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Remember Dh was laid off work?


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Well he is still unemployed so keep praying about that. 

but I need to vent

During his job search he found a listing for his former employer. It is literally the exact job he did for them - for $27k LESS a year!

He actually called them and was like one  laid off employees are supposed to get preferred priority in any hiring for 6 months and two what’s up with this? He was calm and very neutral curious in tone. But the lady was awful. Not just to him. Remember they fired entire departments. And his position wasn’t the only one that seems they are rehiring for. In the end they were all told basically the same thing. They could apply for the job. If they even wanted to. She guesses. And maybe see what happens.  But not even slightly encouraging. 

Just. Ugh. He is stressed enough about finding a job within the next month or so before we start serious financial struggles. Now he is like holy crap what if he can’t find a job that is even within 27k of what he was making? (And let’s be clear - he never came close to making 6 figures so 27k is a huge reduction.)

Edited by Murphy101
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They has to be incredibly frustrating. Does it seem like they were just getting rid of experienced people, so they could justify lower salaries?

I can’t imagine any employer doing that in my state right now. All different types of employers seem desperate for employees and are doing all sorts of things, including signing bonuses, higher pay, better benefits, more flexible schedules, etc., to both retain employees and get new ones.

I hope he finds something great soon!

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14 minutes ago, footballmom said:

You should look up the WARN Act and see if DH’s employer violated it.

Yeah. We did. They didn’t break it. It’s super easy for a large corporation to let lots of people go without notice without breaking it.

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7 minutes ago, Katy said:

If it isn’t illegal it still might be an interesting story for the local news.  Unethical company is a great story for a local journalist.

Only if my husband never wants to work anywhere here again.  Someone else might say something. He wasn’t the only one. 

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2 hours ago, Frances said:

They has to be incredibly frustrating. Does it seem like they were just getting rid of experienced people, so they could justify lower salaries?

I can’t imagine any employer doing that in my state right now. All different types of employers seem desperate for employees and are doing all sorts of things, including signing bonuses, higher pay, better benefits, more flexible schedules, etc., to both retain employees and get new ones.

I hope he finds something great soon!

My dh told our dd2 the same thing.  Nobody is firing almost anybody.   And her profession in particular has a severe shortage (tester of new computer programs.    -  hardly any computer programmers want to do it but dd2 likes it much better than programming).  Why she was worried is one tester (and not a good one but an older woman who tries to treat ny dd2 as à daughter to chastise) has even reported her to hr as she is "afraid" she is not herself.  But she is not a boss- just a co worker.  

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3 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

Well he is still unemployed so keep praying about that. 

but I need to vent

During his job search he found a listing for his former employer. It is literally the exact job he did for them - for $27k LESS a year!

He actually called them and was like one  laid off employees are supposed to get preferred priority in any hiring for 6 months and two what’s up with this? He was calm and very neutral curious in tone. But the lady was awful. Not just to him. Remember they fired entire departments. And his position wasn’t the only one that seems they are rehiring for. In the end they were all told basically the same thing. They could apply for the job. If they even wanted to. She guesses. And maybe see what happens.  But not even slightly encouraging. 

Just. Ugh. He is stressed enough about finding a job within the next month or so before we start serious financial struggles. Now he is like holy crap what if he can’t find a job that is even within 27k of what he was making? (And let’s be clear - he never came close to making 6 figures so 27k is a huge reduction.)

I'm so sorry!  I hope he is able to find something new very soon! 

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4 hours ago, Frances said:

They has to be incredibly frustrating. Does it seem like they were just getting rid of experienced people, so they could justify lower salaries?

I can’t imagine any employer doing that in my state right now. All different types of employers seem desperate for employees and are doing all sorts of things, including signing bonuses, higher pay, better benefits, more flexible schedules, etc., to both retain employees and get new ones.

I hope he finds something great soon!

Idk. We would need to know who they hire to determine that. *Almost* everyone let go was over 45. And for a few months people had noticed that the company seemed to only be hiring 20-somethings. Which hey fine if they are qualified, but it sure sucks to have to train someone else to do a job that you applied for which was happening  somewhat frequently. Dh thought maybe they were setting to close up shop state-side and move operations out of the country.  He has been employed to handle those transitions before and was dreading it. But now he has jo idea what they were thinking.

