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Omicron anecdata?


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11 hours ago, Pam in CT said:

The PCR test sites in my (suburban) area are all drive-through. Is that not the case elsewhere?  That's how it's been done here since the earliest months of March-April 2020.  In the more urban community health center where I've also gone, there are these long tent-covered semi-protected walkways for the pedestrians who arrive by foot/public transportation.  Which can be cold, but at least are reasonably ventilated and well spaced.


The Urgent cares are not drive-through here.  Some are having you sign up on the door or through a virtual line and stay outside to limit people inside the lobby, though. I know that at one time, my dd's ped was doing virtual visits for suspected covid and swabbing outside.  When rates were lower, though, they swabbed inside.   The CVS and Walgreens are drive through here, but I'd imagine that would be impossible in a city.

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2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Thank you--this is a great summary of what we know about the uses and effectiveness of rapid vs. PCR tests. Posting the link on social media with a few main points at the top. So many people need this info right now, and we're not getting it from the CDC. 

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16 hours ago, Longtime Lurker said:

Despite working with covid patients every day, she did not contract covid (this time) at work because she wears intensely thorough PPE. She got it from the significant other of a family member who came to a small family gathering after having been exposed (but did not tell anyone or mask). That person had a positive PCR come back yesterday morning and my sister had a positive rapid last night. She is so angry! 

I think this is how most HCWs are being infected right now. I would be livid! This sort of thing is why we've seen so few people during the pandemic. People are just not honest. In our case, we have more dishonesty about conforming to what we ask of people if they plan to visit us, not about a known exposure--I don't think we'd have someone show up knowing they were exposed, but you never know.

This is why we are super selective about who we see and under what circumstances. If we feel that people are likely to not be honest about their activities, we don't see them or make even slight overtures that suggest we'll see them. If numbers are low, and we want to spend time with people who are careful AND likely honest but can't curtail their activities to a level we are comfortable with, we either take the risk (and know it), or we modify the activity (masks, outdoors). When levels are high, we see very, very few people. 

It bugs me to no end that I can't count on people to be HONEST. We don't fault people for not doing what we do, but we do fault them for wanting to be with us and pushing our boundaries simultaneously, especially when it's family members. We are disappointed when they could do one tiny small thing differently and see us, but they choose not to. (It's usually a temporary small thing, like not eating indoors at a restaurant in the 10 days before seeing us.) We mostly avoid it because we live distantly from all family, but it comes up now and then. One set of parents is honest though, and they are willing to meet our requirements so that they can stay with us for days, unmasked. 

But my DH is a HCW, and our family feels we have a responsibility to protect patients and to do things the right way.

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13 hours ago, Pam in CT said:

The PCR test sites in my (suburban) area are all drive-through. Is that not the case elsewhere?  That's how it's been done here since the earliest months of March-April 2020.  In the more urban community health center where I've also gone, there are these long tent-covered semi-protected walkways for the pedestrians who arrive by foot/public transportation.  Which can be cold, but at least are reasonably ventilated and well spaced.


My area had pop up drive thru vax sites last year, but testing is still meh. Most of our urgent cares and lab sites are only offering testing for employer and travel requirements for non-symptomatic people. My CVSs are no longer testing.

I did snag an appointment to be swabbed in my doctor’s office’s parking lot today. So… similar to drive thru? But by appointment only.

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1 hour ago, Roadrunner said:

My mom’s neighbor lost a 4 year old daughter to Covid today. Yes she had previous heart surgery, so she was vulnerable. Also this is most likely not Omicron. So tragic. 

That is horrible to even contemplate. I am so sorry.

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my two young adult daughters spent 10 days together at the older daughter's house, along with older daughter's husband, all young adults in their 20s. All vaccinated, younger daughter recently boosted. Boosted daughter with viral-induced asthma, otherwise healthy people.

The day after younger daughter arrived, older daughter was notified she was exposed during a grad school activity (a dinner, so there was unmasked eating) a couple days before. The two girls had spent the day together, including several hours in a car.

