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Vent thread: what’s annoying you today?

Mrs Tiggywinkle

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6 hours ago, popmom said:

I never hated my menstrual cycle. Even with pms and pain and all of it. I stayed grateful for the miracle of it. Because that’s what it is. Such a beautiful, miraculous design. 

I fail to see anything miraculous about this feature which we share, aside from primates, only with bats, the elephant shrew, and the spiny mouse. All other mammal species have a more elegant way of dealing with the uterine lining that does not involve blood loss (potentially attracting predators and wasting precious iron). They reabsorb.
Menstruation is one of the many examples that clearly indicate that the human body is not designed with forethought and deep intention, but has evolved as only just good enough to not jeopardize the survival of the species. The plumbing could have been engineered better (and crossing the windpipe and esophagus in the throat is a severe design flaw that should be unacceptable)

ETA: Do I sound grumpy? Hell yes. Dreading having to leave the house for a two hour event while bleeding just royally sucks.

Edited by regentrude
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31 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

Piggybacking on that.

My dh's truck

It has a seal on the door that nobody can fix.

Which means that when it rains, water runs into the fuse box. Random things happen when you have water in the fuse box. The radio turns itself on and off mysteriously. The windshied wipers randomly come on. It'll just suddenly start itself in the driveway. We've burned up 2 starters. So now this massive F250 is taking up all the space in the garage. And it can't be driven in wet weather.


Are you sure it is the door seal?  It could be the windshield.  Someone needs to do a proper water test on it and get to the bottom of it.  We HATE these kinds of jobs, but we do know how to figure it out eventually.  Also, Fords are notorious for having windshield leaking problems especially on the back glass.  

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52 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Are you sure it is the door seal?  It could be the windshield.  Someone needs to do a proper water test on it and get to the bottom of it.  We HATE these kinds of jobs, but we do know how to figure it out eventually.  Also, Fords are notorious for having windshield leaking problems especially on the back glass.  

Hmm.. This is the front glass and we've had the windshield guy check it out. He said the windshield was fine.

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7 hours ago, popmom said:

Stop!! Y’all are killing me. I’ll trade you. Give me back my periods. Please!

what sucks even more about this is that I never hated my menstrual cycle. Even with pms and pain and all of it. I stayed grateful for the miracle of it. Because that’s what it is. Such a beautiful, miraculous design. 

This is interesting because you are literally the only person I have ever heard say that you miss your period. I’m in a hysterectomy group that has over 30,000 members, and even the women who are sad about the surgery for other reasons are grateful to be done with periods!

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10 minutes ago, Selkie said:

This is interesting because you are literally the only person I have ever heard say that you miss your period. I’m in a hysterectomy group that has over 30,000 members, and even the women who are sad about the surgery for other reasons are grateful to be done with periods!

I haven’t had a period in three years thanks to PCOS and birth control pills used to control PCOS.  I intend to never have a period again. 
I always had light periods that weren’t uncomfortable, but I hated the whole process.  Glad to be rid of it. 😂

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13 hours ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

YES. I’m almost 45 and if I follow what my mom did, I probably have another ten years. It makes me want to cry. 

I’m sure you know this, but a hormonal IUD would likely put a stop to them. I haven’t had a period in almost 20 years and it is wonderful. Even after my husband’s V, I continued to get IUDs. Double protection and no periods. Win, win!

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2 hours ago, Katy said:

I’m sorry.  Does one of those belts help? They knocked my pain in half when I injured mine a few months ago. 

It helps a little but I have Ankylosing spondylitis so not really.   I should just get pregnant that usually causes temporay remission. 

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4 hours ago, Selkie said:

This is interesting because you are literally the only person I have ever heard say that you miss your period. I’m in a hysterectomy group that has over 30,000 members, and even the women who are sad about the surgery for other reasons are grateful to be done with periods!

Yeah, I was sad when I had my hysterectomy in 2019, and I did not have bad periods after about age 25, but I have been surprised at how awesome not having periods is.  While it wasn't practical, I kinda wish I had another kid, but I am glad to be done with periods.  

I am, however, incredibly grateful that I got to keep an ovary.  Surgical menopause seems like it really, really sucks.  

