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My cat (Scout, not Obama) set herself on fire with the Advent wreath tonight


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She is fine.  Her fur has a singed spot.  Her biggest trauma was freaking out because we chased her to put her fur out and keep her from setting the rest of the house on fire.  

I would say maybe she learned her lesson but she’s not very bright and I suspect she hasn’t.  

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🤣 I have to say I'm a bit in love with the sweet potato....uh, Jorts...!!


Our cat has lit his whiskers on fire with a candle. Luckily, we were all there where it happened and put him out right away before he hurt himself or set the house on fire.  His whiskers on the left side of his face were all curled by the flames. 

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Oh  my word, this is great! 

My warrior cat, Heidi, recently recovered/recovering from acute renal failure b/c she ate something toxic, just the other day somehow got a long strip of packing tape (from a box) stuck to her tail. She tore around the house, frantic, trying to escape this thing that was chasing her. I was laughing SO HARD chasing her around trying to get her to calm down/be still so I could remove the tape. 

I cannot imagine if it had been fire instead. Oh my word. I'm so glad Scout is okay, and your house is okay. 

And poor Jorts! What a hilarious story that is, too. 

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33 minutes ago, Selkie said:

Poor kitty! I keep our candles up on the mantel for this reason. One of our cats insists on trying to jump up on the glass top stove, even when the burners are piping hot, so I'm sure she would be a disaster around candles!

My son's cat does the same thing. He actually managed to burn a paw once but that hasn't stopped his stove top maneuvers. Cats can be really dumb sometimes.

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20 minutes ago, MissLemon said:

I had a cat singe his belly fur by standing over a candle. 😳He was fine, but now we don't own candles.

Advent is literally the only time we ever do.  We used to do them only at my in law's house, but they moved to an independent living apartment where candles aren't allowed, and the tradition is important to all of us.  

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