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Vent - I'm really upset with dh and his family right now.


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They are at a wake right now, and nobody was wearing a mask, so they all decided to not wear masks. Dh, my son and I haven't had our boosters yet, and we've been so damn careful up until now. He's a smoker, I have MS and worry about a relapse if I get Covid, and my son is overweight and had a lot of respiratory issues the last time he was sick. I'm going to be a nervous wreck for the next few weeks. My neurologist was very clear that I should be wearing an N95 when in public places, and avoiding crowds, etc. because a number of her patients that got Covid had relapses, but what does it matter what I do when the people I live with just do whatever the hell they want?

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Oh no! I’m so sorry they were so careless and inconsiderate! Can you make them wear masks inside your house for the next few weeks? Can you run air purifiers and wear masks yourself?

I would be LIVID. How dare they put you at risk like that???? And what possessed them to take that level of risk themselves?


Sending lots of hugs and prayers, and hoping that none of you gets sick. This is going to be a long 2 weeks, and right around the holidays, too! 🤬


Edited by Catwoman
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11 minutes ago, katilac said:

I think you should go stay at a nice hotel until they're in the clear. 

What is up with grown people being worried about what other people are doing, anyway? Others are not wearing masks, but you can still just . . . keep yours on?? 

I would if I could afford it right now, and there is just not room in our house to stay separate. The logistics of trying to stay masked and separate - I can't even figure it out. 😟 

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1 hour ago, Catwoman said:

Oh no! I’m so sorry they were so careless and inconsiderate! Can you make them wear masks inside your house for the next few weeks? Can you run air purifiers and wear masks yourself?

I would be LIVID. How dare they put you at risk like that???? And what possessed them to take that level of risk themselves?


Sending lots of hugs and prayers, and hoping that none of you gets sick. This is going to be a long 2 weeks, and right around the holidays, too! 🤬


I'm hoping our two shots keep us from any serious sickness if we get hit. We are almost 8 months from the last dose. My neighbor is here all day, he's immunocompromised but did get the booster. He can't stay at home for the next two weeks - the two people living at his house were also there without masks. Thanks for the prayers - they are needed! 

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5 minutes ago, JennyD said:

Can you go get a booster tomorrow?  I have read that after the booster one's antibody levels rise very fast, much more quickly than from the first two doses. 

I found one pharmacy that seems to have appointments, not sure about tomorrow. I'm calling them first thing in the morning. Fingers crossed!!

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52 minutes ago, Ethel Mertz said:

Oh no! I have PPMS so we too have been super careful. I would be livid too. I guess I’d be wearing a mask around them and have your husband sleep in the dog house. I mean, on the couch. So sorry.

My neuro wanted me to wait until December to get the booster with medication considerations, and now they're harder to get in our area. That's what is the most upsetting to me - we were so close to having our boosters. Nasty viruses have been a factor in all of my major relapses and a few of my minor ones. 

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Just now, dsmith said:

My neuro wanted me to wait until December to get the booster with medication considerations, and now they're harder to get in our area. That's what is the most upsetting to me - we were so close to having our boosters. Nasty viruses have been a factor in all of my major relapses and a few of my minor ones. 

Did your dh or your son give you any reason why they would do such a (STUPID AND INCONSIDERATE) thing, when they know you are high risk?

I’m only sort of kidding when I ask you if there’s an emergency locksmith who can change the locks on your doors before your dh and ds get home. I would seriously be telling then I hoped someone at the wake has a couple of extra bedrooms for them to stay in for the next 2 weeks.

But I’m mean like that. 

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15 minutes ago, dsmith said:

I would if I could afford it right now, and there is just not room in our house to stay separate. The logistics of trying to stay masked and separate - I can't even figure it out. 😟 

So maddening. I hope you can get a booster tomorrow. My youngest dd was able to get one the other day without an appointment, so maybe try walking in if they do them at CVS or similar near you. 

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Just now, katilac said:

So maddening. I hope you can get a booster tomorrow. My youngest dd was able to get one the other day without an appointment, so maybe try walking in if they do them at CVS or similar near you. 