We aren’t seeing anything like what you describe here. I mean there are places hiring and claiming they are desperate but they are full of it.  They are looking for unicorns that will take very low wages.  Even my grown kids that are employed are frustrated bc they keep getting their hours cut and are short staffed due to low wage and crap work environments. 

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1 hour ago, Halftime Hope said:

The news organization can mask his face and voice, as a whistleblower story if they want to. 

I don’t know. Im lacking faith in the ability of it to stay secret. And I just don’t see that changing anything with such a huge corporation but I can see it damaging his job prospects. 

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29 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

Idk. We would need to know who they hire to determine that. *Almost* everyone let go was over 45. And for a few months people had noticed that the company seemed to only be hiring 20-somethings. Which hey fine if they are qualified, but it sure sucks to have to train someone else to do a job that you applied for which was happening  somewhat frequently. Dh thought maybe they were setting to close up shop state-side and move operations out of the country.  He has been employed to handle those transitions before and was dreading it. But now he has jo idea what they were thinking.

We aren’t seeing anything like what you describe here. I mean there are places hiring and claiming they are desperate but they are full of it.  They are looking for unicorns that will take very low wages.  Even my grown kids that are employed are frustrated bc they keep getting their hours cut and are short staffed due to low wage and crap work environments. 

This dynamic is why we left the Midwest. The economy was imploding so that primarily service jobs remained. What few corporate jobs were left offered rare if ever raises and took advantage of their employees. Cascading layoffs crushed morale, talent fled, and eventually companies relocated or closed.

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32 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

Idk. We would need to know who they hire to determine that. *Almost* everyone let go was over 45. And for a few months people had noticed that the company seemed to only be hiring 20-somethings. Which hey fine if they are qualified, but it sure sucks to have to train someone else to do a job that you applied for which was happening  somewhat frequently. Dh thought maybe they were setting to close up shop state-side and move operations out of the country.  He has been employed to handle those transitions before and was dreading it. But now he has jo idea what they were thinking.

We aren’t seeing anything like what you describe here. I mean there are places hiring and claiming they are desperate but they are full of it.  They are looking for unicorns that will take very low wages.  Even my grown kids that are employed are frustrated bc they keep getting their hours cut and are short staffed due to low wage and crap work environments. 

It does sound possibly like age discrimination, but that can be very hard to prove. There was a group case against one of the largest employers in my state awhile back, but it took many years for them to be found guilty.

The pandemic certainly has affected different areas of the country in varying ways. I’m not sure there are any jobs in my area that are starting at less than $15 per hour now, help wanted signs are everywhere, and there are a record number of job openings. Just today I received a large postcard from our school district about custodian and bus driver jobs. I also know several people hiring who say they have to act very quickly or else their preferred candidate will already have accepted another offer.

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There is a lot of crap like that around here. And the help wanted signs are a joke. They are not actually hiring unless the person is willing to work for peanuts, full time, no benefits. Every single business, Wal-Mart too, is keeping people at 30 hrs so they do not have to offer benefits, and the "$15" an hour has, in fine print, "up to" in front of it. They do not actually offer that wage to anyone. It is just a ruse to get the state legislature to feel sorry for them, "Oh look, they can't hire anyone" and maybe funnel dollars their way even those these businesses are in no danger of going under. At the end of the day, just abusing the sh*t out of people for increasing profits.

The schools are hiring because so much staff has quit. The local district is trying to staff mostly with substitute teachers. They want people to work the entire school year and the pay, wait for it $95 a day. It was $105, they had the nerve to lower it. That's about $17,000 a year and no benefits. Guess who has no takers! A bunch of parapros quit because no masking, no protocols, and even among eligible to be vaxed students, only 14% have immunized. Some other support staff have quit, and a bunch of bus drivers. It is pandemonium. The parents rioting outside school board meetings and calling teachers commies for wanting kids in masks and a vaccine mandate for 12 and up, do not connect their own irresponsible, disgusting behavior to the employee exodus. It is like mass narcissism out there. The kids pay the price. Only a few days to go until school is supposed to start. Classrooms are too small for 50-60 kids per teacher or staff member. I really think education this year will be a herd if students watching educational videos in the gym and getting a few minutes if reading and math in small groups. Online school is not being offered. Parents would be much better off keeping them home with Khan Academy and Magic School Bus plus a bunch of library books than sending them to school! But school is daycare so they will send them.

