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Booster shots - how did yours go?


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Is there any news about boosters for the over 16 but not yet 18 with-medical-issues crowd? I saw a reference on the younger kids thread, but can’t find any guidance from the CDC. We were thinking he’d need to wait till 18, but would be nice to get it sooner if that’s an option.

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18 minutes ago, Spryte said:

Is there any news about boosters for the over 16 but not yet 18 with-medical-issues crowd? I saw a reference on the younger kids thread, but can’t find any guidance from the CDC. We were thinking he’d need to wait till 18, but would be nice to get it sooner if that’s an option.

No, but he can get it from the doctor off label now that there is full approval for 16+.

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Got my booster about 3 hours ago. Silly bird videos plus a chatty pharmacist plus a full bladder seemed to help with the anxiety while the shot was given, lol.  I still broke out in a cold sweat, but only a little dry mouth, so that is better. 

Feeling tired and have a slight headache now.  

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Update: my booster was uneventful except I had a muscle spasm in my ear drum that tok 2 days to resolve.  I have had the muscle spasm in my ear before from wearing earbuds, but never from a shot before. 

It's possible it was a coincidence, but since there have been reports of tinnitus after the shots, I thought I would mention it. There wasn't anything else I can think of that was a possible trigger for the spasm. 

ETA: the ear drum spasm was on the same side as the shot.

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My adult daughter started a fever several hours after her booster. It was 102 in the night and she had all the aches and pains that go with it. She worked from her bed on Friday and is feeling okay today. She's so funny  getting all excited when anyone gets their vaccination.

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I was finally able to score an appointment for the 20th for myself and our son who lives in college dorms. Moderna for me, Pfizer for him. So I will let you know. But, my report for hubby is he had a full dose of Pfizer on Thursday after having JnJ in April. He had a mildly sore arm, mild fever, a migraine, and some dizziness/disorientation from the migraine. He is fine today.

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I had Pfizer originally and the Pfizer booster last Wednesday. Thursday, I felt fatigued and chilled. Not quite as bad as with the second dose, but still not normal. I wear a Garmin smartwatch and some of the data points it tracks were elevated -- namely, resting heart rate. My Garmin watch also measures something called Body Battery which is based on heart rate variability and that measure has been low for the last 2 days. I ran a few miles Friday and was slower than usual. Today, Saturday, I feel pretty much back to normal. 

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1 hour ago, Insertcreativenamehere said:

I had Pfizer originally and the Pfizer booster last Wednesday. Thursday, I felt fatigued and chilled. Not quite as bad as with the second dose, but still not normal. I wear a Garmin smartwatch and some of the data points it tracks were elevated -- namely, resting heart rate. My Garmin watch also measures something called Body Battery which is based on heart rate variability and that measure has been low for the last 2 days. I ran a few miles Friday and was slower than usual. Today, Saturday, I feel pretty much back to normal. 

Dh and I also noticed that our resting heart rates went up for a few days after our Moderna booster. Mine is usually 58 or 59 and it went up to the low 60s. Dh's is normally in the low 60s and it went up to 65. We both were back to normal 2-3 days later.

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Woohoo!  Booster  booked for 29th November (6 calendar months from second jab).  It will probably be Pfizer or Moderna after AZ, which is supposed to be a good combination.  The website opened this morning for over-50s in Scotland and there were lots of slots.  Boostering is going okay in the UK so far, but authorities are still concerned that the uptake is lower than for the initial jabs:



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Dd and I got our third doses of Pfizer last Tuesday.  The shot itself was very painful for me.  Not for dd.  We both had notably sore arms, mine for about 24 hours, dd's lingered for 3-4 days and the pain seemed to move in location.  We both felt a little tired the next day but nothing significant.  Both of us resumed our normal lives and exercise the day after.

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2 hours ago, happi duck said:

My moderna booster is tomorrow! (Dh and dc don't qualify yet)

In preparation: be rested and hydrated...anything else?

Me too! I'm justifying getting it now since it looks like they will open for everyone 18+ very soon. 

