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Where are you traveling in 2022?


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7 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

I wonder how near she is to me.
Our district called a 2-hr delay pretty early, then switched to virtual when the forecast got extended. For us, it’s the bussing. Sending the buses up and down the mountains across 10 miles in active snow is a really bad idea. And bus stops can be over a mile away from some houses, adding more complications for students.
If the snow was to end early enough for roads to be reliably clean, they would have been more likely to stay open.  It’s currently expected to go until 10am.


She is near Philly.  

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We are supposed to go to Europe in May.  At this point, we are still planning it but who knows?  This is a long promised and Covid-delayed trip for dd.  If it does not happen this May, it probably never will as she is now an adult and getting that kind of time free will not be possible anymore.  Even doing it when we plan was a compromise as we had to shorten the window to squeeze in between the semester ending and her summer job starting.  Fingers crossed.

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3 hours ago, Pam in CT said:

I am just learning right this minute that my lifelong impression of MO weather is terribly, terribly inaccurate. So you don't regularly get 12" storms?

"North of the Missouri River the winter snowfall averages 18 to 24 inches. This average figure tapers off to 8 to 12 inches in the southernmost counties. It is unusual for snow to stay on the ground for more than a week or two before it melts."


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8 minutes ago, skimomma said:

We are supposed to go to Europe in May.  At this point, we are still planning it but who knows?  This is a long promised and Covid-delayed trip for dd.  If it does not happen this May, it probably never will as she is now an adult and getting that kind of time free will not be possible anymore.  Even doing it when we plan was a compromise as we had to shorten the window to squeeze in between the semester ending and her summer job starting.  Fingers crossed.

I get it! We never travel with dd anymore. She is thirty, married, two kids, and when he does have vacation, they try to take the little camping and fishing. We travel to see them. Our others are 24, 23, and 21. We still have "college breaks, for the two who are in grad school, and our undergraduate senior. But they are all done this spring, and in the fall, two move away to full time grad school programs with T.A.work and research so that ends having much time off, and the youngest has job offers all over the place, but being a newbie, limited vacation and holidays. So that is why we hope to do this spring trip out west. We let them pick where they want to go, and hopefully we can have one last road trip with all three of them. They have been " the three musketeers" their whole lives, so seeing it break up and likely to never be anywhere close to the same is hard! Really hard.

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2 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

I get it! We never travel with dd anymore. She is thirty, married, two kids, and when he does have vacation, they try to take the little camping and fishing. We travel to see them. Our others are 24, 23, and 21. We still have "college breaks, for the two who are in grad school, and our undergraduate senior. But they are all done this spring, and in the fall, two move away to full time grad school programs with T.A.work and research so that ends having much time off, and the youngest has job offers all over the place, but being a newbie, limited vacation and holidays. So that is why we hope to do this spring trip out west. We let them pick where they want to go, and hopefully we can have one last road trip with all three of them. They have been " the three musketeers" their whole lives, so seeing it break up and likely to never be anywhere close to the same is hard! Really hard.

Fingers crossed for you too!

Under normal circumstances, I would not even consider going on a leisure trip right now, let alone overseas.  We have done no "vacationing" since Covid started other than camping in our own camper (which we have admittedly done a LOT).  Just thinking about getting on a plane, not to mention THREE each way, makes me very nervous.  But this kid lost so much due to Covid.  Just like everyone else.  And there is no getting back her childhood.  It is a risk I am willing to take assuming the laws allow.

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Well, the official postponement announcement for my daughter's convention was posted last night, so I re-booked my airfare and hotel for the new July dates this morning.

I may still try to take a couple of nights for a solo camping getaway in February, although between the NYC trip and another day I'm taking off to rest between two walking events, I will be pretty short on PTO hours. So I will only do the camping thing if I can squeeze it into weekend/holiday time. 

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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

So far, the UK is requiring masks in most indoor areas; this is England:

Oh he will wear masks in the UK as required.

But Orlando, or even Anaheim -often , is usually hot and  muggy and miserable without masks .... he's unwilling to add masks to that type of vacation. 

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1 hour ago, skimomma said:

Fingers crossed for you too!

