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Anna Duggar baby


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I can only hope that in 10 years most people won't know who the heck the Duggars are. I also hope the new baby ends up with a nickname.

But, I can't muster any sympathy for Anna Duggar. Anyone who names her daughter after her husband's cheating site is just messing with someone. Maybe JimBob, maybe the Assistant US Attorney, maybe FreeJinger, I don't know, but no one does that accidentally.

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26 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

To be fair, Anna’s mother’s first name is actually Lillie. Suzette is her first name. 

I honestly think Anna probably doesn’t think of it as the “Ashley Madison” scandal, and she really may not have the emotional connection to the name that we’re assuming she does.  That’s what it’s been called by the media; but I’m sure Anna has her own words for it. 

 But they named the dog Lily back in 2016. So that is just nuts. 

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She has zero ability to challenge anything he says, so yeah, if he told her he wanted to name the baby Madyson, she has to go along with it. If she acts like it bothers her, then that is admitting she isn't totally over him cheating, which means she is not forgiving him and will go to hell. So yeah. 

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3 hours ago, Scarlett said:

I have tried to NOT read all the details because it all disgusts me so much...but just the fact that he did not take a plea deal just blows my mind.  It shows a level of arrogance and defiance that makes me sick. What is wrong with him?  

My ex would not take a plea deal either for something similar.  He was sure he would win.  He turned down 15 years and got 90.   Depending on the exact charges and number of them Josh could be facing a very long time.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

To be fair, Anna’s mother’s first name is actually Lillie. Suzette is her first name. 

I honestly think Anna probably doesn’t think of it as the “Ashley Madison” scandal, and she really may not have the emotional connection to the name that we’re assuming she does.  That’s what it’s been called by the media; but I’m sure Anna has her own words for it. 

Why oh why would anyone with a beautiful name like Lillie go by Suzette instead?

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Earlier today I was reading an article at the Daily Mail website about a professor at Old Dominion University who believes that we should be calling pedophiles "MAPs" instead so as not to stigmatize them.   MAP= minor-attracted person

I immediately thought of JD when I was reading the article, and the professor even writes about how child p o r n should be available to MAPs as some kind of harm reduction strategy!!!  I'm sickened to know that this garbage has been published in a book!    

JD (and anyone like this) doesn't deserve dignity or a fancy new name like MAP, and I hope he gets what he deserves in this world and the next.

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5 minutes ago, Laurie said:

Earlier today I was reading an article at the Daily Mail website about a professor at Old Dominion University who believes that we should be calling pedophiles "MAPs" instead so as not to stigmatize them.   MAP= minor-attracted person

I immediately thought of JD when I was reading the article, and the professor even writes about how child p o r n should be available to MAPs as some kind of harm reduction strategy!!!  I'm sickened to know that this garbage has been published in a book!    

JD (and anyone like this) doesn't deserve dignity or a fancy new name like MAP, and I hope he gets what he deserves in this world and the next.

I new we were a minute away from this.

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3 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

That depends on if she actually does the six weeks of no hanky lanky post birth like she is supposed to. The trial begins in 14 days which is 38 days from birth, so 4 days short of the six weeks plus if she is nursing at all, combined with so soon after birth, hopefully fertility has not returned. The trial is supposed to last a week, and if convicted, he will be remanded to custody. From what I have read, with charges of this nature, they tend not to leave them out on bail pending sentencing but instead put them in custody and then take those days between trial and sentencing and subtract from the sentence. But anything is possible. Fingers crossed.

I think they follow purity laws, so it would be at least 80 days. 

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56 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

My ex would not take a plea deal either for something similar.  He was sure he would win.  He turned down 15 years and got 90.   Depending on the exact charges and number of them Josh could be facing a very long time.

I’ve seen that at the firm, too. It seems like men will not plea to that because they want to say they’re innocent. 

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18 minutes ago, Laurie said:

Earlier today I was reading an article at the Daily Mail website about a professor at Old Dominion University who believes that we should be calling pedophiles "MAPs" instead so as not to stigmatize them.   MAP= minor-attracted person

I immediately thought of JD when I was reading the article, and the professor even writes about how child p o r n should be available to MAPs as some kind of harm reduction strategy!!!  I'm sickened to know that this garbage has been published in a book!    

