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~~~ November Frugalistas 2021 ~~~


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This will not be a high income month as dh is in the thick of it with college and not working as much. So, not much done as far as goals.

Financial to-dos:

-keep swimming with the budget- watch sales for deals on Christmas gifts and best rewards/deals for giftcards (for gifts)

-choose what insurance plan- there are more options this year but they haven't put out the cost of them- UGH we only have until the 12th. I'm very frustrated.

-dh *says* he will start driving my van to college to save on gas- we'll see- he keeps coming up with excuses as he doesn't like to drive it- says he hates it. Why all of a sudden IDK- I think he needs to get over it. 

-sell dh's bigger items on eBay for sinking funds

-Crowdtap funded to $125

-check out bank bonuses and find one to do

-keep an eye out on the job market- decide- temp Christmas job or not...

-72% of current car fund goal -

This is going to change BUT (1) I'm torn on what car I want and keep going back and forth between the Corolla, Camry, and Civic- and then hybrid or not (I was doing calculations yesterday as to how long it will take to recoup the extra cost of the hybrid- 4-9 yrs depending on the models as we drive vehicles longer we will likely recoup that but ...) and (2) the car market is crazy - reading all I can about it but there are so many variables- if I wait until I have cash the worst of the supply issue should be sorted out from what I can gather but again- too many unknowns. And I also need to do test drives of them all- I might really prefer the way one drives/feels/set-up to another. But that of course involves dealing with the car dealership. Part of me wants to go ahead and do this so I know but part of me says I'll likely change my mind again.  There is thousands of dollars of difference between the different models, especially when looking at hybrid or not. So, just saving all that I can for now- with the goal of finishing my fund by the end of next year--- for now. 

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I feel so broken down by how October went that I'm not motivated to make goals for November.  One things that I know we'll be doing this weekend is buying all the big ticket Christmas items for the kids.  I don't want to risk not being able to get them and we spent the last 2 weeks getting a good idea of what to get each kid.

My only goal for November is to not go over budget.  

I think my brother is hosting Thanksgiving but I'm not sure.  It will either be him or us and we'll likely only be inviting siblings and their families.  We'll see.

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My goals are pretty simple:

1. Stick with YNAB and make it work. I'm a newbie!

2. Stick to the grocery budget.

3. Figure out one really appropriate gift per family member and possibly one needed gift. Then stick to that.

4. Reevaluate our selections for DH's benefits. Maybe we can save somewhere...

I should know by the end of the month whether I can start getting paid for my volunteer work come next quarter.



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October has been a really spendy month for us- an unexpected but necessary trip, a planned trip, plumbing issue, etc, etc. We have houseguests for the first 10 days of November, so that's not cheap either. I've bought my sister's 50th birthday present (more than I usually spend, but it's her 50th-I spent $40). So I'm hoping the last 2/3 of November will be easier on the wallet. I'll sub a bit less because of houseguests and a procedure scheduled. My husband may sub a bit more ( he teaches and can sub in his prep period). But overall I feel overwhelmed.

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Just paid for YNAB the first time. I started the 34 day trial last October and then did 1 free year for students afterwards. I was excited to pay. Woot! I had my money saved and ready to go. I already made my new goal for next year. It has saved me well over the $84/year ($75.99/ year with the 10% discount this year)  that it costs, besides the security it gives. Love, love, love it. 

-paid a medical bill- xray was only $23+ $68 dr's visit; awaiting the bill on another dr's visit+ ultrasound- it is a new provider and I've got no clue how much it will be. I put extra in the med fund but I don't know if it is enough. I hope they bill quickly so I am not waiting forever to find out.

-dh got the enrollment costs for the new medical plans. I believe we will be going with the cheaper plan and putting the difference in premiums into the HSA. I hope to use the HSA as a retirement account but it will be there if we have any big expense pop up that we can't cover. This plan will cost us less for every day medical costs. It has a copay for dr's visits and prescriptions instead of 100% OOP until deductible with our current plan. The downside being that the deductible is bigger. I don't like the bigger deductible but I love having a copay- it is not only cheaper than what I'm paying now but I also love knowing the cost up front and paying for it, instead of guessing and waiting for the bill. Looking at our medical costs over the last several years we're more likely to end up ahead with the new plan. Of course we are playing the odds, just like the insurance company does as one never know but I'd rather put the extra money from the premiums into my account instead of giving it to the insurance company. 

