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Grandson has Covid...

Jann in TX

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My 2 yr old grandson (GS) tested positive today (rapid test)... he was spiraling down yesterday-- complaining of aches and being whiny.  During the night he spiked a fever 102.6 F... this morning (after Motrin) his temp dropped to 100F but he still had 3 febrile seizures.   A few months ago he had another virus and had a febrile seizure-- he pretty much stopped talking then... he is 24 months and will say only Mama, Dada, Mommy (his step mom) MomMom (me!) or DadDad (DH).  Dr says it could be related.... now he had THREE today (over a period of several hours).  DD2 (his mom) had a zillion PNES seizures, pauses and pass outs yesterday so DH and I are running on very little sleep-- PLUS we are potty training a new puppy!

DH, DD2 and I are vaccinated.  I have an auto-immune disorder and take immune suppressants... 

Looks like we will be hunkered down in our house for a while... at least the local grocery delivers.

CORRECTION:  GS has had 7 febrile seizures.  His insurance changed and he is not established with his new Dr yet...... We have several options for Urgent Care if needed.  I know how to listen for lung sounds...

Edited by Jann in TX
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Well DH had to take him to the ER last night-- Thankfully waiting area only had one other family (it was a HUGE room too).

One of our main concerns was that he was dehydrated-- less than 8oz of fluid and no solid food all day.  His chest was also very congested (but lungs sounded OK to me).   They did a chest x-ray (no pneumonia) and  a blood draw (multiple attempts because he was dehydrated!) then they gave him IV fluids.  Blood draw did not find a secondary infection so he was released after an 8 hour stint. 

I'm usually the one to take the kiddos to the ER (GS's mom DD2 was a frequent flyer!).  Hopefully DH has gained an appreciation for what that takes out of the adult in charge!  I did not take him because I have 'symptoms'-- I have terrible 'cedar fever' and the symptoms of it and Covid overlap quite a bit.  I did take a home Covid test and it was negative.  If my symptoms get worse I will stand in line (sit in car) 4-6 hours and get a PCR test (average time in our area!). 

GS was restless last night (was up from 2:30-3:00am with me)-- he sounds terrible this morning.  I've ordered a better stethoscope  (should be here this morning) so I can keep an 'ear' on his lung sounds...

GS and the new puppy at least slept until 7am this morning-- going to be a LONG day.



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We finally got GS to eat a little at dinner tonight-- he even took a juice box (a treat here). Only 2 wet diapers all day... so he is still a bit dehydrated-- but he is more active and is happily playing with his car collection right now.

DD2 (vaccinated but no booster) now has it-- 101 F temp, terrible cough and lots of aches.  She has asthma so we will be watching her closely.

I've gone downhill a bit-- running a 100F temp, cough and heaviness in my chest-- and lots of aches.

DH is our superman-- right now he is getting curbside pickup groceries and he did the dishes after dinner!

Puppy has even decided to ask to be let outside!!! Plus our older dog has begun playing with him.

---Just got word my Dad and Step mom have Covid for the 2nd time.  They are holding their own right now-- but they are in their 80's and Step mom has some chronic bronchial issues...  My Dad still does not have his taste and smell back 1 year after the first time!  Dad is vaccinated Step Mom is not...


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