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My local school board member interviewed about being harassed, bullied, and intimidated

Lady Florida.

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I talked about our school board member Jennifer Jenkins in a CRT thread but didn't want to derail that thread. Jennifer has been harassed and intimidated since April when she put forth a motion to protect LGBTQ kids at school. Over the summer the same group of people switched their harassment to mask mandates and some of them are also claiming she's trying to push CRT into our schools (she's not). 

You hear about school board members being threatened but it's close to home and personal for those in the counties where it's happening. It's close to me because I did text banking for Jennifer when she was running for school board and I was at this particular meeting Tuesday night. I've attended a number of emergency meetings regarding masks and I've held pro-mask signs outside before the meetings. It was heartbreaking to sit in the room and listen as she told what was going on and tried to hold herself together. You can tell in the interview she's trying not to cry when talking about her family. Local police do nothing and they take forever to even show up when she calls them. 

At the August meeting sheriff's deputies had to escort the entire board out and bring them to a safe conference room while they cleared the room of those horrible people (that's one meeting I'm thankful I was unable to attend). 

I know Jennifer and I know she didn't want her story to go viral but now that it did she's speaking out. 


Edited by Lady Florida.
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Unfortunately there are many similar stories in my state. I posted a link in the CRT thread the other day. Especially in rural areas, sheriffs often do nothing.  It’s a whole range of things being opposed from masks to vaccine mandates and anything and everything they can try to attach a CRT label to, including BLM, LGBT rights, etc. It’s one thing to show up at a board meeting and speak during your allotted time or respectfully contact your member and share your concerns, it’s whole other thing to use threats, intimidation, bullying, etc. Even in my large district they’ve had to move meetings online at times because police couldn’t guarantee adequate protection. 

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