Older daughter took home test, got a positive. The next day she developed symptoms: sore throat, headache, some congestion, low grade fever, occasional cough. Not too bad. The three of them stayed quarantined in the house, assuming all were exposed.

Three days later, husband and younger daughter develop symptoms. Younger daughter was just a headache and mild sense of being off/fatigue. Husband developed higher fever (102+), fatigue. No more home tests, so younger daughter and husband went for PCR tests.

Tests took a couple days to come back. Both were negative. At that point younger daughter already felt normal. Husband took a bit longer to recover, but symptoms never became more severe, and he was back to normal 4 days post onset of symptoms. Oldest daughter with the positive home test was back to normal within a few days as well.

None have retested, and oldest daughter with the positive home test never got a PCR test.

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48 minutes ago, GoodGrief3 said:


my two young adult daughters spent 10 days together at the older daughter's house, along with older daughter's husband, all young adults in their 20s. All vaccinated, younger daughter recently boosted. Boosted daughter with viral-induced asthma, otherwise healthy people.

The day after younger daughter arrived, older daughter was notified she was exposed during a grad school activity (a dinner, so there was unmasked eating) a couple days before. The two girls had spent the day together, including several hours in a car.

Older daughter took home test, got a positive. The next day she developed symptoms: sore throat, headache, some congestion, low grade fever, occasional cough. Not too bad. The three of them stayed quarantined in the house, assuming all were exposed.

Three days later, husband and younger daughter develop symptoms. Younger daughter was just a headache and mild sense of being off/fatigue. Husband developed higher fever (102+), fatigue. No more home tests, so younger daughter and husband went for PCR tests.

Tests took a couple days to come back. Both were negative. At that point younger daughter already felt normal. Husband took a bit longer to recover, but symptoms never became more severe, and he was back to normal 4 days post onset of symptoms. Oldest daughter with the positive home test was back to normal within a few days as well.

None have retested, and oldest daughter with the positive home test never got a PCR test.

I wonder if they didn't get a positive because the vaccine reduced the virus so quickly. That's probably not the correct term but hopefully that makes sense.  I think that's what it is doing. 

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We have another positive in the house. To recap:

DD 24 had it at Christmas. Tested positive on at home test. I got severe fatigue and muscle joint aches a few days later but tested negative on RAT and PCR. 

Now DD 21 has it. She most definitely has your basic cold symtoms. Stuffy runny nose, occasional cough, and mildly sore throat. She really doesn't feel bad--more annoying than anything.

Contrast this with when DD 24 was sick--she had fever of 102 at least, GI symptoms, some chest tightness--just presented very differently. They both received the J&J at around the same time last spring. So now I'm wondering if DD 24 had Delta because DD 21's symptoms are textbook cold. Who knows...

Now I will have to quarantine again. This is nuts. It's everywhere. I had to have my counseling session by phone because my counselor's dd is positive and she (my counselor) was feeling a little "off". Now I'm extra glad since my dd is positive!

DH said 2 women that work near his office were hacking and coughing up lungs today at work. He said they sounded horrible. (he can normally work from home but has been required to be in office a few hours Mon and today.) He was incredulous that they would actually show up like that--even with masks. We are officially throwing our hands up--waving white flags over here. 

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8 minutes ago, popmom said:

We have another positive in the house. To recap:

DD 24 had it at Christmas. Tested positive on at home test. I got severe fatigue and muscle joint aches a few days later but tested negative on RAT and PCR. 

Now DD 21 has it. She most definitely has your basic cold symtoms. Stuffy runny nose, occasional cough, and mildly sore throat. She really doesn't feel bad--more annoying than anything.

Contrast this with when DD 24 was sick--she had fever of 102 at least, GI symptoms, some chest tightness--just presented very differently. They both received the J&J at around the same time last spring. So now I'm wondering if DD 24 had Delta because DD 21's symptoms are textbook cold. Who knows...

Now I will have to quarantine again. This is nuts. It's everywhere. I had to have my counseling session by phone because my counselor's dd is positive and she (my counselor) was feeling a little "off". Now I'm extra glad since my dd is positive!