I have been called by five districts begging me to renew my license. My response has been HELL NO. I do not sugar coat my feelings on this subject. I have considered accepting a few vaccinated high school students to my home for math and science tutoring so long as they and their parents agree to mask. I also thought about a book/literature club again only for vaccinated, masked students. I have a huge living room so if I put a hepa air filter in it, I think it would reasonably safe.

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3 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

There is a lot of crap like that around here. And the help wanted signs are a joke. They are not actually hiring unless the person is willing to work for peanuts, full time, no benefits. Every single business, Wal-Mart too, is keeping people at 30 hrs so they do not have to offer benefits, and the "$15" an hour has, in fine print, "up to" in front of it. They do not actually offer that wage to anyone. It is just a ruse to get the state legislature to feel sorry for them, "Oh look, they can't hire anyone" and maybe funnel dollars their way even those these businesses are in no danger of going under. At the end of the day, just abusing the sh*t out of people for increasing profits.

The schools are hiring because so much staff has quit. The local district is trying to staff mostly with substitute teachers. They want people to work the entire school year and the pay, wait for it $95 a day. It was $105, they had the nerve to lower it. That's about $17,000 a year and no benefits. Guess who has no takers! A bunch of parapros quit because no masking, no protocols, and even among eligible to be vaxed students, only 14% have immunized. Some other support staff have quit, and a bunch of bus drivers. It is pandemonium. The parents rioting outside school board meetings and calling teachers commies for wanting kids in masks and a vaccine mandate for 12 and up, do not connect their own irresponsible, disgusting behavior to the employee exodus. It is like mass narcissism out there. The kids pay the price. Only a few days to go until school is supposed to start. Classrooms are too small for 50-60 kids per teacher or staff member. I really think education this year will be a herd if students watching educational videos in the gym and getting a few minutes if reading and math in small groups. Online school is not being offered. Parents would be much better off keeping them home with Khan Academy and Magic School Bus plus a bunch of library books than sending them to school! But school is daycare so they will send them.

I have been called by five districts begging me to renew my license. My response has been HELL NO. I do not sugar coat my feelings on this subject. I have considered accepting a few vaccinated high school students to my home for math and science tutoring so long as they and their parents agree to mask. I also thought about a book/literature club again only for vaccinated, masked students. I have a huge living room so if I put a hepa air filter in it, I think it would reasonably safe.

So. Much. This. For our schools statewide here. And again. It was a huge problem before covid. IIRC before covid my district was short 450 teachers even when passing out emergency teaching certificates. Pass a background check and have any college at all, and you are probably a shoe in.  Still can’t fill hundreds of needed jobs. Bc the job sucks worse than the pay.

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19 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

So. Much. This. For our schools statewide here. And again. It was a huge problem before covid. IIRC before covid my district was short 450 teachers even when passing out emergency teaching certificates. Pass a background check and have any college at all, and you are probably a shoe in.  Still can’t fill hundreds of needed jobs. Bc the job sucks worse than the pay.

Exactly!!!! I am a person who LOVES to teach. Loves it. Thrives on it. Brings enthusiasm to the classroom. Parents and students used to love it when I subbed because their kids were animated when asked, "What did you learn/do at school today?" Administrators were happy to someone who could be more than a babysitter and be productive. BUT, the bottom line is it is down right abuse to give me 115 algebra 1 students a day plus a study hall group, and grading and recording to do arriving at school at 7:15 am, not leaving until 4:30, and supervising lunch period with a group of students, while trying to find time to use the restroom once during the day for $105.00. To cut the pay is just the highest insult, and if you have to discipline a kid all hell breaks loose when their lazy freaking snowflake parent shows up to complain.

I made more at my community fine arts program director job and with a hell of a lot less stress! I loved that job. And covid has stolen that from me since the program has been dissolved in the wake of no donations and less interest on the endowment. Staring at the possibility of another year of no live performances and gallery shows because people here refuse to wear masks and get physically ugly with our ushers, the board pulled the plug.

I am getting so jaded. But here is the bottom line, there are a LOT of things I can do to earn money that do not include the sheer suckiness of what teaching as devolved to as well as healthcare. Shoot, I know a really good year round nursery and greenhouse that is a very nice place to work offering more than the school district. I am just not going to apply for such a job as I have the magical ability to kill green things just with my mere presence!! 

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And I am so tired of the claim that people are just lazy and mooching off the system and that’s why they aren’t taking these jobs. So remove what little social net and then they will have to take these jobs. 