We *almost* took a road trip to see the Northern Lights as they were going to be WAY closer to us than usual. In the end, the drive was too far to gamble with finding a place without light pollution and cloud cover. He has some bday money set aside I thought we were going to break into it. It is on dh's bucket list to see the northern lights. I told him all the better to wait until we can really see them well and enjoy it. WE're considering Iceland for our 25th and can see them really well there if we time it right. 

Dh and I will be discussing the budget more today before November starts. We made some adjustments last month and need to look at things again.

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UGH! Just checked the insurance page- bill for the other visit and ultrasound- $255. Sigh. Now to figure up all outstanding bills (hate providers that take forever to bill) to see how short I am. I did not budget in that much extra. (FINALLY wised up and made a note of all outstanding bills on my budget- should have done that ages ago as I've re-figured it a million times)

eta: I'm $100 short- pulled from the electronics fund

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

Just paid for YNAB the first time. I started the 34 day trial last October and then did 1 free year for students afterwards. I was excited to pay. Woot! I had my money saved and ready to go. I already made my new goal for next year. It has saved me well over the $84/year ($75.99/ year with the 10% discount this year)  that it costs, besides the security it gives. Love, love, love it. 

-paid a medical bill- xray was only $23+ $68 dr's visit; awaiting the bill on another dr's visit+ ultrasound- it is a new provider and I've got no clue how much it will be. I put extra in the med fund but I don't know if it is enough. I hope they bill quickly so I am not waiting forever to find out.

-dh got the enrollment costs for the new medical plans. I believe we will be going with the cheaper plan and putting the difference in premiums into the HSA. I hope to use the HSA as a retirement account but it will be there if we have any big expense pop up that we can't cover. This plan will cost us less for every day medical costs. It has a copay for dr's visits and prescriptions instead of 100% OOP until deductible with our current plan. The downside being that the deductible is bigger. I don't like the bigger deductible but I love having a copay- it is not only cheaper than what I'm paying now but I also love knowing the cost up front and paying for it, instead of guessing and waiting for the bill. Looking at our medical costs over the last several years we're more likely to end up ahead with the new plan. Of course we are playing the odds, just like the insurance company does as one never know but I'd rather put the extra money from the premiums into my account instead of giving it to the insurance company. 

We *almost* took a road trip to see the Northern Lights as they were going to be WAY closer to us than usual. In the end, the drive was too far to gamble with finding a place without light pollution and cloud cover. He has some bday money set aside I thought we were going to break into it. It is on dh's bucket list to see the northern lights. I told him all the better to wait until we can really see them well and enjoy it. WE're considering Iceland for our 25th and can see them really well there if we time it right. 

Dh and I will be discussing the budget more today before November starts. We made some adjustments last month and need to look at things again.

We should've been able to see the northern lights here, but it has been cloudy and raining for a week. Today, of course, the sun has come out. *sigh*

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12 hours ago, mum said:

October has been a really spendy month for us- an unexpected but necessary trip, a planned trip, plumbing issue, etc, etc. We have houseguests for the first 10 days of November, so that's not cheap either. I've bought my sister's 50th birthday present (more than I usually spend, but it's her 50th-I spent $40). So I'm hoping the last 2/3 of November will be easier on the wallet. I'll sub a bit less because of houseguests and a procedure scheduled. My husband may sub a bit more ( he teaches and can sub in his prep period). But overall I feel overwhelmed.

I am sorry you are feeling overwhelmed.  You had a lot of things all at once, and I think it is normal to feel like that.  I think trying to plan little things helps you feel like you are in control more.  Can you plan some cheap meals for the guests?  Eat from the pantry?  Do some extra income things?  The subbing is great when you can get back to that.  How about surveys? Crowdtap? 

I hope you are able to have some fun with the house guests.

