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30 Days of Gratitude Challenge - Day 2


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We had our first frost last night and it's cold here. The trees are at peak color and I can't wait to get outside today.

Today's Gratitude Challenge: Think of a special place in your home that makes you happy. What do you enjoy most about that space?

Action: Do one thing to care for this special place (dust, light a scented candle, say a room blessing, etc).


Don't forget to add to your Gratitude jar or journal. It will bring joy to look back and see everything we are grateful for when we reach day 30.

Edited by Granny_Weatherwax
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I love my new kitchen. I've never had such a nice kitchen and it makes me smile every time I enter it.


Action: I'll have to figure something out. I'll post what I come up with later on.

Edited: I took everything off the counter and cleaned it and the tile. I then disinfected everything and put it back. I even cleaned the space between the window and the screen, the window glass, the stove top and microwave. Okay, I pretty much cleaned the kitchen.

Edited by Granny_Weatherwax
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I actually like being in my bedroom, because it's mostly just my own space, unlike everywhere else.  Since we got the pup, I don't get as much time alone in my room, which makes me appreciate that time even more.  I guess I will do some extra cleaning in there if I get time later.  🙂

I also like my backyard, but only when the weather is nice.  It's a wee escape and a reminder of how much I love nature.


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My back deck is my fave place.   We built it just a month before covid hit and it’s been a joy to have.    We are getting a new tv for the living room and we’re making the old tv a ‘deck tv’ so we can watch it out there.  I’m so excited.   Football and cool weather.  🙌🏽
I think I’ll turn my deck lights on tonite in gratitude and dh and I can sit and watch an episode of Frasier on my iPad out there. 

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It is summer here now and the time of year when I love our house the most. We have large windows in every room to look out onto the garden which has turned a lush green after shaking off the dreariness of winter. 

I've just been out to check that all of the sprinklers are spraying where they should and adjusting those that weren't


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We moved into our new home in August, and I love it. It's by far the nicest home we have ever owned. It's hard to pick just one area, but maybe the dining area. I've spend a lot of time decorating it, and I've very proud of it. I've never felt confident in my decorating abilities, but I feel better after being here and doing several new things with the house. 

It does need a bit of cleaning because I still have Halloween candy on the table as well as treat bags and such. I will clean it and open the plantation shutters. I think I'll light a candle. The acoustics in that area are fabulous for singing. Since I love to sing, I'll sing some worship songs in there. 

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Late to the party, but thanks for starting this.

I highly recommend a gratitude journal. Gets me through the pandemic though sometimes I have to think really hard about it because it is nothing special.   😊  But ordinary days and basic necessities are a pretty good reason to be grateful on an ongoing basis.

As for the challenge, we have a house we picked and customized to us over the years. It is the only house we have owned here so it is pretty hard for me to pick.  But if I have to pick one, it is the backyard.

Ours is a small, suburban lot. Nothing special, but it is the biggest piece of land I have ever owned. It is mostly hardscape because we do not like mowing. But it has evolved over time.

It has places to sit, both in summer and winter. Trees that we planted that have matured and give shade. A chiminea to warm ourselves in unusually cold weather, a bbq, a table to sit and eat outside. 

We watch movies and listen to music all the time there because DH has made it possible.

 It has a basketball hoop and soccer goal. 

We also have a "court" we bought cheaply in Amazon during the pandemic that can be used for Volleyball, Badminton and Tennis.

All these have helped us stay active as a family and bonded us especially during the pandemic. 

I really had no clue about most birds, but living in this small space especially armed with a book and binoculars especially during the pandemic has vastly improved my knowledge and those of my kids.

I have always want to see the sky and stars. I grew up spending a lot of time on a open terrace because outdoor space was not there. Instead I go outside all the time and see the stars. 

I love flowers and though I have the blackest thumb, I am getting better at growing my own.

I am not really a person who hikes long distance, does not like to camp. But I can still be a nature person who gets to see the sun, stars, feel the breeze, hear bird song, learn about birds and flowers in my own small way because of this little plot of land.

Sometimes I just sit and read in the sunshine or lie on the hammock. 

I  begin and end my most days in it. I am ever so grateful for this little plot of land that gives my family and me so much. 

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I love my house. It's not what we would built and has stuff we never would chose, but I like that the master closet was wired for internet. It came in handy when my husband was working for home and we had all the kids here. Now that oldest has moved out , dh taken that bedroom for his office and his office in my closet has now become my office. I love that my house is ridiculously big even though it has all kinds of wasted space. I love that even though the upstairs is mostly unpainted, it's slowly being decorated after 15 years lol. I finally have our living room decorated the way it's going to stay and we have the entire downstairs except for the laundry room and the half bath painted professionally. I just feel so grateful and blessed.

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@Granny_Weatherwax, thank you for doing this!

I am using a Trello board for a digital gratitude action from yesterday's challenge. 

I cleaned the dining room, opened the shutters, and lit a nice candle that I bought in our co-op last year. I really miss it and all my friends there, so it was nice to think of them. I sang some favorite worship songs.

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37 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

@Granny_Weatherwax, thank you for doing this!

I am using a Trello board for a digital gratitude action from yesterday's challenge. 

I cleaned the dining room, opened the shutters, and lit a nice candle that I bought in our co-op last year. I really miss it and all my friends there, so it was nice to think of them. I sang some favorite worship songs.

I'm so glad you had a wonderful time. I played some of my favorite music and danced with my dogs. They don't mind hearing the same song played 4X in a row.

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I posted on yesterday’s thread by mistake. My three for today:

A good school for my son.

A yummy breakfast - scramble with potatoes, spinach, zucchini, onions, red pepper, and goat cheese. Plus bacon and coffee.

God’s faithfulness to me despite the fact that I am deeply “prone to wander”.



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I don’t like much of anything about our house, sadly. But it is affordable and in a good location for us. Maybe someday we’ll be able to redecorate and renovate. It’s just a small, ugly, run down ranch. 

We do have a nice backyard, though I have not kept up with any gardening in recent years. I do love the red maple this time of year. So pretty! 

Edited by ScoutTN
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I wanted to post on this yesterday, but I was thwarted by a headache:

My favorite spot is my master bathroom.  I can go in there and no one bothers me. :)

Yesterday I scrubbed the toothbrush holder. 😉  It was a small thing, but it made me happy to do it.

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