1) anyone who thinks the social net/govt is handing money left and right is just flat out ignorant. Yesterday we received in the mail two envelops. One saying we were approved for SNAP and another saying we weren’t. Dated the exact same day.  We are supposed to have cobra through oct 1. I am pretty sure I have a kidney infection. Called to make an appt and they say we don’t have coverage. No record of it being received by his former employer. We have the paperwork showing we sent it in. Oh. Well maybe do that again? In the mean time I can’t book an appt. in the mean time we have paid a crap ton of money for something that we are not getting. Oh well says everyone we call to straighten it out. Sucks to be us is the general don’t give a flip response.

2) creating a system where only the desperate no other choice people will take the job is not ethical and frankly speaks very poorly of what our society thinks of people in general and specifically of people doing those jobs. Is that who we really want responsible for our food, medical, education, and childcare systems?  Not me if I can avoid it!

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That is complete and utter crap. The little guy gets his pay cut but the higher ups make more and more. The wage gap continues to grow. Medical care in this country is a travesty all around. Complete BS that you have paid exorbitant prices for care you now can't receive because someone didn't do their job. Best wishes to your dh in his hunt for a job and for the health care to get lined out (and benefits).

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1 hour ago, Murphy101 said:

And I am so tired of the claim that people are just lazy and mooching off the system and that’s why they aren’t taking these jobs. So remove what little social net and then they will have to take these jobs. 

Me, too. Whoever is saying that obviously has never been through this themselves, or has no imagination at all. 

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2 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

Exactly!!!! I am a person who LOVES to teach. Loves it. Thrives on it. Brings enthusiasm to the classroom. Parents and students used to love it when I subbed because their kids were animated when asked, "What did you learn/do at school today?" Administrators were happy to someone who could be more than a babysitter and be productive. BUT, the bottom line is it is down right abuse to give me 115 algebra 1 students a day plus a study hall group, and grading and recording to do arriving at school at 7:15 am, not leaving until 4:30, and supervising lunch period with a group of students, while trying to find time to use the restroom once during the day for $105.00. To cut the pay is just the highest insult, and if you have to discipline a kid all hell breaks loose when their lazy freaking snowflake parent shows up to complain.

I made more at my community fine arts program director job and with a hell of a lot less stress! I loved that job. And covid has stolen that from me since the program has been dissolved in the wake of no donations and less interest on the endowment. Staring at the possibility of another year of no live performances and gallery shows because people here refuse to wear masks and get physically ugly with our ushers, the board pulled the plug.

I am getting so jaded. But here is the bottom line, there are a LOT of things I can do to earn money that do not include the sheer suckiness of what teaching as devolved to as well as healthcare. Shoot, I know a really good year round nursery and greenhouse that is a very nice place to work offering more than the school district. I am just not going to apply for such a job as I have the magical ability to kill green things just with my mere presence!! 

I live in a much higher COL area than you, and sub pay at the local school (well, last I checked, pre-Covid) was $70 a day. And that's  pre-tax. I did it for about half a year, and enjoyed it, but the pay is beyond insulting.  I can get almost that much tutoring in just an hour. And I'm certainly not doing it for that much during a pandemic. (Maybe it's gone up, but really I can't imagine any amount that would tempt me... )

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3 minutes ago, Kanin said:

Me, too. Whoever is saying that obviously has never been through this themselves, or has no imagination at all. 

I was on the phone this morning with a friend that I encouraged to use the food bank last week. She was just about in tears.  At first she was thrilled bc they gave her a trunk full of food when she drove up. She got home to unload it and the majority of it is expired or will expire within a day or 2. A lot of it doesn’t have much shelf life. Like they put a lovely chocolate cake in but 1) she is diabetic and 2) that’s going to go bad before anyone in her house can finish it. The milk? They gave her two gallon. That expired 2 days before.  She opened it and sniffed and says she got 2 days out of it before it soured.   A package of chicken drumsticks had a tear in it and smelled horrible. So that was thrown out.  Even the shelf stuff was questionable. She said by the time she sorted through everything she had roughly 2 paper bags worth of food that she kept. Most of it fresh very ripe produce that they could eat up quickly. 

I felt just horrible for her.