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I have never use YNAB, I think I tried to set it up at one point and then decided against it.  But I'm thinking 2022 might be the year for it.   Dh has been wanting to have a clearer picture of our finances as a whole and this might work for him.  I have a clear picture of our finances but it is scattered all over the place, including in my head.  I have ALWAYS handled our finances but dh has been wanting to be more involved recently, at least so he has an idea of where all our money is coming from and going.  Maybe I'll learn it in November and decide if I want to give it a try for the year.

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4 minutes ago, historically accurate said:

We should've been able to see the northern lights here, but it has been cloudy and raining for a week. Today, of course, the sun has come out. *sigh*

I didn't even know you could see them here?  I hadn't heard that.  Sigh.  I am sure it was cloudy here too.  That would have been so cool

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

Just paid for YNAB the first time. I started the 34 day trial last October and then did 1 free year for students afterwards. I was excited to pay. Woot! I had my money saved and ready to go. I already made my new goal for next year. It has saved me well over the $84/year ($75.99/ year with the 10% discount this year)  that it costs, besides the security it gives. Love, love, love it. 

-paid a medical bill- xray was only $23+ $68 dr's visit; awaiting the bill on another dr's visit+ ultrasound- it is a new provider and I've got no clue how much it will be. I put extra in the med fund but I don't know if it is enough. I hope they bill quickly so I am not waiting forever to find out.

-dh got the enrollment costs for the new medical plans. I believe we will be going with the cheaper plan and putting the difference in premiums into the HSA. I hope to use the HSA as a retirement account but it will be there if we have any big expense pop up that we can't cover. This plan will cost us less for every day medical costs. It has a copay for dr's visits and prescriptions instead of 100% OOP until deductible with our current plan. The downside being that the deductible is bigger. I don't like the bigger deductible but I love having a copay- it is not only cheaper than what I'm paying now but I also love knowing the cost up front and paying for it, instead of guessing and waiting for the bill. Looking at our medical costs over the last several years we're more likely to end up ahead with the new plan. Of course we are playing the odds, just like the insurance company does as one never know but I'd rather put the extra money from the premiums into my account instead of giving it to the insurance company. 

We *almost* took a road trip to see the Northern Lights as they were going to be WAY closer to us than usual. In the end, the drive was too far to gamble with finding a place without light pollution and cloud cover. He has some bday money set aside I thought we were going to break into it. It is on dh's bucket list to see the northern lights. I told him all the better to wait until we can really see them well and enjoy it. WE're considering Iceland for our 25th and can see them really well there if we time it right. 

Dh and I will be discussing the budget more today before November starts. We made some adjustments last month and need to look at things again.

Ugh, I hate picking insurance.  We just did that.  We went with the higher cost one as we always do.  We are just way to risk adverse to do the others.  But usually (other than births) it doesn't really pay off.   It really pays off for drug rx's.  

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4 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Ugh, I hate picking insurance.  We just did that.  We went with the higher cost one as we always do.  We are just way to risk adverse to do the others.  But usually (other than births) it doesn't really pay off.   It really pays off for drug rx's.  

I know it is a pita. Our current one we have to meet deductible for prescriptions too so the new one will save on those too.

12 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

I have never use YNAB, I think I tried to set it up at one point and then decided against it.  But I'm thinking 2022 might be the year for it.   Dh has been wanting to have a clearer picture of our finances as a whole and this might work for him.  I have a clear picture of our finances but it is scattered all over the place, including in my head.  I have ALWAYS handled our finances but dh has been wanting to be more involved recently, at least so he has an idea of where all our money is coming from and going.  Maybe I'll learn it in November and decide if I want to give it a try for the year.

Fyi I tried it before and it didn't click. This time I watched Nick True's videos on YouTube and got the hang of it very quickly. I highly recommend checking them out if you decide to try it. Doing it at the beginning of the month imo is the best time to start but plenty start whenever they want.

15 minutes ago, historically accurate said:

We should've been able to see the northern lights here, but it has been cloudy and raining for a week. Today, of course, the sun has come out. *sigh*

Of course!

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1 minute ago, Soror said:

I know it is a pita. Our current one we have to meet deductible for prescriptions too so the new one will save on those too.