Oh wait, mine is Wednesday. I’m starting to seriously hydrate today. I’m making sure to take all my supplements and I started allergy meds again because getting off them was making me a bit stuffy and I want to be 100%.

Good luck tomorrow! đŸ™‚Â 

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I will report back tomorrow. Mother in law who had JnJ in April went for a Pfizer at lunch. For a former nursing professor, she sure is a whiner!! Whined about the first shot and had zero side effects, whined about needing another one, whined about the flu shot, whined whined whined, and yet as ZERO patience for parents that feel badly about getting children immunized. Then she sports a "Suck it up buttercup, your kids need it, and you should be role modeling a good attitude" motto. đŸ™„đŸ™„đŸ™„Â 

So I can only imagine what I will be reporting! 

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DH, who tends to get knocked out by any bug, and who missed several days of work with each Pfizer shot, got a Moderna Booster on Saturday (it was what CVS had). He's been tired, but that's about it. He didn't feel he qualified, but decided to get it because he'll be working from the Atlanta Central office next week since we're going there to spend Thanksgiving with L, and he doesn't trust at least one co-worker to not have a fake vaccine card. It won't be a full two weeks, but hopefully his antibodies will be more active again. 



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I’m getting my Moderna booster tonight. I can’t remember if it is recommended or contraindicated to take Tylenol beforehand. I have been drinking loads of water today, so hopefully that will help. I felt truly lousy with the second shot but I also didn’t know that hydration supposedly helps. 

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3 minutes ago, Quill said:

I’m getting my Moderna booster tonight. I can’t remember if it is recommended or contraindicated to take Tylenol beforehand. I have been drinking loads of water today, so hopefully that will help. I felt truly lousy with the second shot but I also didn’t know that hydration supposedly helps. 

Here they recommend you avoid tylenol before the shot.


My husband and I got Moderna boosters (Pfizer initial vaxes) 4 days ago (Thursday).

I had a sore arm pretty quickly after that got better over the night and into the next day. I did have some lymph node swelling in that armpit which which still hurt a bit Saturday, but is gone today. 

About 7 hours after my shot I started having fever, chills, aches (body/head) and fatigue. That was quicker than I remember feeling symptoms with my 2nd Pfizer, but similar otherwise. All that continued throughout the next day (Friday). Hubby went to bed fine but had aches and fever start during the night and continued the next day as well. 

We were both fine by Saturday. Overall, it felt pretty similar to our 2nd Pfizer vaccine reactions. 

My sister had a similar experience with her booster (also a Pfizer initial, Moderna booster). My BIL had Moderna initial, Moderna booster and just had arm pain, maybe mild fatigue. Not much reaction. 

My parents, in their 70's, got Pfizer boosters as soon as they were eligible. They had mild arm soreness the day of the shot and no other symptoms. 


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I got a Moderna booster Weds after having two Pfizer before. I had to argue with the pharmacist who tried to tell me I had to have another Pfizer, but I won in the end, lol. I only had mildly sore arms after my Pfizer ones, but I got the Mack truck reaction this time. I got the shot in the early afternoon, and by bedtime, I had chills. Slept poorly and was pretty miserable all of Thursday with chills, fatigue, headache, and various pains. I never actually had a fever but I sure felt like it. Most of that was gone Friday, but I was still kind of tired. Fine by Saturday. 

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Dh got his Moderna booster yesterday. He was going to schedule it online but he was at Walmart and noticed there was no line at the pharmacy so he asked for the booster. He's wiped out today. He normally works overnight shift and sleeps until about noon when he gets home Monday mornings. Today he slept until almost 3, then got up and moved to the couch where he's been ever since. He had no reaction to the second shot other than a sore arm. I've heard that some people who didn't react to the second shot were wiped out by the booster. If that's true, he's one of them.

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I received my booster this morning and didn't notice anything for most of the day. I'm sporting a sore arm right now and I'm hoping that's the worse I get. I'm still planning on tomorrow being a "take it easy" day, just in case.

ETA: It's 7:50, less than an hour after my original post and I'm feeling worse fast. Fatigue hit me like a jackhammer, my skin hurts, the tinnitus is screaming, and I have a very unwell feeling. Hoping this is the worst of it. That would be nice.

