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What do year old babies eat?


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Our grandbaby is coming to visit tomorrow.  He and his dad are spending the night.  I am doing a grocery pick up order right now and I would like to buy something he will like/love.  I ordered some yogurt....dss said they have not fed him yogurt yet.  I just have no clue what to get.  I just want something yummy.  

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hmm...by the time my kids were a year old, they just ate small bits of whatever we were eating. (almost everything.) 

You know what? My little ones loved Teddy Graham snacks. My dd19 was asking about those the other day and it was almost $4 for a small box. But for a grandkid treat, I would indulge.

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4 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

hmm...by the time my kids were a year old, they just ate small bits of whatever we were eating. (almost everything.) 

You know what? My little ones loved Teddy Graham snacks. My dd19 was asking about those the other day and it was almost $4 for a small box. But for a grandkid treat, I would indulge.

costco has a huge thing (4lbs?) of animal crackers for about $9.

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20 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

hmm...by the time my kids were a year old, they just ate small bits of whatever we were eating. (almost everything.) 

You know what? My little ones loved Teddy Graham snacks. My dd19 was asking about those the other day and it was almost $4 for a small box. But for a grandkid treat, I would indulge.

Thank you!  I added Teddy Grahams, cheerios, bananas yogurt....I have eggs and cheese at home....,.He is only going to be there one day and night....lol...but hopefully he will be back more often.  Our son has no real idea of what to do now that his wife has left him.  She is moving out of their apartment this weekend and he has been bunking with a friend for months while paying the rent on their apartment.  His job is too far from their current day care and both job and day care are too far from us too.  It is like a triangle with an hour on each leg.  What a mess.

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Most anything adults eat.

When my kids came home from their birth country, at 9mos and 12mos, we decided not to change our weekly restaurant routine, and the restaurant that week was Indian.  My kids both ate it and loved it.

An easy fun dish we used to have often was spinach chicken mixed with plain yogurt, rice, and boiled eggs.

Another thing some little ones really enjoy is cheese sticks.

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My children ate mashed potatoes, smashed cooked carrots, etc. at dinner with us plus thin sliced apples if they had teeth, banana, avocado/quacamole, green beans, smashed cooked cauliflower, applesauce, pear sauce, diced grapes...that kind of thing, and scrambled eggs, shredded cheese, or some fine diced or shredded chicken/turkey for protein even some peanut butter on small crackers. 

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You need to ask the baby's parents where they are on the feeding. My kids were eating what we were eating. (With the exception of complete junk food.) I actually didn't like to feed my kids graham crackers, cheerios that sort of stuff at that age because they were so interested in much healthier food like fruits, vegetables, steak and fish that I'd rather give them those as snacks. 

I also did baby led weaning, so from the start they were fed whole foods not cut up little foods or purees. Unless the food was suppose to be pureed like mash potatos or butternut squash soup. Also smooth and round food were made into not smooth and round (grapes/olives/cherries cut in half, peas were smashed with a fork, sausages cut in half lengthwise). 

At 1 my little ones favorites were brisket, steak, salmon, strawberries (really all berries but I was too lazy to cut blueberries), oranges, mandarins, roasted carrots, salad, anything eggs, ice cream, (at 1 years old kids aren't picky they haven't reached that milestone yet). At 2 is when the "oh some things aren't food" mentality starts to kick in and at 3 any food can be yucks at any given time. 

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1 hour ago, Clarita said:

You need to ask the baby's parents where they are on the feeding. My kids were eating what we were eating. (With the exception of complete junk food.) I actually didn't like to feed my kids graham crackers, cheerios that sort of stuff at that age because they were so interested in much healthier food like fruits, vegetables, steak and fish that I'd rather give them those as snacks. 

Same. Because he was an only, it was pretty easy to avoid all junk food/empty calories, processed food, and added sugar for my son for the first  couple years. I don’t know for sure that this is the reason that he never later when exposed at preschool, friends, family, etc. to a wide variety of foods always gravitated towards the healthy, real stuff and never the processed, junk, or sugary food. He also never went through a picky stage and would eat almost anything. Even now as an adult he still eats super healthy. As someone with a major sweet tooth, it still amazes me how one or two bites of a dessert satisfies him. I really do wonder if it’s because I ate way more sweets in my younger years. 

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Our current 1 yo (almost 14 months) eats anything and everything: Yogurt (with or without fruit and granola), oatmeal, fruit, pasta, quesadillas, toast, veggies, chicken, eggs, etc...Like a pp, we use BLW, so anything we eat is fair game for him (cutting up choking hazard things, obviously). 

I don't think there is a need to stock up on anything if it isn't something you will otherwise use.

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57 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Well I won’t defy his dad of course, but I am less interested in nutrition and more interested in making our house fun.  

Fun and healthy are not mutually exclusive though. Growing up my grandpa brought us cherries whenever they were in season. We thought it was the best treat ever, as where I lived they were quite expensive, so we rarely got them. For our son, fun food with his grandparents meant picking and preparing something together from their gardens.

I hope you have a great visit and things get settled soon for your son and grandson. They are lucky to have you in their lives.

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Baked sweet potatoes and roasted butternut squash! We gave those foods often not only because my son used to love them, but foods that are orange or yellow colored are a good starter vegetable for babies and toddlers (due to lesser allergens in them). My son loved those with maple syrup and butter on top!

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14 hours ago, Frances said:

Fun and healthy are not mutually exclusive though. Growing up my grandpa brought us cherries whenever they were in season. We thought it was the best treat ever, as where I lived they were quite expensive, so we rarely got them. For our son, fun food with his grandparents meant picking and preparing something together from their gardens.

I hope you have a great visit and things get settled soon for your son and grandson. They are lucky to have you in their lives.


14 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

My one year olds wanted what was on my plate. My youngest had a deep fondness for steamed broccoli in melted real butter. “Brock n butt” as she would say was one of her most request foods. 


12 hours ago, mathnerd said:

Baked sweet potatoes and roasted butternut squash! We gave those foods often not only because my son used to love them, but foods that are orange or yellow colored are a good starter vegetable for babies and toddlers (due to lesser allergens in them). My son loved those with maple syrup and butter on top!

Thanks everyone.  It is all coming back to me now. I have sweet potatoes and broccoli and various other things.  I remember now how much my son loved sweet potatoes and carrots.  He had a little orange nose from how much he ate of it.

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2 hours ago, Scarlett said:



Thanks everyone.  It is all coming back to me now. I have sweet potatoes and broccoli and various other things.  I remember now how much my son loved sweet potatoes and carrots.  He had a little orange nose from how much he ate of it.

Same for my son!

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