Fyi I tried it before and it didn't click. This time I watched Nick True's videos on YouTube and got the hang of it very quickly. I highly recommend checking them out if you decide to try it. Doing it at the beginning of the month imo is the best time to start but plenty start whenever they want.

Of course!

That is how it is for the cheaper one for us.  So that is a huge reason why we go with the expensive one.  It was also the only way we could pick the better dental insurance.  With everyone needing ortho work was important. 

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3 minutes ago, Soror said:


Fyi I tried it before and it didn't click. This time I watched Nick True's videos on YouTube and got the hang of it very quickly. I highly recommend checking them out if you decide to try it. Doing it at the beginning of the month imo is the best time to start but plenty start whenever they want.


Thank you, I will absolutely watch his videos because I just started and I'm already confused a bit, ha.

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8 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

I am sorry you are feeling overwhelmed.  You had a lot of things all at once, and I think it is normal to feel like that.  I think trying to plan little things helps you feel like you are in control more.  Can you plan some cheap meals for the guests?  Eat from the pantry?  Do some extra income things?  The subbing is great when you can get back to that.  How about surveys? Crowdtap? 

I hope you are able to have some fun with the house guests.

Guest are Marine son, DIL and grandson so I'm guessing there won't be any economizing on food! I keep trying to sign up for Pinecone surveys, but I keep getting rejected. I do have enough Swagbucks for a $25 gift card, so I may do that. Thankfully it seems that October will be our most expensive month. The plumber solved the problem for only the $57 visit price. I've sold a few things on FB marketplace, but that's gone mainly toward my trip to visit our daughters. Thanks for all your best wishes.

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Ordered the Lego Home Alone house last night.  Was about to order the Lego Titanic too.  Many a lot of those would look so cool in a library or office.   Had some VIP codes for $ off.  It is going to be a new tradition for us.  I loved Home Alone as a kid.  I am going to have the kids watch it over Thanksgiving and then we are going to be putting that together over the month.  We did the Lego Advent last year and the kids loved it.  But they are all scattered in their rooms.  This we will put together and then put it away and do it again next year.  

I am going to spending a ton on gas this month and next.  Nutcracker season and we live so far from the studio.  

We did our own thing for Halloween again this year.  Glad we didn't freeze our butts off TOT.

Need to turn in the School fund paperwork.





Echos on sale 

Echo Dot 4th Gen Kids Edition Only $34.99 Shipped on Amazon (Regularly $60) | Great Gift Idea! (hip2save.com)

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Discussed the budget with DH and realized we put $$$ in the FSA this year, which means I can be reimbursed for DS9's braces and DD13's glasses. Glad we had the conversation!

Found out that DS9's karate is $35 less per month than I thought, so that's great, too! 

Bought DH and DS16 (both tall) jeans from Old Navy yesterday and used the Bucks towards it. I got them three pairs of pants that are long enough and DD5 a bunch of matching socks for $55.


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2 minutes ago, EmilyGF said:

Discussed the budget with DH and realized we put $$$ in the FSA this year, which means I can be reimbursed for DS9's braces and DD13's glasses. Glad we had the conversation!

Found out that DS9's karate is $35 less per month than I thought, so that's great, too! 

Bought DH and DS16 (both tall) jeans from Old Navy yesterday and used the Bucks towards it. I got them three pairs of pants that are long enough and DD5 a bunch of matching socks for $55.


Yay for using the FSA.  Ours is going to get a workout next year paying for ortho.  

Yay for less expensive Karate.  That is a nice surprise.

That is a great score at Old Navy.

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Score an Entire Thanksgiving Dinner FREE After Ibotta Cash Back! (hip2save.com)

The Ibotta Thanksgiving freebie deals are BACK and we’re givin’ thanks! This November, while supplies last, Ibotta is offering 100% cashback on select Thanksgiving essentials!

You can pick and choose up to $12 worth of sides and sauces to make a green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. There are even rebates for cornbread, cranberry sauce, gravy, and a 2-liter bottle of Coca-Cola to wash it all down!

Plus, you can share Ibotta with your friends and family to unlock a $15 cash back on any turkey offer when just one person downloads the Ibotta app and registers using your unique code.