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Why put in an application to adopt a dog when you know the information is fake.  A quick Google/property search will reveal it in moments.  Plus, please at least do better when coming up with a fake name better than Sir mixalot kingdom ( actual name used).  Now I wonder if these poor people who actually live at the address they used on the application know someone is using their address.   Third application this month alone with fake information. 

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45 minutes ago, Frances said:

I’m sure you know this, but a hormonal IUD would likely put a stop to them. I haven’t had a period in almost 20 years and it is wonderful. Even after my husband’s V, I continued to get IUDs. Double protection and no periods. Win, win!

Yeah. . . I’ve been leery about trying that. I haven’t done well with artificial hormones in the past, and my sister had a Mirena which just made her spot continuously instead of stopping things. 

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9 hours ago, popmom said:

I wish I had mine back. 😞 I went through menopause at 48. It sucks for me. I hate everything about it. HATE IT. I would give anything to have periods again at this point. So yeah, it’s annoying that I cannot have s$& without PAIN. Ever. Even the idea of it is repulsive. That’s NOT fair. I used to be normal. Womanly. Sexual. I had a libido. It was fun. 

It’s all gone. I feel robbed. I’m sure dh feels robbed. And it’s the thing no one wants to talk about. Which makes my struggle even worse. Because plenty of women have fabulous s&$ lives after menopause according to magazines…what the hell is wrong with me? I’m too young for this. So yeah…BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.


Assuming you aren’t joking, I will happily bequeath you with my neverending misery. You may have my every-3-weeks period, my ovulation cramps and bloating so painful I often can’t function, and the sex drive I’ve never had. I’ll even throw in my fibroids that contribute to jeans that don’t fit.

One hour shipping is on me. 

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A lost but important list that will now require a lot of backtracking and reverifying information--likely dumped out of my calendar by someone moving the calendar. My family has zero respect for paperwork, and I am stuck doing ALL of it. The lost paperwork worries me about what else might be missing. The receipts to back up this piece of paperwork were once upon a time bound together, and while they still seem to be around, they are no longer bound together, so I will have to take extra steps to see if they are unbound because people messed with them and mixed in new pieces of paperwork. I am so pissed. 

I have an appointment tomorrow with a practitioner who has created havoc in our lives. DH was supposed to address this with some questions via e-mail, and he has not. His e-mail draft looks like it will not address the situation adequately and will also undermine the case for our frustrations. I have asked and asked him to do this, and I have reminded him that I've been in turmoil multiple times per day waiting for the other shoe to drop, but still he has not addressed this. I see the practitioner tomorrow, and DH is working the night shift. The missing paperwork above is supposed to help with the part of the havoc created by this situation that isn't communication related.

People who are supposed to get back to me with information are not doing so. I could verify it myself, but they tend to all have little side conversations and not respond to a group message, and I am basically asking this other person clean up a "side message" mess he already started. Apparently that's like asking a toddler to clean up their own poopy diaper. (in-laws!!!)

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My vent today, is the same vent I have more and more often with one coworker. It is people who use the union to protect them, when they just want to be lazy.  

Long post, you can ignore if you want.....LOL

I have one coworker (that I am not frustrated with) who had a massive schedule change that was not in her control. The schedule change cost her several hundred dollars each month, because a Saturday shift that was moved to a Friday. The Sat shift, had a weekend pay differential. She has family in Vietnam, and that money was sent back home each month to help them. So, the pay decrease doesn't affect her putting food on the table, but it does for her family. 😞 This change also means that she now has to pay daycare on Fridays, when she used to be off. So....a pay cut and several hundred more in daycare costs as well.  She got less that a months notice that this was happening. To make it up to her, our boss lets her have a bit of a variable schedule. She comes in later than all of us, so she doesn't have AM daycare. Totally reasonable and easy for other staff to work around. Really no big deal at all. She does a slightly different job, so it has zero effect on anyone else. She is hands down, the hardest working employee in our entire pharmacy. 

