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What is on your holiday wish list this year?


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As usual, I have no idea. And this year dh is going to shower gifts on me because I found him a ps5 at retail price. So, I better start thinking.

The only thing I asked for so far was for him and the kids to write me a picture book about the Christmas the kids bought us a tree.

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I also want a nice grill pan, and some new dishtowels. I always want new dishtowels; I'm picky and good ones are hard to find. The only ones I can really like are from Williams Sonoma and they are $$$. So, great gifts.


But the real gift would be people getting rid of stuff. I live with 3 messy adults and their habits are driving me a bit crazy. 😲  

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Mostly, time with my kids.  DD is gone at college now, so it will be great to have her home for a month.  I would love to have some time with my family (parents, siblings, nieces/nephews) but we'll see how it goes.

As far as things, I want a new fitbit because mine is older and not working as well as it should, but the one I want is outside the budget. 

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9 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

For my kids to repair the rift in their relationship so we can spend holiday time together with both of them and their significant others all in the same room.


I hope this happens very soon.  That has to be very painful for you - I'm sorry.  😞

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We are having a super low key Christmas this year.  We lost both DH's parents this spring and Christmas will be very different without them.

I would just love a nice day together with DH and my boys eating good food, watching movies, and cross-stitching.  Reality is that one of my boys is having 4 wisdom teeth cut out on the 23rd so the food thing will be delayed :-).

What I really want no one can buy me and the tangible things I want, I get throughout the year.  DH and I don't exchange gifts at Christmas.  

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I have an uncharacteristically long list this year, but my birthday is right after Christmas so my family won't be lacking ideas--cross country skis, an online subscription to The Atlantic, a Tilley sun hat, lace up brown leather ankle boots, a supportive down pillow with firm core, and trail runners. 

Also a haircut I like. It's been a few years since I've been really happy with my hair. 

Edited by Acadie
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I guess I need a hair straightener - my girls helped me with me hair for a wedding and could not believe how bad the one I was using operated. 

yoga blocks (although I might need those sooner as my back pain has been off the charts) 

press on nails - just discovered how great those are

and the normal stuff - candles, good hand lotion, cozy socks 

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Nothing except spending time with my husband, son, and his partner. We only do stockings, but I’d really prefer to not even do that anymore. We had considered a vacation at the holidays as we do some years and then we just completely skip any gifts or stockings which is glorious. But Delta messed with those plans. So still pondering how we want to handle things this year.

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Many years ago, I started buying my own presents. 

I recently got a promotion at work, so I bought myself a new gift for that, and combined it with my Christmas present to justify  it.  LOL

I bought a new set of All Clad pans. Not glamourous, but still a splurge!! I have a decent set of pans, but the bottom core is splitting off of 2 of the pans. I figure they will all start to go at some time over the next few years. I thought about just replacing the two that have gone bad, but I would like them to all nest and the new style I am looking at are shaped slightly different. 


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7 minutes ago, Kassia said:

which bike did you order (I'm on vf with you but didn't see an update there!).  

Hey! I forgot to update that thread, lol. 😄

I ended up getting this Yosuda. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B097P77B69?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image. The cheaper model from this brand has decent YouTube reviews, but this one had the shortest inseam listed (25”) and heaviest flywheel with magnetic resistance. I sold my Jumpsport locally, so I just shifted the money from one to the other. 😉  I looked at the Sunny but they all had higher inseam requirements. I looked at the lowest level Echelon, but it actually had a much, much lighter flywheel. 

Edited by alisoncooks
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A maid


dd asked me what I wanted for christmas . . . I never think about it, if I want something I just go buy it.  So I thought, well I'm doing ___ , I just wait and send my list off to her.  (I did just dog sit her dogs for 2 1/2 weeks (weekends off) while she had work done on her house.)

I still went out and bought the boot trays and door mats for inside and outside in hopes they'll trap dirt.  

I'm starting to finish the gym (/library   - I'd love a set of billy glass doors  so I could even have mirrors.  I don't have to put mirrored doors on all of the book cases . . I have five book cases in there.).   so, I gave my dd a list of things I want in it.

    gym mats

   garage  hooks to hang weights

    I have a lot of the equipment, I just want it organized.  and made "pretty".    I even thought about doing a tropical wall mural on one side. 


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I would like to replace my microplane and screwball wine opener; both are old and don't work well anymore. I always like a book or two, especially a new cookbook or cooking magazine subscription. While I can ski pretty well, I'm self taught. We won a long weekend at a ski resort in VT this winter, so I'd like to take some lessons to brush up on my skills before then. Can't really think of anything else!

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10 hours ago, mmasc said:

this is always one of my favorite threads! Thanks for starting it @mommyoffive!