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-paid $18 for remainder owed for dh's filling

-bought a few groceries in the store while in town and online with Amazon 

-need to make menu and grocery list for shopping today

-got $20 in statement credits for promotion on CC last week

-had CC yearly fee I didn't realize was this month that I whammed all over to pay- no hair cut this month for me!

-got invited to VIPKID global platform- this will be $15.60+ an hour vs the 21+ I used to make but better than I've found elsewhere so far. Of course, I don't get paid if I don't get booked so we'll see how that goes. 

-signed up for a new account for a bank bonus

-refigured my car goal and changed it for the 3rd time- I'm now at 44% instead of 61%. I'm aiming for 56% by the end of the year 

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1 minute ago, Soror said:

-paid $18 for remainder owed for dh's filling

-bought a few groceries in the store while in town and online with Amazon 

-need to make menu and grocery list for shopping today

-got $20 in statement credits for promotion on CC last week

-had CC yearly fee I didn't realize was this month that I whammed all over to pay- no hair cut this month for me!

-got invited to VIPKID global platform- this will be $15.60+ an hour vs the 21+ I used to make but better than I've found elsewhere so far. Of course, I don't get paid if I don't get booked so we'll see how that goes. 

-signed up for a new account for a bank bonus

-refigured my car goal and changed it for the 3rd time- I'm now at 44% instead of 61%. I'm aiming for 56% by the end of the year 

Yay for the Global platform.  That really stinks it is less $.  I hope you get some bookings.

Awesome doing the bank bonuses.   Incase you don't know those are taxable.  

Did you change to wanting a different car?

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23 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Yay for the Global platform.  That really stinks it is less $.  I hope you get some bookings.

Awesome doing the bank bonuses.   Incase you don't know those are taxable.  

Did you change to wanting a different car?

Fingers crossed and all that.


No, it is more that I want to have more room because the market is a bit nuts and I'm figuring in the increase in insurance in there as well. If it turns out that I pick a cheaper model of ones I'm looking at and things settle down I'll buy earlier or have money to go towards the next goal - 25th anniversary vaca. So, I'm funding enough that I should be able to buy the most expensive of the ones I'm looking at (Camry Hybrid). The cheapest would be the regular- Corolla or Civic.

eta: I added in dh's summer bonus and my estimated cash from selling from my van (the lowest expected amount) to lower my goal amount

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1 hour ago, historically accurate said:

Grrr, this is why I don't go to the doctor more often. I had to do some labwork for my nephrology appointment this year. $800 after insurance ($1600 before!) just to find out all is stable. Really? So, now I have an $800 bill to figure out. *sigh*

Oh man that sucks!  And that is what stops me a lot too.  Medical care is such a scam.  They over charge you for so much.  And I hate that you never really know the cost of things before having them done.  Dental insurance is a lot easier.  

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4 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Oh man that sucks!  And that is what stops me a lot too.  Medical care is such a scam.  They over charge you for so much.  And I hate that you never really know the cost of things before having them done.  Dental insurance is a lot easier.  

I was trying to explain medical pricing to DS9 (only because he was asking; I'm not a glutton for punishment), and he was totally incredulous. He kept on thinking I didn't understand his question. He couldn't believe that something could exist where you were basically forced to "purchase" without knowing the price.

It doesn't have to be this way; it isn't this way in Germany, for instance. Argh.

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1 minute ago, EmilyGF said:

I was trying to explain medical pricing to DS9 (only because he was asking; I'm not a glutton for punishment), and he was totally incredulous. He kept on thinking I didn't understand his question. He couldn't believe that something could exist where you were basically forced to "purchase" without knowing the price.

It doesn't have to be this way; it isn't this way in Germany, for instance. Argh.

I am so jealous of other countries that have this figured out better.  And I hate having to decide on insurance and just guessing as to what might or might not happen the next year.

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3 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

I am so jealous of other countries that have this figured out better.  And I hate having to decide on insurance and just guessing as to what might or might not happen the next year.

DH and my sister had their appendix out the same month, DH in the USA and sister in Africa at a very good hospital for government workers. Sister had to pay $1000 in cash to enter, and that was her bill (they calculated it before she came). DH got his bill for about $10K or $20K a few months later, then an insurance invoice knocking it down a lot, then a co-pay ($150?) bill. It was such an interesting experience to see the contrast.