Under normal circumstances, I would not even consider going on a leisure trip right now, let alone overseas.  We have done no "vacationing" since Covid started other than camping in our own camper (which we have admittedly done a LOT).  Just thinking about getting on a plane, not to mention THREE each way, makes me very nervous.  But this kid lost so much due to Covid.  Just like everyone else.  And there is no getting back her childhood.  It is a risk I am willing to take assuming the laws allow.

I know, it is such a balancing act! For what it is worth, I think omicron is just going to rip through and peak, be at low numbers again by spring break. After that, being spring and not too hot in most states, I think people resort to more outside, more fresh air the sports will be outdoor sports again, the concert season winding down, wedding season not in full swing yet. So I have some hope that case loads will drop and hospitals will not be in overwhelm mode,  K12 will still be in session so people won't yet be crowding amusement parks, cruises, etc. and it all adds up to being much lower transmission rates thus more likely to be safe to fly. Ideally, we would have been headed to Denmark with the three musketeers, but finances for such an expensive trip were too much to take on with the expenses of buying the house. So we scaled down to a road trip. Our hope is that in a couple of years we can work out a two week period coordinated for everyone to go. Dh has four weeks paid vacation now plus generous holidays. But, the boys in grad school and working are the wild cards. Really hoping that possibly summer time when they may not be doing much T.A. work will work out for two, and that ds the budding electrical engineer will have two weeks paid vacation plus either holidays or sick time by then. Who knows though!

And this thing may just keep mutating and getting worse before it gets better so it becomes a balancing act of how long do we put life on hold? I am trying to think of it as a dance. We sideline during the crazy hip-hop numbers we can't do (high rates, healthcare system groaning, school crisis), and save our energy for slow "dances" while taking reasonable precautions to hopefully not contribute to new hip-hop and isolating after travel in order to not take it to our grandson.

I have to say though, some days I think I am going to find the least problematic Caribbean island, and go spend six months laying on the beach!! 😀

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2 hours ago, skimomma said:

We are supposed to go to Europe in May.  At this point, we are still planning it but who knows?  This is a long promised and Covid-delayed trip for dd.  If it does not happen this May, it probably never will as she is now an adult and getting that kind of time free will not be possible anymore.  Even doing it when we plan was a compromise as we had to shorten the window to squeeze in between the semester ending and her summer job starting.  Fingers crossed.

Oh fingers crossed you get to go!   

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Last June, when Covid cases were improving, I was still hesitant to travel, but we figured by December, things would be better, so we booked a cruise for the week after Christmas. Nope. We cancelled it back in September, and I'm so glad that we did. Not only due to exposure on the ship, but because of the mess of delays that the airlines experienced this last week. I was so glad that we were not stuck in an airport or quarantining, due to exposure to Covid.

Now, we have a credit and are hoping to reschedule the cruise for late May or early June, when the kids are done with school. But I'm not certain that I will feel comfortable to do it by then.

Other than that, nothing, though two of my kids will be juniors next year, and one of them may want to travel for some college visits at some point. The schools he wants to see are in Boston and Los Angeles, so if he ends up visiting, we may wrap family vacations into the mix. Both schools are long shots, though (too expensive, too far away, perhaps too competitive), and we may end up doing virtual visits, instead. His first choice school is right here in our area, so that one will be an easy trip. (His older brother will not be going to college, and his same age sister doesn't know what she wants yet, but DS16 has specific goals).

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Too early to tell.  Last year I didn't think I'd be traveling, but then we got invited to an overseas wedding and made it work.  I'm glad but super lucky that we didn't encounter any problems.  Also it wasn't super fun to add Covid testing, masking, and tons of new documentation into the mix.

But if by some miracle it all clears up by summer, I'm open to that Japan/Korea trip we've been wanting to take.  I very much doubt that it can happen in 2022 though.

So I should probably be planning for a summer road trip, or maybe a mega campout (glampout?), or both.

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  • 1 month later...

Two trips to see family we haven’t seen since 2019 due to the pandemic. One has been rescheduled twice already, hopefully the third time will be the charm.

So two weeks in May to the Midwest to see family and friends.

Then six days in Estes Park,CO in September to meet up with the other side of the family.

We are flying a niece out from the Midwest for the first week of April.

And we will hopefully have some family coming out this summer for our son’s small wedding.

I have so much work VL that I’m in constant danger of losing some. Pre-pandemic, that never, ever was my reality.

For the first time ever though, my husband has relatively little compared to me. His work has been so stressful that he’s been taking days off here and there just to survive.

