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Will somebody please tell Brad Pitt

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to get rid of that cheesy moustache???


Honestly, I do not typically concern myself with this sort of thing, but if his face is going to be continually splashed across my internet news sites, at least he should return to being pleasant to behold.


That has got to go. Too bad there's not a smilie-with-scissors icon!

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I hate almost all facial hair.


I even blogged about it one year:



& listed the few exceptions.


Someone is going to get their knickers in a knot because I guarantee a bunch of people have dh's with that oval beardie mustache combo and I loathe that look. On every single man, I think he'd look better if he just took that thing off.

Brad Pitt now looks like a sleazy car lot guy.


Mind you, my dad for years had a Lech Walesa mustache.....now that was baaaaad.

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Brad Pitt now looks like a sleazy car lot guy.


Mind you, my dad for years had a Lech Walesa mustache.....now that was baaaaad.


You will undoubtedly have continued and ample opportunity to view Brad Pitt's mustache, as he and Angelina Jolie will undoubtedly continue to dominate magazine covers for the next year or two, until the media finds another couple to follow after.

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Guest janainaz

That's FOR REAL?? I saw him on Oprah and thought that he must be in the middle of filming a new movie. I had no idea he was wearing it on purpose. Ewwww.

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If you are truly interested in classical education, you will realize that even though it may sound very well and proper and even perhaps a bit elite, the truth is, it is administered day-in day-out by just regular mom types (well, I do happen to think they are more special than regular, but that's another topic...).


Fact is, we all need to blow off steam, too. To be silly. To be creative. To contemplate pop culture in addition to ancient ones.


If you have been home schooling for any length of time, you've probably already realized it can be a bit lonely for the teacher. This forum is a place where we can come, visit, and know we are not alone.


Please visit the curriculum forums before leaving this site, I'm sure it will reassure you that we are indeed serious about what we do at home.

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What a nicely-worded reply. I commend you.:)


If you are truly interested in classical education, you will realize that even though it may sound very well and proper and even perhaps a bit elite, the truth is, it is administered day-in day-out by just regular mom types (well, I do happen to think they are more special than regular, but that's another topic...).


Fact is, we all need to blow off steam, too. To be silly. To be creative. To contemplate pop culture in addition to ancient ones.


If you have been home schooling for any length of time, you've probably already realized it can be a bit lonely for the teacher. This forum is a place where we can come, visit, and know we are not alone.


Please visit the curriculum forums before leaving this site, I'm sure it will reassure you that we are indeed serious about what we do at home.

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Well, girlfriends, between the '80s-era Brucie-bottom, Brad at the beach and something McAfee won't let me view, methinks this thread is gettin a bit racy!:lol::lol::lol:


Now that my Brangelina-spattered news sites are clear of that cheesy moustache, I am exiting this thread (somewhat reluctantly, considering that lovely seascape:001_smile:).


Thanks for the fun!

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