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We rented a dumpster to finally tear down the shed a tree fell on last winter.  It took so long because of covid and working on my parents' house.  That's $545 but that money came from the insurance payout so it isn't coming out of our budget since it was budgeted for months ago.  Now the downside is it was delivered late yesterday and this morning I woke up with a huge knot in my neck!  So, I can't even start tackling the non- shed trash that needs to get in there.  Worst time to mess my neck up.

On another note, I watched a bunch of videos about YNAB and have it all set up.  Now that I understand it I actually like it. I used to handle finances with last months money but fell out of the habit even though I've always really liked it. I told dh the concept of it last night and he's pretty interested in it, so we're spending time tonight going over it.

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We got hit with surprise medical also from a specialist so it’s $$$$. 🤦🤷‍♀️ It’s with a provider so bad at billing that I have just fired her from my care. I am just tired of spending hours sorting everything out between insurance, billing, and her office.

I ordered boots for dd today. We still had winter snow boots to hand down from when we lived in the snowy Midwest but she needed rain boots. (It’ll be raining until March here so she needs hardcore waterproof.) I normally pay $30-40 for those but they were retail $60 today. I had some reward cash to apply but I am now seeing inflation hit clothing pretty hard. 😞 

I need to scratch previous plans and rework some things.



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30 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

We got hit with surprise medical also from a specialist so it’s $$$$. 🤦🤷‍♀️ It’s with a provider so bad at billing that I have just fired her from my care. I am just tired of spending hours sorting everything out between insurance, billing, and her office.

I ordered boots for dd today. We still had winter snow boots to hand down from when we lived in the snowy Midwest but she needed rain boots. (It’ll be raining until March here so she needs hardcore waterproof.) I normally pay $30-40 for those but they were retail $60 today. I had some reward cash to apply but I am now seeing inflation hit clothing pretty hard. 😞 

I need to scratch previous plans and rework some things.



I'm sorry for your medical bills. Good job on the boots though!


I'm trying to work on a menu plan/grocery list today, and I'm not able to concentrate on it. My budget and my list are not clicking, so I think I am going to stop and eat dinner and come back to it. 

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1 hour ago, prairiewindmomma said:

We got hit with surprise medical also from a specialist so it’s $$$$. 🤦🤷‍♀️ It’s with a provider so bad at billing that I have just fired her from my care. I am just tired of spending hours sorting everything out between insurance, billing, and her office.

I ordered boots for dd today. We still had winter snow boots to hand down from when we lived in the snowy Midwest but she needed rain boots. (It’ll be raining until March here so she needs hardcore waterproof.) I normally pay $30-40 for those but they were retail $60 today. I had some reward cash to apply but I am now seeing inflation hit clothing pretty hard. 😞 

I need to scratch previous plans and rework some things.



Sorry about the bills!  No fun. What a mess to have to work through all that.

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If anyone sees black men's straight fit non-distressed jeans on sale anywhere, can you please ping me?  Normally we pick them up from Costco, but they haven't had any in for at least 12 months. The Lucky outlet we normally shop at was closed/gone this past weekend---I didn't see any black jeans when we went through the outdoor premium mall this weekend. I ordered a pair from Old Navy, and the fit is all wrong. Dh needs a couple of pairs for work, and I'd prefer to pay under $50/pair if we can. 

Once I have those done, I am hoping we can not buy clothes for the next six months. 🤞

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13 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

If anyone sees black men's straight fit non-distressed jeans on sale anywhere, can you please ping me?  Normally we pick them up from Costco, but they haven't had any in for at least 12 months. The Lucky outlet we normally shop at was closed/gone this past weekend---I didn't see any black jeans when we went through the outdoor premium mall this weekend. I ordered a pair from Old Navy, and the fit is all wrong. Dh needs a couple of pairs for work, and I'd prefer to pay under $50/pair if we can. 

Once I have those done, I am hoping we can not buy clothes for the next six months. 🤞

I just bought a few pairs of nice mens' jeans from Old Navy for about $20/pair. They had black, dark, but we went with dark blue.

