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What are your plans for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day?


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NYE: I'll be sound asleep by 9:30 lol. DS is going to a party with friends from high school who are all home from break. I assume we'll all get covid as result. 

NYD: we often go to the beach but the forecast is for rain/ice/ick, so I’ll probably just read in front of the stove and take naps with the kitties. Like pretty much every day in covid times. 

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1 minute ago, Eos said:

Charcuterie, predictions, and hiking, in that order.  Happy New Year to all!  I hope to continue last year's thread about the first bird we see...

Thanks for the bird reminder! I’d better fill the suet feeder tomorrow in hopes for something interesting… 🙂 

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In the morning, I'm going to put away the Christmas decorations. Then I'm going to bake a Kringle. The actual meals for the day are simple, so we can enjoy the time with each other. We have a bottle of sparkling grape juice to toast the new year.

We play board games all evening while we wait for midnight. If the girls run off at some point, I'll work on the painting I've almost finished. Once it hits midnight, we watch tv until the surrounding fireworks stop (about 2am here). Then I grab a few hours sleep before the next day begins.

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NYE—Taking the two youngest to see Sing 2. DS11 doesn’t want to see it so he’s planned a hike with my FIL.  Then I told the kids we’d play their new Christmas xbox and have snacks, and the older two can stay up till midnight if they want. They’re 11 and 9 so I doubt they will. I go to bed early lol.

NYD-DH is working, so we’re going to hang out in pajamas and watch movies and play board games.  In reality I’ll spend the day breaking up kid fights and cleaning up mud after the dogs who like to run in and out all day.

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When our kids were little, the church we attended used to do a family lock-in/sleep over on NYE. We would pack up kids and snacks and sleeping bags and board games and go hang out there for the evening. After that petered out, for several years, our NYE tradition was to buy a bunch of fireworks and let our son and his friends shoot them off in the driveway. Then everyone slept over at our house, and I fed them However, now that he's a (more or less) grown-up with his own home that he shares with several of his circus-performer friends . . . they mostly light things on fire over there.

Earlier this year, we moved into a house in a neighborhood where we can see fireworks from the Disney property every night. We're semi-isolating, because we were exposed to covid on Christmas. But the loose "plan" is to bring in snack foods or possibly order take-out, watch a movie or two, then walk a few blocks over to where the best view is of the just-before-midnight fireworks. If we're super ambitious, we'll toast with some sparkling grape juice before going to sleep.

Typically, we watch the Rose Parade while I take down and pack away Christmas decor on January 1. However, this year I'm antsy about not having anything to do during the day tomorrow and also kind of ready to put this holiday behind us. So I may get a head start on defrocking at least the interior of the house, then do the outside lights on Saturday. 

I know: We're such exciting party people.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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NYE and NY are the holidays where we never have traditions.  They change yearly, although we do always recognize them!  This year, we'll spend NYE afternoon with my 94-year-old father at his apartment with my siblings, and then my dh and I will head home and watch a Netflix movie that evening at the same time as one of our dd's who lives far away and will be alone.   (I don't know what it's called, but I guess that's a thing on Netflix!)  And of course we'll have some yummy snacks.

NY is my dh's birthday, so our dd who lives nearby with her dh will be coming over and we'll spend the day together playing games and eating. 


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Well all 4 of us are home and staying home for NYE.  I am making homemade pizza and going overboard with toppings and options.  I'm going to get up in the morning and caramelize a boat load of onions and make homemade sauce.  I'm sure I'll be sleeping early!  My college age son got his covid booster today, hoping he's fine tomorrow but we've had some day 2 laying around.  He had a strong reaction to dose 2 so really hoping!

NYD we are going to have take out lunch with FIL.  He hasn't seen our kids for ages and ages and we skipped the family christmas again this year with DH's siblings.  He is 90 and adorable and lives alone.  I'm sure we won't stay long, more than a couple hours.  We've all been locked down this week and he's had a week since xmas with some of the unvaxxed  and less covid careful people so it's good timing to get a quick visit with him assuming we're all symptom free.    

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NYE - Dh will be on the road to pick up our kids, so I’ll have just the dog for company. Maybe some prep cooking and housekeeping. Probably build a fire, read and journal, and go to bed at a normal time. 

NYD - Make a fresh start budget for 2022. Read and relax. Maybe start our new puzzle? Make chx enchiladas, a salad, and a yummy dessert for when my peeps get home. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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I told the kids we could all rapid test and they could have friends over. All their friends are boosted now. Only one has Covid in the house right now (which is wild given the numbers here!). But other families are too hesitant, which I TOTALLY understand. 

So we'll do our norm.

NYE : Chinese food and fortune cookies at midnight

NYD: Peas and greens

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It's Shabbos (Jewish Sabbath) for us this year since NYE/NYD are Friday night and Saturday. Nice dinner at 5pn as usual this time of year.  We have our two regular guests (we started testing guests who come for a meal) at the night meal and one for lunch. I'm so tired so I'm going to read and crash early I hope. Saturday: synagogue, a walk, and lunch. Then a little rest and another walk and then a light dinner and off to work at the ritual bath for the evening.