JD (and anyone like this) doesn't deserve dignity or a fancy new name like MAP, and I hope he gets what he deserves in this world and the next.

In other news, no one will ever let that professor babysit for them ever again.

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13 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

In other news, no one will ever let that professor babysit for them ever again.

No freaking joke! Come near my grandsons, and I may be tempted to do something appalling to the professor! If Old Dominion keeps such a person on its academic roll, then they can kiss my @$$! Wow! Just wow!

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Unpopular opinion:  I wish people who are attracted to minors were less stigmatized enough to get treatment.  People cannot help to whom they are attracted.  And I have read heart breaking accounts of people who tried desperately to get help but were unable to and who resorted to suicide.  

People who act on that attraction, since it harms innocent people, deserve lots of stigma.  

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Just now, Terabith said:

Unpopular opinion:  I wish people who are attracted to minors were less stigmatized enough to get treatment.  People cannot help to whom they are attracted.  And I have read heart breaking accounts of people who tried desperately to get help but were unable to and who resorted to suicide.  

People who act on that attraction, since it harms innocent people, deserve lots of stigma.  

I understand. I am just fundamentally against the change in terminology because I think the proposed acronym is designed to make it seem less horrible to sexually assault a child. The destimatizing isn't about getting help for the pedophile, but instead to desensitized society to the crime. I am against that. I am all for all kinds of more research and funding into helping people with the inclination NOT act on it. All for that.

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Just now, Faith-manor said:

I understand. I am just fundamentally against the change in terminology because I think the proposed acronym is designed to make it seem less horrible to sexually assault a child. The destimatizing isn't about getting help for the pedophile, but instead to desensitized society to the crime. I am against that. I am all for all kinds of more research and funding into helping people with the inclination NOT act on it. All for that.

Yeah, I'm not voting for getting rid of the term pedophile, either.  

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2 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Yeah, I'm not voting for getting rid of the term pedophile, either.  

I feel like in this country all the powers that be care about is punishment, and only for the most egregious offenders simply because too many of those powers appear to be some level of pervert themselves. There doesn't seem to be much of will for any kind of research into possible interventions that could work.

And of course Duggar is a prime example. Molest his sisters and a babysitter? Get taken to the CSA charged and not yet sentenced exp cop who tells him to just ask god's forgiveness and it is all good. Molest them a bunch more??? Go to Jesus camp and pray it away. Send the victims to "Journey of the Heart" camp where the curriculum is solitary confinement and sleep deprivation until the victim seeks the forgiveness of the peep for "causing him to sin" and then thank god it happened because it taught the victim a lesson and made her stronger. Get on Ashley Madison, have affairs, hook up with a prostitute and beat her up??? Admit to a porn addiction??? Go to Jesus camp and pray it away. Anna gets IBLP counseling in which women are told it is entirely the wife's fault when the husband goes perverted bananas. Download the worst CSA seasoned FBI agents have ever seen??? Daddy posts bail, and perp goes to a friend's house and hangs out with his wife who again will be blamed all the while the stupid fricking misogynistic sex cult claims he is innocent and it is the big, bad gubmint's fault.

Maybe if these evil, s.o.b.'s had gotten him some real help the first time, the rest would not have followed and the girls would have been spared, Anna and the kids would have been spared. JimBob and Chelle have just about as much to answer for as Josh. And Anna isn't innocent. Cult or not, she is not absolved of responsibility for staying and continuing to have children with him.

I habe no sympathy at this point for any of them but all of those innocent little grandkids born into this hurricane of pain and suffering. I have exactly zero faith that the state of Arkansas gives a damn about the kids either.


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24 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Unpopular opinion:  I wish people who are attracted to minors were less stigmatized enough to get treatment.  People cannot help to whom they are attracted.  And I have read heart breaking accounts of people who tried desperately to get help but were unable to and who resorted to suicide.  

People who act on that attraction, since it harms innocent people, deserve lots of stigma.  

