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Duggar trial Dec. 6. There will be one update.


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Hi everyone, I took Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday off the boards for a mental health break. After supper Friday night, we attended a local candlelight vigil for the Oxford shooting victims as well as just a show of solidarity for the student body/staff/faculty who has suffered so much trauma. It was about 100 people, quiet and peaceful, nothing news worthy. But I felt like afterward, I needed some down time.

I also feel like today, it is best for me to wait until there are end of the day reports, summarize, and do one thread. Mentally, I need to be doing other things at the moment, and yet I have a strong, vested interest in seeing ATI/IBLP/Duggars brought down because of the wicked danger of this cult. I want to see Josh Duggar and JB/Chelle suffer the consequences. However, thinking about it all day isn't doing me any favors, and I am only lightly scarred from a short time in my teens of Gothard's crap. It is inconceivable the pain of others who had their entire childhood inside the cult.

I am making some cookies, doing laundry -lots of laundry - running to the dry cleaners with a suit that suddenly needs to be used next week which was NOT on our horizons and had fallen off the hanger in Dh's closet unbeknownst to me and now looks like a rag. 😐 I won't be back on the boards until I do the update, and I will put it here. I am sorry if a lot of you have a reacted to or quoted or whatever and were waiting for a response. I have decided for my own health, I am not going to wade through what looks like a long list of notificiations. I am very sorry about that. I have a nerve inducing drive Friday in horrible weather conditions to get ds from the dorms which will be closing for Christmas break. He has nowhere to stay so I have to do it. Dh has super important meetings that day and can't make the run. It will make me very anxious having never gotten 100% over my accident PTSD so I just cannot allow myself to get too amped up prior to the drive. Again, I am REALLY sorry about not going through notifications.

The update will just be a post and thread bump. No editing this OP.


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Sending you so many gentle hugs.  I hope you have a safe trip on Friday.  I hate driving in the ice, snow, and crazy wind.  I had my worst experience in 2020 and just want to move to some place warm.   Thinking of your community and holding them close in my thoughts.  

Edited by mommyoffive
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Here it is: but first, CCMcandless reports that Carly Marshall for the prosecution drew a laugh this morning from the gallery when she asked a witness, "Do JimBob and Michelle Duggar have children?" 😂 I mean I get that for the purposes of public record some inane questions must be asked, that is pretty giggle worthy.

https://www.nwahomepage.com/josh-duggar-trial/  This a nuts and bolts listing of some testimony today. Bobbye Holt was a witness for the prosecution. She testified to what Josh had admitted to in 2005, and said that having to testify is miserable, but she has to do what is right. Jim Holt testified that Josh asked him how to install a linux partition in 2010. Forensics experts found evidence of partitioning on multiples of Josh's devices all the way back to 2015 which means Josh keeps a lot of older computers and tablets or whatever around.

The prosecution rested without calling Jill or Jed. However, I have been informed by a lawyer that if the defense brings up something that either of them knows anything about, they could be used as rebuttal witnesses. So the prosecution is not necessarily done.

The defense has run with "too dumb to do such a complicated thing" and then put a forensics expert from Arizona on the stand who claimed it is pretty complicated and requires command codes and what not. My husband says that is bull crap. This stuff comes easy to download these days with step by step instructions so this is a smoke and mirrors thing. The expert made a big deal about the feds not seizing the router so therefore it is not possible to disprove the idea that someone could have accessed it remotely and then downloaded it by remote. Except, most of the routers people use do not log all of that, and even if it did, why? Why would someone command his machine to download it remotely when that person then can't view it? So on cross examination, that is going to get poked full of holes. And the prosecution used his phone logs, photos he took during the download of the car lot time stamped on his phone proving he was in the office, and the dealership shows no one else besides Josh was on the payroll that week. The phone log combined with the download log is quite damning. But the question is if the jury can follow all of this if they are not tech savvy because it is pretty tedious, technological testimony. That said, I am completely computer incompetent and once I read it and thought about it, I understood it. 

I will also link the Sun. Just ignore all their tabloidy comments. Since the testimony and lawyer speak is all a matter of record and they can easily be exposed if they screw that part up, they seem to stick to direct quotes for the trial part. Theirs stupid who sat with whom, and who looked at whom, is just garbage. Oh, and also, they cannot seem to tell Jason, Jeremiah, and Justin apart so at one point had themselves quite confused, and then kept correcting themselves as people told them, "Hey, that's not Jeremiah!"


Emily Baker does a good job, but you need to endure a lot of language if you watch her YouTube show.

For anyone wondering, I am doing better today. I did lots of laundry, made some cookies, walked the dog, and hunted around for a Pfizer for our college senior when he gets home. He had JnJ in May and wanted a booster when he was home for Thanksgiving, but couldn't get in because a lot of pharmacies were already booked up the three days before TDay, and we were not willing to go out on Black Friday.




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For background, 7 years or so ago I read an article in WIRED that said everyone should use TOR for privacy.  I downloaded it. I just clicked download and OK to install. It worked EXACTLY like limewire, or for those of us in college in the late 90's, napster.  Super easy to use.  Also really slow and stupid to browse in, because it was so slow.  I couldn't figure out the utility when if you're that concerned with privacy you can just delete the cookies after every browsing session.  But then again I wasn't trying to do anything illegal and with few exceptions I don't hate tracking cookies.  So the idea that this took any sort of code is silly.  And yeah, I took programming classes and even used DOS to delete some windows crap I hated back in the day.  None of this involved code.  My 92 year old grandmother who keeps forgetting how to slide the silence switch on her iPhone to off could have done it easily.

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8 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

Carriejernigan1 has a trigger warning on update #22.

Some snippets make it sound like it’s not unusual  for men to share ways around the covenant eyes program. I found that rather interesting. 

I’m so grateful for her trigger warning. I skipped that update. 
I really enjoy her synopses. They are terrific.

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1 minute ago, KungFuPanda said:

@Faith-manor, do you listen to the Leaving Eden podcast?  I think you'd really like it.  The main podcaster grew up in an IFB cult and her cohost/friend/Rozz-to-her-Frazier is Jewish, so it's nice to see her experience through the lens of someone who didn't remotely grow up in that culture.  

I have not. I might do that some time. Tonight I am dealing with stubborn, 85 year old woman drama so I won't look it up right now. (Muttering under breath, I love my mil, I love my mil, I love my mil....)

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9 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

Some snippets make it sound like it’s not unusual  for men to share ways around the covenant eyes program. I found that rather interesting. 

That doesn't surprise me at all. I read about these spouses who are all enthusiastic about Covenant Eyes and their husbands spending all this time in 'prayer and support' with their accountability buddies and I'm like . . . wow, that is a lot of naivete. 

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8 minutes ago, katilac said:

That doesn't surprise me at all. I read about these spouses who are all enthusiastic about Covenant Eyes and their husbands spending all this time in 'prayer and support' with their accountability buddies and I'm like . . . wow, that is a lot of naivete. 

That is an EPIC level of gullibility!

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25 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

“Hey guys, want to come over to my house this weekend when my wife isn’t home so we can all NOT watch porn on my computer?”

Given he actually said to the investigators that he didn't want to say "I am not guilty" because he has had friends who said similar things and got in trouble after asking if someone had been downloading child porn, I think you nailed it! I am pretty sure he has said exactly that. 

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