DH said 2 women that work near his office were hacking and coughing up lungs today at work. He said they sounded horrible. He was incredulous that they would actually show up like that--even with masks. We are officially throwing our hands up--waving white flags over here. 

Sorry, Popmom. I kept my kids home from youth group tonight bc of the spike, but am second guessing myself bc it does seem inevitable and then we will have to miss everything. I hope everyone at your house feels better soon. 

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1 hour ago, freesia said:

Sorry, Popmom. I kept my kids home from youth group tonight bc of the spike, but am second guessing myself bc it does seem inevitable and then we will have to miss everything. I hope everyone at your house feels better soon. 

We skipped co-op classes yesterday. Riding lessons were already canceled. The one who is sick had to have caught it at Target or Lululemon. She went in each store briefly to do an exchange while the items were still in stock. She/We have not been anywhere otherwise--no hanging out with friends--nothing. She was masked but it may have been a cloth mask. I wasn't with her. So yeah--if you REALLY cannot get this right now, it means complete and total lockdown in your home. We were even getting groceries delivered--trying to minimize exposure. Not so much because I'm scared to get it-I just know our ERs and doctors offices are overwhelmed right now. It just seemed unwise to go about life as usual while cases are going up so exponentially.  We will not spread it to anyone outside this house. We do have some control over that at least--I hope!

ETA: she was wearing her Happy Mask at all times.

2nd ETA: the post above reminded me--I had dd swab the back of her mouth as well as nostrils. So thanks to those who have shared that tip!


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Question for those with/ recovering from mild covid- have/ did you used OTC meds to help when at home? We have yet to have it but I work with the public, so I am expecting it to hit our home in the next few weeks. I wanted to make sure we have some basics like ibuprofen, Mucinex, etc. on hand and was wondering if there were any items others found helpful.

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4 minutes ago, Elfknitter.# said:

Question for those with/ recovering from mild covid- have/ did you used OTC meds to help when at home? We have yet to have it but I work with the public, so I am expecting it to hit our home in the next few weeks. I wanted to make sure we have some basics like ibuprofen, Mucinex, etc. on hand and was wondering if there were any items others found helpful.

Everyone I've know who has had it, in a milder form at least, has seemed to like Dayquil.


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13 minutes ago, Elfknitter.# said:

Question for those with/ recovering from mild covid- have/ did you used OTC meds to help when at home? We have yet to have it but I work with the public, so I am expecting it to hit our home in the next few weeks. I wanted to make sure we have some basics like ibuprofen, Mucinex, etc. on hand and was wondering if there were any items others found helpful.

We typically don't take OTC meds for stuff like this unless it's miserable. I've never found that stuff like dayquil helps much but apparently it helps some. So dd24 did take Motrin because whenever her fever spiked she would get really nauseous. The only other OTC we might use is an expectorant (plain Robitussin--not DM) or nose spray if the stuffy nose prevents sleep.


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6 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

My area had pop up drive thru vax sites last year, but testing is still meh. Most of our urgent cares and lab sites are only offering testing for employer and travel requirements for non-symptomatic people. My CVSs are no longer testing.

I did snag an appointment to be swabbed in my doctor’s office’s parking lot today. So… similar to drive thru? But by appointment only.

I hope you were able to get tested today, Carrie, and that the results come back negative for Covid!!!

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7 hours ago, kbutton said:

I think this is how most HCWs are being infected right now. I would be livid! This sort of thing is why we've seen so few people during the pandemic. People are just not honest. In our case, we have more dishonesty about conforming to what we ask of people if they plan to visit us, not about a known exposure--I don't think we'd have someone show up knowing they were exposed, but you never know.

This is why we are super selective about who we see and under what circumstances. If we feel that people are likely to not be honest about their activities, we don't see them or make even slight overtures that suggest we'll see them. If numbers are low, and we want to spend time with people who are careful AND likely honest but can't curtail their activities to a level we are comfortable with, we either take the risk (and know it), or we modify the activity (masks, outdoors). When levels are high, we see very, very few people. 

