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DS8 loves language arts - particularly creative writing and poetics. He's completed CAP W&R Fable, IEW All Things Fun & Fascinating, IEW Fables, Myths, & Fairy Tales, the MCT Island series, and AAS 1-4. This year we completed MCT Grammar Town & Paragraph Town (excluding the later paragraph assignments) before stopping to take part in NaNoWriMo, which he participates in each year. He writes about one double-spaced page per day for that and is also typing one or two single-paragraph prompt responses per week for an online class. In the spring I plan to finish the assignments from Paragraph Town, work through Building Poems, do AAS 5, and refresh his Latin vocab with Scholastic Greek & Latin Roots (I don't think he's ready for Caesar's English). 

I'm not quite sure where to go from here. I own CAP W&R Narrative II, MCT Essay Voyage, Don't Forget to Write, and several Killgallon  books (Story Grammar for ES, Sentence Composing for ES / MS / HS, Getting Started with MS Sentence Composing, and Grammar for MS). I like the look of WWE and WWS, but we've never used the series. We'll have Caesar's English I left over from MCT Town. What would you do, Hive Mind? 

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