And his work schedule is so up in the air for the first time ever, that we can’t risk planning too much right now, and either end up having to cancel, switch dates, or have him burn through even more PTO. Previously, we knew his schedule a year or more in advance and could just travel during his off blocks. Only for things like three weeks in Europe did he actually have to use PTO.

Edited by Frances
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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:


Anyone adding or changing plans?  Fun to hear about what everyone is planning.  

We shortened our trip up some. We are not going as far as Bozeman and Yellowstone. Rapid City is as far west we will go now. But if necessary due to gas prices or shortages, we will shorten it to Omaha, and hang out in Danish country in Iowa, and then come back home. We have free cancellation to all of our rooms until April 27. I am cooking and freezing all of evening meals ahead so we can thaw and microwave in our hotel rooms. We are taking picnic food for lunches and also the camp stove and charcoal. We can cook at parks and rest areas as well. So we should be able to keep the food bill down by not eating out.

We were also supposed to go camping on the east coast with friends, but have changed that to camping in the U.P. so we can save some money there on travel. Of course, it could be canceled if we end up at war, and we have to hunker down. But we are REALLY hoping the world holds out so we can attend our youngest's college commencement.

We have a LOT of sailing Sundays planned, and that is local,  not expensive. We pay $20 for our annual state park pass, and have a favorite launch on Lake Huron that has no dock fees with the park pass. Somewhere in all of this, I am spending a week with my grandsons. Then in October, I am living at the Bama house to take care of my grandboys, and homeschool the oldest one while Dd takes a class, and writes a bunch of papers. She is getting her birth educator certification. I am looking forward to that month!

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We’re going to Charlotte and Nashville for concerts this year. We are considering going to a conference at Oxford University in the middle of the summer, but we may have out off the decision too long to get into the conference and use miles for our tickets. If dh goes anywhere fun i might go with him - but it will depend on timing, as usual. 

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We go to a lake in northern WI every summer for about a week. There is no wifi, internet, cable and cell service is very spotty. Its lovely! We swim, fish, boat, go for bike rides. I read books by the lake. Its so peaceful!

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With war going on, the chance of international travel feels even more remote.

My kid wants to go to a big k-pop concert in the summer, which would involve a fairly long drive to another city, perhaps one we haven't been to.  So we'll see if that can happen.

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I went to London for four days in February, to see some exhibitions, eat some food and meet old friends/family.

I'm driving to Aberdeen for the 60th birthday of an old friend in April, but I won't be staying overnight.

Husband may meet an old friend in Spain in April, but that depends on the timing of our hoped-for rental property sale.

Apart from that, still a cottage in the Peak District in July. 

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re planning around using miles for tickets

8 hours ago, TechWife said:

We’re going to Charlotte and Nashville for concerts this year. We are considering going to a conference at Oxford University in the middle of the summer, but we may have out off the decision too long to get into the conference and use miles for our tickets. If dh goes anywhere fun i might go with him - but it will depend on timing, as usual. 

It's been since before COVID, that we were racking up more miles than we could use ourselves so this may have changed, but check. Back in the day we were doing this, our networks let you change mileage tickets almost up to the very end. So we'd book mileage tickets very far in advance on *hopes* that my husband's schedule would permit, and then just change them if it didn't.


I LOVE to plan trips; I've always found it a way to experience a place twice, once in the research & planning phase and then again it the actualization. 

But. Between shifting COVID sands and looming threat of war, I am finding it *really* difficult to plan these days. I've had to cancel so many hoped-for trips, big and small, over the last two years, that it's sort of taken the joy out of the planning process, so much so that I'm unable really to summon the oomph to try. I'm doing better with rustling together *very last minute* driving distance getaways when the COVID clouds look like a brief reprieve.  We've had a good time with several of those over the last two years; and that may remain my go-to strategy for a while. Sigh.

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Our travel plans this year include a few trips to get our senior to orientation and college move in. 

I’d love to get to a beach for a week and make some exciting plans for thanksgiving or Christmas in a fun location, but don’t feel comfortable planning those things til we finish reworking our budget for the new season of life we are stepping into. 

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re Puerto Rico

6 minutes ago, Farrar said:

Puerto Rico next month with my mom. I've never been. Looking forward to it. And to the food. And the beach. My mother has scheduled the whole thing to the gills, so hopefully it works out.