It bugs me to no end that I can't count on people to be HONEST. We don't fault people for not doing what we do, but we do fault them for wanting to be with us and pushing our boundaries simultaneously, especially when it's family members. We are disappointed when they could do one tiny small thing differently and see us, but they choose not to. (It's usually a temporary small thing, like not eating indoors at a restaurant in the 10 days before seeing us.) We mostly avoid it because we live distantly from all family, but it comes up now and then. One set of parents is honest though, and they are willing to meet our requirements so that they can stay with us for days, unmasked. 

But my DH is a HCW, and our family feels we have a responsibility to protect patients and to do things the right way.

I think probably this is how most people are getting infected at this point. It is hard because we want to be able to relax with small groups of family members, but even small groups are often not safe enough. It is so frustrating to be at this point almost two years in. 

My sister's DH and kids continue to test negative and my sister is staying at a hotel for a few days to ensure that they stay that way. Her younger son was in the ICU for MIS-C in April of 2020 and they don't want that to happen again!

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4 hours ago, popmom said:

We have another positive in the house. To recap:

DD 24 had it at Christmas. Tested positive on at home test. I got severe fatigue and muscle joint aches a few days later but tested negative on RAT and PCR. 

Now DD 21 has it. She most definitely has your basic cold symtoms. Stuffy runny nose, occasional cough, and mildly sore throat. She really doesn't feel bad--more annoying than anything.

Contrast this with when DD 24 was sick--she had fever of 102 at least, GI symptoms, some chest tightness--just presented very differently. They both received the J&J at around the same time last spring. So now I'm wondering if DD 24 had Delta because DD 21's symptoms are textbook cold. Who knows...

Now I will have to quarantine again. This is nuts. It's everywhere. I had to have my counseling session by phone because my counselor's dd is positive and she (my counselor) was feeling a little "off". Now I'm extra glad since my dd is positive!

DH said 2 women that work near his office were hacking and coughing up lungs today at work. He said they sounded horrible. (he can normally work from home but has been required to be in office a few hours Mon and today.) He was incredulous that they would actually show up like that--even with masks. We are officially throwing our hands up--waving white flags over here. 

Waving mine here too.  I am just wanting to stay home until this horrible surge passes, but my older kids don't want to.   We did from March 2020 until May 2021.  It affected them a lot.  They are voting to go back to ballet tomorrow and I know we will have covid soon.  Wisconsin had a new high daily cases load of 8000 yesterday, today it was 10200 some.  The news said that there are only 832 cases of confirmed Omicron and that Delta is still more prevalent.   I am not sure if that is accurate and that they are really sequencing all the tests.  


I am so sorry you have another sick kid.  Hoping she has a mild illness.  

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25 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Waving mine here too.  I am just wanting to stay home until this horrible surge passes, but my older kids don't want to.   We did from March 2020 until May 2021.  It affected them a lot.  They are voting to go back to ballet tomorrow and I know we will have covid soon.  Wisconsin had a new high daily cases load of 8000 yesterday, today it was 10200 some.  The news said that there are only 832 cases of confirmed Omicron and that Delta is still more prevalent.   I am not sure if that is accurate and that they are really sequencing all the tests.  


I am so sorry you have another sick kid.  Hoping she has a mild illness.  

I just hate you are in this position. It's easy for me. I mean, I may get some grief if I decide to skip another co-op day (not from dd but maybe from admin), but otherwise we don't do anything in groups like ballet. --oops we do one., Social skills group starts back next week. By then it won't matter lol. But there's no consequence if we do skip it. I kinda of get why most people are going about life as normal. Their kids are in school or daycare. They are working retail or in office settings or in a plant. They can't afford Instacart. Why not go eat in a restaurant with a few friends? Why not have a birthday party for my kid? I intellectually know the answers to that question--I just also get why the world keeps goin round when some of us think it should come to a screeching halt.

ETA: So far her symptoms are very mild. She's acting her normal quirky self--cracking jokes and aggravating her sister. She just has a cough and stopped up nose. She's had colds that made her feel worse. 