Well. It’s also a well-know effect of doing meth. Wanting to do “taboo” things. I heard that directly from an addict. 

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3 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

when you're psychologically abused - you stop thinking. and just . . go with the flow.

Something like this, maybe? I think you'd have to give yourself a mental illness to cope with this level of criminally, abusive, weird creepiness.


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Is it possible that Anna doesn't know about the website? I mean it seems nearly impossible but she is so sheltered so maybe?  I know she knows he cheated but maybe she doesn't know how? Just pondering because I want something to make sense other than she agreed to that name anyways.  It is so unbelievable.   She has an Instagram but maybe he actually controls it.  If she doesn't access the news/internet much maybe she doesn't know about the scandal? And maybe she doesn't know the details of these charges either.   Probably wishful thinking.  It is so tragic. 

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44 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

I understand. I am just fundamentally against the change in terminology because I think the proposed acronym is designed to make it seem less horrible to sexually assault a child. The destimatizing isn't about getting help for the pedophile, but instead to desensitized society to the crime. I am against that. I am all for all kinds of more research and funding into helping people with the inclination NOT act on it. All for that.

I'm afraid of what treatment may look like if there's no more stigma!    The professor quotes other academics who are suggesting that child p-graphy could be a substitute for "actual victims".   If these aren't live children, but are cartoon characters, is that supposed to be acceptable?   And what if real children's photos are being used and these academics don't even consider them to be victims????   I don't want my tax dollars going to research projects to find out what kind of pictures they like best and then paying for their "therapy" materials!!!     


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2 minutes ago, DawnM said:

I went to look at Anna's instagram and you can't comment as it says, "comments are limited."   There are comments so I don't know how they determine who can post and who can't.

There’s a new feature this year that allows you to block comments from people who just recently followed you or who don’t follow you at all. It’s designed for instances like this. So Anna is savvy enough to activate the feature but not bright enough to pick a different m name?!

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

Unpopular opinion:  I wish people who are attracted to minors were less stigmatized enough to get treatment.  People cannot help to whom they are attracted.  And I have read heart breaking accounts of people who tried desperately to get help but were unable to and who resorted to suicide.  

People who act on that attraction, since it harms innocent people, deserve lots of stigma.  

What kind of treatment would make someone who is sex attracted to children, better?   Isn't that the same argument people use for conversion therapy?    You're attracted to who you're attracted to.   In the case of the conversion therapy folks, who cares if someone is attracted to the same sex, as long as they're consensual adults.  In the first case, there's no treatment that will make them not attracted to small children.   

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2 minutes ago, Annie G said:

There’s a new feature this year that allows you to block comments from people who just recently followed you or who don’t follow you at all. It’s designed for instances like this. So Anna is savvy enough to activate the feature but not bright enough to pick a different m name?!

She may not actually run the instagram site.   

I had so many snarky comments to make but I couldn't because the site wouldn't allow me to.


Kind of.

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1 minute ago, DawnM said:

She may not actually run the instagram site.   

I had so many snarky comments to make but I couldn't because the site wouldn't allow me to.


Kind of.

Yeah, she might not run it. I think Jeremy and Jinger hired someone to manage theirs, but Anna’s doesn’t look polished like Jinger’s does. 

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6 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

What kind of treatment would make someone who is sex attracted to children, better?   Isn't that the same argument people use for conversion therapy?    You're attracted to who you're attracted to.   In the case of the conversion therapy folks, who cares if someone is attracted to the same sex, as long as they're consensual adults.  In the first case, there's no treatment that will make them not attracted to small children.   

I don't think there is anything that will change the attraction. But it might be possible to help them control it and not molest children.

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6 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

What kind of treatment would make someone who is sex attracted to children, better?   Isn't that the same argument people use for conversion therapy?    You're attracted to who you're attracted to.   In the case of the conversion therapy folks, who cares if someone is attracted to the same sex, as long as they're consensual adults.  In the first case, there's no treatment that will make them not attracted to small children.   