So before everyone exclaims about how easy it is to be lazy and live on the govt - I wish they could see the reality of what that looks like. And it’s not lazy. It’s a full time job to get anything. Paperwork, internet forms, phone calls… 

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10 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

I live in a much higher COL area than you, and sub pay at the local school (well, last I checked, pre-Covid) was $70 a day. And that's  pre-tax. I did it for about half a year, and enjoyed it, but the pay is beyond insulting.  I can get almost that much tutoring in just an hour. And I'm certainly not doing it for that much during a pandemic. (Maybe it's gone up, but really I can't imagine any amount that would tempt me... )

😠😠😠😠 $70 a day. Unfreaking.believable. So this is what communities think their kids are worth? Taco Bell pays better, and one does not need college student loans in order to qualify for the job!

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4 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

I was on the phone this morning with a friend that I encouraged to use the food bank last week. She was just about in tears.  At first she was thrilled bc they gave her a trunk full of food when she drove up. She got home to unload it and the majority of it is expired or will expire within a day or 2. A lot of it doesn’t have much shelf life. Like they put a lovely chocolate cake in but 1) she is diabetic and 2) that’s going to go bad before anyone in her house can finish it. The milk? They gave her two gallon. That expired 2 days before.  She opened it and sniffed and says she got 2 days out of it before it soured.   A package of chicken drumsticks had a tear in it and smelled horrible. So that was thrown out.  Even the shelf stuff was questionable. She said by the time she sorted through everything she had roughly 2 paper bags worth of food that she kept. Most of it fresh very ripe produce that they could eat up quickly. 

I felt just horrible for her.

So before everyone exclaims about how easy it is to be lazy and live on the govt - I wish they could see the reality of what that looks like. And it’s not lazy. It’s a full time job to get anything. Paperwork, internet forms, phone calls… 

I am so, so sorry! That is unforgivable disgusting.

Just throwing this out there, some UMC's run food banks that are not based on donated items, but on either church budgeted money to buy fresh food or on getting food directly from the Department of Agriculture. Some also have community gardens and give away a lot of fresh produce. If you or anyone you know is food insecure, please call the UMC's in your area to see what they offer.

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22 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

I am so, so sorry! That is unforgivable disgusting.

Just throwing this out there, some UMC's run food banks that are not based on donated items, but on either church budgeted money to buy fresh food or on getting food directly from the Department of Agriculture. Some also have community gardens and give away a lot of fresh produce. If you or anyone you know is food insecure, please call the UMC's in your area to see what they offer.

What’s a UMC?

I told her to go to my parish food bank. I sure hope they do better!

So far my house is not food insecure and I don’t see that happening unless Dh goes another 2 months without work. We are filling out all the paperwork to get Medicaid and SNAP to help stretch current funds. Sure hope it doesn’t come to food insecurity. 🙏

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4 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

What’s a UMC?

I told her to go to my parish food bank. I sure hope they do better!

So far my house is not food insecure and I don’t see that happening unless Dh goes another 2 months without work. We are filling out all the paperwork to get Medicaid and SNAP to help stretch current funds. Sure hope it doesn’t come to food insecurity. 🙏

Sorry. United Methodist church! I have grown used to using the initials.

Edited by Faith-manor
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On 8/21/2021 at 10:59 PM, Murphy101 said:

Idk. We would need to know who they hire to determine that. *Almost* everyone let go was over 45. And for a few months people had noticed that the company seemed to only be hiring 20-somethings. Which hey fine if they are qualified, but it sure sucks to have to train someone else to do a job that you applied for which was happening  somewhat frequently. Dh thought maybe they were setting to close up shop state-side and move operations out of the country.  He has been employed to handle those transitions before and was dreading it. But now he has jo idea what they were thinking.

We aren’t seeing anything like what you describe here. I mean there are places hiring and claiming they are desperate but they are full of it.  They are looking for unicorns that will take very low wages.  Even my grown kids that are employed are frustrated bc they keep getting their hours cut and are short staffed due to low wage and crap work environments. 

Over here, I am seeing rising wages and lots of companies that traditionally do not give benefits, offering them now.  LIke I was in Cracker Barrel last month and saw that they offer 401K, vacation days, etc, etc.  Much more like traditional office companies.  Many fast food places show signs about how much they are offering--- and the wages are definitely rising.  

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On 8/21/2021 at 11:34 PM, prairiewindmomma said:

This dynamic is why we left the Midwest. The economy was imploding so that primarily service jobs remained. What few corporate jobs were left offered rare if ever raises and took advantage of their employees. Cascading layoffs crushed morale, talent fled, and eventually companies relocated or closed.