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18 minutes ago, popmom said:

I just hate you are in this position. It's easy for me. I mean, I may get some grief if I decide to skip another co-op day (not from dd but maybe from admin), but otherwise we don't do anything in groups like ballet. --oops we do one., Social skills group starts back next week. By then it won't matter lol. But there's no consequence if we do skip it. I kinda of get why most people are going about life as normal. Their kids are in school or daycare. They are working retail or in office settings or in a plant. They can't afford Instacart. Why not go eat in a restaurant with a few friends? Why not have a birthday party for my kid? I intellectually know the answers to that question--I just also get why the world keeps goin round when some of us think it should come to a screeching halt.

ETA: So far her symptoms are very mild. She's acting her normal quirky self--cracking jokes and aggravating her sister. She just has a cough and stopped up nose. She's had colds that made her feel worse. 

I am so glad she is having mild symptoms. 

I get why they want to go back.   It is very important to them and where all their friends are.  They missed out on so much during the times we stayed home.  It feels like we are going to get it somehow anyway.  If you can get it just going into a store masked, it just feels like there isn't much you can do.    

Covid sucks!

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On 1/3/2022 at 11:58 AM, KSera said:

This makes me worry about our college kids. How do they get taken care of if/when they get sick away from home and they can't have friends come help because they will be contagious? I wonder if colleges have a way to transport ill students if needed? It seems overkill for ambulance, but how else would they get to an ER or urgent care?

You can call for a non-emergent ambulance if you just need transportation. They are not easy to find so I would recommend researching and getting a number ahead of time. 

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8 hours ago, Catwoman said:

I hope you were able to get tested today, Carrie, and that the results come back negative for Covid!!!

I was able, thanks. Not sure how helpful it is, because I was told results could take - but not guaranteed - 4-5 days.  The fact that I don’t feel very bad at all is terrific, physically. But isolating myself for 5-6 days (or more) for Maybe Not Covid sucks, psychologically. Especially when my dog doesn’t call, FaceTime, text, or share TikToks.

My biggest surprise was that my doctor’s office was testing. While I reached out at 9am and scored a slot for 6.5 hrs later, that does beat driving an hour (each way) and sitting in a 3 hour drive through line, which was the backup option. I don’t know how people who are feeling much more poorly are managing that.

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My dad has 6 rotating caregivers 24/7.   Two have been out because someone in their house is positive.  I’ve been blessed so far that he continues to have coverage, but the owner of the company says a lot of her caregivers are sick with covid, flu, or a close contact.  He doesn’t mask in his apartment so I think it is just a matter of time for him to get it.  He finally got his booster on Tuesday after a 2 month delay (for various health reasons).  He can’t not have 24/7 and I can’t do it all.

We were at the pulmonologist yesterday (for dad) and the doctor said it is getting bad at the hospital (his office building is part of a hospital complex) and that nurses are working sick.  

We went from May 2020 to December 2021 with no close contacts or worries, but have had 3 in the past month from swim and class.  We are still trying to avoid getting it, but I feel it is just a matter of time. At least we are all vaccinated and boostered.


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I feel like we are doomed.  The numbers here are so, so high. Positivity is over 30%. My son works in a grocery store. My husband is at Panera this morning with his men's group. I can't convince him not to go.  All that really could have happened is the church could have shut down all activities, but they won't do that because people will fuss. At this point I have to do damage control with my dad who comes over every week and see how I can protect him from getting it from us. 

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In Maine they just changed the SOP (standard operating procedures) for schools and covid. Now, kids can come to school if there is a covid-positive person in their home, as long as the kid doesn't have symptoms.

SOOOOOO that's just awesome! 🤨

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Just now, Kanin said:

In Maine they just changed the SOP (standard operating procedures) for schools and covid. Now, kids can come to school if there is a covid-positive person in their home, as long as the kid doesn't have symptoms.

SOOOOOO that's just awesome! 🤨

What? That makes no sense.

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12 minutes ago, cintinative said:

What? That makes no sense.