Not exciting.

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NYE: going to in-laws. Sil and niece are in town.  Watching playoff games and eating and playing a million games while also entertaining a 5yo.   She wears me out.   

Dh is grilling out on NYD.   I will be getting snacks/apps for the weekend.  Ghost hunters starts the new season Jan 1, so we’ll be watching that Saturday night.  

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47 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

It's Shabbos (Jewish Sabbath) for us this year since NYE/NYD are Friday night and Saturday. Nice dinner at 5pn as usual this time of year.  We have our two regular guests (we started testing guests who come for a meal) at the night meal and one for lunch. I'm so tired so I'm going to read and crash early I hope. Saturday: synagogue, a walk, and lunch. Then a little rest and another walk and then a light dinner and off to work at the ritual bath for the evening.

Not exciting.

Sounds nice to me. Rhythm, rest.

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2 hours ago, wathe said:

Work and work.  I almost always work NYE - that's price for having Christmas Day off.

DH and the kids will probably play a board game or watch a movie.

My health care provider husband will also be working both NYE and NYD, it’s either that or Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I’ll be hanging with our dog and hoping for good weather for lots of long walks. More snow to play in would be awesome! Also lots of cleaning, putting away holiday stuff, year end finance work, and probably some reading, movies, and working on a puzzle. And slowly finishing off all of the holiday leftovers. I’ll also be FaceTiming with some family and friends.

Edited by Frances
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NYE: DD14 is going to a church sleepover/party. DD and her husband are in town from out of state. Their high school group of friends are having a NYE party. They haven't decided if they are going to go or not because the group partying had C19 last week (they are on vacation and don't want to get sick). 

NYD: We are celebrating Christmas with xdh's family. It will be the first family event xh is hosting at his house. 🙂 I am looking forward to being a guest at a holiday party for the first time in soooooo many years. LOL An unexpected benefit of being divorced but still amicable. 

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NYE:  take down the Christmas decorations,  work on cutting quilt pieces,  prod the oldest along to work on getting some school assignments finished, probably watch some movies

NYD: no clue,  probably more of the same.  We keep it low-key around here, plus COvID is preventing a lot. Youngest may have a friend come over since oldest had a friend come over yesterday.

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Well my daughter's birthday is New Year's Eve, so our tradition has been celebrating her. Some years that meant parties, though most years it was just a party with my husband's family. This year, we are getting take-out from our local Mexican restaurant. My husband made a strawberry cheesecake like she requested ( the type varies, but always cheesecake) and it will just be the three of us. Our power was out from midnight to 5:30 this morning so we are all a bit sleepy. She just went to bed LOL, so will sleep until noon. 

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We've always preferred to keep NYE low key. Today I may take the dogs to a park for an extra long, sniffy walk instead of the normal neighborhood walk. Youngest DS has to work. Oldest DS was here, but had to go back to his apartment yesterday (about a 2 hour drive) to pick up some things that were being delivered. I suspect he'll come back here later today. Due to Covid his NY plans got cancelled, and I suspect he'd rather spend NY watching football (or soccer or basketball) with DH and eating my cooking than in his apartment by himself.

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For NYE, dh and I are having snacks and starting a new Swedish series on Netflix called Anxious People.

We're supposed to get a big snow storm tomorrow. I'll be doing lots of horse chores and listening to Moby's live online anti-party/after party ambient mix (I ❤️ Moby).  

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We're in a Big City to celebrate New Year's.  We will be working until it's time to walk down near the shore for the festivities.  Not sure what all we'll do ... whatever time and opportunity present, I guess.  Fireworks presumably at midnight.  Then back to our hotel to sleep.

Tomorrow morning we drive back home.  It's about a 6 hour drive.  We will unload our van and then go pick up our pup.  Then unpack, do laundry, and catch up on some more work / homework.  The kids have school on Monday.

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DH was called to work so it's just me and my dogs for tonight. I'll take them for a couple of walks today and then work on making a journal for my DD. I would go visit DD and her family but my senior dog cannot handle the trip and it's too long of a day to leave him unsupervised at home.

Tomorrow, I am donating blood and will do a First Day Hike afterward. After I eat my post-blood donation snack, I begin an elimination diet so I'll be making bone broth and prepping for the first week.

Some of you have wonderful plans. I wish you all a Happy New Year.


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We have a wedding to attend 4 hours away tomorrow, so when she gets off work we'll be driving to the hotel. Not sure if we'll go out with fil and his partner tonight after getting to the hotel or just stay in.   Either way, I'm excited to be away from the kids for 3 nights.

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Our usual NYE involves appetizers for dinner, maybe a movie, maybe a few rounds of Uno or 5 Crowns. This year we are all getting over Covid so it will probably be an early night.  NYD is for sleeping late, going for a hike if weather permits (it's not looking good for tomorrow), reading, maybe watching something. Watching TV or movies is hard here as we have diverse tastes and everyone but me seems to think it's important we all watch together.  I may choose something and invite people to join me, or not. As with many other things, movie watching was much easier when the kids were little and liked anything. 😎

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Seafood and board games tonight. Oldest dd will be here with hubby and grandkids, Dd2 will be here because her hubby works tonight (healthcare.) 