I don't know.  It is not an area that I know anything about.  But it seems like something that should be being researched.  Even if it doesn't make them not attracted to children, if it makes them better able to resist impulses, what ultimately matters is that they don't ACT on them.  Because unlike with consenting adults, pedophilia hurts kids.  

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

Unpopular opinion:  I wish people who are attracted to minors were less stigmatized enough to get treatment.  People cannot help to whom they are attracted.  And I have read heart breaking accounts of people who tried desperately to get help but were unable to and who resorted to suicide.  

People who act on that attraction, since it harms innocent people, deserve lots of stigma.  

So I think something needs to be addressed here, because this is becoming an increasingly popular unpopular opinion: the number of „true“ pedophiles („fixed“, that is exclusively attracted to young children) is very, very small. When the general population thinks of pedophiles, they think of this, which is actually extremely rare.

The number of „regressed“ pedophiles (men who would rather have sex with a hot 21 year old college coed, but will settle for a 12 year old „who totally looks like she‘s 18 tho“) is huge. And porn is contributing to their number daily.

Josh Duggar is not a fixed pedophile; he is clearly able to have weird and normal sexual relationships with adult women. But I guarantee there are many more men like him, and they should not be pitied or protected, and I think the shift in vocabulary to make their attraction seem involuntary is misguided.

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18 minutes ago, Laurie said:

I'm afraid of what treatment may look like if there's no more stigma!    The professor quotes other academics who are suggesting that child p-graphy could be a substitute for "actual victims".   If these aren't live children, but are cartoon characters, is that supposed to be acceptable?   And what if real children's photos are being used and these academics don't even consider them to be victims????   I don't want my tax dollars going to research projects to find out what kind of pictures they like best and then paying for their "therapy" materials!!!     


I don't either. I condemned the the professor in strong terms. I am not sure where you get the idea that because I would like research in how to treat pedophiles in the hopes of reducing and eliminating recidivism I would also then be pro-child CSA materials! That is really very insulting and especially when I roundly condemned the professor. Sheesh. 

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2 minutes ago, GracieJane said:

So I think something needs to be addressed here, because this is becoming an increasingly popular unpopular opinion: the number of „true“ pedophiles („fixed“, that is exclusively attracted to young children) is very, very small. When the general population thinks of pedophiles, they think of this, which is actually extremely rare.

The number of „regressed“ pedophiles (men who would rather have sex with a hot 21 year old college coed, but will settle for a 12 year old „who totally looks like she‘s 18 tho“) is huge. And porn is contributing to their number daily.

Josh Duggar is not a fixed pedophile; he is clearly able to have weird and normal sexual relationships with adult women. But I guarantee there are many more men like him, and they should not be pitied or protected, and I think the shift in vocabulary to make their attraction seem involuntary is misguided.

Yeah, I'm not arguing to shift vocabulary or for sympathy for actions AT ALL.  

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2 minutes ago, GracieJane said:

So I think something needs to be addressed here, because this is becoming an increasingly popular unpopular opinion: the number of „true“ pedophiles („fixed“, that is exclusively attracted to young children) is very, very small. When the general population thinks of pedophiles, they think of this, which is actually extremely rare.

The number of „regressed“ pedophiles (men who would rather have sex with a hot 21 year old college coed, but will settle for a 12 year old „who totally looks like she‘s 18 tho“) is huge. And porn is contributing to their number daily.

Josh Duggar is not a fixed pedophile; he is clearly able to have weird and normal sexual relationships with adult women. But I guarantee there are many more men like him, and they should not be pitied or protected, and I think the shift in vocabulary to make their attraction seem involuntary is misguided.

Which I said, and which Terabith agreed. I really do not understand why wanting more understanding in order to hopefully reduce sex crimes against children is suddenly promoting this. We both said we are against the change in terms.

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10 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

I don't either. I condemned the the professor in strong terms. I am not sure where you get the idea that because I would like research in how to treat pedophiles in the hopes of reducing and eliminating recidivism I would also then be pro-child CSA materials! That is really very insulting and especially when I roundly condemned the professor. Sheesh. 

I'm sorry!  I was only trying to say that if the stigma is removed there's no telling what some of these so-called experts will try to get funding for in the name of research and treatment.  I didn't mean that you would support anything like that.   