What area was this??  In our travels last year on our big Anniversary trip to North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, etc, etc,, we passed through many Midwest cities and stayed and visited a few.   A number of them seemed to be on the upswing with a vibrant feel and seeming to be doing well.  Not all, of course.

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On 8/21/2021 at 11:38 PM, Frances said:

It does sound possibly like age discrimination, but that can be very hard to prove. There was a group case against one of the largest employers in my state awhile back, but it took many years for them to be found guilty.

The pandemic certainly has affected different areas of the country in varying ways. I’m not sure there are any jobs in my area that are starting at less than $15 per hour now, help wanted signs are everywhere, and there are a record number of job openings. Just today I received a large postcard from our school district about custodian and bus driver jobs. I also know several people hiring who say they have to act very quickly or else their preferred candidate will already have accepted another offer.

Same here.   It seems like at least $12 to $15 is the new normal.

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On 8/22/2021 at 1:20 PM, Soror said:

That is complete and utter crap. The little guy gets his pay cut but the higher ups make more and more. The wage gap continues to grow. Medical care in this country is a travesty all around. Complete BS that you have paid exorbitant prices for care you now can't receive because someone didn't do their job. Best wishes to your dh in his hunt for a job and for the health care to get lined out (and benefits).

Hey, I am a capitalist, free- market, leaning on libertarian side gal but it is complete crap.  My dh and my dd1 are working at employee owned companies.  DS is working at a company that was founded to provide an alternative to the awful Express Scripts and Care pharmacy giants and the employer is really good- they send presents to their employees as does my dh's company- still have to go use our restaurant certificate.  Now dd2 is not working for such a company and it really shows.  

And the future is going to be that more and more people will choose companies that treat them well.  Publix is a company that after 2 years, you start getting stock in it.  I have heard and met people who work there even when they have other jobs just to keep their stock.  But I have heard of companies or organizations doing the opposite and losing people. I was making a reservation at a B&B and the owner and I had a long chat.  She has a daughter working ER as a trauma nurse.  The hospital in Georgia just decided to cut their pay by $10 in this pandemic.  But at the same time, they were paying travelling burses they needed more money.  So she was quitting the hospital and going to the travelling nurse group and coming right back to the same hospital and the same job, just at more money.  She would not have left if they hadn't cut her pay.  

And over here, they cut nurses jobs during the pandemic in some other clinics, areas like my coumadin clinic, and now they are begging for nurses everywhere.

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NM, not sure why this is here twice-sorry

Just now, TravelingChris said:

Hey, I am a capitalist, free- market, leaning on libertarian side gal but it is complete crap.  My dh and my dd1 are working at employee owned companies.  DS is working at a company that was founded to provide an alternative to the awful Express Scripts and Care pharmacy giants and the employer is really good- they send presents to their employees as does my dh's company- still have to go use our restaurant certificate.  Now dd2 is not working for such a company and it really shows.  

And the future is going to be that more and more people will choose companies that treat them well.  Publix is a company that after 2 years, you start getting stock in it.  I have heard and met people who work there even when they have other jobs just to keep their stock.  But I have heard of companies or organizations doing the opposite and losing people. I was making a reservation at a B&B and the owner and I had a long chat.  She has a daughter working ER as a trauma nurse.  The hospital in Georgia just decided to cut their pay by $10 in this pandemic.  But at the same time, they were paying travelling burses they needed more money.  So she was quitting the hospital and going to the travelling nurse group and coming right back to the same hospital and the same job, just at more money.  She would not have left if they hadn't cut her pay.  

And over here, they cut nurses jobs during the pandemic in some other clinics, areas like my coumadin clinic, and now they are begging for nurses everywhere.


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@Murphy101 I am so sorry things are rough for you and especially your friend right now.  I bet I have 5 customers a week tell me the reason we have long wait times and shortages of materials and parts is because lazy people are living off that excessive unemployment.  I have to retain a measure of professionalism but I do try to gently educate them that there may be things they aren't seeing.....for instance child care shortage....people can't go to work if there is no one to watch their child.  I do see a light go on many times.....but the general lack of humanity is very discouraging.

