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My brother is hospitalized with Covid


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5 hours ago, Tenaj said:

So, my brother is still in the hospital!  Eight days so far.  He cannot keep his oxygen levels at an acceptable level for discharge even with oxygen going home with him.  

Mom still hospitalized also.  She can't swallow for some reason so there is talk of a feeding tube 🙁

I am so sorry. Is he stable at that level, or are they having to increase his oxygen? I've known a couple of people who were in similar circumstances (but stable) and were fine in the long run. 

His humor is an asset--I am glad he's able to joke about things.

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He got home this evening.  With oxygen and with home health care checks but he's home.  His oxygen is still dropping just from walking across a room but it recovers quickly now and they decided since his wife and kids are recovered from their Covid bouts he would have enough help to safely be at home.🙂. Thanks for all the prayers.

Mom still not doing well.  Her throat seems to be swollen from the trauma so they are not allowing anything by mouth until that resolves.

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My brother worked all day from reports from his wife 🙄.  Though she did manage to convince him to stay in bed while he worked.  On a good note, he doesn't have to use the oxygen at all unless he is up and about.  Since his oxygen was staying the same whether sitting in bed watching TV or sitting in bed on his laptop, he decided to work 🙂

My mom is much improved today.  Up and walking, doing some exercises with the physical therapist and over all just feeling better.  They have her on "sugar water" IV - that's my dad's terminology 🙂  My mom is a non-medicated diabetic.  She does really well just watching her diet and it hit me today that she hadn't really eaten since Saturday supper anything of significance.  Would the hospital have been monitoring her blood sugar during that time?  Did my mom or dad remember to tell them that she does have sugar issues, just doesn't take medication for it?  Anyway, now I'm wondering if part of the problem was that her blood sugar was all out of whack and now that they have the IV hooked up (which according to both my mom and my dad she didn't have before) she is doing much better.  There's also dehydration if she wasn't able to drink.  Since I'm not there I'm just guessing because  there has been such a drastic improvement in the last 24 hours.  Or, she's just getting past the hard part of the injury.  She still can't swallow very well due to swelling.  They will continue to evaluate that.

It was so bad last night, that when my brother visited, she basically said good-bye to him 😞  He didn't tell us that until after the better reports starting coming in this morning.

Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts!  I really appreciate it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought I should add an update to this topic.  My brother is still out of breath and has to sit to recover when doing anything like walking.

My mom ended up passing away a week ago today.  As my brother said, "December really sucked".    She had been sent home from the hospital with home health care checking on her and Dad, and physical and occupational therapists several times a week.  I still hadn't been able to visit because I had a virus (non-covid) the whole month of December.  My brother was there on Christmas Eve and said she was doing really well.  I talked to her on the phone on Christmas night and she was doing well but by the time my brother visited on the 26th something had happened.  She had heart trouble and kidney trouble so it may have been a combo of the two.  She ended up in the ER on Tuesday morning.  She chose not to go to the ICU for intervention but was admitted to hospice on Tuesday night and passed less than 24 hours later.   

My brothers weren't sure I was going to make it to hospice in time so I had a brief conversation with her on a speaker phone before we arrived.  Barely able to speak she made sure I could clearly hear her tell me to "Be Careful!".  That sums her up . . . always worried about someone else rather than herself.


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