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Booster shots - how did yours go?


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Ok - my 17 year old was boostered yesterday!  All fine after the vaccine.  She had a couple out of the house important things last night for her so I was crossing all digits, all went great.  She took a couple advil at midnight (12 hours post vax), I told her she could/should because she has stuff tonight.  She got up at 9, took a couple more advil at 10 am.  And slowly improved through the day.  She is getting ready to leave the house now for her regular evening stuff.  YAY!  Both her and my young adult had pretty strong reactions to dose 2 and this was definitely less/easier.  

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I got my Pfizer booster on Sunday. I waited a bit due to my work schedule because I was worried about side effects like with my first 2 shots, but I had no side effects. (A little temporary tenderness at the injection site that was gone by the next day. I don’t count that.)

I got my flu shot last month at my checkup, not at the same time.

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I got mine today!  I am so excited!  Mine was delayed because I had to have a couple of mammograms and ultrasounds and I wasn't able to have a booster before in case it interfered with the process.  Then it was difficult to find places where I could walk in.  I could have scheduled a few weeks out but I am glad that I ran into some friends at the grocery store who had just gotten their booster on a walk-in basis and told me where to go. 

So far so good.  I got some yard work in afterwards.  (But it's only been an hour since I got it.)

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Got mine (Moderna booster following Moderna vax) today also. Also only have a slightly sore arm. Unfortunately, this was the only appointment I could get (scheduled 4 weeks ago), and I have a full weekend. Starts tonight then all day and night tomorrow with kid's final activities before Christmas. Hopefully I don't have the fever and chills and general misery I had last time. Oh, and the super sore arm that I couldn't lift for 4 days. Trying to feel strong and keep mind over matter here.

Eta:  Ahhhh! Can't scroll up and read any more of this thread. It's not going to happen to me this time! I have cookies to make and places to go!

Edited by Spirea
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I got mine yesterday (Moderna booster, after having Moderna for the original two doses). My arm is sore, but not as sore as it was with the previous doses. I woke up at 4 AM with bad muscle pain. Then I threw up and felt a little better. Fun times. Planning to take it easy this morning. 

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12 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

9 hrs since my shot and just a sore arm and some fatigue. 

Spoke too soon. Woke around 2:00 am with fever, chills, and a headache. My arm felt like it was on fire. Drank some milk, took 3 ibuprofen and was able to go back to sleep some. Taking it easy this morning. So far just achey, no fever. I’ll probably feel better when I’ve had coffee and been up walking around.

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I got Pfizer booster on Wednesday. Got sick about six hours later. Wound up calling into work on Thursday; I’m only now starting to get back to feeling a little normal.  I have really mixed feelings right now about needing to get a Covid booster every six months.  I know that may not even be a likely scenario, but I am feeling kind of hopeless at the moment.  I’m close enough to Cornell and Ithaca to be closely watching the exponential spread there among fully vaccinated people, and even though my county has gone from 50% vaccinated to 54% in the last two weeks and is growing,  people do not want to mask once they’re vaccinated and I don’t see this going well.  

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1 hour ago, ScoutTN said:

Spoke too soon. Woke around 2:00 am with fever, chills, and a headache. My arm felt like it was on fire. Drank some milk, took 3 ibuprofen and was able to go back to sleep some. Taking it easy this morning. So far just achey, no fever. I’ll probably feel better when I’ve had coffee and been up walking around.

 I thought we weren't supposed to take ibu?

I had some chills, but temp was only slightly elevated at 99.8. My arm feels so deeply bruised. Would it be better to get this shot in a bigger muscle, like leg/backside? Would that be less pain?

I did have a couple moments of sudden and strong nausea but didn't actually become sick. I have a mild headache and feel mildly achy and tired. So far, not as bad as my 2nd shot but still not great.  Baby up in the night didn't help. I skipped morning games and am still in bed. Hope I can make recitals later.

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My 16 yo got his booster shot yesterday afternoon.  Last night he started getting a loud ringing in one ear along with some facial numbness on that side.  He was a bit freaked out by this since I have had ongoing ear ringing since my first shot.  However, this morning that is gone, but he ran a fever over night and this morning says he feels like he got hit by a truck.  He also has nausea so I gave him some ginger ale to sip on.  He is really happy to have gotten the booster shot, but the side effects are not fun.  He is resting in bed, and I am hoping he will be feeling better soon.

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22 minutes ago, Spirea said:

That would freak me out. Why does that happen?

I believe that it is thought to be caused by nerve inflammation.  We kept a really close eye on him because he has had bad vaccine reactions in the past, and I was relieved that it resolved so quickly.  There is no clear evidence that vaccines cause ear ringing or facial numbness, but the v-safe people called me about my reaction and requested that I report it to VAERS.  I will be emailing DS's doctor on Monday to let him know about the reaction and get his thoughts on it.