I am pretty certain school officials and state boards of educations across this vast land have all been lobotomized or have prion brain wasting disease because these are the only reasonable explanations for the policy lunacy!!!

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15 minutes ago, Kanin said:

In Maine they just changed the SOP (standard operating procedures) for schools and covid. Now, kids can come to school if there is a covid-positive person in their home, as long as the kid doesn't have symptoms.

SOOOOOO that's just awesome! 🤨

I think the policy all along here has been that if the kid is fully vaccinated, that they can come to school with a covid positive person in their home as long as they don't have symptoms or a positive test themselves.  And that seemed to work okay for previous variants, but not so much for this one.  

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We travelled over the holiday break. We all got tested 3 times at the ending of our trip (once before we left our cruise ship, once after disembarking, and once after we touched down when we returned home to Canada). We are all vaccinated, with boosters for DH and I.

On the last test, I (just me) tested positive. We got the results after I began to feel unwell. I've got congestion, cough, and headache. I'm assuming it's omicron, since it was a breakthrough when fully vaccinated and boosted.

I'm isolated in our home, which is workable here because we have a guest room in our basement with it's own bathroom and even a kitchenette. I've got to stay 14 days, or I can test out if I can get a test 3 days (or more) after my symptoms pass. Even if I continue to test positive if I'm symptom free I can leave isolation after 14 days.

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9 minutes ago, Terabith said:

And that seemed to work okay for previous variants, but not so much for this one. 

I bet this will become clear soon... hoping I'm wrong though. They're also not requiring close contacts on the bus to quarantine, although that's where we have actually seen spread of covid. Classroom spread hasn't been happening too much with the masking. It's a free-for-all on the bus, though. 

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Just now, Kanin said:

I bet this will become clear soon... hoping I'm wrong though. They're also not requiring close contacts on the bus to quarantine, although that's where we have actually seen spread of covid. Classroom spread hasn't been happening too much with the masking. It's a free-for-all on the bus, though. 

They aren't requiring masks on the buses???  I thought that was federal law!

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1 minute ago, Terabith said:

They aren't requiring masks on the buses???  I thought that was federal law!

No, they are - but until this week, even masked kids on the bus who were close contacts would need to quarantine. Now pretty much nobody needs to quarantine unless they're actually positive. 

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36 minutes ago, Kanin said:

In Maine they just changed the SOP (standard operating procedures) for schools and covid. Now, kids can come to school if there is a covid-positive person in their home, as long as the kid doesn't have symptoms.

SOOOOOO that's just awesome! 🤨

I just read this to DH and his first response was “Why are they so mean to kids?”. 

Seriously, I just want to hide in a cave. 

Keep safe out there, @Kanin. It feels like the wild west. 😞 

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4 minutes ago, MEmama said:

I just read this to DH and his first response was “Why are they so mean to kids?”. 

I have thought several times to myself that IF COVID was as virulent as measles AND as deadly to children (assuming no vax), what would the general response of the public have been? Because I honestly think it would have been different.  Somehow, because it is mild to "most" kids, it is okay for them to get it in mass. 

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1 minute ago, cintinative said:

Because I honestly think it would have been different.  Somehow, because it is mild to "most" kids, it is okay for them to get it in mass. 

Right, because most people don't expect their kids to be part of the group that might get a serious case. If they did, they would likely feel differently about the whole thing. I saw a brutal Twitter conversation on this topic yesterday when a mother shared her kid's high risk status. People are mean ☹️.

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9 minutes ago, cintinative said:

I have thought several times to myself that IF COVID was as virulent as measles AND as deadly to children (assuming no vax), what would the general response of the public have been? Because I honestly think it would have been different.  Somehow, because it is mild to "most" kids, it is okay for them to get it in mass. 

I am not certain it would change. People use school as daycare. That is just how it is set up in this nation, and since employers are not generous with sick days or opt out days because kids are home from school, and we have no national right to paid leave or any kind of employment flexibility plus the fact that healthcare access is tied to insurance which is tied to employment, I think head in the sand would still be the policy. At least 50% of parents would still just hope their kid didn't get it while demanding school remain in session and their children not have to quarantine.

