self sufficient but he can’t take care of the 6 and 9 year olds). And basically I feel like there’s just no way to avoid Covid at this point unless you’re going to be a hermit.

Won't your husband have to isolate too so he can look after the kids.

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Wow, I'm sorry.  A friend of mine who has a very rare type of cancer is in a research study for people who don't seem to have an antibody reaction with vaccines.  She discovered she has absolutely 0 reaction.  (I'm not sure if I said that right but I'm sure you know what I mean.)    You're very brave to keep doing what you're doing!  I hope it's a mild case for you.

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1 hour ago, J-rap said:

Wow, I'm sorry.  A friend of mine who has a very rare type of cancer is in a research study for people who don't seem to have an antibody reaction with vaccines.  She discovered she has absolutely 0 reaction.  (I'm not sure if I said that right but I'm sure you know what I mean.)    You're very brave to keep doing what you're doing!  I hope it's a mild case for you.

I wonder if this is my sister too (yes the one I’ve posted about). She seems to make no or few antibodies not just for covid but other vaccines as well. She’s had covid twice already and is vaccinated 

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6 hours ago, kiwik said:

Won't your husband have to isolate too so he can look after the kids.

No.  Nobody in my household has to quarantine since they are vaccinated.  Which made sense when vaccinated people were mostly protected from infection but the CDC hasn’t really caught up. Since he’s an essential worker even when I had Covid before vaccines he still went to work. He works 24 hour shifts(he’s actually on a 39 hour shift right now) so it’s just me and the kids.  But my kids don’t have to quarantine either since they’re vaccinated so they’re off to school.  I honestly think that in the next few months there will be no quarantining anyone who’s asymptomatic just because I can’t imagine the logistics.  My county of 80,000 has almost 2,000 current positive cases.  If you quarantined all their contacts, the county would probably have to completely shut down due to nobody being able to work.  


10 hours ago, Quill said:

I am so sorry to hear this. That is ridiculous and I would like to speak to Karma and ask her if she’s done mixed up the lists again…

Yeah Karma and I are going to have a discussion.  I even had a miserable 24 hours post booster so I thought I’d be pretty well protected.  And this is probably just going to be mild symptoms for a day or two, but it annoys me that there is so little protection against infection right now. 

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Your intital post said "there is no way to avoid this without being a hermit", which I get was frustration speaking. And you are absolutely right. But, the reason you are right is people like your patient refusing to keep her mask on, people like Jann's grandson's father who are willfully ignorant and claim kids are immune, and policies where kids who have Covid positive parents are told to go to school (and spread it) or people with Covid positive family members are told to go to work (and spread it). 

So yup - it's inevitable - but it doesn't have to be, didn't have to be. 

So frustrated on your behalf, and on the behalf of everyone. 

My best friend's son also doesn't make antibodies to vaccines. He has multiple special needs. And is sitting in a classroom right now likely with a bunch of kids who have known sick parents. And as you proved, wearing your own mask is not enough if the sick person won't keep one on, and we don't have mask mandates here due to the governor most likely being a demon. 


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58 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

Yeah Karma and I are going to have a discussion.  I even had a miserable 24 hours post booster so I thought I’d be pretty well protected.  And this is probably just going to be mild symptoms for a day or two, but it annoys me that there is so little protection against infection right now. 

I heard you on that. I think I am the only pro-vax person I know who finds it bitterly disappointing that being triple-vaxed neither means a) I will not get COVID, nor b) I couldn’t pass Covid on to my fragile parents or MIL. Whenever I say that around other pro-vax people, someone points out that I’m unlikely to be hospitalized. Well…sure. That’s great an all, especially since I do know actual people in the hospital right now who did not take the vax. So that’s nice. But I maintain that I thought I was taking one (three, actually) for the team so we could *ALL* benefit and put this pandemic in the past. 

Im just so sick of this damn virus. My 21st-Century expectations of living in continuous health and comfort have not been met. Heh. 

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I have had a couple antibody tests.  I have had antibodies, they just don’t hold. And Omicrom is so contagious with its immune escape that it seemingly overwhelms whatever is there.  I think I posted elsewhere that 16 staff from the local ED are out with Covid and since the hospital required boosters for anyone eligible I expect almost all of them were boostered and definitely vaccinated.  Nobody is hospitalized or seriously sick beyond some dehydration, but even boostered people are catching it.  I freely admit to being disappointed; I think everyone had hoped there would be more infection protectant. 

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