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My kids wanted to wait until finals were over before getting boosters, in case they felt bad afterwards. DS got his Thursday and DD's was yesterday, and so far they just have sore arms. We all had Pfizer initially, and they had Pfizer boosters while I got Moderna.  I'm so thankful we're all boosted now!

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'Hobbes' got his today. He's home in Scotland for Christmas, but we drove him down to England for the jab, so that his Covid passport didn't get messed up between the administrations.  Lovely drive. He has a slightly sore arm so far. This is his third Pfizer. He had his second in early September. 

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My teens got their Pfizer boosters yesterday. Both are 24 hours past the shot now. 

Teen 1--mild arm soreness with mild fatigue and body aches. He had no real changes to his functioning today. 

Teen 2--fever got to 102 when he decided to take tylenol. He had both body and headache--headache started mild/moderate and got worse as the day went on. Fatigue/low energy, but he slept poorly last night, possibly due to shot symptoms. He's much better now, 24 hours after his shot. 

Teen 2 always runs high fevers with viruses and has had fever with every COVID shot as well. 

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Ds is home from grad school. He felt terrible, headache, body ache for 24 hours. Managed to shower and be upright for a couple hours and back to bed for second night. Fine the next morning. I'm glad he'll be all set to get back on a plane after the holidays. Although we are keeping our eyes on any covid related travel changes to Canada.

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My arm is still really sore, and has a reddish patch (not raised just red) the size of my palm, around the injection site. As far as body aches, headaches and nausea, it is all gone and I feel normal. I didn't even take another dose of ibu, though I think I will now for the soreness. This is a much faster recovery than shot #2.

How long until we are fully boosted? 2 weeks again?

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25 minutes ago, Spirea said:

My arm is still really sore, and has a reddish patch (not raised just red) the size of my palm, around the injection site. As far as body aches, headaches and nausea, it is all gone and I feel normal. I didn't even take another dose of ibu, though I think I will now for the soreness. This is a much faster recovery than shot #2.

How long until we are fully boosted? 2 weeks again?

I read that it is 1 week with the booster. 

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19 minutes ago, Kassia said:

I read the same.

Interesting. I haven’t seen one week. I just tried to find the article I read last week, but with no luck. While I was searching though, I saw several articles that said two weeks. From what I’ve ready your body starts building antibodies, but doesn’t reach full response for two weeks. It’s not exact, of course, and is somewhere in that 1-2 week time frame. I guess that’s why two weeks, to be sure to give enough time for it to be fully effective. 

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4 hours ago, AroundtheCorner said:

Interesting. I haven’t seen one week. I just tried to find the article I read last week, but with no luck. While I was searching though, I saw several articles that said two weeks. From what I’ve ready your body starts building antibodies, but doesn’t reach full response for two weeks. It’s not exact, of course, and is somewhere in that 1-2 week time frame. I guess that’s why two weeks, to be sure to give enough time for it to be fully effective. 

I have never seen 1 week either.  Everything I have read says 10-14 days.   2 weeks is what I am using as a guideline for my teen who got her 3rd dose Wed. 

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Pfizer's booster trial that looked at real-world efficacy (how many people in the booster group got covid vs the control group) considered 7 days post booster to be fully vaxed, and they found 95.6% efficacy (5 cases in boosted group vs 109 in control), although this obviously was before omicron.

The BOOST study in the UK measured antibody levels at days 0, 7, and 28 after the booster, and there were differences in time to peak antibody levels between Pfizer and Moderna, although they were also different cohorts and they were using a full (100 microgram) dose of Moderna instead of the half dose that is actually used.

In one cohort, antibodies from a Pfizer booster peaked at 7 days and had actually declined very slightly by day 28, but in another cohort, which tested a full dose of Moderna and a half dose of Pfizer, antibodies continued to increase up to 28 days. They didn't test at 14 days, or beyond 28 days. Even in the cohorts where antibodies continued to increase up to 28 days, antibody levels had already increased 500-700% by day 7, so there would be significant protection after one week.


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I am still feeling off. My blood sugar numbers are high (which makes me feel nauseated) and I have a headache, body aches, and a slight temperature. Got my shot Friday late morning.

Dh got the Pfizer and has had zero symptoms except a mildly sore arm. 

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I finally got my 3rd dose on Monday. My main series was Moderna. I had Pfizer on Monday afternoon.  I had migraine symptoms start late Monday night as I went to bed, but I slept well. I don’t have pain, my head feels funny, my cognition is off, and I get nauseated which an established migraine pattern for me. It was really bad yesterday that I couldn’t be in the room with the Christmas lights. It’s bothering me a bit tonight after a good day. I woke up yesterday without tinnitus, and so far it’s stayed away. 🤞 I have an order for IV steroids if anything goes wrong like last time, but I’m optimistic. No fever or flu-like symptoms this time around and no arm pain.

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