In order for the response to be different, we would need a radical change in employment culture. Look how dangerous and easily transmissible RSV is to infants, but it hasn't really changed anything. It goes around, high rate of hospitalization, people taking their babies and preschoolers to daycare and school sick because they have to go to work. And our schools are truly evil because they give the kids, even little ones, in school suspensions if they miss school without a doctor's note. It can take days to get in to see the doctor in order to get an excused absence. So parents send their kids sick, and then if the school decides they are too sick to attend, they get sent home. Most of the schools here will operate with up to 1/3 of the entire student body out. We have had strep epidemics so bad that 50% of the elementary school was out and the state health department had to step in and force them to close for a week! The school board and superintendent are under ungodly pressure from local businesses to not close for illness because they already have employees absence for snow days. At no tme is the well being of the actual children a legitimate thought to any of these entities.

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35 minutes ago, KSera said:

Right, because most people don't expect their kids to be part of the group that might get a serious case. If they did, they would likely feel differently about the whole thing. I saw a brutal Twitter conversation on this topic yesterday when a mother shared her kid's high risk status. People are mean ☹️.

That’s so sad. I’ve shared this before, but it reminds me of the way some parents reacted to schools requiring peanut free classrooms. They really thought their kids had a “right” to eat peanut butter, and if an allergic kid might die, “they should just stay home!” (Really happened in my state!)

People have very little compassion for kids that aren’t theirs. It’s like they can’t really grasp that it could happen to their own kids just as easily.

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13 minutes ago, Spryte said:

That’s so sad. I’ve shared this before, but it reminds me of the way some parents reacted to schools requiring peanut free classrooms. They really thought their kids had a “right” to eat peanut butter, and if an allergic kid might die, “they should just stay home!” (Really happened in my state!)

People have very little compassion for kids that aren’t theirs. It’s like they can’t really grasp that it could happen to their own kids just as easily.

I vividly remember entire threads here on TWTM boards arguing this point. There were many who felt that their family budget (peanut butter is cheaper than other lunch alternatives) trumped the life of a child with a peanut allergy. As the mom of a lactose-intolerant kid who wouldn't die but who definitely suffered due to accidental exposures, I was horrified and terribly grieved at the hardheartedness.

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4 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

I vividly remember entire threads here on TWTM boards arguing this point. There were many who felt that their family budget (peanut butter is cheaper than other lunch alternatives) trumped the life of a child with a peanut allergy. 

Do you know that saying about "Science changes one death at a time?" I think this is probably a similar thing. As younger people grow up aware of the seriousness of peanut allergies it won't be seen as such a big deal give something up to have peanut-free zones for others. Likewise, although I am too young to have experienced it, I think seatbelt laws were probably complained about endlessly by many people, but now I doubt many people grumble about the "nanny state" anymore when they buckle up.

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4 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

I vividly remember entire threads here on TWTM boards arguing this point. There were many who felt that their family budget (peanut butter is cheaper than other lunch alternatives) trumped the life of a child with a peanut allergy. As the mom of a lactose-intolerant kid who wouldn't die but who definitely suffered due to accidental exposures, I was horrified and terribly grieved at the hardheartedness.

I remember some of those threads. 

My kid is way past a peanut allergy, so it was sort of a moot point, but I distinctly recall seeing a red-faced, very angry man on the local news, yelling that if we’re afraid for our kids we should keep them home, their kids’ right to eat peanut butter trumped other kids’ right to breathing, and a public education. It was horrifying to see the callousness and uncaring attitude. It made me know that we, allergy parents, were alone in advocating for and protecting our kids. Thankfully, most people are better about it now.

But I see echoes of those attitudes now. “If you’re scared, stay home.” “My kid has a right to [not mask; not quarantine after exposure; not get vaccinated; insert whatever issue of the day].” That same red-faced man is probably out a school board meeting yelling about masks these days, that this only affects high risk kids so it’s no big deal. I actually saw a sign at a protest that said, “Sacrifice the weak!” Some people are just downright mean.