That’s a good point — even if there are no appointments available, walk-ins are still welcome in a lot of locations. 

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3 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Catwoman, making them stay with someone from the funeral is a great idea, if it is considered too cruel to make them sleep in the garage, on the lawn, or in the car. And believe me, I mean business enough I would absolutely do one of those three!

I’m right there with you, Faith!

I just hope they don’t catch anything at that wake — and it’s not just Covid; it could also be the flu or any number of other things as well.  I don’t understand the mentality of putting a vulnerable family member at risk just because you don’t want to be the only one wearing a mask. Priorities matter!!! 


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6 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

I’m only sort of kidding when I ask you if there’s an emergency locksmith who can change the locks on your doors before your dh and ds get home. I would seriously be telling then I hoped someone at the wake has a couple of extra bedrooms for them to stay in for the next 2 weeks.

But I’m mean like that. 

And it's not really mean, even, because they would feel terrible if they did expose her. 

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16 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

That’s a good point — even if there are no appointments available, walk-ins are still welcome in a lot of locations. 

And even places saying they don't do walk ins, are now doing some walk ins appt for second dose or booster. DS9 got a second dose as a walk in , after his actual appointment was canceled the day before. 

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26 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

I’m right there with you, Faith!

I just hope they don’t catch anything at that wake — and it’s not just Covid; it could also be the flu or any number of other things as well.  I don’t understand the mentality of putting a vulnerable family member at risk just because you don’t want to be the only one wearing a mask. Priorities matter!!! 


Agree 100%

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1 hour ago, Faith-manor said:

Catwoman, making them stay with someone from the funeral is a great idea, if it is considered too cruel to make them sleep in the garage, on the lawn, or in the car. And believe me, I mean business enough I would absolutely do one of those three!

No joke. We have high risk people (I’m probably the highest), and when I thought I might have been exposed at a hospital — I did back flips not to expose anyone else. It was not comfortable, but I stayed separate from everyone until I tested negative by PCR. You all don’t want to hear how we had to make that happen, it was, ummm, creative! And not convenient. But whatever, we do what we have to do to sometimes.

OP, I don’t know your house set up, but I’d encourage you to be creative about staying separate and masking.

Feeling so upset for you.


Edited by Spryte
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2 hours ago, dsmith said:

My neighbor is here all day, he's immunocompromised but did get the booster. He can't stay at home for the next two weeks - the two people living at his house were also there without masks. Thanks for the prayers - they are needed! 

Maybe your husband and son should stay at the neighbor’s house along with the two people at his house who exposed themselves and you and your immune compromised neighbor can stay safe at your house while the wake goers all quarantine together in the other. Because it sounds like neighbor is in the same boat you are.

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10 hours ago, dsmith said:

They are at a wake right now, and nobody was wearing a mask, so they all decided to not wear masks. Dh, my son and I haven't had our boosters yet, and we've been so damn careful up until now. He's a smoker, I have MS and worry about a relapse if I get Covid, and my son is overweight and had a lot of respiratory issues the last time he was sick. I'm going to be a nervous wreck for the next few weeks. My neurologist was very clear that I should be wearing an N95 when in public places, and avoiding crowds, etc. because a number of her patients that got Covid had relapses, but what does it matter what I do when the people I live with just do whatever the hell they want?


I think your neurologist is on target. Would it help to have neuro meet w/ dh?

I'm praying for the very best, but if possible, take him in.

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I would isolate from them as best as possible and have them test in 5 days.  I am very sorry and I would be angry too.  Having them stay with other family is a maybe if they are just going to have a free for all and that person has a bunch of contacts anyway.  

If you can get boostered now, I would do so ASAP.  I am definitely feeling a bit better 2 weeks post booster.  Though I am still using KN95 and being picky about how I use my out of the house budget.  Our numbers here are AWFUL,  Though our urban counties are doing better than the rest of the state.


Edited by FuzzyCatz
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