Update 2: Woke up feeling like I have the flu. Lots of muscle pain and the fatigue is just so draining. I took a hot shower but that only helps while I'm in the shower. I might need a full body heating pad. LOL I think if just coast my way through today, I should be ok. Right now I'm sitting in my comfy chair with the window open and the warm sun streaming through - nature's heating pad.

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Mine was yesterday; I feel okay. Not 100% - very tired and alternating chills and hot all day, plus random aches, but nowhere like my second Moderna. I did drink literally more than a gallon of water leading up to the shot - I recommend. 

Also, for anyone who is reading along and hasn’t gotten one yet - especially if you had a bad experience with administration - if you can get it connected to a hospital, those people are experts. All three of mine were affiliated with my breast care hospital; nurses who tend to cancer patients *know* how to give a shot. I barely felt it. 

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I am 7 hours post booster.  I'm tired and achy, some chills but not like jab one or two.  *crosses fingers*

I didn't feel the actual jab at all.  I have received all of mine in a medical setting.  Our hospital set up a clinic that does all the vaccinations.

They had a sign that they've had 2,300+ 5-11 year olds!

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We sent our pediatrician a message through the online portal asking that since Pfizer has been approved for full authorization, that I know boosters haven't been approved for anyone under 18, but my youngest has several risk factors and is in a large public high school, if he'd be willing to write a prescription for it or vaccinate her.  

He wrote back that boosters are available at all pharmacies but that he's happy to write a note if we want.  I'm kinda like, "Does he not actually know the rules?"  So I wrote back and said I'd prefer to have her boosted there, because I KNOW if I take her to CVS, even with a doctor's note, they're going to look at her birthday that has her at 16.5 and be like, "Yeah, we can't do that."

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23 hours ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

Got my 3rd Moderna this morning, 7 hrs ago. So far a sore arm and just feeling a bit run down. I’m crossing my fingers that this is the worst, but trying to be realistic. Shot #2 gave me a serious butt-kicking for about 36-48 hours. 

So I’m about 30 hours out now. Felt a little tired and achy today and slightly feverish. But the booster was not nearly as bad as shot #2 was. 

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Got Pfizer-boosted this morning after two Modernas in March.  12 hours later, sore arm, no other symptoms.

Feeling soooooo  good about Thanksgiving -- the octos were all boosted a month ago, virtually all of the boomers have either been boosted or will be by then, and even the 6 year old will have just gotten her second Pfizer though not yet past the 2-week mark thereafter.

Last year this time was pretty darn glum.  This year I'm pretty darn thankful.

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13 minutes ago, Pam in CT said:

Got Pfizer-boosted this morning after two Modernas in March.  12 hours later, sore arm, no other symptoms.

Feeling soooooo  good about Thanksgiving -- the octos were all boosted a month ago, virtually all of the boomers have either been boosted or will be by then, and even the 6 year old will have just gotten her second Pfizer though not yet past the 2-week mark thereafter.

Last year this time was pretty darn glum.  This year I'm pretty darn thankful.

It is nice, isn't it?

My parents and DH will be boosted in time for Christmas.  Both kids have had their first 2 doses.

Last year was Christmas by phone. This year we will celebrate Christmas together as we usually do.  I am so looking forward to it.

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I got boosted with my 3rd Pfizer yesterday.  Butt kicked, classic fever, headache, chills, tired, slept bad last night, etc.  I was just a bit tired day 2 after dose 2.   I’m already feeling a bit better than earlier today though I took some Advil.  Pushing fluids.  So grateful though!   

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I just got mine.

I’ve been drowning myself in water and herbal tea the past few days and will continue drinking as much as I can. Gotta say I’m nervous after reading some of the reactions, but my kitties will take good care of me. I’m shaking my arm around like a mad woman. Lol

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I had a Pfizer booster yesterday as well as a flu shot.

Other than my arm being sore, I have had weird aches and pains on and off but nothing really bad.  I don't feel "normal" but I'm not super tired either.  My lymph nodes in my armpits were swollen last night and tender.  