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7 hours ago, cintinative said:

I feel like we are doomed.  The numbers here are so, so high. Positivity is over 30%. My son works in a grocery store. My husband is at Panera this morning with his men's group. I can't convince him not to go.  All that really could have happened is the church could have shut down all activities, but they won't do that because people will fuss. At this point I have to do damage control with my dad who comes over every week and see how I can protect him from getting it from us. 

This attitude by churches makes me so angry. IT isn't as if Jesus refrained from saying anything that might make people fuss a bit! Does a shepherd refuse to guide his flock around a a dangerous ravine just cause the sheep might fuss about the change in direction? Of course not, he deals with the upset sheep and does what is needed to protect them. I come from a tradition where our church pastors are called Father, they are our spiritual father and I Think of that now, when it is obvious that some Christians need to be told "no!" even if they don't like it. Just like I do with my kids. 

2 hours ago, AbcdeDooDah said:

DD21 tested positive today. She is only around others masked and the shop she works at does not allow unmasked patrons. She is vaxed. She has bad body aches and cant get warm.

UGH! Hearing a lot of this - my realtor also masks everywhere. Do you know what kind she wears? I'm sort of gathering info to see if type of mask is making a difference in the real world. 

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3 minutes ago, Spryte said:

I remember some of those threads. 

My kid is way past a peanut allergy, so it was sort of a moot point, but I distinctly recall seeing a red-faced, very angry man on the local news, yelling that if we’re afraid for our kids we should keep them home, their kids’ right to eat peanut butter trumped other kids’ right to breathing, and a public education. It was horrifying to see the callousness and uncaring attitude. It made me know that we, allergy parents, were alone in advocating for and protecting our kids. Thankfully, most people are better about it now.

But I see echoes of those attitudes now. “If you’re scared, stay home.” “My kid has a right to [not mask; not quarantine after exposure; not get vaccinated; insert whatever issue of the day].” That same red-faced man is probably out a school board meeting yelling about masks these days, that this only affects high risk kids so it’s no big deal. I actually saw a sign at a protest that said, “Sacrifice the weak!” Some people are just downright mean.

Yes, this. It is the attitude of a not insignificant portion of the population.

Just one more reason I am done with the general public. About 50% of the country is let it rip, who gives a crap about anyone but self. They have shown their true colors, and frankly, 1 out of every 2 people being of a sociopathic mindset is just too many for me. The idea of leading a permanently, socially distanced life of van camping, sailing, and living away from population centers is sounding pretty darn fine to me. I am growing into.being okay with the total tanking of my fine arts career.

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7 minutes ago, ktgrok said:


UGH! Hearing a lot of this - my realtor also masks everywhere. Do you know what kind she wears? I'm sort of gathering info to see if type of mask is making a difference in the real world. 

Just asked her. Cloth usually but this week has been disposable under the cloth. 

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55 minutes ago, Spryte said:

That’s so sad. I’ve shared this before, but it reminds me of the way some parents reacted to schools requiring peanut free classrooms. They really thought their kids had a “right” to eat peanut butter, and if an allergic kid might die, “they should just stay home!” (Really happened in my state!)

People have very little compassion for kids that aren’t theirs. It’s like they can’t really grasp that it could happen to their own kids just as easily.

This is exactly the same tone I was talking about. Their kid shouldn't need to wear a mask at school during a pandemic to protect kids who might die from this, but instead the at risk kids should stay home (because being in school is essential for their kid, but apparently not for other people's kids).

9 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

UGH! Hearing a lot of this - my realtor also masks everywhere. Do you know what kind she wears? I'm sort of gathering info to see if type of mask is making a difference in the real world. 

I'd love to see more detailed data on this as well. The only thing I've seen was anecdotal about a group of surgeons having a holiday gathering, and all the ones who wore procedure masks got infected, but the one who wore an N95 did not. It's also hard to tease out those who "always wear a mask" but also eat out or have lunch at school or get together with a friend inside without a mask from those who truly are never around anyone outside their household without a mask, and neither is anyone else in their house.

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