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s/o Memorable Trick or Treaters

HS Mom in NC

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Since it's that time of year, anyone have any memorable trick or treater stories?

Award for Best TOT Performance

About 10 years ago a kid 10-12ish years old, dressed as Indiana Jones, rang my door bell and yelled, "Trick or Treat!" at a remarkably high volume.  Then around the corner into my front courtyard ran another kid about the same age, dressed up in a turban style costume with a large sword twirling it dramatically.  Indiana Jones held up a finger in a "wait a minute" gesture to me, turned and shot the assassin, who then fell dramatically.  After I cheered and applauded, assassin jumped up, he and Indy bowed in unison, and collected their candy.

They've set a high bar and are always the ones to beat.  No one has managed to do so yet, but I remain hopeful.

Award for Best Family Costume
Award for Most Anticipated Costume

Neighbor lady in that same neighborhood had 3 boys and a girl.  Girl was the youngest.  Every year they did family costumes for TOTing. The have been:

1. Rock band: metal band costumes with spiked, colored hair, boy 1 with drumsticks, boy 2 and  with inflatable electric guitars, little sis with microphone.

2. Spiritual beings: boys in black dress shirts, black pants, black shoes, red suspenders, red devil horns, red devil tails, red bow ties, red devil pitchforks, little sis in angel costume.

3. Legos:  Made with a large cardboard box with 6 plastic cups down the front. Each was spray painted a different Lego color.

Cringe Award

Kid about 8-9ish dressed as Captain Underpants.  Seriously.  Tighty-whities, red cape, shoes.  Nothing else.  Dad followed along behind completely drunk, pulling a wagon with an ice bin full of beer.  The obvious question is, Was Dad drunk when he agreed to let the kid dress as Captain Underpants?

Man, I love Halloween!

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The best we have seen to date was a boy who wanted to go as Gandalf. So his mom made some grey robes probably nine ft long, and a wonderful hat. They got him the wig and beard, and dad carried him on his shoulders the whole night covered head to toe in those robes so he was not "seen", and with a whole in the robes so he could see out enough not to trip. The mom came along as an Ent and her costume was great. She helped guide Gandalf legs so he wouldn't bump into anything or run Gandalf up top into tree limbs. We gave them extra candy and a big double thumbs up.

Worst was a teen boy who came to the house dressed as Freddy Krueger, and literally said when I opened the door, " Give me all the candy or I will slash ya!" So what he got was me slamming the door in his face.

Saturday we are headed to a big pumpkin patch for some pumpkin chunk in' and photos. At the request of our grandson, we are dressing as characters from Willy Wonka (the original movie). Papa Mark is W.W., I am Veruca Salt, mommy is Violet Beauregard, daddy is Grandpa Joe (because he refused to be Augustus Gloop), N is an Oompa Loompa, and our littlest grandson is Charlie. I hope we do not get rained out. It is looking iffy.

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My ex had an elderly uncle who was developmentally disabled. He had lived in group homes most of his life, from the time he was child, and the family rarely visited him. I adored him from the moment I met him, and when we moved from the UK to the US, I insisted on bringing him with us. Our first Halloween in the US he mentioned that he'd never been Trick or Treating, and I told him we definitely needed to remedy that! So at the age of 75 he went TOTing for the first time, dressed as the Lone Ranger. People were so sweet to him and he had a blast. 

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A couple of years ago, L decided it was time to give up trick or treating, so we set up a "Pokestop" and Pokemon center. Jessie from Team Rocket would challenge the trick or treaters to "battle" (throw beanbags to knock over three Pokemon painted on foamboard) and then they could come to the Pokemon center and pick a "pokeball" containing treats. 


A lot of the kids got into it, but my favorite was a teen boy on the autism spectrum, who apparently had a special interest in defeating Team Rocket :). 


We also have a little sweetie with a lot of special needs, and every year she comes around as a different princess with her stroller decorated as an elaborate coach. It's kind of reminiscent of the family costume including the wheelchair in "Speechless" (she's one of the kids I stock special treats for). 


Finally, not so much the best costume, but one I like to see-the regional cheer competition (qualifier for Nationals for school teams) is always Halloween weekend, so whenever Halloween is on a Saturday or Sunday, I often get a lot of cheerleaders in their respective uniforms. They've been competing all day, and now are just being kids, trying to reclaim the holiday they almost missed. 

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My son and his friend (they were around 13) were stopped and questioned by the police.  They were out a bit later (they wanted loot), on an arterial next to a neighborhood (there were houses on that street too.). and wearing "not-obvious" costumes with masks.   I think there might have been a robbery near by - or reported hooliganism so wrong place at the wrong time.  after talking to them - they were allowed to continue ToTing.

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So the parents brought around a little boy of about 3 in IIRC a Spiderman costume. They sent him up to the porch. I came to the door. They told him to say, "Trick or treat."

"No," he said.

"Would you like some candy?" I asked him.

"No." He went back down to his parents. 😆

Poor baby. It was probably 8:45 and he was DONE. Super cute, but it was past his bedtime and he clearly wanted this game to be over.

Edited by Carolina Wren
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1 hour ago, Carolina Wren said:

So the parents brought around a little boy of about 3 in IIRC a Spiderman costume. They sent him up to the porch. I came to the door. They told him to say, "Trick or treat."

"No," he said.

"Would you like some candy?" I asked him.

"No." He went back down to his parents. 😆

Poor baby. It was probably 8:45 and he was DONE. Super cute, but it was past his bedtime and he clearly wanted this game to be over.

This is also typical of some ASD kids. . .I had that with dudeling (who is ASD-PDA) so many times.  . . . . he'd look over the candy, and if he didn't like what was offered, he wouldn't take any. . . . "just take what's offered, and say thank you.  then you can use it to bribe your brother." . . .  (He expected me to give him candy.) .

There's a reason he hardly did ToT . . . there were a lot of years half-a-dozen houses was a lot.   when he was little - siblings were so excited to have a little one to take around, 1dd made costumes for them to match.

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