My vent.....one other worker has now decided that she can alter her schedule also. This employee, used to work for the union, but now is a shop steward instead. (The union kinda demoted her).  Due to her experience, she will go to the union over minuscule things. She only does the bare basics of what our job description entails because she knows they can't touch her as long as she is minimally adequate. If her work station runs out of work, she would rather sit on a stool staring off into space, than help out another work station...because, that is what the job minimum is. She tells us this outright, so it isn't a secret. She will only do, what she is legally required to do by her job description and union contract. She used to leave 7 minutes early every night, because that is the line where employees are protected by the union about being absent from work, and not having to put in for sick leave or annual leave. Now she is leaving work 20-25 minutes early several days a week (she probably isn't taking her last break to justify it). She doesn't say anything, just closes up the station and leaves. Her job requires that if she leaves her station, someone else has to fill in. Since she leaves without saying anything. she is creating issues for other workers. Tonight, I lost 20 minutes of filling prescriptions, that should have been mailed out, because I had to go cover for her instead. Real people, are not getting thier prescriptions mailed today, because she wants to take advantage of my boss, being kind to someone else. My boss can't say anything to her about it, because he is letting the other worker modify her schedule. The former union employee, has no reason to leave early, she lives alone and doesn't like to do things after work. And today, the weather was sunny and cold, so she wasn't trying to beat the weather. She just does it because she knows she can. She is very, very open about these types of situations, I am not guessing her intentions.

If she needed accommodation for daycare, appointments, traffic, not wanting to drive in the dark,  or any other reason...I wouldn't care. But she is only doing it because she knows she is putting our boss in an awkward position. She is the type to not just stab someone in the back, she likes to give it a good hard twist. She is mad she didn't get a recent promotion, so she is trying to hurt him back. 


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39 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

He is very cute!

Thank you! My fur baby is 12.5, has a hard time keeping the hair on his haunches and sleeps a lot. Today he was just crazy clingy. I try to be patient because I want to keep him close and be tuned in so if he starts to suffer, I will know right away. But oy! I tripped over him twice, had him go between my legs and nearly knock me over, couldn't keep him off my lap when I was folding clothes on the bed, and he whined every time I used the bathroom unless I let him come in with me, and then he had to be plastered up close. It was a little too much dog love when I needed to be productive.

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danger will robinson 😡😡😡

The photographer we used for a family group photograph in Oct - because everyone was here, as 2dd and her family live out of state (and 1ds graduates next month, and who knows where he'll end up) - was NOT upfront about his prices or philosophy. (I would ask him questions, and he would obfuscate)  I asked him about digital - he said yes (until after the pictures were taken). his idea of a "family portrait" is something akin (in size, on canvas - and price) that you'd find in an art gallery.  The very first 'size' he showed us included a price tag of $25K. He only wants to print on "hand stretched and retouched" canvas - and seriously will not give you a straight answer about anything else.   a NORMAL 11 x 14ish (or smaller) - was $900. (in addition to a separate sitting fee.)  for ONE photograph.  he seriously is holding out for those prices - and won't do any 'regular' prints.  It has to be canvas - and it must have his artist "retouch" it so it's "perfect" (um, I could see where someone had painted on the canvas in his studio - it was NOT "perfect", and I wouldn't want that in my house.) I've been to what was the best photog in my city in its day (the photog  died), and while they could do that - they also offered normal size prints for normal sized budgets.  

The lighting was great - because mother nature provided such great lighting that day (and easily seen without a camera) - it wasn't him. 

I know I should have listened to my gut beforehand when we were talking, it was just "off".  I couldn't get it through to dh that I was uncomfortable with him and we needed a different photographer even if he wasn't happy with whomever was in second place.   

I'm livid, it's been more than ten years since we were able to do a family portrait. because he was so - uninformative - that opportunity is now gone.  The work itself isn't worth that much - and he knew it was a onetime opportunity for us.    (that photographer wasn't available.)  dh is trying to resolve this - but no matter what, I will be leaving informative about his prices on a yelp review.

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2 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

his idea of a "family portrait" is something akin (in size, on canvas - and price) that you'd find in an art gallery.  The very first 'size' he showed us included a price tag of $25K. He only wants to print on "hand stretched and retouched" canvas - and seriously will not give you a straight answer about anything else.   a NORMAL 11 x 14ish (or smaller) - was $900. (in addition to a separate sitting fee.) 

that is insane. Who pays this kind of money? 