PR is actually one of the locations I'm geared up to go to at the VERY LAST MINUTE, like, 24 hour notice, if the stars ever exactly align.

I lived there as a kid, and visited as a young adult; but haven't been back in ~25+ years.  It is very, very beautiful. Have a wonderful stuffed-to-the-gills time.

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13 minutes ago, Farrar said:

Puerto Rico next month with my mom. I've never been. Looking forward to it. And to the food. And the beach. My mother has scheduled the whole thing to the gills, so hopefully it works out.

That sounds like heaven.  I want to be in Puerto Rico right now.  I am tired of winter.

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We are taking a road trip to San Diego for DS's graduation from boot camp in early April.  I am so excited to see him.  We aren't doing anything fun on the way down, but on the way back we are driving along the coast most of the way and doing some sight seeing.  We haven't done the California or southern Oregon coast since before DD was born.

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6 hours ago, Pam in CT said:

re planning around using miles for tickets

It's been since before COVID, that we were racking up more miles than we could use ourselves so this may have changed, but check. Back in the day we were doing this, our networks let you change mileage tickets almost up to the very end. So we'd book mileage tickets very far in advance on *hopes* that my husband's schedule would permit, and then just change them if it didn't.


I LOVE to plan trips; I've always found it a way to experience a place twice, once in the research & planning phase and then again it the actualization. 

But. Between shifting COVID sands and looming threat of war, I am finding it *really* difficult to plan these days. I've had to cancel so many hoped-for trips, big and small, over the last two years, that it's sort of taken the joy out of the planning process, so much so that I'm unable really to summon the oomph to try. I'm doing better with rustling together *very last minute* driving distance getaways when the COVID clouds look like a brief reprieve.  We've had a good time with several of those over the last two years; and that may remain my go-to strategy for a while. Sigh.

I'm having the same experience. We always go to the beach Memorial Day week. We have only missed a few times in the past 20 years - once to go to London and then in 2020 due to covid. I haven't even made reservations this year.  I have very little motivation. DH made the concert plans for us. My only plan is a vague travel with my husband if he goes anywhere interesting. So far, his post 2020 travels have been very slim. Once to NJ, once to NY and then next month to Dallas - but that's it. This from a man who never put his luggage away because it was used on a near weekly basis for well over a decade. On the upside, it's been a while since I tripped over a carry on at night!


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  • 1 month later...

Oh, this is a very difficult time. The situation in Europe is extremely unstable and dangerous. My family and I really love Europe, its history and nature. We have relatives in Europe whom we visit every year, but it seems that in 2022 all trips there are canceled for us. War threatens humanity more than ever. Therefore, this year we decided to stay in the USA and travel within the country.A friend of mine works for www.aperfectspace.com and he helps to organize cool places for events and photo shoots, he advised us a couple of cool places in the USA and we plan to visit them this year, instead of a trip to Europe.

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Well. I'm planning along with many family members to go to my sister's vow renewal in mid July.  It feels fraught on so many levels but I can't not go.  She has a terminal cancer diagnosis and I expect to be weeping/miserable/stoic/helping others/modeling joy throughout.  Just thinking about it is causing gut-wrenching stress.  

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We are booked for a trip to France. Doing a road trip type vacation. Flying into Paris and training to Strasbourg, down the Route des Vins, to Dijon then Lyon then ? And ending in Provence. The ? Is 4 nights in the mountains and is still up in the air. I booked and cancelled the Pyrenees and Ecrins NP in the Alps. Now I’m looking back in the Pyrenees. It’s out of the way but where I’d really like to go so just need to find an Airbnb for there and will be finished with ressies. A bit nervous with Covid and the situation in Ukraine, but all the stays are refundable, and airfare we’ll get as credit if everything goes south. 

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3 hours ago, Eos said:

Well. I'm planning along with many family members to go to my sister's vow renewal in mid July.  It feels fraught on so many levels but I can't not go.  She has a terminal cancer diagnosis and I expect to be weeping/miserable/stoic/helping others/modeling joy throughout.  Just thinking about it is causing gut-wrenching stress.  

I am so very sorry to hear about your sister.  I am sending some prayers her way and some hugs to you.

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We did a once-in-a-lifetime Disney World trip in Jan/Feb.    I'm glad we did that when we did.

