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I'm looking for a good first year Russian college textbook for an advanced high school student.  Also, particular websites or other program recommendations would be helpful.  I am not a Russian speaker, so I can only gauge texts and resources by Google reviews, and was hoping someone could guide me.


One of mine was considering learning Russian. The first step was going to be to hire a native tutor to help him through a little textbook for Native Russian speakers to help him learn to read with good pronunciation and build up a basic vocabulary. We'd found a series of Russian school books at a used book store, but you can order one of these books off of Amazon.

Teach Yourself Russian has some good reviews on Amazon and is available through the library system.



Posted (edited)

I've used the Russian Step-By-Step books and supplemental materials with my Middle one and really liked them. They are pretty simplified but they're well done and have good additional stuff.  But I do speak Russian. 

The UCLA Russian Beginner book is solid. Or was when last I used it. 

Edited by theelfqueen
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Posted (edited)

We like the Beginner’s Russian book CLRC has listed for their Russian 1. (ETA that’s the UCLA on mentioned above). There are some quizlet flashcards and a website to accompany it.

i imported the quizlet cards into ANKI. Dd did the NSLI-Y virtual class last year so she helps me if I get stuck. I added in Duolingo after chapter 4.

Edited by MamaSprout
Posted (edited)

Bk 2 of this series is the first book my dd used for Russian.  She had an instructor in addition to being incredibly strong in grammar.  (She had already completed multiple yrs of Latin and French prior to starting Russian.)  My 6th grader who is no where near as strong in grammar as her sister was (her sister started Russian in 9th grade) is working with the same tutor and started in bk 1.  My older dd did not use the 3rd bk in that series.  Her tutor switched her over to more traditional Russian texts next. https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AEsmantova+Tatjana&s=relevancerank&text=Esmantova+Tatjana&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1

Many colleges use the Golosa Golosa: A Basic Course in Russian, Book One, Books a la Carte Edition (5th Edition): Robin, Richard M., Evans-Romaine, Karen, Shatalina, Galina: 9780205048380: Amazon.com: Books  (this is not a series my dd ever used, though, so I don't know anything about it.)

FWIW, my dd taught herself to fluency in French, but she would never have advanced in Russian to the level she did without an excellent Russian tutor.  Russian grammar is complex and their verbs of motion....definitely not easy.

Edited by 8filltheheart
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