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What to send for a Christmas gift.


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Long story sHort.  Navy kid is on deployment but does not have what  called "navy amenities" so no mailing address is part of this😞.  He said his CO is trying to arrange a one time Christmas delivery.  If I get the the info Ill have to have something read to ship to his home base to go in that shipment.  Give me some ideas that aren't just his favorite snacks although I'm sure he'd appreciate it😏.  Space and time are limited.  TIA


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Deck of cards, Sudoku book, pictures of family, favorite book, lip balm, yoyo, one of those minor table top billiards games, video messages from family and friends, juggling balls, hackey sack, new socks, sunglasses, foot powder, hydroflask water bottle, high quality undershirts, hand lotion, basketball shorts, sleep mask, sunscreen (my nephew in the army was not provided with any when he was stationed in Kuwait 😡), hand and foot warmer packets if he is in cold climate, microfiber hand towel for cleaning phone screens and glasses, bandaids.

I might remember more in the morning after coffee.

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Snack bars, protein sticks, powdered drink packets, gum, candy, hot cocoa packets, sriracha sauce, whatever those snacks are that your son has to be craving after being on a contained ship

personal care items: lip balm, sunscreen, razors, toothpaste, shaving cream, deodorant, stain treater sheets, whatever is special to him. 

photos and notes

Munchkin—just the card deck for space reasons, if he is into games at all and doesn’t have it already



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Here are things young adults in our lives have enjoyed while away:

Escape room in a box

Strange little notes and letters (I sent my kid crazy hometown news stories, facts about Spam, and happenings around the neighborhood)

Fidget cube

Snacks, cards, little activity things

A "hey, you're not here, but here's our annual tradition so we can share it anyway" thing.

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