This. 😊


I want that second one in  your list too for fun xmas decorations.  I meant to do it last week and then was down after my booster.  Now I want this

LEGO® Ideas Home Alone 21330 | Ideas | Buy online at the Official LEGO® Shop US

What the heck?  I don't even like to do Legos.   But my kids do and I think it would be a fun tradition every Christmas.  I loved Home Alone!

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What I wanted this year was to have a wonderful gathering place for my immediate family, a place that is something for everyone, and would.eventually become a new home base when we retire. I got that this summer. We came down Oct. 16, and have been enjoying the house, the grandkids. Dd and I have decorated for fall through Thanksgiving, and made a bunch of beautiful things to put out for Christmas. We have had fun doing that! Dh has worked remote from here, and the evenings done some remodeling in the walk out basement to make a lovely gaming and sleep/privacy area for, as N would say, "My bachelor uncles". Coffee as the sunrises over the cove. Sunset over the front yard fence. Watching my grandbabies thrive.

My mom, all three of our sons, dd, son in law, and the grand boys for Christmas in this comfy and serene setting, and Mark's brother and family will come over for a visit from Georgia. We have never lived close enough to really have a relationship. My sister in law used to be very toxic, but she actually went for professional therapy to save her marriage and so her adult kids would not cut her out, and now she is very pleasant to be with, so this is just such a welcome thing to have them here.



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4 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

Hey! I forgot to update that thread, lol. 😄

I ended up getting this Yosuda. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B097P77B69?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image. The cheaper model from this brand has decent YouTube reviews, but this one had the shortest inseam listed (25”) and heaviest flywheel with magnetic resistance. I sold my Jumpsport locally, so I just shifted the money from one to the other. 😉  I looked at the Sunny but they all had higher inseam requirements. I looked at the lowest level Echelon, but it actually had a much, much lighter flywheel. 

Hope you love it!  We can do Kaleigh cycling together!  🙂  🙂  ❤️ 

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On 10/27/2021 at 7:30 PM, mommyoffive said:

A new house

Me too but I rather wait for prices here to be less crazy. Also we were thinking of buying near where DS16 would be going to college, which we won’t know until next Spring.


My kids and I are all December babies so we’ll be getting birthday/Christmas presents. 
I did ask my husband to look out for a midrange digital keyboard for me so that I can play the piano without disturbing our work from home neighbors. I do have an upright piano currently. 

Edited by Arcadia
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Non-material things-

Time with immediate family my teens are so busy, I don't see them often. And dh is swamped with work and college.

My thyroid meds sorted out- my sleep and energy level still aren't great after my last med change. Hopefully my next adjustment gets me where I need to be.

Kiddos to do well with out any big stress. Health problems to resolve. For the last 1+ yr there has been one thing after another after another. The things have started to get less frequent and not as stressful most of the time but just being in a period without major stress would be heavenly. I think one is doing fairly well. The other is doing well for now but I'm not as confident that will continue. I'd like to not have a constant waiting for the other shoe to drop feeling 

- get my job sorted- either a new one that pays more or one I have that pays more to pick back up. Currently have one but it doesn't pay very well.


From dh- install the new bathroom cabinets(already bought) in the basement bathroom. This will require him to change the plumbing first, so he won't have time to do it until college winter break.

A shopping trip to the city for a few pieces of higher quality winter clothes (unless I can find free returns to places I want to shop). I'd like to hit nicer resale shops first but don't have any locally. I want to start slowly buying more quality pieces that will last longer.so I can do good for the environment, save money in the long run, and look good doing it 🙂

- boots - short leather- comfortable to wear for hours and quality to last+ I'm watching the favorite things thread

Things for the house- I'm always torn as these are not generally things dh cares about but doesn't seem fair that they are my gifts when they are for the house

- a set of dishes- that actually match and have enough of what we use- bowls, etc and a set of glasses. I've had Goodwill mismatch which works mostly but I've been watching for bowls for ages without luck. I do not have enough bowls! I think I want basic Corelle then when something breaks I can replace it. Hoping for a nice holiday sale.

- a comforter for my bed- has been on my list for over a year but something else always makes it above it and I don't like the price for the ones I want.

-new dish rags- mine aren't in good shape and don't work all that well


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My biggest wish last year was DH and I  to go see our family in our country of origin . I got to go this year. DH will be leaving soon.

My second biggest wish was to get DD vaccinated as she was too little. It will be possible soon and it will make me feel safer as DS is in PS and it is a constant stress without her vaccinated. 

We hope to go to the UK soon to see other members of our family.

We will probably have a very small Christmas in terms of presents, air tickets are not cheap but this time last year none of it seemed possible and I was so sad.  I am grateful and happy this year.

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