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Well, our trip next week was canceled because the family we were to visit has COVID. I hope we'll get to take the trip in January, but for now, it takes a bit of stress off the travel category.

I bought a couch off of Craigslist last weekend that I knew was way underpriced. I want a new couch, but when we got it home, I realized we need something sturdier and darker given the realities of homeschooling and five kids. So, DH fixed the wiggly legs, and we relisted it last night for twice what we paid - and we already have 11 offers. (DH said, "Wow, should have priced this $100 higher. Whoops.")

ETA: Looking at couches on Craigslist makes for a picky shopper. So many high end couches look like junk in people's homes!



Edited by EmilyGF
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Nearly finished with the menu and grocery list. 

Yesterday for dinner we had chicken chili- homemade broth from a carcass I'd frozen; cooked dried white beans (from the freezer I cook in bulk), chipolte (from freezer I individually freeze the peppers from the can), corn (leftover from another dinner in the freezer); small packet of chicken I got on mark down. Added to it carrots, onions, garlic, spices, half a jar of salsa verde and 1 can beans (waited too long to cook more). I finished mine with the stale bits and pieces from the last bag of tortilla chips.

Today I'm making french bread pizza, cheap bread from WM that is nearing the end of it's life, homemade Italian sausage. And homemade pizza for us gf girls.

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Dh and I had the Christmas talk.  I think we have a good idea of the main gift for 4 of our 6 kids.  The other 2 are a bit harder. So, now I am in 'find it used' mode.  Waiting to confirm pickup on a used drawing tablet for $30 instead of the $80 new price tag. Also, waiting to hear what the shipping will be on a bunch of Mario playsets someone is selling on facebook.  Highest I'll spend is $40 total on this gift so I'm hoping shipping isn't too bad.  Also, I should be picking up a free toddler bed later today.  Those 3 things will knock out the big gifts for 3 of my kids. 

The 4th kid wants a $99 Calico Critters set.  I have been looking for it used for months with no luck.  So, I'm hoping it'll go on sale sometime this month, doubtful.  But it is the only thing she wants and she has wanted it ALL year so we decided she is absolutely getting it.  It shouldn't be an issue since we're finding the other kids' stuff for less. We'll see

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2 hours ago, EmilyGF said:

Well, our trip next week was canceled because the family we were to visit has COVID. I hope we'll get to take the trip in January, but for now, it takes a bit of stress off the travel category.

I bought a couch off of Craigslist last weekend that I knew was way underpriced. I want a new couch, but when we got it home, I realized we need something sturdier and darker given the realities of homeschooling and five kids. So, DH fixed the wiggly legs, and we relisted it last night for twice what we paid - and we already have 11 offers. (DH said, "Wow, should have priced this $100 higher. Whoops.")

ETA: Looking at couches on Craigslist makes for a picky shopper. So many high end couches look like junk in people's homes!



Yay for flipping the couch!  Sorry about the cancelled trip.  I hope the other family recovers ok.

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2 hours ago, Soror said:

Nearly finished with the menu and grocery list. 

Yesterday for dinner we had chicken chili- homemade broth from a carcass I'd frozen; cooked dried white beans (from the freezer I cook in bulk), chipolte (from freezer I individually freeze the peppers from the can), corn (leftover from another dinner in the freezer); small packet of chicken I got on mark down. Added to it carrots, onions, garlic, spices, half a jar of salsa verde and 1 can beans (waited too long to cook more). I finished mine with the stale bits and pieces from the last bag of tortilla chips.

Today I'm making french bread pizza, cheap bread from WM that is nearing the end of it's life, homemade Italian sausage. And homemade pizza for us gf girls.

We had chili yesterday too.  I ate it all day.  I love chili and all the things you can do with it.

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2 hours ago, historically accurate said:

I think I got Ibotta linked to Walmart now - so I'm going to order the "free" Thanksgiving dinner. That'll give me a turkey (how long do they keep in the freezer? I've got one in there from a while ago, so I'll pop this new one in there and cook the old one I guess) and a bunch of pantry staples. 


I have no idea how long things last in the freezer!  Yay for free food.  My kids are already wanting holiday meals. 

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