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On 11/15/2021 at 11:35 AM, regentrude said:

aside from the fact that I am planning my father's funeral 

I'm so sorry for your loss Regentrude.  Will you be able to attend the funeral in person?

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6 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

danger will robinson 😡😡😡

The photographer we used for a family group photograph in Oct - because everyone was here, as 2dd and her family live out of state (and 1ds graduates next month, and who knows where he'll end up) - was NOT upfront about his prices or philosophy. (I would ask him questions, and he would obfuscate)  I asked him about digital - he said yes (until after the pictures were taken). his idea of a "family portrait" is something akin (in size, on canvas - and price) that you'd find in an art gallery.  The very first 'size' he showed us included a price tag of $25K. He only wants to print on "hand stretched and retouched" canvas - and seriously will not give you a straight answer about anything else.   a NORMAL 11 x 14ish (or smaller) - was $900. (in addition to a separate sitting fee.)  for ONE photograph.  he seriously is holding out for those prices - and won't do any 'regular' prints.  It has to be canvas - and it must have his artist "retouch" it so it's "perfect" (um, I could see where someone had painted on the canvas in his studio - it was NOT "perfect", and I wouldn't want that in my house.) I've been to what was the best photog in my city in its day (the photog  died), and while they could do that - they also offered normal size prints for normal sized budgets.  

The lighting was great - because mother nature provided such great lighting that day (and easily seen without a camera) - it wasn't him. 

I know I should have listened to my gut beforehand when we were talking, it was just "off".  I couldn't get it through to dh that I was uncomfortable with him and we needed a different photographer even if he wasn't happy with whomever was in second place.   

I'm livid, it's been more than ten years since we were able to do a family portrait. because he was so - uninformative - that opportunity is now gone.  The work itself isn't worth that much - and he knew it was a onetime opportunity for us.    (that photographer wasn't available.)  dh is trying to resolve this - but no matter what, I will be leaving informative about his prices on a yelp review.

Yikes!! That’s insane!

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On 11/14/2021 at 12:32 PM, teachermom2834 said:

a tissue in the washing machine

Funny story bunny trail: 

When my MIL was staying with us, the thing to scrupulously check was every pocket and sleeve of her clothing going into the washer. She was always squirreling tissues in any space and I got booby-trapped a couple of times when I missed one. 
So I feel ya on that. 

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@gardenmom5 what an awful photography experience. He sounds old school (but an extreme version), because photographers used to make most of their money on the finished photos, not the session. 

The photographer we had for dd’s wedding was young and operates under the normal, modern business model. She’s made her money; the prints/books/etc. are now up to us. I love this because I am extremely particular about photography and I want my albums to be very comprehensive. 

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51 minutes ago, Quill said:

Funny story bunny trail: 

When my MIL was staying with us, the thing to scrupulously check was every pocket and sleeve of her clothing going into the washer. She was always squirreling tissues in any space and I got booby-trapped a couple of times when I missed one. 
So I feel ya on that. 

Yep hay fever season here.  I don’t check pockets ever.  Rather lint brush here and there but this week it’s been twice!

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People in general.
the  immunosuppressants I’m on to stop a corneal transplant rejection have wreaked havoc and now I have an incredibly uncomfortable fungal infection.  I’m burning in places I didn’t know it was possible to burn.  And I really need to work tomorrow, but I dont think it’s going to happen, and I used all my sick and PTO time on the four times my daughter was quarantined this year.  

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3 hours ago, Quill said:

@gardenmom5 what an awful photography experience. He sounds old school (but an extreme version), because photographers used to make most of their money on the finished photos, not the session. 

The photographer we had for dd’s wedding was young and operates under the normal, modern business model. She’s made her money; the prints/books/etc. are now up to us. I love this because I am extremely particular about photography and I want my albums to be very comprehensive. 

like I said - I went to what was the best photographer in my city (he died years ago). he didn't do that type of garbage, and he was selling the pictures.  I've been to some good photogs - and I've never encountered this type of garbage before.

the sitting fee wasn't inexpensive - but previous photogs applied the sitting fee to the pictures.  he doesn't.  He doesn't use digital - only the really big film (not 35mm). but he told me I could get digital copies when I directly asked him.  then when we were looking - they're not available.

this guy is looking for one person to give him $25K - when it would be a heck of a lot easier to find 25 people to give him $1000.   The more I learn, the more angry I become.  Mom-gut warned me something was off (and I was reluctant to use him) before we ever gave him a dollar. I couldn't get that through to dh.