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3 minutes ago, Laurie said:

I'm sorry!  I was only trying to say that if the stigma is removed there's no telling what some of these so-called experts will try to get funding for in the name of research and treatment.  I didn't mean that you would support anything like that.   

Thank you! And yes, I concur. We need to keep the high degree of horror and intolerance to the crime. It is beyond gross and evil. Pedophile can stick. If experts can figure out a way to reduce the chances that someone with sexual attraction to children will act on it, that I would support. Whatever keeps children safer. But society needs to remain committed to wanting an end to sex trafficking and assault, CSA, and all of it. Ugh!

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pedophilia is not a sexual orientation. To pretend it is, is to belie the truth that a sexual attraction to children is a form of sadism - the attraction is to the use of power for destruction of innocence. Pedophiles don't love children, they hate them and are attracted to committing violence against them. Victims have seen that hate and evil up close. 

I'll repeat this at every opportunity until my dying day. 

The first step in helping them can't be to collude in lies about their motivations.

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1 hour ago, Laurie said:

I'm afraid of what treatment may look like if there's no more stigma!    The professor quotes other academics who are suggesting that child p-graphy could be a substitute for "actual victims".   If these aren't live children, but are cartoon characters, is that supposed to be acceptable?   And what if real children's photos are being used and these academics don't even consider them to be victims????   I don't want my tax dollars going to research projects to find out what kind of pictures they like best and then paying for their "therapy" materials!!!     


that was Josh Powell's argument.  The pictures he found on his computer  " weren't real children".  But it was enough to demand an even more stringent eval than he had before.  That was the trigger that caused him to end himself and his boys.  He was slime - even though they "weren't real children".

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1 hour ago, GracieJane said:

So I think something needs to be addressed here, because this is becoming an increasingly popular unpopular opinion: the number of „true“ pedophiles („fixed“, that is exclusively attracted to young children) is very, very small. When the general population thinks of pedophiles, they think of this, which is actually extremely rare.

The number of „regressed“ pedophiles (men who would rather have sex with a hot 21 year old college coed, but will settle for a 12 year old „who totally looks like she‘s 18 tho“) is huge. And porn is contributing to their number daily.

Josh Duggar is not a fixed pedophile; he is clearly able to have weird and normal sexual relationships with adult women. But I guarantee there are many more men like him, and they should not be pitied or protected, and I think the shift in vocabulary to make their attraction seem involuntary is misguided.

There are also those that go for the 18 year old who looks like she's 12.  or younger . . . . (while it isnt' technically a crime, the girl is appealing because she looks like a kid.)

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1 hour ago, WildflowerMom said:

What kind of treatment would make someone who is sex attracted to children, better?   Isn't that the same argument people use for conversion therapy?    You're attracted to who you're attracted to.   In the case of the conversion therapy folks, who cares if someone is attracted to the same sex, as long as they're consensual adults.  In the first case, there's no treatment that will make them not attracted to small children.   

I assume the therapy would be strategies geared to avoiding acting on it, avoiding tempting situations, etc.

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22 minutes ago, LMD said:

pedophilia is not a sexual orientation. To pretend it is, is to belie the truth that a sexual attraction to children is a form of sadism - the attraction is to the use of power for destruction of innocence. Pedophiles don't love children, they hate them and are attracted to committing violence against them. Victims have seen that hate and evil up close. 

I'll repeat this at every opportunity until my dying day. 

The first step in helping them can't be to collude in lies about their motivations.

I am not knowledgeable enough to know. But we need strategies for addressing whatever it is. Not enough is being done to figure this out and protect as many children as we can.

All sexual assault is not about "sex" but about power, hurting others or at least this has been what I have deduced from the mental health community. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to figure out ways to fight it, intervene, protect, see if we can't figure it out and stop it before it happens. Punishment can't be the only option because it is reactionary. The threat of punishment did not stop Josh the Pervert from downloading that video or the other 200+ images. So we need to look for more, try harder, we being the experts, the researchers, the policy makers, communities, families, whomever.

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