Later this summer we are going to CA.   My heathen family is more excited about Legoland, CA than they were about Disney World.  Trip is Legoland, Reagan Library, Hearst Castle, Winchester House, Sequoia, Lake Tahoe.  Then ending up at a convention in Reno.  We'll pop over to some beaches when we get a chance.  The drive there will be about 22 hours.   Then after that we'll be doing 2.5-4 hour drives.  On the way home we'll stop at Pueblo.   

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Maaaaaybe Legoland near Orlando? Anyone have any good beach recs/beach hotels for the rest of that week?? Probably only do two days at Legoland so I’m hoping to find a good beach to go to for maybe 4 days. I’d love to find a place that has Atlantic Beach (waves) access, but also close-by opportunities to kayak. I’ll take suggestions! Maybe I should start my own thread—sorry!

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We have added one camping trip in the Traverse Bay area, and will be taking our grandson to Sleeping Bear Dunes. Covid cases are ramping up here again, so everything we are planning is outdoors, socially distanced.

We leave tomorrow for youngest's college commencement,the only indoor thing we have planned. Kn95 will be our friends.

Then Sunday we head out for South Dakota. I have nine evening meals cooked, frozen, and ready for thaw/reheat in our hotel rooms. We have scoped out our picnic stops for subs, hamburgs, hot dogs, and brats. Tons of fresh fruit and veggies. Taking water and lemonade with us. So hopefully we can hike around Badlands, Custer State Park, and Agate Fossil Beds, enjoy the great outdoors, and not come home with covid!

I really am tired of cooking since we aren't eating out here so it has been cook meals for the trip while cooking meals to eat at the time. Double cooking. I would be happy if people stopped eating! 😁

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17 hours ago, mmasc said:

Maaaaaybe Legoland near Orlando? Anyone have any good beach recs/beach hotels for the rest of that week?? Probably only do two days at Legoland so I’m hoping to find a good beach to go to for maybe 4 days. I’d love to find a place that has Atlantic Beach (waves) access, but also close-by opportunities to kayak. I’ll take suggestions! Maybe I should start my own thread—sorry!

Have you looked into Discovery Cove?  We haven't gone there yet, but I've been eyeing it.    Only reason I don't have plans for that is that we went to Florida three times in the last two years and four times in daughter's life.  

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17 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

We have added one camping trip in the Traverse Bay area, and will be taking our grandson to Sleeping Bear Dunes. Covid cases are ramping up here again, so everything we are planning is outdoors, socially distanced.

We leave tomorrow for youngest's college commencement,the only indoor thing we have planned. Kn95 will be our friends.

Then Sunday we head out for South Dakota. I have nine evening meals cooked, frozen, and ready for thaw/reheat in our hotel rooms. We have scoped out our picnic stops for subs, hamburgs, hot dogs, and brats. Tons of fresh fruit and veggies. Taking water and lemonade with us. So hopefully we can hike around Badlands, Custer State Park, and Agate Fossil Beds, enjoy the great outdoors, and not come home with covid!

I really am tired of cooking since we aren't eating out here so it has been cook meals for the trip while cooking meals to eat at the time. Double cooking. I would be happy if people stopped eating! 😁

I love South Dakota!! I hope the weather is great for you.  We went last year at the end of May and the weather was in the 90s for the end of the trip!  I so want to go back this year to Badlands and Custer.  Custer is my favorite.

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On 1/6/2022 at 1:08 PM, wintermom said:

It's really hard to wrap my head around "travelling for pleasure" these days. I want to visit my parents, and it would be lovely to go on a trip to celebrate our 25th anniversary. I'd love to get back to Norway and visit relatives. Now that we're vac'ed, boostered and have just had Covid it may be a good time to go. 😉 

ETA: Dh is on-board with a trip to Ireland and Norway this spring! I'm so excited. We can see his relatives in Ireland and mine in Norway. Return flights to Dublin are a great price! This really perks me up today. 😄

Turns out I've had to travel to Alberta twice already in 2022 due to my dad passing away and my mom breaking her hip. I don't know if there will be much actual planned pleasure travel this year. Maybe a couple close-to-home short trips.

With Europe not so great for tourists due to the tragic events in the Ukraine and on-going covid issues, it's fine to stick closer to home anyway. 😔

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