Overall I think I was more fatigued with my 2nd Pfizer than this one, but time will tell. It hasn't been 24 hours since I had the booster yet.

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Pfizered today.

Cold, cold, cold and sore arm. 

So far no fatigue but slept a bit.

Huddling under the blanket with copious amount of tea, soup and bread pudding. Not a bad way to spend the day.

DH is down too. Maybe we should have taken the vaccine on different days.

My DD5 was dancing around the day she got hers. She cannot understand why we are not up and about. I said I will explain later. 

Meanwhile dinner is being sent over by friends so rest, hydrate as the drill says.


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DH and I both had moderna boosters yesterday. Really, no issues so far. A tad tired, but not like our second shots. Those put us both down for about 24 hours. I had the full symptoms- fever, chills, etc. 
After my second shot I remember not being able to get enough to drink and craved a Gatorade we didn’t have. So, yesterday I drank a stupid amount of water and a Gatorade. Whether that helped, I don’t know. 

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4 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

Today the FDA finally authorized boosters for ALL adults — so if you want one but thought you didn't qualify under the ridiculous previous rules, go get one now!


I’ve already told my sister and a friend! đŸ™‚Â 

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On 11/13/2021 at 10:01 AM, Selkie said:

Dh and I also noticed that our resting heart rates went up for a few days after our Moderna booster. Mine is usually 58 or 59 and it went up to the low 60s. Dh's is normally in the low 60s and it went up to 65. We both were back to normal 2-3 days later.

I had mine a week ago, and didn't notice anything but a sore arm for a couple of days, I think even a bit less than with the first two shots.  First two were Pfizer, I got a Moderna chaser.

And interesting about the resting heart rate.  I checked on my Fitbit, mine did go up for a couple of days, but just from mid to high 50s.  Within the range of 'normal' for me, but it there is a bitty bump there.

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Down 24 hours. Hit with chills, slight fever, body ache, fatigue. Sore arm too.

Poor DH was hit with GI issues as well and not wanting to wake me left the room some time during the night.I found him sleeping on a nest of blankets on the floor of the loft on a mattress. He was so exhausted. I slept right though it yet felt fatigued. I got up briefly to set the kids up for the day, then napped off and on. Thankfully food was dropped off friends. 

We ate chicken soup, Kichidi (an Indian super nourishing food), hydrated and slept off and on throughout the day. Still felt blah, then finally decided to take a tablet after lunch. Napped as well. Now feel so much better.

Took a hot shower and felt human again. Friends are dropping dinner off as well. Still not 100% but so much better.

Every time the vaccine puts DH and I down with symptoms that we cannot function for days. This was the shortest. If I ever needed proof I do not want this disease this going through this one day was enough.

My resting heart rate seemed a bit elevated. I shall check tomorrow to be sure and also with DH.

Sitting in the sunshine now. Planning to watch a movie and drift off to sleep. 


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All better except for a lingering metallic taste immediately after the vaccine.

Did not think any of it yesterday as I had other dragons to fight.

Today when coffee and ice cream tasted metallic put in a panic call to my doctor. Apparently a rare side effect of the vaccine. Should go away in 2-3 days. 


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Husband had his yesterday - Pfizer after two AZs. His arm is sore and he was very tired yesterday evening,  but he's fine today.

I had mine this morning - also Pfizer after AZ. Just a sore arm so far. I had a lovely walk to the appointment 


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17 hours ago, DreamerGirl said:

All better except for a lingering metallic taste immediately after the vaccine.

Did not think any of it yesterday as I had other dragons to fight.

Today when coffee and ice cream tasted metallic put in a panic call to my doctor. Apparently a rare side effect of the vaccine. Should go away in 2-3 days. 


That must seem so weird. I'm glad it will go away soon.

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7 hours ago, Starr said:

That must seem so weird. I'm glad it will go away soon.

It sure was the weirdest feeling.

I brushed and flossed twice, tongue cleaned, did gargles just to be sure before calling the doc for advice.

Definitely lessened now. I can now taste coffee with a hint of copper I suppose. Previously my whole mouth felt like it was coated with it.

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