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3 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

like I said - I went to what was the best photographer in my city (he died years ago). he didn't do that type of garbage, and he was selling the pictures.  I've been to some good photogs - and I've never encountered this type of garbage before.

the sitting fee wasn't inexpensive - but previous photogs applied the sitting fee to the pictures.  he doesn't.  He doesn't use digital - only the really big film (not 35mm). but he told me I could get digital copies when I directly asked him.  then when we were looking - they're not available.

this guy is looking for one person to give him $25K - when it would be a heck of a lot easier to find 25 people to give him $1000.   The more I learn, the more angry I become.  Mom-gut warned me something was off (and I was reluctant to use him) before we ever gave him a dollar. I couldn't get that through to dh.

Do you have a contract? 

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Someone in my house loves trail mix. They constantly come in the kitchen to just grab a bite here and there. But the peanuts 🥜 and raisins drop all over the floor when they miss their mouth, lol. It hurts my back to mop and vacuum. I cleaned last night and got up to here a raisin, there a raisin, everywhere a peanut/raisin (EIEIO!) on counter, sink, floor. This is very insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but this is a thread about annoyance, so……..


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4 hours ago, Quill said:

Funny story bunny trail: 

When my MIL was staying with us, the thing to scrupulously check was every pocket and sleeve of her clothing going into the washer. She was always squirreling tissues in any space and I got booby-trapped a couple of times when I missed one. 
So I feel ya on that. 

This happens to me at least once a month.  I always check pockets ... or at least I think I do.  😛 

Sometimes it's horse treats.  Don't ask.

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And the neighbors chickens and roosters (which are adorable) are coming over every day to tear up my yard. And I’m stressed because a hawk lives right in my back yard and I don’t want to see a hawk get one. Yesterday, I saw the hawk flying over them and they scattered. I love animals and I’m getting attached to the darn things, but at the same time, my yard. My trail encroaches onto their property (previous neighbors didn’t care). So, I can’t complain really? 🐓🐓


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4 hours ago, Quill said:

Funny story bunny trail: 

When my MIL was staying with us, the thing to scrupulously check was every pocket and sleeve of her clothing going into the washer. She was always squirreling tissues in any space and I got booby-trapped a couple of times when I missed one. 
So I feel ya on that. 

Mine finally seem to be trained, but we've had scissors (lots of kinds--leftover from medical kits scissors), papers, gum (in and out of wrappers), and all manner of outdoor stuff (one kid used to stuff a dandelion into his cloth diapers now and then). I once pulled loaded shotgun shells out of the dryer. 


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On 11/15/2021 at 7:18 PM, kbutton said:

A lost but important list that will now require a lot of backtracking and reverifying information--likely dumped out of my calendar by someone moving the calendar. My family has zero respect for paperwork, and I am stuck doing ALL of it. The lost paperwork worries me about what else might be missing. The receipts to back up this piece of paperwork were once upon a time bound together, and while they still seem to be around, they are no longer bound together, so I will have to take extra steps to see if they are unbound because people messed with them and mixed in new pieces of paperwork. I am so pissed. 

People who are supposed to get back to me with information are not doing so. I could verify it myself, but they tend to all have little side conversations and not respond to a group message, and I am basically asking this other person clean up a "side message" mess he already started. Apparently that's like asking a toddler to clean up their own poopy diaper. (in-laws!!!)

The lost paperwork turned up under a piece of IKEA furniture that almost, but not quite, rests on the floor and is not easy to move). Found it sticking out from underneath last night even though we've looked there. I think maybe the door drags a bit, and it dragged the paper (and the things I was worried might be with it) out from underneath. 

People finally got back to me to confirm information! 