Tomorrow? Looks like snowed in with games and a fire. ♥️ 

Sunday - Christmas celebration with my parents and siblings and their families. 

I’m taking a nap this afternoon!

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25 minutes ago, MEmama said:

New plan! Apparently there is *very* lost South Korean/ Japanese sea eagle on a nearby island, so we are going to try to find it. If we get lucky, can I count it as my First Bird of the Year? Lol. 

I was reading about that!  You definitely should look for it!

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Disrupted by Omicron, LOL.


New plan involves Rummikub, cheese fondue, bottle of wine, maybe another viewing of Encanto WHICH IS A PERFECT MOVIE THAT EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH, and maybe a foray to the beach tomorrow if the weather clears a bit.


May 2022 > 2021 and 2020, y'all.

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We are going to Walmart this morning to buy a new board game for the big boys and one for the little girls. So we will play new games, work on a puzzle, bake 2 kinds of cookies, order pizza, watch a movie, play animal crossing and sleep! We are doing a 2 mile hike tomorrow  to start our 1000 hour challenge outside for 2022. I’m hoping it doesn’t rain, but we are going to do it anyway.

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15 minutes ago, elegantlion said:

LOTR marathon -  I doubt we'll make it to midnight or finish all three. SO is cooking salmon and rice for dinner. We're supposed to get our first winter storm tonight - after nearly record highs this month. Tomorrow we'll stay in and maybe finish the last movie.

I love lotr idea. My boys are currently listening to this on Audible so we have to wait for the books to be done to see the movies.

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Tonight Mark is making a big batch of Ableskivver, and the boys want to watch movies and play some pinnocle so that is the plan. Tomorrow we will got to MIL's place and have French dips at lunch, and then snack foods throughout the afternoon while we do some things for her and play Mexican Train (domino game) which is her favorite game, and she still mostly has the mental capacity to play. For snacks, I am making stuffed mushrooms, Chili/cream cheese dip with corn chips and celery sticks, berry bowl with kiwi garnish, taco salad, and crockpot of chicken tortilla soup.

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At 5 this evening we're going to a walk-through version of our neighborhood's drive through Christmas light display.  It concludes with 7pm fireworks.  I think they're calling it "New Year at 7" or something like that.

It's outdoors and you have to be vaxxed and masked unless you're eating or drinking.  They're checking vaccine cards and photo IDs at the gate.  That's great, except I signed up Dh, Ds, and me up and now I'm reviewing these requirements and realizing that Ds does not HAVE a photo ID.  I just made one on Excel and it's in my phone, so wish me luck.  Hopefully the gate keeper won't have the nerve to turn away a kid in a wheelchair with a homemade, homeschooled student ID. I really SHOULD get this kid a non-driving ID, and a passport for good measure, but that's not happening by 5 p.m. Wish me luck!

I'm very excited about a New Year's Eve celebration that has me back in my jammies by 9 p.m.  #old

Edited by KungFuPanda
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We take down decorations on Epiphany so Jan 6th. But usually it is the wreath at the door that is the last to be changed out on that day. All the tree decorations are slowly taken down until it is the bare tree with lights. I am loathe to part with the tree lights. It has always been my favorite part of Christmas since I was a kid.

So this year I bought a smaller, fake tree that is a tabletop one and decorated just with lights. I am going to keep up a small tree year round with lights in 2022. Let's see how that goes.

We usually cook a lot this week for NYE and freeze them so we have plenty of appetizers and desserts to eat. Crab is a tradition. We are usually gifted or buy crab during the seasonal sales so crab cakes and crab and corn chowder is a bit of a tradition. Some other soup may make an appearance. 

We usually play board games or video games. Music is always going in the background and then we settle for a movie or a series marathon.

We have family around the globe so we call them according to when their New Year is.

In my country of origin we usually go to church for New Year, so we continue that tradition of saying a prayer and finish by 11.55 pm. We don't go to bed yet.  The kids have usually drifted off to sleep.  The whole house is dark except the tree lights and only DH and I are usually awake. But we wake them at 12 am because they get upset if we don't. Then we wish each other, turn on all the lights and bang a few pots. Have something warm to eat and drink and then go to bed in the same room. This room has couches/day beds/seating for that. We all start the year in the same room.

NY is a slow day with left overs. We sleep late and have an easy day.

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5 hours ago, MEmama said:

New plan! Apparently there is *very* lost South Korean/ Japanese sea eagle on a nearby island, so we are going to try to find it. If we get lucky, can I count it as my First Bird of the Year? Lol. 

We saw the eagle! We missed it by minutes at the first place we tried by the fish coop, but got lucky at the nearby state park. There were, as expected, a good number of birders out; everyone was excited and generous allowing us to look through the viewfinders of their impressively large camera lenses. The lost sea eagle was at one point chased by two bald eagles, and then hung out on a distant island. Too far for me to get a photo, but it was a thrilling experience, and neat to share it with so many others. 





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