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We did MOH 1 plus the first seven weeks of MOH 2 last year. This year I tried Biblioplan. We were also reading MOH 2 which is scheduled within Biblioplan. I have decided to just go back to MOH. Ds is just not retaining the info like he did when we used the pre-tests, quizzes, worksheets, etc. with MOH 1. With Biblioplan he was only reading MOH 2 along with other books. Just reading is not getting stuff in his brain! So, I am going bck to straight MOH. I have MOH 3, and it looks terrific! The text is gorgeous with lots of photographs. We will not do it as "fully" as we did MOH 1. We won't be doing activites, but we will do the "paperwork" stuff, kwim? After that, I plan to use All-American History.


If you have liked MOH 1 & 2, why would you switch? Just curious!

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I have to tell you I had the same experience with BP. I started using it mid summer with MOH 1, and I think the only reason it stuck as well as it did was that it was our second round with MOH 1, and we did the full deal the first time through.

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I have MOH 3, and it looks terrific! The text is gorgeous with lots of photographs.




I think I'm going to have my oldest proceed with this after the new year. Linda has instructions on how to beef it up for a high schooler, so that makes it an option to stay with into high school, as well.

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I got the printed version as I only have one ds. I would much rather tear out sheets than have to print them every week! However, if you have more than one, the reproducible might work better.


We aren't going to do it as "fully" as we did MOH 1, but I definitely want the pretests, quizzes, worksheets, etc. I am not sure if we will make cards or not. We did with MOH 1, but I am probably going to double the pace of MOH 3 - not 100% sure yet. I am just kind of anxious to get to pure American History which I would like to do next fall.

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I like you plan Cynthia. I think I may do the same, move at a more rapid pace and move on to American, possibly the one put out by Bright Ideas, the All American History.


I have three kids so the CD is probably the way to go, again thanks for your help.


Do you know what you will use for American history?



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Yes! I am going to use All American History! I still haven't seen the teacher guide which is supposed to just "make" that program, but I have looked at the text. A friend had gotten just the text as a deal at a convention.


My ds will be in grade 7 next year. I plan to use volume I of AAH in 7th and volume 2 in 8th and pairing it with Lightning Lit American.


Oh! One other thing. I was really pleased that MOH has an Amy Pak set of timeline figures that go along JUST with MOH 3. Don't know if you keep a timeline or not, but this will make it very easy.


Okay, piano practice is about over, so I need to get to school! These boards are distracting, aren't they? :D

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It is my dd's favorite MOH thus far. I love the full color, it would be hard to do the Renaissance any other way! The lessons are longer still than the 2nd one, which I am pleased with. I only wish the last one could be out in time for us to use it in sequence. But we use it with Truthquest so we will just continue on using those without our MOH when we are done with 3.

Morningstar has some great resources listed together including mine.

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Cynthia, I think we're taking the same route as you, at least for my oldest. (She needs to move on faster than her younger sisters, so I'm working on a completely different plan for her, and I think she can do MOH 3 fairly independently with some supervision.) Is All American History written from a Christian perspective like MOH?


I have the TM for MFW Expl-1850 and I may try to incorporate some of that, too, as is applicable.

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Just thought I would add that we are using MOH 3 and loving it. I got the CD for maps and quizzes and don't really like that. I would prefer the printed copy so I could ponder which ones to do etc. I will go through this with the younger again in a few years so it is probably more economical.


The book is great. I feel she really has a wonderful feel for the rennaissance. She spends a fair bit of time on artists, musicians, etc. She also really explains church history, the branches etc quite well. If any Catholics are following along, I personally feel she is respectful of the church as a whole but points out some of the issues going on at the time. I'm sure if I were Catholic I might view it a little different. As others have mentioned, it is an absolutely beautiful book. I often catch my son just leafing through and reading little snippets and looking at the pictures.

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I do believe this is written from a Christian perspective. Though it seems like I have read somewhere that it isn't as Christian "heavy" as BJU or Abeka. Don't quote me on that 'cause I really don't get it. I mean, it's either Christian or not, right? My friend who has used it this year says it is Christian.

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I do believe this is written from a Christian perspective. Though it seems like I have read somewhere that it isn't as Christian "heavy" as BJU or Abeka. Don't quote me on that 'cause I really don't get it. I mean, it's either Christian or not, right? My friend who has used it this year says it is Christian.


Well. You can't get much more "Christian heavy" than BJU or Abeka. ;)


I did go to the Bright Ideas and took a peek, and I think it'll be just fine for us.

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