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Rant of the day:

My mom cannot get help with my end stage Parkinson’s grandmother.  She’s going to throw her back out lifting her and when I called office of the aging today to see about putting a ramp in for getting grandma out of the house, I asked what happens when my mom is injured or sick.  I work 57 hours a week. I have three kids.  I have one cousin who works 60 hours a week and has two kids as a single mom with zero assistance from baby daddy.  I have a sister with CP who is unable to lift or help transfer.  My mom’s sister is also older, widowed and still has to work full time. She does not have access to paid family leave because she works across the state line in a state that doesn’t offer it.  
Office of the aging said, well, the paperwork says there are 13 grandchildren, so it wouldn’t be an emergency case and you wouldn’t get any help since there is family. 

of those 13 grandchildren, 3 are effectively estranged or low contact and don’t live in the same time zone as us anyway.  The others live between 200-1800 miles away.   They literally expect people to leave young kids and jobs to fly home for six weeks to take care of grandma, who is now total care.  Five months on the waiting list for every nursing home and home health agency in the area, and my mom can get zero help. 

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UPDATE on photos: dh got him to agree to print three "regular" 11 x whatever pictures for a more reasonable price (theoretically they'll have good 'resolution'.  We can have them scanned, and print off our own.).  I TOLD the photographer I didn't want canvas! (oh, it's only going to be $100 less because I must have my artist touch it up before it can leave my studio.). He was pushing hard to sell that single high-ticket item - even when he knew we were unhappy with his prices, he still pushed it.  Then I found out from dh he subsidizes his income (party because of covid) by working at home depot. He was desperate to make a big ticket sale.  "oh, I didn't know that's what she wanted" . . . as dh said, the most important thing a salesman can do is LISTEN to their potential client.  He didn't. - Not even to my *direct* questions. (or objections.)

I still plan on leaving a "buyer beware" - and here's a sample of his prices - review on yelp.

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Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)! WHOOO BOY! The learning curve was steep after 7 years away from the rat race. It took a paid consultant plus 72 hours of sleepless tweaking to get things right but I'm FINALLY ready to apply for full time work again. If my latest docs don't work, God is a lie 🤣

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Todays rant-  online job applications only.  DS has applied for his first job and  has an offer if he can finish one document.  The problem-  it won’t allow us to put the required information in the one spot.   I helped DS email tech support.  Ten days later, still no response on the issue.  But they keep emailing him finish this document so you can start working. GRR.  

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2 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Todays rant-  online job applications only.  DS has applied for his first job and  has an offer if he can finish one document.  The problem-  it won’t allow us to put the required information in the one spot.   I helped DS email tech support.  Ten days later, still no response on the issue.  But they keep emailing him finish this document so you can start working. GRR.  

That sounds so frustrating.

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17 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Todays rant-  online job applications only.  DS has applied for his first job and  has an offer if he can finish one document.  The problem-  it won’t allow us to put the required information in the one spot.   I helped DS email tech support.  Ten days later, still no response on the issue.  But they keep emailing him finish this document so you can start working. GRR.  

Ugh. Of all the things technology has improved in our lives, job applications for part-time, food service and retail jobs is most definitely NOT one of them. Everytime one of my kids was looking for a job I would long for the days when you could just walk in someplace, fill out a short application, and speak to someone and often walk out with an interview set or a start date. Now the online portals, personality testing, resume uploading, sending an application out in to the cyber abyss, etc. for fast food jobs is super frustrating. 

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5 minutes ago, teachermom2834 said:

Ugh. Of all the things technology has improved in our lives, job applications for part-time, food service and retail jobs is most definitely NOT one of them. Everytime one of my kids was looking for a job I would long for the days when you could just walk in someplace, fill out a short application, and speak to someone and often walk out with an interview set or a start date. Now the online portals, personality testing, resume uploading, sending an application out in to the cyber abyss, etc. for fast food jobs is super frustrating. 

I know.  This problem could easy be resolved if they had an actual person to handle this instead of only online. 

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32 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Todays rant-  online job applications only.  DS has applied for his first job and  has an offer if he can finish one document.  The problem-  it won’t allow us to put the required information in the one spot.   I helped DS email tech support.  Ten days later, still no response on the issue.  But they keep emailing him finish this document so you can start working. GRR.  

You're speaking my language. This is very different from what I remember, even for professional roles. Producing a resume that makes virtually no sense when read aloud is, apparently, the norm. The intensive time I spent was devoted to creating something that would allow me to sleep at night but still meets the ATS test. 

Edited by Sneezyone
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