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On 8/22/2021 at 8:58 AM, Faith-manor said:

There is a lot of crap like that around here. And the help wanted signs are a joke. They are not actually hiring unless the person is willing to work for peanuts, full time, no benefits. Every single business, Wal-Mart too, is keeping people at 30 hrs so they do not have to offer benefits, and the "$15" an hour has, in fine print, "up to" in front of it. They do not actually offer that wage to anyone. It is just a ruse to get the state legislature to feel sorry for them, "Oh look, they can't hire anyone" and maybe funnel dollars their way even those these businesses are in no danger of going under. At the end of the day, just abusing the sh*t out of people for increasing profits.


This drives me nuts. All the companies here keep people at under 30 hours to keep from having to offer benefits. Also, when you go to big box stores you see the "We're Hiring" signs but when you apply you find out they're not hiring locally. If you want to work for that company you can, if you're willing to go to another city far from home. 

On 8/22/2021 at 1:45 PM, Murphy101 said:

And I am so tired of the claim that people are just lazy and mooching off the system and that’s why they aren’t taking these jobs. So remove what little social net and then they will have to take these jobs. 

I hear that all the time and see it on Facebook from people who don't actually know what's going on. Ds was in food service which was hit hard even in an "open" state like mine. He did get benefits and the extension but it's also the reason he's still living at home while he's about to turn 24. Those benefits aren't livable. I can't imagine how people with families to support have had to struggle on benefits. It's hard. I also saw his self esteem go down as he applied for job after job and kept getting rejected. It's not true that businesses will take just anyone. They're still being picky, especially with so many people wanting jobs. He applied for numerous entry level jobs but people with just a bit more experience than him got those jobs.  Anyone who thinks people are mooching off the system really doesn't get it. 

There was a meme going around not long ago that said something like, "Complaining that you can't fill positions because people make more on unemployment is an interesting way to admit your company pays poverty wages".

Murphy, I hope your dh can find a job soon, one that will actually be a good fit and pay enough for your family. In the meantime, I hope you can get the services you need to help you get through this tough time. 

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2 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

What area was this??  In our travels last year on our big Anniversary trip to North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, etc, etc,, we passed through many Midwest cities and stayed and visited a few.   A number of them seemed to be on the upswing with a vibrant feel and seeming to be doing well.  Not all, of course.

Towns can look like they are thriving because they have a ton of restaurants and small businesses and still have a dearth of well paying corporate jobs that can support families in terms of salary and benefits. Those larger salaries prop up property values which provide tax revenue. When one is depressed, they all are.


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1 hour ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Towns can look like they are thriving because they have a ton of restaurants and small businesses and still have a dearth of well paying corporate jobs that can support families in terms of salary and benefits. Those larger salaries prop up property values which provide tax revenue. When one is depressed, they all are.


My city is thriving snd not because of corporate headquarters though we have a few.  The entire idea of that article is that you need corporate headquarters, -    no, no, no.  What you need is a good mix of manufacturing, research and other white collar jobs, entertainment, e6c, etc.

I am just so grateful for my mayorand my governor, because of all they are doing to attract and keep businesses.

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2 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

My city is thriving snd not because of corporate headquarters though we have a few.  The entire idea of that article is that you need corporate headquarters, -    no, no, no.  What you need is a good mix of manufacturing, research and other white collar jobs, entertainment, e6c, etc.

I am just so grateful for my mayorand my governor, because of all they are doing to attract and keep businesses.

Those anchor businesses employed xxx,xxx people between them. They also provided a talented core workforce who could spin off into research and spin off into small manufacturing and other things as they moved into other jobs. Corporate HQ host not only business and marketing analysts, but also tech and HR and real estate managers for store fronts. It’s  like an ecosystem, when the anchor species leave, then everything else falls out of balance. When corporate HQs leave, people leave with them because they have to.

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My husband keeps a spreadsheet and I’m looking at so far in 2 months my Dh has applied for 107 jobs, received 32 declines and 7 interviews.   No job offers yet. All of these are for jobs he genuinely wants and are in his resume wheelhouse. 

He is staying in contact with others he has worked with over the years and at his previous job. Including the person who was his boss’ boss. So 2 pay grades and management levels above him.  That person told him at lunch today that he is having the same experience even though he lives in another state. He said he was offered one job for a director of HR position and they wanted to make him move to Houston, even though it’s a remote regional job, and wanted him to take 30k pay cut. He didn’t take it and hopes to find better but the sheer overwhelming number of jobs seeking unicorns as we call them is really daunting. 

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