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Oh ladies ... he is at it again!


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For those of you who remember my divorce saga ..... the new season of drama is streaming now! 

Per our divorce decree we are supposed to file for taxes jointly for 2017 & 2018. He appealed this decision because he wants to claim the alimony he paid during that time as a deduction AND he wants to make me pay taxes on that money. He lost the appeal.

Then it took weeks and weeks for him to send in his paperwork to the accountant so we could finally file jointly. I stupidly kept saying "this should be it .... this should be the LAST thing we have to do for the divorce." 

But no. Silly me.

He finally submitted his paperwork and a week later we received the joint taxes to review. They seemed fine. I then thought we would just file them, pay the fees and be done.


He just went ahead and filed single. Now we have to amend the taxes. Who knows how long this will take. Meanwhile, every email between me and my attorney, every letter that has to be sent, all costs me attorney fees.

I may try to bring him back to court to recoup some of these fees but my experience with the court system is that I will not get anywhere with that. I also don't want to give the pr*ck the satisfaction of going back to court. I swear he does this stuff to force me to interact with him. Narcissists need a target and he has not found a new one yet. 

So, the divorce that started in 2016 marches on.


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My narcissist ex has pulled the same kind of stunts. My divorce was filed in 2011. He is still taking us to court on a regular basis in 2021. 10 years and I'm still not rid of him.

I really wish the court system was more aware of the types of abuse narcissists are capable of and would do more to help protect victims. We have been sent to arbitration so many times it isn't funny. As someone on these boards once said (sorry I can't remember who originally said it) arbitration only works if both parties are willing to be reasonable and if both parties are willing to be reasonable, you don't need arbitration!

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4 minutes ago, sweet2ndchance said:

My narcissist ex has pulled the same kind of stunts. My divorce was filed in 2011. He is still taking us to court on a regular basis in 2021. 10 years and I'm still not rid of him.

I really wish the court system was more aware of the types of abuse narcissists are capable of and would do more to help protect victims. We have been sent to arbitration so many times it isn't funny. As someone on these boards once said (sorry I can't remember who originally said it) arbitration only works if both parties are willing to be reasonable and if both parties are willing to be reasonable, you don't need arbitration!

I have said that many times except here they call it mediation.  What a waste of money. Basically the mediators job is to get each of the parties to 'give' on some point so everyone can supposedly feel all warm and cozy.  Dh and his XW did it years ago and dh was strong armed into paying for a whole year's premium for insurance her new husband had on the kids.  Insurance that she was never allowed to give us the info on so we could use it for the boys.  What a joke.  She gave in on some minor point that ended up not mattering because dss20 came to live with us shortly after.  

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31 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

I have said that many times except here they call it mediation.  What a waste of money. Basically the mediators job is to get each of the parties to 'give' on some point so everyone can supposedly feel all warm and cozy.  Dh and his XW did it years ago and dh was strong armed into paying for a whole year's premium for insurance her new husband had on the kids.  Insurance that she was never allowed to give us the info on so we could use it for the boys.  What a joke.  She gave in on some minor point that ended up not mattering because dss20 came to live with us shortly after.  

That's what I meant, mediation not arbitration. Last month, the most recent court order thankfully ended up in my favor which should make me happy but in reality I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. He is NOT going to be happy when he finds out that I won this round (we are in two different states now so there is a bit of a delay) and it WILL trigger another round of retaliation from him. Sigh. Even when I win, I just can't win.

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21 minutes ago, Selkie said:

I read an article awhile back about how narcissists clog up the US court system because of their high conflict personalities and the way they want to drag things out forever. Ugh.

Wouldnt there be a record of the petty stuff so the judge could put a stop to it? Why and how can these horrible people use the court system to continually abuse their victims?

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1 minute ago, fairfarmhand said:

Wouldnt there be a record of the petty stuff so the judge could put a stop to it? Why and how can these horrible people use the court system to continually abuse their victims?

The courts literally don't care. Family court tends to be a very, very hostile place for women and children. 

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Just now, fairfarmhand said:

Wouldnt there be a record of the petty stuff so the judge could put a stop to it? Why and how can these horrible people use the court system to continually abuse their victims?

IIRC, the article was about how judges need to get better at recognizing this type of personality and putting a stop to their crap instead of letting them drag court cases out for years and years.

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41 minutes ago, Selkie said:

IIRC, the article was about how judges need to get better at recognizing this type of personality and putting a stop to their crap instead of letting them drag court cases out for years and years.

Judges are allowed to be this kind of personality themselves, as are all the report writers.

Courts are about law, not justice.

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